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Official Kingdom of Hearts Thread
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27. December 2006 @ 22:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
They said these projects would begin next year, I thought. I don't believe PS3 will have the same price tag upon their release, nor do I think KHII:FM will be geared for it. It should just be a modified version of KHII... As for the Re:CoM? Not a clue. If we're lucky, though, I won't have to buy yet another system.

Et comme celle, l'orange devient la couleur du monde.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. December 2006 @ 22:49

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28. December 2006 @ 06:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry guys, thought you'd know that stuff, but I'll explain of course :D

KHII: FM is a remake of KH II including new fights, costumes (for Xmas Town), cutscenes, enemies, a new Secret Trailer and so on - just like the first FM.
Re: CoM is a remake of Chain of Memories in 3D with lots of new scenes, enhanced gameplay etc. that comes togheter with the FM of KH II - at least in Japan.

At the moment they are thinking about publishing the FM plus Re: CoM in the US but it's not sure. A thought about alternative is to just sell Re: CoM in the US but keep the KHII: FM Japan only - don't they dare! *g*
The games will be released in Japan this february in a bundle for PS2.

Concerning KH III or any other projects - Nomura stated that there will be a new KH project announced by July and that it's something connected to both Disney and Square but that he can't say anything more specific for now... wanna have me make a guess? A CG/anime series? That'll be hell cool, don't you think? :D Maybe it's also the game the Secret Trailer pointed at... so curious I could burst!! :D

About the trailer:
They are talking about the trailer that has been shown at the Tokyo Games Show at the beginning of December to press only. I looked around the net to find it but it seems it wasn't published anywhere as for now... I'm certain however, that'll change by January (or at least I hope :) )

Ok, I guess that's about everything there is right now :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. December 2006 @ 06:17

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28. December 2006 @ 16:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey KingSora?? well im a level 48 and have already beaten everything except sephiroth.. im in standard mode.. haha i know im not a pro or anything but... OH WELL [:
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28. December 2006 @ 16:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, and I've been wondering.. where in the world do you get Kingdom Hearts' Final Mixes?? Are they in video game stores.. WHERE ARE THEY? Hahhahaa just really want to know, I love the game, and I want to keep playing it after I beat this one!
Junior Member
28. December 2006 @ 16:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
There's only one Final Mix so far and that's the one from KH I - it's only been released in Japan so you gotta buy it from there or ebay...
28. December 2006 @ 17:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
But unless he has a Japanese PS2 he won't be able to play it, will he?

SORA9905: 48 is far too low of a level to even attempt to fight Sephiroth, imo. Take a look at the link I supplied you a few posts back. That's a detailed, step by step guide to defeating Sephitroth. I can't say any of these techniques work from experience, though, sorry. I had already beaten Sephiroth with my own technique when this guide was written. :\

If you need to level up, go to Pride Lands. Get on top of Pride Rock where all those yellow Heartless spawn. Cast Magnet over and over again. Leave, and go right back in. They should all spawn again where you can repeat the process. Leveling up this way is extremely easy and surprisingly enough, not that time consuming.

Akira: That sounds so badass. If they don't release KHII:FM/Re:CoM in America they are stupid... KHII was the number two selling video game in the world selling some 1.6 million odd copies. Idk if they've realised this yet, but there's a freaking HUGE market for this game in the States, and to deny your company the potential profits from releasing this SE KH release for that market isn't exactly a very rational decision... plus I want a copy really really bad!

Et comme celle, l'orange devient la couleur du monde.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. December 2006 @ 17:21

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28. December 2006 @ 17:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
lol, yeah, me too :D

But if they say they are "thinking" about it, then it's very probable... otherwise they would have said it'll be Japan only right from the beginning... not that I had proof, but experience shows it's always been that way so far...

@SORA9905: yeah, you either need a modded PS2 or a Japanese one, but I think every console should be modded anyway, hehe :)
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28. December 2006 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hahaaha ok thanks for that and KingSora.. if you dont mind.. could you send me another copy of that guide thing?? hahaha I cant really find it.. okay and thanks for the tip on leveling upp. Hahaha and one more thing for now.. if its not too much could anyone send me the ingredients for the Ultima Weapon and where to get them?
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28. December 2006 @ 17:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
best you go to and type in "Kingdom Hearts" in the search field. You'll get a list of all the faqs there are including a synth and a beat Seph faq...
28. December 2006 @ 19:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by AkiraFF:
best you go to and type in "Kingdom Hearts" in the search field. You'll get a list of all the faqs there are including a synth and a beat Seph faq...

Ditto. That's where I got the guide on killing Sephie for you. That website should be able to answer most, if not all, of your questions concerning the game. (well... at least on how to beat it)

Anyway, here's the link to the Sehpiroth Guide again.

Akira: You're probably right. These guys are extremely careful on what information they do and do not release. A really nice Christmas gift would have been a few words slipping out of Nomura concerning one of these projects... I'm not one for anime cartoon shows, but a CG movie sort of like what they had in mind for Halo would be really cool. I liked the Final Fantasy: Spirits Within movie. (not so much Advent Children... then again, I never really played FFVII) If they released a DVD, though, I'd take two. :D

Et comme celle, l'orange devient la couleur du monde.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. December 2006 @ 19:23

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28. December 2006 @ 22:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Never really played ffvii...grrrrrrowl. Advent Children is still a pretty sweet movie without playing the game though. The fight scenes and graphics are...very very nice(Boratish). But it is definitely better after playing the game. :-\ I'm all about Final Fantasy bro.
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28. December 2006 @ 22:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Another good game...Zelda ;) Just beat Twilight Princess...which I got for Christmas. :-x
28. December 2006 @ 23:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Anyway, here's the link to the Sehpiroth Guide again.

That guide really is good. But have to remember that the guide is made by a real expert. So following some of the tips may still take some practice and time. ;)
Junior Member
29. December 2006 @ 00:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've played every FF so far (excluding III which I am finally going to play as well soon now that it has been published in English :D) and I loved Advent Children.
Spirits Within wasn't bad, but the film looks just the way it is: unfinished... the first hour is great and the remaining 30 min it's just like a "best of" of the scenes there should have been, which it actually is considering they planned a 2 hours+ movie and were forced to cut it down to what it is after running out of budget... sad story actually...

Concerning the new project: I really hope it's a CG movie series in three or more parts telling all of the currently existing (and if they go on coming up) KH tales starting with KH I, over KH CoM right to KH II and further. That would be hell cool :D (I'd just hope they keep the visuals of the game without making any major changes in the character models, but I guess we're on the save side here :) )

@SORA9905: Playing video games - no matter which - ALWAYS takes practice, but that's what's fun - otherwise it would get boring playing RPG after RPG, wouldn't it? ;D Just keep playing, the rest will happen on its own :D

By the way... I'm currently playing FF XII... the graphics are more than great (you run through a city and look through showcases behind which you can actually see people working, things shifting and so on - LOTS of detail here) but I'm not THAT astonished by the story so far (I'm at about 1/3 to 1/2 of the game)... too much intrigue and politics and too little fantasy IMO, but, of course, that's only a subjective view. Concerning the battle system... I really like what they did I just don't like it in FF... don't ask me why but a Final Fantasy has to function after certain criteria and fighting like in a MMORPG just doesn't match with them... it's still a great game, though :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. December 2006 @ 01:04

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29. December 2006 @ 16:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am at the part like in every Final Fantasy where you must level up and such before the final boss battle with Vayne...But...My PS2 broke recently and I haven't been able to finish it. :( I think it is a good game personally.
Junior Member
29. December 2006 @ 16:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok, and now I'll have to kill you

Don't you EVER AGAIN write who's the last boss in a forum not dedicated to that game!!
Sorry, guy but I'm REALLY MAD at you for doing that since I usually don't read ANYTHING that's spoilerlike and reading who's the last boss makes me FURIOUS after everything I have avoided for months!!

Be glad you're not in reach, I tell you! Otherwise you'd be a head shorter now!

Delete that damn post at once!!
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29. December 2006 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
God, if I could I'd ban you from that forum for good... I've not been that mad for AGES

I WROTE I am at about 1/3 of the game - how can you be so BRAINLESS as to write who's the last boss in a game that's all about guessing WHO IS the actual bad guy. WAHHHH

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. December 2006 @ 16:51

29. December 2006 @ 18:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
:o This doesn't sound good...

I hate to crack a joke at a time like this, but Akira, if we were made freaking moderators like I had suggested, you could ban him from this thread and potentially never have to hear from him again. Now, that doesn't really solve khFANatic's problem, :p, but since he's yet to remove the post, I'm wondering if he even cares... I won't take sides though.

Originally posted by AkiraFF:
how can you be so BRAINLESS as to write who's the last boss in a game that's all about guessing WHO IS the actual bad guy.
I've never played the game, so I wouldn't know, but uhh, that does sound pretty stupid to blab out who the final boss is. Sounds sweet, though. Like a suspense "who done it" kind of game? I'd be all for it if I didn't already know the big secret! ;) (jp... FFX was prolly the last and only FF title I'll really ever play)

And to get us off the subject... anyone ever play Dark Cloud 2? Where in God's name do you find Sticky Clay?! I need like 12 more to make some pot torches in Starlight City or whatever. That's not all, though. I also need some girl to move into the valley so I can open up a weapons shop. Thing is, when I talk to her, it won't let me ask her if she even wants to move! It looks like the plot is just starting/about to thicken, and I'm like... stuck. Argh!!!! I want to kill that stupid ugly faced clown!

Speaking of clowns... Just wondering, but is it bad when you have to turn the volume down on your video game because you're embarrassed you're even playing it, and you know if your family could hear the dialogue, that they'd make fun of you forever?

(Note: You guys don't have to answer any of those questions... I just needed to rant.)

Et comme celle, l'orange devient la couleur du monde.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. December 2006 @ 18:41

Junior Member
29. December 2006 @ 18:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no, it really isn't good... if there's one thing I really can't stand it's spoilers...

Concerning Dark Cloud 2... sorry, but I just played the beginning so I really can't help you there... but maybe gamefaqs can?

Abount turning down the volume: LOL
Why do you do that? Embarassed cause the dialogue is so bad/cheesy?
I never did that actually but I could understand why you do... I, however, stand to my love for this kind of games, hehe. But since I'm playing all kind of games for my job as well... my family's rather used to... uhm... "unusual" sounds coming from my room ;D

About FF: Why don't you wanna play any of those? I guess FF XIII is gonna be a lot better again... being part Nomura resp. full Nomura in the case of Versus XIII... at least I hope it will be better...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. December 2006 @ 19:11

29. December 2006 @ 21:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's not that I don't want to play FF games. The first one I ever played was FFX. I really liked the storyline and could deal with the turn based game play, although it wasn't my favorite. I think that if you can put the controller down DURING A SO CALLED BATTLE, and w/o even pressing pause, leave, cook yourself a sandwich and come back, there's something wrong. That said, I went out and bought FFVII right after beating it. I was hungry for more, and this so called "best of the series" game really caught my eye. Not to mention, Sephiroth in KH1 had completely kicked my arse and Cloud was one of the coolest characters which made me wish they developed him more. I got into it and it was just... Idk. Didn't capture my imagination. Was even slower than FFX, and the graphics didn't help the situation. I think if I had gotten to it upon its release, I may have liked it a lot more. Anyway, I'm not into the direction that FF is taking. The whole "pay us per month on top of your yearly Xbox Live prescription" isn't boding well in my book.

About the volume: Dude, this crazy @$$ clown is like screeching at the top of his lungs commanding me to give him my ruby amulet or else he'll sick his drugged up elephant named Darling Linda on me. Honestly...

Anyway, I recommend you play more of that game than just the beginning. (unless you're really not liking it) There are some aspects in it that I've never seen, ever, in a game before. I like how your weapons gain exp. and you can like upgrade them and sort of morph them into new forms with different attributes. Your weapons are sort of like Pokémon in a way except for they are inanimate objects like wrench's... or a dead fish. (Lol, I got a swordfish somewhere XD) I also like how you can rebuild the towns yourself any way you like it. However, after saying all that I think I'm a bit biased. I really enjoy time travel and the concept of it. Back to the Future is like, an awesome movie! Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is by far the best movie of the series. (I'm sry, but the Half Blood Price rocks the Harry Potter boat. Best book by a fair margin thus far...)

About the spoilers. I really think there should be something like

[spoiler=Don't read unless you've practically beaten FFXII][/spoiler]

so the reader, yourself, can choose to click the spoiler link if (s)he wants to.

Then again, I'm not a mod of this thread! >:O

Et comme celle, l'orange devient la couleur du monde.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. December 2006 @ 21:14

29. December 2006 @ 22:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
All these fights Use them in the game sheesh. How about I quote Rodney King Here?!?

Can't we awl jees geet a bong?!?!? Err I meen along
Junior Member
30. December 2006 @ 06:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry graffik but if someone is taking out the fun for me of a game I've been waiting for for about 3 years, avoiding EVERY minor spoiler I could have gotten, just to know NOTHING of it, before I play it, then I can't "just get along"

Yeah, those Spoilertags would be nice... Some people just don't seem to get it, that even though THEY don't care, others DON'T wanna read what's happening in a story before they see for themselves by getting there through playing...

About FF:
You've probably chosen a good time to start with the Series, if you dislike the round based system... FF XII is offline (you really can't count FF XI as an FF... it's nothing like the rest of the series at all and about EVERY fan I know wished they would have called it FF Online instead of XI...) and it's the first part of the series where you got an active battle system: enemies are seen and running around, chasing you etc. (just like in KH actually) and there is no battle screen - you just fight them. So, if you wanna give it a try once more this would be your chance :)

About Dark Cloud: The games are some of those I really wanna play something, I just don't know when that'll be... when I'm retired maybe? lol
I really have like 100 games I'd like to see, but the next ones are gonna be the Shadow Hearts and Grandia Series (if someone spoils me now I'll fly to the US and make him eat a king size burgerking menu for every minute of the game he took from me - that'll probably kill him, so better watch yourselves...)
30. December 2006 @ 10:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by AkiraFF:
About FF:
You've probably chosen a good time to start with the Series, if you dislike the round based system... FF XII is offline (you really can't count FF XI as an FF... it's nothing like the rest of the series at all and about EVERY fan I know wished they would have called it FF Online instead of XI...) and it's the first part of the series where you got an active battle system: enemies are seen and running around, chasing you etc. (just like in KH actually) and there is no battle screen - you just fight them. So, if you wanna give it a try once more this would be your chance :)
Hrmmm. I guess I had XI and XII mixed up. When the hell did XII release? I haven't heard anything about this one. Maybe I will give it a try. I sort of resent the fact that my brother got the Xbox360 for his birthday, though. I'm stuck with last gen consoles like my Xbox and modded PS2...

Originally posted by AkiraFF:
(if someone spoils me now I'll fly to the US and make him eat a king size burgerking menu for every minute of the game he took from me - that'll probably kill him, so better watch yourselves...)
LMAO. Let this be a warning to all. If we don't get mod status we're resorting to torture by means of force feeding you the entire Burger King menu! Watch out. ;)

Et comme celle, l'orange devient la couleur du monde.
Junior Member
30. December 2006 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hrmmm. I guess I had XI and XII mixed up. When the hell did XII release? I haven't heard anything about this one. Maybe I will give it a try. I sort of resent the fact that my brother got the Xbox360 for his birthday, though. I'm stuck with last gen consoles like my Xbox and modded PS2...
FF XII has been released (last november) for PS2 exclusively so that's no problem at all :D

LMAO. Let this be a warning to all. If we don't get mod status we're resorting to torture by means of force feeding you the entire Burger King menu! Watch out. ;)
Exactly! ;D
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30. December 2006 @ 22:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's not a spoiler...and there is no who dun it? in the game. You know throughout the game he is the bad guy or at least from 1/3 of the way through...Unless you expected some amazingly fantastic twist of events...which doesn't seem to happen in any of the final fantasies I've played. (ex. Sephiroth in ffvii) But you can flip out more plz... > forums > consoles > ps2 - games > official kingdom of hearts thread

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