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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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Junior Member
18. May 2005 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I understand. But since I'm not sure how to do this, do you think this looks about right at least?

Or can I just disable the firewall for Trend Micro PC-cillin, but have the computer Windows XP firewall on?
19. May 2005 @ 13:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yeah that looks about right. but there is no need in forwarding a range of ports, u only need to forward the one port u are gonna use. so instead of puting "6881-6889" put 6881 or whichever port u gonna use.
check back with Shields Up to see if u got it to stop saying "stealth" for the port:

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. May 2005 @ 13:45

Junior Member
19. May 2005 @ 14:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Like I've said before, I don't understand what ports are exactly, so I dont know what port I'm using..
19. May 2005 @ 19:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when i say "port u are using" i mean the port that ur Bittorrent program is using. if u wanna see the port that BitTornado is using go to "Pref" and look at where it says "Listen Port range" or something like that. the first number (port) is probably the port BitTornado is using, so that's the port u gotta make sure is not being blocked by ur firewall(notice that u can change this option to any port u want). u unblock the port by forwarding it in all ur firewalls and router. when u forward the port (unblock) u are gonna start seeing a green light and thus faster download speeds.
Junior Member
19. May 2005 @ 20:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Before I even read your reply, I began downloading to see if there was a difference. After a few minutes, I saw a green light. And this was on the download that barely had any seeds. I will still unblock the port to be 100% sure I fixed this matter for any future complications, but I already have it working good (At least I believe it's working at it's potential/where it's suppose to be working). Thank you so very much for your help, time, and patience with me! If I still have more problems, can I ask you and biggermac again?

Oh, about the port thing you mentioned.. I went to prefs and this is what it said for my port ranges:
Example: (
So I unblock 10,000?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. May 2005 @ 20:08

20. May 2005 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Oh, about the port thing you mentioned.. I went to prefs and this is what it said for my port ranges:
Example: (
So I unblock 10,000?
Yes. u can do one of two things. u can either forward (unblock) port 10,000 in ur windows firewall and PC-cillin OR u can just change that option (in BitTornado Prefs) to 6881-6889, which is the range u have already forwarded in ur firewalls.

It's not hard to understand, really. This is what u have to understand: The port (or port range) u have in Bittornado is the port (or port range) u have to forward in ur firewalls.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. May 2005 @ 09:58

Junior Member
20. May 2005 @ 11:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you so very much! It's downloading very quickly now. Even though it isn't showing a green light right now, it's still going rather speedy than usual. Instead of waiting 2 days for this file, I only have to wait 40 minutes. If there is no seed (Meaning there is not someone else with the exact copy I'm trying to download), there won't be a green light right?
21. May 2005 @ 09:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well, if there are no seeds, u may not get a GREEN light cuz u are gonna see a BLUE light instead. if i'm not mistaken, the BLUE light means there are no seeds and u may have problems getting the complete copy of the file.

to see a description of what each light means just click on the light itself in bittornado.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2005 @ 09:37

21. May 2005 @ 13:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> Even though it isn't showing a green light right now, it's still
> going rather speedy than usual. Instead of waiting 2 days for this
> file, I only have to wait 40 minutes. If there is no seed (Meaning
> there is not someone else with the exact copy I'm trying to
> download), there won't be a green light right?

Funny yesterday I started downloading the last installment of the miniseries "Revelations" and I could not get a green light.. I can't figure what goes on with that.. all settings are the same. Router showed all OK.. Well after trying again and again and changing ports I just let it go, and after about 20 minutes I finally got a green light.. very strange.. I had enough seeds and peers..

Anyway when you say "exact copy' well it has to be an exact copy for everyone, what "no seeds" means is no "complete" copy is circulating and you will all stall out at some point without a complete copy unless a seed shows up..

As far a ports - consider them as "holes". These holes are used by different programs to pass along information and receive information. A firewall plugs them up so a person bent on harming your computer through one of these holes is blocked from doing so. When you "port forward" you are unplugging permanently that hole through which in our example BitTornado needs. by port forwarding you are weakening the protection a little bit by leaving this hole vulnerable.

However if a software firewall like the Windows XP firewall or your PCillian firewall, it can be engaged for your Internet connections, but when you are using a program you have "excluded", it just lets anything pass through. But you have to use the exclude feature and i only know how to do it with Win XP's firewall.

BitTornado needs just one port to work. Since you do not use a router (you'd be on a home or office network if there was a router) and you are not using Windows XP's firewall, you either have to have PCillian not be engaged for BitTornado (but it should still be engaged for your Internet connection), or you can leave it on, and port forward (leave open the port or ports) that BitTornado is set to use. In the example you show it says ports 10,000 to port 60,000 - 60,000 holes. There are ports 1 through 9999, but apparently it wants port 10,000 to 60,000 to be used - again, you only need one. Forget port 10,000 (though you could use it) and instead try something like port 17125. Set it in BitTornado in the appropriate place. (enter 17125 twice - beginning to end, so in essence, it will not pick from a range of ports, it will always use port 17125), and then make sure port 17125 is port forwarded in PCillian, <or> the other option is for PCillian is to ignore (exclude) BitTornado all completely - this option will leave all ports open (1-60,000) for BitTornado only.

Don't forget if you set a new port in BitTornado, it won't be in effect until you shut off BitTornado and then turn it back on again.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. May 2005 @ 13:59

Suspended due to non-functional email address
26. May 2005 @ 20:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, redscorpio

i have the same mode, and whenever i try to enter "launchmodem" (without the quotes) in my internet explorer in order to change some preferences, i only get search results, any help? I remember you giving out a step by step list to someone to help their connection, and i can't seem to get launchmodem to work. Any help much appreciated.
26. May 2005 @ 21:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
WoKeN, i replied to the PM.
27. May 2005 @ 14:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just did the port forwarding, it says they are all closed

I have no firewalls open, and even if i did I adjusted windows Firewall to allow access to those ports.

I am still getting yellow lights on the Bit tornado d/ls.

I use a linksys router but again as I said the ports were forwarded.
27. May 2005 @ 15:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
wamrage, is bittornado using the same port u forwarded? the port u choose for BitTornado to use is under "Prefs", where it says "Port Range". Also, uncheck "randomize".
im gonna use a pic someone provided as an example of what it looks like:

to see if Bittornado is REALLY using that port do the Shields Up port test while bittorando is downloading something and the test should say the Port is "open" instead of "closed".

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. May 2005 @ 15:34

28. May 2005 @ 17:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I am no expert. I am a recent downloader of a large BitTorrent.

I had the same trouble as many here. Yellow light, download speeds usually less than 10 kBs. It took me 10 days to get to 90% on this particularly large download.

I had no firewall. I had no router. So, neither of these was the problem. I had adsl broadband, 1024 kb. Speeds checked out OK.

I finally found the problem. Although I did not know it, I was operating through a proxy server. This was blocking connections to peers.

If you have the same problem, try opening Internet Explorer, going to Tools -- Internet Options -- Connections -- Settings and seeing if the box "use a proxy server for this connection" is ticked. If it is, clear the tick and close Explorer. Restart BitTorrent.

This worked for me. If it doesn't work for you, then your problem is different. I wish you luck in solving it.
Senior Member
28. May 2005 @ 18:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my internet company has freaken programs (so i have hered from tons of articles) that kill my bittorent download speed any tips?
28. May 2005 @ 19:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks, purplfish, for the input.

i in particular have not read or heard of anything like this, dude845, but i guess it could be true. maybe someone else has more info on that.
29. May 2005 @ 02:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Redscorpi. Thank you for the more than dozen pages of help you've given everyone. I read the first two and the last one trying to get som answers (didnt read the middle one's as they all seemed to be different people asking the same questions. so sorry if you've gone over this one already but please, i need help ;)

Comcast cable modem w/ motorola modem and linksys router
windows xp
Checked my speed fell between 3.2 and 4Mps
My avg DL speed is about 5-20kps
I've tried varying my UL speeds from between 20-200
Went to up sheild, forwarded my ports on my linksys router, 6881-6999
Norton was being a bitch so i uninstalled it.
went to my windows firewall and made 6881-6910 i think? exceptions
6881-6999 all continue to show up as stealthed on the one website

does God hate me?
29. May 2005 @ 02:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh yeah, i have bitorrent and it seems like it sucks. maybe i'll try azuregos? jesus, is that a BT or a World of Warcraft dragon? pfffffft! Oh yeah, sorry i forgot to mention you too bigmac!
29. May 2005 @ 04:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> does God hate me?

Of course I have to ask - which God are we talking here? Certainly the God of Torrents does.. But if you are talking the petty and vengeful Christian God, then yes he hates you because you are probably downloading copyrighted material and we all know it takes money to get into Heaven and you are hurting the big guys by stealing.. ;-)

> Comcast cable modem w/ motorola modem and linksys router
> windows xp
> Checked my speed fell between 3.2 and 4Mps
> My avg DL speed is about 5-20kps I've tried varying my UL speeds from between 20-200
> Went to up sheild, forwarded my ports on my linksys router, 6881-6999 Norton was being
> a bitch so i uninstalled it. went to my windows firewall and made 6881-6910 i think?
> exceptions 6881-6999 all continue to show up as stealthed on the one website

OK. I have Comcast and supposedly now a 4000 Kbps download and 400 upload. If I touch on something you know already just ignore it. I have Norton SystemWorks with anti-virus - no problem. I did have a Norton personal firewall before. After SP2 came out with the Win XP firewall, I noticed faster page loads without the Norton Firewall. Since almost all routers are also a firewalls anyway, you could actually just shut completely off the software firewall and still be protected. (I run a couple of P3s with a software firewall on my home network). Win XP's firewall actually has an "Exceptions" tab, it doesn't say "exclude", but the same thing. Just add the whole program there and put a check-mark in the box in front of it.

#1) upload speed makes a difference as to your download speed. Torrent programs and the system is designed so you can't be a leech and not share your upload bandwidth without suffering very slow downloads.

#2) Kbps and KBps are two different measurements. Torrent programs seem to use KB/s (could be KBps). It is confusing and stupid why there are two ways now, it used to be Kbps was the only way when talking about speed. In these cases a capital letter B = Bytes while a small letter b = bits. 1000 Kbps is the same as 125 KB/s because 8 bits = a byte. So be careful when setting speeds and also reporting speeds.

I recommend BitTornado myself. Only because I know it, and it highly configurable. BitTornado will work in any Windows operating system while Auzerius only in Win XP. BitTornado has a colored light system (like others do too) that warns you or tells you what is gong on. If you always get a yellow light, you most likely have a firewall problem. So try BitTornado, then tell me what color the light is you are getting, so we have a better idea what is going on. Remember it might take a while to for your download speed to build up, and also for the light to go green. Also - you did not mention if your upload speed was good while your download speed was bad.

Only set max upload speed in your torrent program to 80% of what Comcast says they give you. If it is 400 Kbps like me then that = 50 KB/s. 80% of that would be 40 KB/s - this is what you put in the field asking for max upload.

BitTornado is not stuck with certain ports to use. You just need one as a matter of fact, not a range. Anything above port 10,000 is probably best. I use ports in the 17000 range myself.

With my Netgear Router, each computer has to set it's own ports to forward (if using more than one computer on the home network to get torrents), and this is why BitTornado is good too - I can assign different ports in the BitTornado on each computer, the go to my router and set each and assign to that computer..

Are you trying "healthy" torrents - are there several seeds and even more peers? Example - 10 seeds 30 peers? I downloaded a torrent the other day had 4 seeds and 10 peers - my average speeds was cut in half. But really, there is no real average speed, each torrent is different, even if you had the same amount of peers and seeds..

I suspect a firewall problem. Also if you use BitTornado and open it for a torrent - remember if you change the settings (other than the main Window_ you have to close it - next time you open it those will be in effect.

Never use "automatic" for any setting. I have noticed in BitTornado this was a killer of speed. Use fast or slow broadband, then adjust the settings after. If you are like me, choose broadband fast, this is just about what you need - 40 KB/s up and 6 connections, but you can change these settings in the main window and will effect immediately. Rememeber only the settings in the main window will have an immediate effect, otherwise close and open as I stated.

Turn off UPnP. Both in the torrent program and if it is on in your router, just shut it off completely. Port forwarding takes care of what this functions offers as an advantage anyway (as far as I understand it, but i am not an expert.)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. May 2005 @ 04:55

29. May 2005 @ 10:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
got bitornado and yellow.
When I went to that one website it shows 6881-6999 as stealthed. I opened all of those ports on my winXP firewall (exceptions their called i believe) opened all the ports on my linsys router. God laughs at my feeble attempts. If nothing else works i'll have to have a son and sacrafice him on an alter. Hopefully God will say, " no no, that's okay here's your faster DL speeds" before that but...
29. May 2005 @ 11:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well Shadownla, i agree with biggermac, u should use BitTornado. the official bittorrent program is not very good. (although Azureus is not just for Xp; i used Azureus for a while and my comp runs on winMe.) when u get BitTornado u probably will see a yellow light, since u said the Shields Up test comes out "stealth".
umm, what u should do is download BitTornado, go to "Prefs" and look at where it says "Port Range". there u choose what port range u wanna use. u can change that to any port range u want. alot of people use 6881 to 6999, but u are not limited to using that range. in fact, people say that larger ports (like 53000 or somthing) produce faster downloads. anyway, whatever u set that "Port Range" option to, thats the port range u gotta forward (make sure is not being blocked). Understand?
i think that a linksys router is safe enough so i think u can disable windows and norton firewalls. u said u forwarded some ports in ur linksys router so i assume u already know how to do that lol. but just in case, this guy CamDog explained how to forward ports in a linksys router here:
so forward the same ports u have in BitTornado's "Port Range" option, and disable xp firewall and see if u get a green light.

If u dont feel safe with just a router. do a security test online. there are many types of these test u can do in the internet. just type "security test" in or something. peace
29. May 2005 @ 11:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
also to correctly set the "Upload Rate" option do this:
(this is very important to get faster downloads)

-Do a speed test:
(don't download anything while doing test so you get an ACCURATE result for your connection speed)
-Once you get the results, look at the numbers in bold at the top. "Your download speed" and "Your upload speed".
-Get a calculator.
-DIVIDE the UPLOAD number by 8 and then MULTIPLY the result by .7
-the number that you get is the number that you are going to type-in as the "Upload rate" in KB/s on the BitTornado options.
FOR EXAMPLE: let's say you get this result: 900 (download speed) and 200 (upload speed).
200 is my upload speed. so i DIVIDE that by 8 ( 200/8 = 25 ). then i MULTIPLY the result by .7 ( 25 * .7 = 17.5 ). so i just type-in 17 OR 18 in the "Upload rate" option. thats it.
Whatever YOU get (with YOUR speed test results) is gonna be the best upload number that you should type in on the "Upload rate" option.
29. May 2005 @ 13:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
-------- quote:
got bitornado and yellow.
When I went to that one website it shows 6881-6999 as stealthed. I opened all of those ports on my winXP firewall (exceptions their called i believe) opened all the ports on my linsys router. God laughs at my feeble attempts. If nothing else works i'll have to have a son and sacrafice him on an alter. Hopefully God will say, " no no, that's okay here's your faster DL speeds" before that but...
--------- unquote

OK. You got yellow. Hopefully you let it go for a while before you decided it would stay yellow (10 minutes maybe).

Now it's time to try something different. Just for fun, humor me, and set the ports in BitTornado to say..... 17112 to 17115 random. Although, you need only one port - you could do 17113 to 17113. For some reason I seem to recall to use ports above 10,000 with BitTornado. I don't know if it is true, but it is time to try something different, wouldn't you say? Maybe it even said to use ports above 16,000... You are still using the BitTorrent ports that BitTorrent --has-- to use. With BitTornado, it is take your pick, it's your choice which ports to use.

Ok, now, you need to go your router and port forward the same port or ports.

Then, make sure Windows XP's firewall is Excluding, or better put, it has an "Excpetions" tab - if BitTornado is not listed there or has no check box in front of it as an exception to the Win XP firewall, then add it manually. I am sure there is an add button, click it, direct that to program files and then to BitTornado ..

Finally - if you set the port range in BitTornado, it won't "take" until you close the program. Next time you open it, then those ports are in effect.

Try that then report back.

P.S. I have no idea what people mean when they say the ports are "stealthed". Someone want to tell me?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. May 2005 @ 13:27

29. May 2005 @ 14:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"stealthed" is a status that a program red listed on the first page of this thread. It basically means there's a firewall. That's why i'm confused. I have ports 6881-6999 open on
1. Lynksis
2. winXP firewall
3. BitTornado
Thought maybe i have to do the same for my motorola external modem maybe? I can't find the link that I think Red put up for a site that shows you how to forward damn near anything forwardable. I'm going to try to specify BitTornado in the winxp firewall exceptions list. If that doesnt work, I'll take down my XP firewall completely as red suggested. If that doesn't work, i'll change all my ports to some massive range in the 16000's-18000's.
crossin my fingers, should be able to let you know in about an hour, gonna give each setup about 20-30 minutes before i decide if it's orking or not. brb
29. May 2005 @ 14:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The BitTornado guide is good. The only thing I disagree with is his suggesting max upload set to 90%. I say 80% of your max. Maybe 90% is OK, but my cab;le speed changes depending on the time of day and howe many people using the cable. If you sdet it too high there is a problem and download speeds will suffer.

It also suggests NOT using those exact ports you are trying to use. For one, some ISPs are blocking those ports because they don't want you getting torrents.

Also - don't leave the setting to "unlimited". Use either slow or fast DSL/cable and then change the settings once the program opens and places amounts in the boxes. Unlimited for max download is probably OK you'll never reach it unless your connection is less than two Mbps (2000 Kbps).

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. May 2005 @ 15:01

Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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