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Avoid dealings with PhixClothing at all costs
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AfterDawn Addict
8. July 2007 @ 17:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Also Gwendolin,

Your free jacket has been sent
Forgive me if I appear sceptical...but I have been told that before, hence the reason for this thread..if and when the jacket arrives I will advise members of this forum.

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9. July 2007 @ 00:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Thanks for the details. After looking at your order the status is despatched. You have to remember about 1 in 300 items get lost in the post, not a lot but it means that someones is going to eventually be lost.

However this does not mean that we will not resend yours to you. Looking at despatch, which is busy we will resend your item Wednesday.

ispy watchdog is for scammers. We are talking about a handful of problems in the last 6 months out of hundreds and hundreds of satisfied customers.

Regarding the telephone number we are having a new member of staff start at the end of August which means we will have telephone contact via our site by the end of August. This should allow us to deal with any problems more easily and efficiently.
11. July 2007 @ 15:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
caroline you are talking utter rubbish im afraid and you still have not awnsered what i want to know

ill make it simple here are my questions ill leave gaps so you can qoute and then fill it your awnser where the gaps are.

1) why when you was told 3 times by trading standerds did you do NOTHING

2) i know you have a contact number as trading standerds have told me specifically you do as thats how they contact you. WHAT IS IT?
12. July 2007 @ 00:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Caroline it's a shame you're so rubbish, it took me several emails to you and a long long time before I received the goods i've ordered, I was posting on this forum months back. I reckon the only reason you gave me what I ordered is because I informed you via email that my mother is a TSO herself.

It's a shame because you have some really nice stuff on there that I can't find anywhere else, I just don't trust you not to mug me off.
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14. July 2007 @ 00:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Heh, do you guys realise if you google "phixclothing"

Fourth link down is this thread :)

Congrats boys!!
AfterDawn Addict
14. July 2007 @ 01:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

If you have been following this thread since I started it about 1 year ago you will see that MANY people have joined AD just to post re this company...and yes, they found out about the thread through google, which by the way, so did Phixclothing...that is why they also joined AD.
So hopefully by starting this thread and making things public it has served it's purpose and saved many intended buyers to be aware!!

guide by ScubaPete Nero guide by alkohol

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AfterDawn Addict
24. July 2007 @ 15:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
This morning I answered a knock at the door and guess was a courier with a parcel, yes it was the promised "Free" jacket from Caroline...for once she was good to her word. It is such a pity that it took over a year for this to happen as it would have saved any bad reports from being printed.

In NO way am I sorry that I started this thread as it was and still is my intention to warn intended customers to beware of dealing with this company.

@Caroline, I am pleased you have, in this case kept your word but obviously you knew what would have been said had you failed to deliver. It is obvious there are short comings within your organization that needs addressing as this thread has revealed. To those who are still unhappy with this company may I suggest you keep the pressure on them until your dispute is resolved.

I, for one will NEVER deal with this company again

guide by ScubaPete Nero guide by alkohol

New RipIt4Me + DVD Shrink + ImgBurn guid <==== Rip any DVDs Guides by bbmayo.....

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. July 2007 @ 16:51

24. July 2007 @ 16:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
& with that the thread stays open.
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4. August 2007 @ 04:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I kept seeing this thread when I googled phix and I wanted to say something. I have been buying clothing from phix for around two years and have never had a problem.

I think its sad that you guys are celebrating getting near the top of google. Can you not get some perspective? Phix's feedback on ebay is something like 99% meaning only about 1% of their customers have negative experiences. The way that you guys are celebrating trying to do all you can to bring them down, you would think they had feedback of about 14%! If they are so bad then why are 99 out of 100 people happy with them? The service that some of you recieved sounds really bad and thats wrong but why are you try to ward evenyone off using phix (even going so far as saying you want to shut the company down) when most of their customers are happy with the service they receive.
AfterDawn Addict
4. August 2007 @ 05:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
And what is your job with this company....public affairs...the people who have posted here have legitimate reasons for doing so, so I dont think your "protests" to this will change anyones opinion.

Vendors who sell through EBay are more tightly regulated and buyers through Ebay are afforded much more protection so it is harder for companies such as Phix to "Rip buyers off".....also through Ebay, purchasers have the power to leave feedback whereas purchasers who have contributed to this thread have not purchased through ebay...have NO protection or a place to voice their dis content...except this forum.

guide by ScubaPete Nero guide by alkohol

New RipIt4Me + DVD Shrink + ImgBurn guid <==== Rip any DVDs Guides by bbmayo.....

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 4. August 2007 @ 15:18


1 product review
4. August 2007 @ 20:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by andrew347:
I kept seeing this thread when I googled phix and I wanted to say something. I have been buying clothing from phix for around two years and have never had a problem.

I think its sad that you guys are celebrating getting near the top of google. Can you not get some perspective? Phix's feedback on ebay is something like 99% meaning only about 1% of their customers have negative experiences. The way that you guys are celebrating trying to do all you can to bring them down, you would think they had feedback of about 14%! If they are so bad then why are 99 out of 100 people happy with them? The service that some of you recieved sounds really bad and thats wrong but why are you try to ward evenyone off using phix (even going so far as saying you want to shut the company down) when most of their customers are happy with the service they receive.

And how many people mutually retracted negative feedback in order to get what they purchased? If you screw 5% of your customers you will see a great increase in profit and still maintain a good reputation. When I make a mistake I can't help but make it right by whoever I wronged. Here you have someone who thinks by sending a jacket a year later, after all the mess gwendolyn went through to get the damn thing, she did right. I am glad that it is 4th on google because it might give someone a second thought about purchasing and having to go through what many others did.

Protecting coffee tables everywhere!
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5. August 2007 @ 09:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by gwendolin:
And what is your job with this company....public affairs...the people who have posted here have legitimate reasons for doing so, so I dont think your "protests" to this will change anyones opinion.

Vendors who sell through EBay are more tightly regulated and buyers through Ebay are afforded much more protection so it is harder for companies such as Phix to "Rip buyers off".....also through Ebay, purchasers have the power to leave feedback whereas purchasers who have contributed to this thread have not purchased through ebay...have NO protection or a place to voice their dis content...except this forum.
Your just damaged your own credibility, not mine, by suggesting I have lied so that you could undermine my point of view.

As soon as someone says anything good about this company you have to shoot it down! I dont work for Phix and on this I would like to say the following; various posts talk about this forum as a place for free speech and a place to air opinions. However, as you have just proved Gwendolin, people can say whatever they want as long as they agree with you; if people disagree with what you are saying and give a point of view which opposes your own then you accuse them of working for Phix.

Fair enough if you want to disagree with what Im saying, thats free speech. But accusing people who disagree with you of lying about who they are in order to disregard their point of view is not free speech.

You've had your say as a disatisfied customer, now let a satisfied customer have theirs.
5. August 2007 @ 10:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by andrew347:

Your just damaged your own credibility, not mine, by suggesting I have lied so that you could undermine my point of view.

As soon as someone says anything good about this company you have to shoot it down! I dont work for Phix and on this I would like to say the following; various posts talk about this forum as a place for free speech and a place to air opinions. However, as you have just proved Gwendolin, people can say whatever they want as long as they agree with you; if people disagree with what you are saying and give a point of view which opposes your own then you accuse them of working for Phix.

Fair enough if you want to disagree with what Im saying, thats free speech. But accusing people who disagree with you of lying about who they are in order to disregard their point of view is not free speech.

You've had your say as a disatisfied customer, now let a satisfied customer have theirs.


You come on here and questions our motives because we try to warn people they might get ripped off...key word there being might..granted im sure some people do get there products ok, but saying we cant complain because we might be that 1% is utter horses**t, espeically when you dont actually know what % is ripped off.

if a store is cheating people out of money its not right.End of. If HMV sold a cd to a million people and 1% didnt have the cd in thats 10000 who wont get shud they not complain just cos HMV have pleased the other numbers. sounds dumb dont it? thats practically what your telling us.

Other problem being that there not just failing customers by not sending the items but also, they are told what they done and say they'll rectify it, but strangly enough they dont, which is exactly why they shouldnt be allowed to be profitting or trading full stop.

fair enough if you want to point out the few glimmers of hope, fine thats ok but dont try to question the actions of people who have had there own money taken from them,being that you have actually recevied your goods you dont know the frustration many of us get from this company, espeicially knowing they are still trading and ripping that 1% off as they continue to prosper.
AfterDawn Addict
5. August 2007 @ 14:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Your just damaged your own credibility, not mine, by suggesting I have lied
Show me where I said this!!

guide by ScubaPete Nero guide by alkohol

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6. August 2007 @ 02:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hello everyone.

Just received an e-mail saying this thread has been updated.

Firstly I appreciate someone defending our company but this really isn't get us everywhere. At the end of the day things are now running perfectly, Gwendolin has received her free jacket, no more complaints. Isn't this what we want? Things to be sorted out?

Andrew, as much as we appreciate customers defending us like this it really doesn't help the situation. We need to focus on maintaining our high standards, further improving our service and products and forgetting about this thread so it rots and joins hundreds of million of other redundant pages on the net!

Thanks everyone,
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6. August 2007 @ 10:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by gwendolin:
Your just damaged your own credibility, not mine, by suggesting I have lied
Show me where I said this!!
me: I am customer of phix

you: what position do you hold in this company...public relations
6. August 2007 @ 18:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
andrew, what did caroline say to you.
12. August 2007 @ 13:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

clearly your lying as i still do not have either my money back or the jacket i bought from you around this time last year.

explain how this is progress. and dont dare ask for details cos ive already given it to you before
AfterDawn Addict
12. August 2007 @ 14:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just came across this thread - haven't read it in its entirety, but any company that doesn't have a working phone number and an employee to answer it, should be allowed to do business on the internet. I would never do business with them and will warn anyone that may inquire about them. Power to the people!

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. August 2007 @ 14:26

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14. August 2007 @ 01:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I bought stuff from phix and they were really good.
AfterDawn Addict
14. August 2007 @ 01:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Another member who joined our forum just to sing the praises of Phix clothing......the amount of satisfied purchasers is becoming overwhelming....that's a grand total of 2 that have satisfaction....can we make it 3?


Now that you have signed up maybe you can assist other members with their (non phix related) problems.

guide by ScubaPete Nero guide by alkohol

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14. August 2007 @ 02:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
did you intend to be rude?
AfterDawn Addict
14. August 2007 @ 02:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
did you intend to be rude?
I will leave that for you to can take it any way you desire.

guide by ScubaPete Nero guide by alkohol

New RipIt4Me + DVD Shrink + ImgBurn guid <==== Rip any DVDs Guides by bbmayo.....
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14. August 2007 @ 02:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've never been insulted by my very first post, it must be a record. Anyway I liked the clothes and service I got from phix and that is all I wanted to say. Bye
14. August 2007 @ 20:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I too have fallen victim by this extremely f#$ked up service. And the lies oh the lies. This Caroline person is full of lies. And now does not reply to my emails nor HAVE I RECEIVED MY PARCEL after waiting since 4th July 2007. Especially p!ssed off after creating a dispute within Paypal. Caroline then told me the parcel will be sent a couple days later. She also hinted that she will not send parcel till i close my dispute. Altho Caroline did not verbally say this, this is what she hinted towards. Caroline just send my parcel. its that simple just SEND IT. What do you think you are doing? Clearly you have to look at the way you personally operate this company and clearly changes need to be made.

Caroline i expect you to also reply to my emails i keep sending to you asking where my parcel is.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. September 2007 @ 16:32 > forums > general discussion > safety valve > avoid dealings with phixclothing at all costs

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