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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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24. March 2005 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok. a little enlightenment for everybody.

You NO LONGER need to open a range of ports. It used to be that you had to open ports from 6881 to 6999. NOT ANY MORE. you only need ONE port open. It can be 6881, it can be 6900, WHICHEVER port you want. Just as long as it's not being used by another application. make sure it's the same port that you have on your bittorrent program, obviously.
In azureus, you can find the port in Options and under Transfer, listed as "incoming listen port".

to MAXIMIZE download speed you need to:
- have the right amount of max upload speed under the "Max Upload Rate" option. this amount depends on your internet connection.
- make sure your port is OPEN, therefore getting more connections (the GREEN LIGHT on azureus).

this is how you do these:
-Do a speed test:
(don't download anything while doing test so you get an ACCURATE result for your connection speed)
-Once you get the results, look at the numbers in bold at the top. "Your download speed" and "Your upload speed".
-Get a calculator.
-DIVIDE the UPLOAD number by 8 and then MULTIPLY the result by .7
-the number that you get is the number that you are going to type-in as the "Max Upload rate" in KB/s on the azureus options.
FOR EXAMPLE: let's say you get this result: 900 (download speed) and 200 (upload speed).
200 is my upload speed. so i DIVIDE that by 8 ( 200/8 = 25 ). then i MULTIPLY the result by .7 ( 25 * .7 = 17.5 ). so i just type-in 17 OR 18 in the "Max Upload rate" box. thats it.
Whatever YOU get (with YOUR speed test results) is gonna be the best upload number that you should type in on the "Max Upload rate" box. and if u had a different number there before, it should increase ur download rate .

A good site to check out port forwarding for your specific modem or router is of course:
-if you think you got the port forwarded, you can go here to check:
-click Proceed
-scroll down to blue box. type in the port. click the button "User Specified Custom Port Probe".
-if the status is "Open" or "Close", you have forwarded it correctly. but if it says "Stealth" the port is still being blocked and you are NOT gonna get a green light. which can mean the difference between 3kB/s and 30kB/s or more.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. April 2005 @ 19:13

25. March 2005 @ 04:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Does n e 1 know how to make Bitlord downloade faster,i'm only downloading at about 30kbs, With a 512 broadband speed.Will FireFox help it go faster? Thanx

A Bob
27. March 2005 @ 14:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yes, Bitlord, the Ultimate Bittorrent downloader.

do step 1) on my previous post to find the number that u should enter on the "Max Upload rate" option, make sure u got the port open, and u should be getting great speeds wit bitlord, like i am.
28. March 2005 @ 00:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeh, well i've done all your said, my upload rate was 35kbs, so i put it i at the max upload rate. the n i tried downloading and i see that it has actually made it slower than before. Why is this?

A Bob
Junior Member
28. March 2005 @ 04:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i don't know what happened...last time my download rates were averaging 50kb/s..

Today, all of a sudden, the speeds are very erractic...ranging from below 10 to max of at most 30kb/s (very rare) though...

Any idea what has went wrong? I didn't make any configuration changes at all..

There are plenty of seeds...however, i tend to be connected to say 30 out of 3000 only? Could this be the problem? Previously didn't have such problems though...

Thanks in advance..
29. March 2005 @ 12:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
'nother thing, for bitlord users...
i noticed one time when i had a couple of torrents running at the same time that three of those torrents had a max of 55 connected peers. all three had 55 when their swarm were in the 800s and 500s. i thought this was a little wierd so i went to the options and changed these options under Advanced>Connection.
Maximum Connections per task:
Connections to keep per task:
The default setting for these are "Auto". i changed it to 500 (any large number) and immediately the 55 peers started increasing to 100 and 190 connected peers.
i think the dl speed went up a little bit. give it a try if yall want to see if it does anything. peace
30. March 2005 @ 06:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hello everyone!

I'm new to the whole torrent thing so i don't understand much. I was reading some of the answers that were given on this thread but i don't understand a lot of the words and stuff so if anyone is gonna help me, i'd appreciate it if you didn't explain it to complexly. For example, on previous explanations, u guys were talking about seeds, and ports and shit, well i dont get it and on bittorrent i dont see where i can change anything.

Newho, I'm using bittorrent to download all my torrents. None of my torrents go past the speed of 10kib/s. The estimated time for all my torrents say like 300 hours left wich i think is excessive. Can anyone help me?


This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. March 2005 @ 06:30

30. March 2005 @ 11:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Seeds are people that have finished downloading the file you are downloading now. They have kindly left their bittorrent program open so you can download that file from them. (hopefully you will be a seed when you finish downloading a file.)
and Peers are the rest of the people that haven't finished downloading the file and are downloading now, like you. So you are a peer.
You connect to peers and seeds to download the file.

Bittorrent is the program you are using now, right. Well, like you said, that program does not have a lot of Options. So I suggest you download BitTornado instead. This BT client (program) is almost exactly like Bittorrent, but has more Options and it's recommended for starters.
30. March 2005 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, so i installed bittornado. i started it up with a torrent but the download time says 1000 hours left and thats with an accelerator. am i supposted to configure something?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. March 2005 @ 12:46

30. March 2005 @ 12:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey all...

i'm using a netgear fvs318 router and want to forward the ports but the default passwords and username you use to get in don't work. the ip address given through dos is, i don't know if it makes any difference though.

30. March 2005 @ 16:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hopeless9, select your connection type (DSL, dialup, cable) from the drop down menu on BitTornado. Also, set the "Max Upload Rate". To find out what your "max upload rate" should be follow the direcctions on step 2) that's in one of my last posts here (the post starts with "ok. a little englightenment...")
The accelerator is an optional thing. In my opinion I don't think it works very well cuz at first it works but then it just seems to stop working. And it contains spyware. If you dont feel like dealing with spyware, don't download it.
About ports: I don't know anything about the technical stuff. All i know, and probably all you need to know, is that Ports are a bunch of numbers from 1 thru 65000, or some shit like that, that computers use to connect to each other. Must likely these Ports are being blocked from your computer for security reasons, you know, protection against hackers and the like. Anyway, in order to connect to a lot of other computers to download faster you need to open (FORWARD) one of these ports. The most famous port is number 6881. To open ports you have to go to your firewall settings. there's probably a bunch of ways to open ports depending on your modem or firewall, router, whatever. say what u running with, you know the modem name and the connection type and all that to see if i can help you out.

wildcard2, isnt the password and username "admin", both the same? is that what you tried it with?
6. April 2005 @ 12:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey guys, I don't know if this question has been aswered like a trillion times or not cause I've only read through about half this forum.
anyway, I downloaded bit tornado a few weeks ago and have been trying to download some music off of it but I find myself overjoyed when my speed reached 2kbs!!! I've followed all of the instructions on forwarding my ports through Windows XP firewall and have even tried disabling the firewall all together. still, anytime I test to see if my ports are open they are all still "stealthed". I am connected to my university's DSL line, could that have something to do with it? somebody please help me out here, I'm goin crazy!
6. April 2005 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what's your modem or router?
7. April 2005 @ 11:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I looked in my modem settings and it says I have a softV92 Data Fax Modem, I don't really know how else to check on the modem or router. any help?
7. April 2005 @ 11:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry, it also says that it's connected to COM3...?
7. April 2005 @ 20:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
is that an internal modem or do u have like a box connected to the computer?
Does ur phone jack connection go directly to ur computer or to a different device?
Junior Member
7. April 2005 @ 22:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi all...i suddenly have problems with my Internet download rate.

Firstly, i am using Zone Alarm (the free version) and have set 'Internet Zone Security' under Firewall to High but allowed access to Azureus (client i am using) under 'Program Control'.

My upload speed is capped at 26kb/s while running on a 512/256 ADSL..and upload speeds seem to be fine

I do not use a router and my health sign for torrents are always green...what could be the factor affecting the slow speeds? I normally can run at 50kb/s for a single each torrent hardly goes above 10kb/s

Can someone help me out?
Senior Member
8. April 2005 @ 00:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My max speed with BitTornado w/accelator is 11kb/s when i have a 2 Megabit connection but the odd thing is when i forward ports i get stealth but when i dont there closed what could be the problem
My routers a zyxel p623-t1
8. April 2005 @ 16:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
leogeo, i did the calculations. ur "max upload speed" should be set to 23KB/s if u want to get maximum download speeds with a 512/256 connection.

sobhy, dont use the accelerator pro anymore. it has stubborn spyware and it seems to stop "accelerating" after u use it a couple of times. also i recommend u use BitComet instead of BitTornado. ANd about the port forwarding thing: as long as u dont get STEALTH for the port, u ok.
Junior Member
8. April 2005 @ 22:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thank you for your advice.

I just installed Zone Alarm Pro and am wondering how should i configure it for Azureus?
10. April 2005 @ 12:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have an internal modem in my computer.
Junior Member
11. April 2005 @ 06:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
by the way, do i have to forward any ports if i am not behind a router?

i always get green light. dunno wats wrong.

my check at:

always fail
Suspended due to non-functional email address
11. April 2005 @ 07:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i need help plz someone I begg u help me PLZ
I need assistance from ALL MIGHTY WISE ONE of TORRENT"S
im new so plz assists me with ur wisedom
i donot know how to turn my firewall ports to so
i get the column stealthed on that website
I have read some answers on this website
i use bit commet
i need help to turn my stealthed in open and closed
11. April 2005 @ 08:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
u don't have to forward ports if you are getting a green light. do a connection speed test here: .When u get ur upload speed result, divide it by 8 and then multiply the result by .7 and the answer is what u should type in the "max upload rate" option in ur bittorrent clients or programs.

"needhelp/" whats ur internet connection? do u have a router or modem? do u use Windows XP? who do u pay for ur internet service? most of these things u need to know before u can forward (open) ports.
11. April 2005 @ 15:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i`ve used bit tornado for a while now with know major problems but since i swapped to a wireless conection it has been an ass to get right.i did everything possible but ended up running a cable to to my modem and ditching the wireless.
my question is that when i do a port scan it tells me all my ports are stealthed.i know this is suposed to be a safe thing but why does it not say any of my ports are open?
i disabled my firewall which didnt do anything.
Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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