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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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17. December 2009 @ 13:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I think the all over heating is more to prevent any other cold parts popping or their solder busting with the rapid temp change when you reflow the chips, rather than anything remedial :)

Could be wrong of course :)
17. December 2009 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by WallyHale:
I think the all over heating is more to prevent any other cold parts popping or their solder busting with the rapid temp change when you reflow the chips, rather than anything remedial :)

Could be wrong of course :)
Makes sense to me :)
19. December 2009 @ 09:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
An update. My GLON turned to YLOD!

Can't figure if I should be elated or worried. Elated because at the very least I can fix the YLOD. Worried because it turned to YLOD by itself (the PS3 was left aside for weeks) which means that YLOD is a function of the environment. Damn climate change! :D

So now attempting a reflow again. Right after I disassembled the heat sink, I noticed something that I haven't before. The heat sinks are divided into two: one for the Cell and the other for the RSX. However they do not dissipate the same amount of heat. On the RSX, there are TWO copper pipes are about 5.5" long. On the Cell, THREE copper pipes about 9.5" long are used. The Cell heatsink also has a wider area of fins for heat dissipation whereas the RSX have about one third. This means that the Cell creates more heat than the RSX.

Another observation is that the RSX's heatsink is like on a hinge clinging on to the Cell's heatsink. It doesn't seesaw as much in the beginning when I first opened the PS3. This could explain why YLOD happens. It may also mean (I'll test it myself) that washers are not needed for the metal plates on the Cell but necessary for the RSX.

So I'll reflow and hopefully get better results. BTW, I found a source that MAY be able to do reballing locally.

Junior Member
19. December 2009 @ 16:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ricodadon:
hi there heres my story, i have a launch 60gb that got YLOD after 3.10 update after much searching i dicided to reflow my ps3 myself and it worked a treat but 2 days later it YLOD again. then i refluxed and reflowed and it worked for 3 days, then i dicided that the problem was more than just the areas i was reflowing so my last chance was to refulux everything on the board. so i put it on a baking tray and put in the oven at 200c for 15 mins witch was nerve rackin, i managed to put it back together with my fingers crossed lol and it worked. i have since keep my ps3 upright with loads of room around it and built my own big fan set up that i like to call the psCHIMNEY.

I was wondering as I have no other way to fix my ps3 with the ylod As it has worked on and off with and without flux for 10 times. Is it possible to put the ps3 motherboard in and oven 200oC for 15 min what would I need to do. Do I need to rap it in tin foil or anything. Please help as this is my last hope.
19. December 2009 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
there is a guide online in 5 parts but all i did was stripped it bare of all the big and little heatsink pads on the board and all that was letf on it was the little ribbon for the on/off and eject, then i refuluxed eveything that looked importantand i put it on a baking tray with the chip up as flat as poss. its might seem scary but like you it was my last hope mine is still going the fan kicks in when i'm on line but soon calms down. good luck
20. December 2009 @ 22:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
looks like i'll be getting a heat gun the compound already just gonna watch that ylod fix video several times carefully to prepare...may the vengeful sony gods have mercy on us all
22. December 2009 @ 13:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey guys i need your help. one of the five little rubber pads (black color on mine) tore in half. should i just put them back together on the metal cover? can they be replaced or rejoined with glue or adhesive tape of some kind? please help thanks
Junior Member
22. December 2009 @ 17:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by imanewguy:
hey guys i need your help. one of the five little rubber pads (black color on mine) tore in half. should i just put them back together on the metal cover? can they be replaced or rejoined with glue or adhesive tape of some kind? please help thanks
Just put them back together on the metal cover
22. December 2009 @ 18:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
New to the site but I've been lurking since my PS3 bit the big one last month. I actually found after dawn by following Gilksy around (I think thats how he spells his one username) Anyway I've reflowed my PS3 3 times now. The first time it lasted almost two weeks. The next two it lasted less than 5 hours each time I'd say. I read about the re-flux here so currently that is my next course of action.

I'm hoping that by re-fluxing the solder the "band-aid" will at least get additional longevity. I expect it to still fail but at least it should get me to a point next month or so when I can pick up a slim. However as of now I'm even weary to take that step because of the obvious solder problem.


What flux should I buy? as in specific link to the actual product. I was linked to one over at the official playstation forums but it ships out of hong kong and doesn't provide a whole lot of information about the product.

Is the link. Thoughts?
22. December 2009 @ 20:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mmayhemm:
Originally posted by imanewguy:
hey guys i need your help. one of the five little rubber pads (black color on mine) tore in half. should i just put them back together on the metal cover? can they be replaced or rejoined with glue or adhesive tape of some kind? please help thanks
Just put them back together on the metal cover
IT WORKED!!!!! thats exactly what i did and my 3 is back online!!!! im so excited and scared it might die again. i just wanna thank gilksy and everyone here for contributing to this awesome thread!!! boo ya!!!
22. December 2009 @ 22:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no!! it just died again...i just dont know...
Junior Member
23. December 2009 @ 01:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Rorbotron:
New to the site but I've been lurking since my PS3 bit the big one last month. I actually found after dawn by following Gilksy around (I think thats how he spells his one username) Anyway I've reflowed my PS3 3 times now. The first time it lasted almost two weeks. The next two it lasted less than 5 hours each time I'd say. I read about the re-flux here so currently that is my next course of action.

I'm hoping that by re-fluxing the solder the "band-aid" will at least get additional longevity. I expect it to still fail but at least it should get me to a point next month or so when I can pick up a slim. However as of now I'm even weary to take that step because of the obvious solder problem.


What flux should I buy? as in specific link to the actual product. I was linked to one over at the official playstation forums but it ships out of hong kong and doesn't provide a whole lot of information about the product.

Is the link. Thoughts?
If your in the UK try this:
Junior Member
23. December 2009 @ 02:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by imanewguy:
no!! it just died again...i just dont know...
As long as the rubber pads were put back in the correct place, that wouldn't cause a problem.

How many times has you tried to fix it?

How long for? Try going a few seconds longer.

Are you letting the board cool down completely brfore moving?

Are you using flux?

Many people have several tries before better results tart to show.
23. December 2009 @ 02:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mmayhemm:
Originally posted by imanewguy:
no!! it just died again...i just dont know...
As long as the rubber pads were put back in the correct place, that wouldn't cause a problem.

How many times has you tried to fix it?

How long for? Try going a few seconds longer.

Are you letting the board cool down completely brfore moving?

Are you using flux?

Many people have several tries before better results tart to show.
well i tried two times...the first time it didnt work. the second time it seemed to work but i turned it off without playing a game after about an hour then when i turned it back on later, it died again.

i did it like gilsky did in his video, applying the heat for about 15-20 seconds...i dont have any flux so im not sure i should try again...i might but it would be the last time since im running out of compound(they really cheat you at radioshack charging 10 bucks for such a tiny amount) if i cant fix it sony will still take it back right? my warranty expired long a go anyway...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2009 @ 02:37

Junior Member
23. December 2009 @ 02:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Not sure if Sony would accept it back or not, there's been mixed views on this.

I can now pretty much remove a warranty sticker, take a PS3 apart, rebuild it and re-apply the warranty sticker. PS3's that I've looked at would easily pass sony security.

If in doubt give em a call but try the fix again first.
23. December 2009 @ 04:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm in the US but i ordered that exact flux from a electronics store online. (Canada based I believe) I'm pretty sure at this point I need to use flux. I just tried to power it on 15 minutes ago after a quick tear down and reflow and it powered on but I didn't get a signal on the TV. All of this last maybe 20 seconds and it went right to the YLO-pain in my ass.

I've relowed a few times now, the first time being the best which allowed my system to last for over a week. I think once I flux and it turns on I'm just going to leave the system on and see what happens. I guess at the very least it won't have a chance to cool down which will prevent the solder from cracking? I'm at a loss right now and thoroughly annoyed. A slim is definitely in my future and if that does the same I may post a youtube vid of me tossing both out my front window.

As far as the warranty sticker is concerned how is it even possible to remove it and put it back on? When you take it off it says Void all over the sticker. If you put it back on doesn't "void" still sorta show even tho the black plastic is filling in the blanks? either way I've heard more than a few people say Sony still takes the system. If they don't i'm just going to ship this one off to a 3rd party repair place if the flux doesn't do the trick.

Sooooo tired of this tho...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 23. December 2009 @ 04:21

Junior Member
23. December 2009 @ 13:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Heat the sticker with a hairdryer, loosen a corner and very slowly peel it off.

I've had more problems with the little rubber seal (under the sticker), crubling apart than I ever have with the sticker itself.
24. December 2009 @ 15:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i tried to reflow one last just wont take. my 3 can only stay on for about a minute before it dies. but at least i was able take the game out and copy some of my game saves...i think im gonna send it to sony i hope theyll still take it
otherwise its time to buy a new ps3...and if i gotta get that crappy ass slim...maybe ill get a custom painted one so at least it looks cool
Junior Member
24. December 2009 @ 15:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
imanewguy - Stick your busted one on ebay, you can still recuperate a bit of money for it judging by the other auctions of YLOD PS3's on ebay. Better than chuking it or leaving it sitting in a cupboard worthless.
24. December 2009 @ 16:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by WallyHale:
imanewguy - Stick your busted one on ebay, you can still recuperate a bit of money for it judging by the other auctions of YLOD PS3's on ebay. Better than chuking it or leaving it sitting in a cupboard worthless.
how much do you think i could get for it?
Junior Member
24. December 2009 @ 18:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Dunno, type YLOD into ebay and then watch a few auctions.

I saw a few recently going for 70-130 squid .. depending on HDD size. Anything is better than shoving it in the cupboard though right? Maybe these buyers use them for parts, or to repair and sell on :S
28. December 2009 @ 15:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by imanewguy:
Originally posted by WallyHale:
imanewguy - Stick your busted one on ebay, you can still recuperate a bit of money for it judging by the other auctions of YLOD PS3's on ebay. Better than chuking it or leaving it sitting in a cupboard worthless.
how much do you think i could get for it?
I got a fixing kit from and it had all u need to repair your ps3 including a dvd, i've fixed mine and my friends, i am now looking at ebay to find a cheap one to fix, all with same kit
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30. December 2009 @ 03:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i would attempt to stick the whole board in the oven. i fixed my ylod with flux for bout a month. then ylod again....... stuc the board in the oven at 550 for 5 min. and bam works again. now i notice that the fan speed will actually adjust according to load on the system. before it would constantly stay on low and get veryy hot. give it a shot.

btw i just oppened the door after to gradually let it cool. might be better than a intense heat gun for 30 sec and ten no heat at all. dunno.i also added washers on the clamps. added a good 1/8th inch.

good luck.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. December 2009 @ 03:16

30. December 2009 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does anyone know if I can use a gas oven? I have a heatgun which I tried the other week and the ps3 has just YLOD on me again, I figured an all round reflow from putting it in the oven will be more beneficial
31. December 2009 @ 22:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im just depressed now...i called sony they said they wont service the 3 if it looks like it has been opened and serviced by a third party which it does because i cant get the damn top to close properly with that crazy torx screw.

and while talking to sony i learned that they can either service your model for 150 bucks if its out of warranty(they dont care about the sticker) OR they can take your ps3 as trading value and sell you a ps3 slim for 120 bucks. i know the slim isnt as good but any 3 is better than no 3 at all and now i dont think they'll take it because ive opened it and cant close the
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