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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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19. June 2005 @ 16:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Redwood04, I can't help you with Azureas an Nat errors. I use BitTornado and have never come across a Nat error.

As far as the light being yellow, if this is the same warning system as BitTornado, then you are firewalled.

Port Forwarding is not done in your torrent program. It is done in your firewall. Port forwarding is just opening up a port or ports so you can download. As far as I understand it, ports are for outgoing but not incoming. But still you can download slowly.

Port forwarding is usually done in a router, because it is a hardware firewall - a physical device that acts like your software firewall you are running.

If you do not understand firewalls, if you are running Windows XP, you are probably running it's own firewall program. You can either port forward the ports used by Azureas there, or just exclude the whole Azureas program from the Win XP firewall. start/control-panel/security/ then one tab in the firewall section might say "exclude" or another word for exclude (I forget). But you need to enter in Azureas in there, put a check in the box and save. All ports will be open for Azureas then, but still work when on the Internet. if you are using another firewall program, same thing, either turn it off (exclude) for Azureas if you know how, or port forward the ports Azureas uses to work. If you use BitTornado, you can set it to use any ports up to 60,000 or 65,000 (I forget how many).. But other Torrent programs are not so flexible and tell you what ports it is using and that is that.

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19. June 2005 @ 17:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what ports do you suggest that azureas use? i did what u told me about excluding azureas from my firewall, but i tried some ports and they are all on STEALTH. how would i find open ports that i can use? thx
19. June 2005 @ 19:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
what ports do you suggest that azureas use? i did what u told me about excluding azureas from my firewall, but i tried some ports and they are all on STEALTH. how would i find open ports that i can use? thx
You can't "find" open ports. The way it works is YOU have to open the ports yourself.
You can choose any port you want in Azureus. You just have to open THAT port in your firewall or router. And, unlike BitTornado, you just have to open one port, not a range of them. Some Bittorrent clients (programs) require a range of ports because it uses a new port for each different torrent download you have running. But, like i said, Azureus is capable of using just one and you can download multiple torrents through that port. This is also a good thing because your computer is more safe and secure this way.

Now, you said you got no router. Well, do you have a modem? The "NAT error" may be coming from your modem and you may have to go to your modem's settings to open ports, thus fixing the "NAT error" and getting a green light.
The reason i'm saying this is cuz I have a Westell modem, provided to me by BellSouth, and the modem's settings is where i go to open ports. In fact, the place where i open ports is called "NAT Configuration" so that explains the NAT thing, right. And you might like to know that i got no router (no homenetwork or anything), no other firewall software, no windows XP firewall (cuz i use ME) and im getting a green light and considerable good download speeds; just by opening ports from my modem's settings.

So, one way i use to get to my modem's settings is by typing this particular IP address into an address bar. here is how to find that IP address:
1) go to Start, then Run, and type in "command" (without quotes of course). hit Enter.
2) on the black DOS window that appears type "ipconfig". hit Enter.
3) you are going to get some info. look for the line that says "Default Gateway". To the right of it there is going to be a long number.
4) type that number (with dots and everything) into an internet web browser's address bar. hit Enter.
19. June 2005 @ 20:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi all...

I'm using BitTornado to download my files (i used bitcomet and azureus before this). The status light is green and my download is averaging 0.5kb/s. i look at the advanced tab, there are about 27 ip addresses there, shows all the details. 2/3 of those ip addresses' download speed is a flat 0, but the other 1/3 range from 4 to 120. I also notice that my upload of 5 kb/s is going to this guy with 120kb/s download speed.. pls help.

This Shieldsup check, shows that my ports 6881-6889 are all closed. But i think bittornado can use ports other than these.. >.<

I'm using an alcatel speedtouch isdn 512kb. no firewall, no router.

i went to the website and tested port 6881, but they said FAIL! Unable to connect. This likely means you need to adjust your port forwarding configuration, or there is no client running on that port.

I'm trying.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. June 2005 @ 21:13

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20. June 2005 @ 04:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey redwood. if u have xp u might have that fire wall on. i have it turned off b/c i use norton AV. im not sure if u sed what firewall u have cuz i kinda skimmed through. but if u have norton, go into options and firewall tab. then u will see a "stealth blocked ports" tab, uncheck that and that is what fixed my yellow smiles.

other than that its prob ur modem like the guy said.
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20. June 2005 @ 07:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

i typed that number into the addresss ar and i got this page up. but what do i do next? on the sidebar menu it says:

lan setup
internet wan

and under each of those sidebar menus there are sub menues where i can click on other things. which one do i click on to open ports?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. June 2005 @ 07:25

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20. June 2005 @ 08:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
there shud be somewhere that says port forwarding, or in my case it says aplication and gaming.
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20. June 2005 @ 08:21 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

those are my menus. which one do i click on? thanks a lot

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. June 2005 @ 08:22

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20. June 2005 @ 09:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oops, im tired i didnt see the pic u put...looked like an add, let me see wchic one to choose.... try client ip filter and if it looks like the instructions i put thats it

-for "aplication" just give a name, ex: azureus
-for "start" choose a starting port, i use high number ports like 50000
-for "end" put like 2 ports higher like 50002 (the clients only use 1 port but i open like 3 just in case)
-for "protocol" choose both tcp and udp
-for ip adress, go to start-->run--> type "command"-->in the black box type ipconfig....look for somewhere that says ip adress and use those last numbers to fill in the apropriate box (ex:
-check enable
-save settings

good luck

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 20. June 2005 @ 09:03

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20. June 2005 @ 10:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok i clicked on what you said and this is what i got

this is for only blocking ports, i think. how do i make exceptions. as you see in the pic above its for blocking ports and not opening them. am i correct? i have opened the port in windows firewall i just need to open them in my modem. please help. and btw, do you have aim, yahoo or msn that i can contact you from?
20. June 2005 @ 11:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Redwood, thanks for affirming to be that when I recommend a Netgear router, they are not only the best looking routers, but easier to use (well easiser than yours anyway). Lately on and off you can get the wireless G 54 Mbps for $29. That means paying $70 up front then waiting for 2 rebates. Netgear is slow with their rebate check, but it comes.

When you buy it the install is so easy a 5 year old could do it, but to change some defaults you are unsure of they'll help you via telephone setting it up, so have your questions ready. I had to ask how to make my home network secure. Also as you click on features or commands, over to the right side is a column that explains what that feature is and how it is used. Port Forwarding is very clear in their menu, which is how it should be. Here is a text representation of the Netgear (wireless G 54 Mbps) menu:

-> Setup
Basic Settings
Wireless Settings

-> Content Filtering
Block Sites
Block Services

-> Maintenance
Router Status
Attached Devices
Backup Settings
Set Password
Router Upgrade

-> Advanced
Wireless Settings
Port Forwarding / Port Triggering
WAN Setup
LAN IP Setup
Dynamic DNS
Static Routes
Remote Management

-> Web Support
Knowledge Base

-> Logout
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20. June 2005 @ 11:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
idk how this would help me but thanks

i still need to know how to open my ports from my modem. im having trouble. someone please help.
20. June 2005 @ 19:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
redwood04 you do not port forward if you don't have a router. If you have a firewall up you do need to port forward. If you do have a firewall, which one? We can't help if we don't know. Also, are you sure that your internet connection is static? It doesn't take long and it save a heck of a lot of pissin' around. Just call your ISP and ask if you have static or dynamic. They say static then it's a setting on your comp. They say dynamic then it is your connection. So, call them and ask and see how much more it will cost to change to static, if you need too.
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20. June 2005 @ 19:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the only firewall i have is the windows firewall that comes with windowx xp, and thats it.

is there any other way to see if you have static or dynamic?

and what are your average download speeds?
20. June 2005 @ 21:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry Redwood,

I have never had a modem problem with blocking ports, so I know nothing about except what was posted redscorpi. I have Comcast Cable.

One thing to consider, though it is probably overblown, i have read thqt some ISPs might block those ports assigned to BitTorrent origianlly.. what are they - 6881 - 6889? With BitTornado I used to use some in the 17000 range, not I am using a port or ports over 50,000.
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21. June 2005 @ 06:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
im using Azureus currently and my average speed is like 50 kbps. but i want more so..and i need to get rid of the dam yellow light and the nat error. thats my problem. waht do u suggest

should i switch to BitTornado?
21. June 2005 @ 09:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Redwood - why not switch to BitTornado? The worst that can happen is you get the same problem and then for sure you know it is not Azureas acting up for some reason.

When you get it, on the opening page when you click to join a tracker, it will probably say "automatic" in the upload speed area. From the drop down menu change to either slow-DSL/Cable or fast-DSL/Cable, then after that adjust the number to be 75% - 80% of your upload speed. I know I mentioned this before. (it is in KB/s not Kbps - example, 50 KB/s = 400 Kbps, a times 8 factor)
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21. June 2005 @ 11:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yea i still see the yellow light when i use bittornado

i dont get why that yellow light comes up. i dont have any other firewall and i have no router so what is blocking it? grrrr. i also get that nat error. and i have port forwarded the ports.
21. June 2005 @ 12:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
alright redwood04, typing that routers Ip on the address bar took u to some settings, cool. i was starting to think it only worked for me and linksys routers lol.
what are the settings for? look at the top part of those settings page, there should be a name of some brand of router or something. when u find out what it is, one thing u can do is look that up on google, for example, to find out how to forward ports for it.


You can just explore the settings for urself. i mean, as long as u dont change any settings, u wont create any problems, right. the settings u are looking for should look very very similar to the pic of the "port blocking" screen u provided. I would say look under Wireless>Security. since the whole ports deal has to do with computer security and stuff. and also take a look at the menus under Firewall.

Actually, if u can't find any settings that say "port forwarding" under those menus, i would say that the thing thats blocking ur ports is coming from that same settings u showed us on the second screenshot (the Client IP Filters tab, i think). i would say that all ur ports are being blocked because "Always" is ticked. i think that if u ticked "Block" instead of "Always" where it says Block Time, u would then be allowed to choose the time and day that u want the port(s) blocked. so try that, type in the ports u want and the rest of the info (ip and all dat). Tick "Block" and see if u can set the day and time for the port to be blocked. Obviously the ports will NOT be blocked the rest of the time, so just choose a small amount of time for the ports to be blocked; like from 5:00 am to 5:01 am, i dont know. and who knows, maybe when u go to select the time and day from the drop down menu u can choose a "Never" option. as in never block the port. Make sure u "Enable" it.

aight, so find out what these settings are for (it should say it on the main page of the settings). and dont overlook this, i think this might be the source of ur yellow light problems. peace out

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. June 2005 @ 12:39

Junior Member
21. June 2005 @ 13:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey red, did u say u have the xp firewall one? did u put in the ports in it?
cuz since u dont have a router u dont need to do the forwarding thing.
assuming ur xp is pretty much the same thing as mine, go to control panel, security center, windows firewall, then click on the 'exceptions' tab and add the ports. BTW how do u clip on a screen shot? i really dont use forums but im gettin sucked into after dawn

umm question: biggermac u know i have router and stuff and i did the forwarding thing. y is it then that when i directly connect my modem, i get yellow smiles and dl of 2 kb/s , but when its thru router i get my normal wchich is 40-50. shudnt it be faster since theres nothing to block it at all if i directly connect my modem to the comp?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. June 2005 @ 13:00

21. June 2005 @ 13:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
and for inchack, u said u use a "alcatel speedtouch isdn 512kb".
what is the 512kb? is it the internet connection's max upload or max download?

if it's ur max upload u should set the "max upload rate" option on whatever bittorrent program u are using to 48 KB/s
if it's ur max download u should do a bandwidth test (or speed test) online here: to find out ur max upload. when u find out ur max upload, divide it by 8 than multiply by .75 and than whatever u get put in the "max upload rate" option.

u are getting a green light, which is good, and the other reason i know of that gives u slow download speeds is a wrong setting of the "max upload rate" option.
just give the torrent download a time to start and make sure it has a lot of peers and seeds. if it does NOT have a lot of peers and seeds, this too can be a reason for slow dl speeds. for example, 12 peers and 3 seeds is not a lot of people to download from so...
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21. June 2005 @ 16:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
eh i give up. i've tried everything possible i guess i just cant port forward. im not running on a router im running on a modem and i opened the ports from my firewall. tahnks for a all the help anyway...i still get the yellow light....*sigh* :(
21. June 2005 @ 18:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
don't forget in BitTornado, if you change any setting that is not in the opening window, it will not go into effect until the next time you open it.
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21. June 2005 @ 19:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
yea i tried BitTornado but i have a question

what is the difference between kb/s and b/s?
if you have 20 kb/s and 20 b/s, which one is faster?

can someone explain what those two mean??
21. June 2005 @ 19:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> yea i tried BitTornado but i have a question
> what is the difference between kb/s and b/s?
> if you have 20 kb/s and 20 b/s, which one is faster?
> can someone explain what those two mean??

K = 1000 (K is short for the word kilo). A small letter b = bits. The letter p = per and s = a second.

A large letter B = bytes, like in KB/s.

1 Mbps = 1000 Kbps. Since K = 1000, that's 1000 x 1000, which is one Million, thus the letter M in Mbps. I think anyway.

These are exactly the same speed:

1000 Kbps = 125 KB/s = 1 Mbps.

When you see it with a slash, it usually means KB/s and not Kb/s as you wrote it out. (usually means Bytes per second with a large B. The real confusing part is they're all legit ways to write a speed.

You ask about 20 b/s.. I never see that. Technicaly 20 bits per second. No K to multiply it by 1000. or if you meant 20 B/s, that is 20 x 8, so 160 bits per second. Anyway you look at it, it is SUPER-crawling. Slower than slow. It is probably some lazy butthole not adding the K, that is all.

Now ---> The person or company that started using Bytes instead of the old bits we all knew from modem days (56 Kbps dial up modems) should have their company burned to the ground and the employees all dragged out and have their arms and legs torn off. Because you are already confused just in the way you wrote it out and asked the question.

More on this if you want to read up on it - EZ explained:

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. June 2005 @ 20:11

Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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