how can you make your own runescape servers? **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES OR INSTANT BANNING**
13. March 2007 @ 15:09 |
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Why don't you guys listen to me because I can make your life a whole lot better if u just listen to what i told u:
Go to moparscape because moparscape automatically installs and mopar scape has better private servers. And unlike this kind of private server moparscape actually has pking in the wilderness. Trust me moparscape is a lot better. Here are the links:
play on the website:
Trust me
I was running a private server in 5 minutesd with moparscape
And it is a the best private server program around
Its both client and server
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. May 2007 @ 16:28
14. March 2007 @ 18:22 |
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how come when i created a server i had no monsters or anything its boring
tim N
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15. March 2007 @ 19:41 |
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Originally posted by Akonrocks: how come when i created a server i had no monsters or anything its boring
I covered all that in the tutorial, Akonrocks. I said this is just a base server, no monsters, lots of glitches. This is designed for YOU to go in and make it the way you want. Its not a perfect RuneScape Replica. On that note, there is NO perfect replica of RuneScape and there is not likely going to be one. Every server has glitches, broken doors, spells that don't work, ect. But I suppose in the end that's life. So if you're looking for something close to RuneScape, I'll refer you to a neat website which will look so much like RuneScape it will blow your mind: (Its like a perfect clone! lol)
Again: This server is NOT a working replica of RuneScape, but rather a base replica for the basic world. There are no monsters, NPCs, or working doors. The sole purpose of this server is to serve as a scripting server. It allows programers who want to host a game within the confines of the RuneScape Game-Engine (which, yes, is still Java based, even in the replica) to program their own game. The Scripting is fairly easy, and there are tutorials available via a good google search (perhapes "BlakeScape Script Tutorials" would be a good thing to search for).
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17. March 2007 @ 03:35 |
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I really have no idea how people cant get it to work, just follow the instructions and it will work fine.
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17. March 2007 @ 20:19 |
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Originally posted by creamnom: I really have no idea how people cant get it to work, just follow the instructions and it will work fine.
Wow. Thank you, creamnom. You are now my favorite person on these forums.
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17. March 2007 @ 21:39 |
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Ok i wasnt a member till i ran across this, i noticed the hoplessly lost people and i realized, ctl+f works swell if your looking for somthing i particular such as oh lets say, compile and it looks for everything related to the word on that page, works well with others, and see if you find a reply that will help you out.
Ok to be on subject, vicious88 you had us download a client program but didnt say anything beyond download it, where would this file be put after its downloaded? if you do know the answer i would love a reply. thanks
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18. March 2007 @ 19:35 |
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Originally posted by Maxsayo: Ok i wasnt a member till i ran across this, i noticed the hoplessly lost people and i realized, ctl+f works swell if your looking for somthing i particular such as oh lets say, compile and it looks for everything related to the word on that page, works well with others, and see if you find a reply that will help you out.
Ok to be on subject, vicious88 you had us download a client program but didnt say anything beyond download it, where would this file be put after its downloaded? if you do know the answer i would love a reply. thanks
Well, not to be snippy but I believe I said you should extract it within a folder called "RuneScape Stuff" (created earlier in tutorial), and then have an shortcut sent to the desktop.
Really it doesn't matter where you put your client. You can store it all in the My Documents folder if you'd like. Just as long as it is somewhere you can find it once you're ready to play. You'll need the client to log into your RuneScape server once the RUN.BAT is initiated.
I hope that clears up some of the confusion. If it doesn't make sure to respond and let me know.
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19. March 2007 @ 12:20 |
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well i guess i should clear up what i am saying then, i see that i have it in my file and such, but it isnt really being used, so i ask; how do i use the client stuff so what i really mean is what do we do with it once we have it in the runescape stuff file, it has data such as jingle0-4 but its not being used within the program which we use to play the runescape private server. Simplified Version: i got the stuff in that file what do i do with it now that its in the client folder in my runescape stuff folder.
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19. March 2007 @ 18:41 |
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Originally posted by Maxsayo: well i guess i should clear up what i am saying then, i see that i have it in my file and such, but it isnt really being used, so i ask; how do i use the client stuff so what i really mean is what do we do with it once we have it in the runescape stuff file, it has data such as jingle0-4 but its not being used within the program which we use to play the runescape private server. Simplified Version: i got the stuff in that file what do i do with it now that its in the client folder in my runescape stuff folder.
Oh, okay. Thank you, much clearer.
The Client download is whats known as a general client. This means that it can be used with the many different private RS Servers, no matter if their moparscape, blakescape, or anything in between. As far as using it goes, you need to use it in order to log into a private server (and if your not using MoparScape (the guide I wrote was for blakescape) you'll need to use it to log into your own). As far as the extra files included with the client (such as the jingle stuff), those are for use with other server-side programs such as moparscape. Other servers may be able to play music and sounds, while as blakescape can't because it is a very basic starting server.
The whole purpose of the client is so that you can log into your server and play, OR send the client to someone else so they can log in and play. For example, when my server was up on my desktop (which is temporarily down because I'm changing out a lot of hardware) you could have logged in and played on my server by typing in a username of your choice, and in the server field typing in "" then clicking log in.
If your wanting to use the client to log in to your own server, just type either "localhost" or "" into the server field. But if you want an IP like mine ( or you'll need to go to and sign up for their free service and download. The program provided is known as a DUC (Dynamic Update Client) which will keep track of your costantly changing IP address and forward everyone who goes to, oh lets say "" to your runescape server. Don't worry, this does not lower your computer's internet security. If it did, I wouldn't mess with it.
All and all though, what I really recommend is downloading a trial of HexEditor and a copy of Visual Basic 6. With HexEditor you can crack open the server and client programs to see how they are written and use them to program your own. MY GOAL: Create my own fully functional server program using Visual Basic 6 and Java, then create an applet that will run through internet explorer and only allow log-ins from people who have created an account already. Once all that is well and done, I'll get my desktop back up and running, re-build my website ( and launch the first NO-DOWNLOAD-NEEDED (play-from-site) Private RS server.
So, in summary. The Client is just an accessing tool for the many various RS servers. You can go to to find private server listings and log in to them at your will. Note though that most servers are being run on home computers using DSL or Cable and that means that after about 25 people log in things start getting really choppy.
20. March 2007 @ 07:01 |
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Quote: i nat wastin my time that will take to long !!
is ther any othe quicker wya to do it ? pm me if there is
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20. March 2007 @ 16:15 |
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thank you that was really helpful. i think i'll do the no-ip site for that. i use hexedit since i got that one under brain so i'll pick that, heh...
as for you runeman17 when making somthing like this it wont be easy. my suggestion is to use moparscape but i prefferr working with the bits and pieces to make mine.
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20. March 2007 @ 16:19 |
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removed by me.
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. March 2007 @ 13:50
20. March 2007 @ 16:21 |
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Maxsayo, what was the reason for your last post?
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20. March 2007 @ 16:28 |
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thank you that was really helpful. i think i'll do the no-ip site for that. i use hexedit since i got that one under brain so i'll pick that, heh...
as for you runeman17 when making somthing like this it wont be easy. my suggestion is to use moparscape but i prefferr working with the bits and pieces to make mine.
You can't wait for inspiration...
You have to go after it with a club.
-Jack London
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20. March 2007 @ 19:41 |
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Originally posted by ddp: Maxsayo, what was the reason for your last post?
If I had to take a guess, I'd say his computer started lagging out and he ended up clicking about randomly. Perhapes his TCP/IP lagged its upload responses and thus his message got posted tree times. Who knows...
However, DDP, if you can, could you perhapes see about removing all but the first post? I doubt that will be a problem for a forum mod, but then again I'm not one so I don't really know the rules and regulations regarding that sort of thing.
21. March 2007 @ 02:28 |
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i was using thats site u said but it said sevr might be down and i tired over and over again and still wont work
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21. March 2007 @ 06:44 |
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Originally posted by runeman17: i was using thats site u said but it said sevr might be down and i tired over and over again and still wont work
Its working great for me man. When you go to it, it should forward you from a .info to a .com and you'll end up at where you can sign up and get the client.
A couple of things to note:
You will need to have a real email address to provide the site, otherwise you can not add forwards or update them (ergo, with my email address to verify the updates, I could not have added to my list of forwards).
Also, once the client is downloaded and running, find the option that allows you to run it as a system service. THIS IS NOT REQUIRED FOR RUNESCAPE, but it does help in case you have a nack of forgetting to turn the DUC on. This option will automaticly bring the No-IP DUC up everytime you start, but it will run quietly in the background with no icon in your notice area.
One last thing, you must use the website in order to add forwards to your account. If you do not know too terribly much about IP addresses, go ahead and leave the lower half of the page alone. All of the defaulted stuff works fine. What you DO want to change though is the text field where you can enter the first half of your forward (the "Vicious" in and the domain list (the "" part). IMPORTANT: Your forward address cannot be longer than 18 characters if you want to use it with RuneScape. This is because of what will and will not fit within the "Server" field when logging in from a client. Example: BARELY fits, while as doesn't fit at all. I suggest having multiple forwards. It will not slow your computer down in any way, but it will give people a list of places to type in to get to your server. (for example, you can either type in Http:// OR you can type in - both will take you to the same place).
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21. March 2007 @ 13:49 |
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yeah, some lag, and a dumb virus scann popped up, tried to click out of that, then an update for my itunes update came up so i clicked outta that, then my window for the site was closed so i thought i clicked outta it, then when i had post reply my same thing was up so i just posted it... tried to remove that fist one but i dont know how to...
You can't wait for inspiration...
You have to go after it with a club.
-Jack London
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22. March 2007 @ 17:31 |
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Originally posted by Maxsayo: yeah, some lag, and a dumb virus scann popped up, tried to click out of that, then an update for my itunes update came up so i clicked outta that, then my window for the site was closed so i thought i clicked outta it, then when i had post reply my same thing was up so i just posted it... tried to remove that fist one but i dont know how to...
Wow, man I called that one nicely. I'd go play the lottery if I had a dollar to spare.
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24. March 2007 @ 13:33 |
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i followed your guild on page5 but javac didnt download with net beans and wer can i get the item and monster IDs from
8 product reviews
24. March 2007 @ 19:21 |
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Originally posted by bowmascre: i followed your guild on page5 but javac didnt download with net beans and wer can i get the item and monster IDs from
Item and Monster IDs would best be searched by google, though when I found them they were in a forum and I had to copy them all over to notepad...
As far as you JAVAC compiler, if you downloaded the NETBEANS thing, it should have been in that JREsomethingorother folder. You may try searching for it with via this route:
START>Search (its to the right)>All Files and Folders
Then type in JAVAC and it should automaticly search your entire C drive and find it.
In the EXTREME unlikeliness they changed netbeans to no longer feature a Java Compiler (JAVAC):
What you'll want to do is google search "Java SDK compiler download" and you should find yourself with a good number of options. I know that I have used the Eclipse SDK (from along side a compiler before, but I'm not sure if that was a serperate download or not. Hmmm...
That would be twice I've reffered you to google in one post. How odd.
I guess this is to be said, though it's been said before:
If it exists, its on google.
If its on google, it probably exists.
Ergo, if you have google, and are still confused about something, there's probably nothing anyone can do to help you because the rest of the world is just as lost... Either that or luckier than you are.
(It just dawned on me - I found this forum through google. I'm sure most of you did too.)
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24. March 2007 @ 23:59 |
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yes i found this forum on google and the netbeans i got from is netbeans 5 and dont seem to hav javac. i had tried using run before and i dont understand why it doesnt work but (dont tell me how to use it) but ill try google for items IDs not sure wat to look forand the same with monsters IDs on google.ill also try asking my friends if they hav JavaC before google.(i used google more than you did)
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26. March 2007 @ 19:09 |
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Originally posted by That last guy: i had tried using run before and i dont understand why it doesnt work but (dont tell me how to use it)
OH! Okay, probably what has happened here was that you have failed to understand just where the JAVAC and how to use it, I am duely sorry if I have failed to explain this... Let me see now:
During the install of NETBEANS it will have installed stuff in two different directories. One of them should be something like:
C:/Program Files/Netbeans (which is useless for those of us focused on RuneScape)
and another similar to
You really can't miss it. It'll be off of your root directory, I mean, seriously, you should NOT have enough files on your root directory to not be able to notice a new one when it appears.
In any case, find the file. In it should be a folder labeled "BIN" and within it should be JAVAC. This, again, presumes you have successfully installed the Netbeans SDK and installed BOTH parts of it (The "JRE" (?) stuff to its folder and the Netbeans stuff to its).
Worst case scenerio is that you'll have to run the Neatbeans installer a second time and read over it carefully as you go. At one point in the install it will as you if you want to change the install directories. The directory path nearest the bottom of the page is where the JAVAC will be installed (only within a BIN folder attached to that path).
I would be a LOT more specific. But seeing as how my desktop is down and I don't really have time to run all of this on my laptop just to answer a question - I'm doing this from memory. But I assure you that if you installed NetBeans and did EVERYTHING to its default settings. There is a folder featuring JRE either in your "Program Folders" or off of your root directory (C:/). And within this magical folder is one called "BIN" and within it is the JAVAC.
Once all of your server files have been copied into the BIN folder (where the JAVAC is), all you have to do is run the "Compiler.bat" thing that came in the server download (the one that was previously saying something like "JAVAC not found"). After that has been run, you can start the "Run.bat" thing and your server is ready for you to log in.
I really think I covered all of that in my tutorial... Hmmm...
27. March 2007 @ 13:26 |
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OMG IM GOIGN CRAZY!okay ive downloaded mabey 50MBs of java on my cpu,and SDK coems up as soem odd program name 1233535 or sumting!my moparscape java apllet fails ea time,so how do i get it not to fail?
Live long,Live fast,prosper slow...that is way our life works...unless yoru like me,hope lessly lost abotu naythign that truly matters and nothign else
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28. March 2007 @ 19:26 |
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Originally posted by m0parlost: OMG IM GOIGN CRAZY!okay ive downloaded mabey 50MBs of java on my cpu,and SDK coems up as soem odd program name 1233535 or sumting!my moparscape java apllet fails ea time,so how do i get it not to fail?
If you're talking about the client, my friend Davy was running into the same problem and he fixed it by updating his Java runtime. Don't worry its not another download, its an update. Just go to and let their applet load. If the RuneScape client online will work for you, then try re-running your afterwards. That should end all error messages.