Experiencing Difficulty Using DVD RB and CCE? If So, Then Ask Your Questions Here.
Junior Member
3. October 2004 @ 16:37 |
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Hi gurus! Man I love this forum thread! OK, I have a few questions:
1. I have CCE Basic 2.69. Used with DVD-RB, can it do more than 2 VBR passes? I'm asking because I just encoded "The Mission" in only 83 minutes after setting the VBR to 4 passes in CCE...seems like it would take longer.
2. Most of the time, my finished Video_TS folder is only 4.32 or 4.33 Gigs. Is this normal? Is this using the full capacity of the disc? If not, what settings can I play with in order to use the full capacity?
Time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana!
Staff Member
2 product reviews
3. October 2004 @ 16:44 |
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Quote: 1. I have CCE Basic 2.69. Used with DVD-RB, can it do more than 2 VBR passes? I'm asking because I just encoded "The Mission" in only 83 minutes after setting the VBR to 4 passes in CCE...seems like it would take longer.
No. CCE Basic is preset to 2 passes, which can't be changed. It's unlikely that additional passes would make any difference anyway, but I won't get into any arguments over it without hard evidence ;)
Quote: 2. Most of the time, my finished Video_TS folder is only 4.32 or 4.33 Gigs. Is this normal? Is this using the full capacity of the disc? If not, what settings can I play with in order to use the full capacity?
There's a setting you can add to the INI file for DVD-RB that will increase the size. It's really only for anal retentive people like me (and apparently you) because it doesn't really make any significant difference to the bitrate. You can find instructions for using it in my DVD-RB Advanced Techniques guide.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
3. October 2004 @ 16:45 |
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Glad you love the thread so do the rest of us, and welcome aboard.
No, two passes is all that CCE Basic can do.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
AfterDawn Addict
3. October 2004 @ 17:32 |
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yawn, didn't i hear at some point in time that setting CCE basic at more than 2 passes would result in only one pass?
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
3. October 2004 @ 17:39 |
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Yes bigo I think that I heard that too from I believe jdobbs but I can't remember for sure. That would explain the 80 minute encode.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
AfterDawn Addict
3. October 2004 @ 17:45 |
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Bingo! Exactly what I was driving at! ;>)
Senior Member
3. October 2004 @ 18:05 |
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The number of passes is ignored if you are using CCE Basic.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
3. October 2004 @ 18:08 |
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So much for that theory but then we still haven't answered how he was able to do an encode in 83 minutes. Perhaps he's using RBfarm.
jdobbs I guess its safe to say I didn't get that info from you.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
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Junior Member
3. October 2004 @ 18:16 |
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Wait. If I set DVD-RB to 2 passes using CCE Basic, won't I get 2 passes?
Quote: we still haven't answered how he was able to do an encode in 93 minutes. Perhaps he's using RBfarm.
No, I didn't use any filters...just set DVD-RB to 4 passes, which I now know doesn't do 4 passes. So, it just did one pass?
Time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana!
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AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
3. October 2004 @ 18:29 |
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I think we're all tired and just ruminating over how your encode took only 83 minutes that's too fast for anything with a single processor using a single machine. RBfarm isn't a filter it's an application that allows you to link multiple PCs together for shared encoding and time savings. If jdobbs says it does two passes then it does two passes,RB is his creation.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
Senior Member
3. October 2004 @ 18:41 |
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If you use DVD-RB with CCE-Basic you will get 2 passes no matter what you set. The only exception is still frames, which are done with CBR.
If you have a fast computer and a short movie 80 mins is possible. I usually get 2.6 - 2.7 rates... that means a 90 minute movie would take about 69 minutes to encode (2 passes) plus 5 minutes for phase 1, 15 for phase 3 -- brings me to 89 minutes...
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Junior Member
3. October 2004 @ 18:55 |
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Thanks guys! Yeah, I have no idea how my computer is completing the process so fast. I have a Pentium 3.2 with 1 Gig of Ram... maybe that helps. "The Mission" is over 2 hours long. The DVD burn of it looks amazing.
Question: Using DVD-RB and CCE Basic, will altering the Qual Prec. and VBR Bias in RB make any difference in the outcome?
Time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana!
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Senior Member
3. October 2004 @ 19:25 |
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83 minutes sounds possible for a 2 hr movie for just the encode part. If it was LOTR then it would likely go to 2.5-3.0 hrs.
Quality_prec is adjustable on basic and 20 seems to be better for me on some movies. I use 20 for default now.
Senior Member
3. October 2004 @ 19:32 |
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As far as the future of this thread and moving on I figure things will get busier when DVDrebuilder goes mainstream out of beta with multiangles and an install package.
Rebuilder is already getting a lot of use as is.
Staff Member
2 product reviews
3. October 2004 @ 19:35 |
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I'd say 83 minutes isn't out of line for that CPU. for a 2 hour movie that would be a peak encoding speed of a little more than 3x realtime, which seems about in line with what others have reported getting with the same hardware. I'd expect somewhere in the neighborhood of 40 minutes per hour of movie for both passes.
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Senior Member
3. October 2004 @ 19:47 |
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I have been working with the Star Wars Trilogy because of the angles. Removing the angles causes a problem that is unrelated to DVDrebuilder.
Only the second and third cells have angles. Easily stripped but the cells freeze on a stand alone player but not on marks tray player. This happens with DVDshrink or rebuilder.
If you don't strip the angles, shrink works OK.
DVDremake has just released 2.5.0 with a fix for angle stripping but it didn't help.
The rest of the movie plays fine.
Junior Member
3. October 2004 @ 20:09 |
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Question: When using DVD-Shrink to do pre-processing before using DVD-RB/CCE Basic, is it suggested to use the "deep analysis" feature of Shrink?
Time flies like an arrow...fruit flies like a banana!
Senior Member
3. October 2004 @ 20:10 |
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Deep analisys isn't used unless you are compressing.
Senior Member
4. October 2004 @ 04:38 |
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[DELETED] I did it again.
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4. October 2004 @ 06:31 |
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Hey all,
I got around to buying CCE Basic the other day but now I have a new problem (Was using CCE SP previously)...
My output encoded video is Purple/Pink.
I'm using CCE Basic 2.69
AVISynth 2.54 (and tried 2.55)
DVDRebuild 0.63
Going through the forums, it looks like someone else ran into this problem but no mention of a solution.
I'm running a clean install of XP (after just formatting)
and I'm not running any extra codecs on my system (ie. Divx, Xvid, Angel Potion)
Me thinks a greater force is at work here, wanting me to fail miserably with dvd rebuild! hah ;)
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Senior Member
4. October 2004 @ 07:11 |
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pebkac...I believe this has something to do with AviSynth. Open up the D2VAVS file and play an AVI file with something like Windows Media Player. You should get some kind of message. Please post.
AfterDawn Addict
4. October 2004 @ 08:01 |
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89 minutes, sigh, I can only dream of 89 minutes! My best time in RB/CCE is 3 hours, that is the entire process, tho normally I'm looking at 3 1/2 to 4 hours.(this includes ripping with decrypter, RB/CCE and burn)
I wouldn't have thought there would be that much difference between 3.2 and 2.8, but obviously there is. sigh. :>(
Senior Member
4. October 2004 @ 08:10 |
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I wouldn't have thunk it either. But it has me looking at a new CPU and mobo already. I'm wondering if hyperthreading has anything to do with it?
AfterDawn Addict
4. October 2004 @ 08:14 |
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mmmm, don't know, but it definitely ain't fair. I just bought this in January, and in 9 months time I'm already two P4's down. lol
4. October 2004 @ 08:43 |
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I'm using DVD-RB 0.59 Beta with CCE SP
Today I tried encoding Cold Mountain after having it DVDRemake'd. Before I encoded it with DVD-RB, it all worked fine, but after the encoding, the menu wouldn't work properly. I couldn't select anything on the menu! I dunno why this is happening. What should I do?