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How do u make BitTorrent download faster? i have been searching the answer for days.
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23. July 2005 @ 04:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh well.. thats bad luck... but i still can't believe that i get 114kb/s down with the most expensive home cable!!!! what a rip off!!
27. July 2005 @ 16:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
AHHH!!! I just read this thread and I CAN'T GET A SPEED TEST! I get an error message it says:

Error connecting to : Server returned HTTP response code: 500
for URL:

What the hell is up with this? How can I fix this!? I've been playing with the Port forwarding lately and i forwared 55000 - 55001.

Please help.
27. July 2005 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

It says there at -- I think -- that you need to have installed on your computer the java run time environment modification. Maybe you do not. it is at Sun. Have you ever gotten it? ...It is a standard, and other stuff on some other web pages might want to use it too.

Check in your add-remove programs. See if there is something that looks like J2SE Runtime environment. If you have more than one delete the earlier ones, because whenever i get a java update it alwayts leaves the old version there.. Once I had 3.

I think if you go here (for I.E.) you can get the newest v5.0 :

Rememeber, you want Java runtime environment, not the developers tool.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. July 2005 @ 17:19

27. July 2005 @ 17:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
While I am here, I thought I'd let you guys know about Windows XP's SP2. In order to stop WORM fast proliferation, they messed with the SP2 upgrade to limit to so many full connections at one time.. Anyways, what it means is that some peer to peer programs are affected. Or you might have real slow speed build ups vs faster ones.. I am not too technical on this particular subject, but all I know is a WORM used to be able to get out and infect at 10 or 20 times the rate it can now with the XP SP2.

Here is a modification. It might he3lp some of you who have speed problems, I don't know. it should help in more standard P2P programs.

It messes with your registry. 1st thing - save the old one. start/run, type in "regedit" (no quotes), and 1st thing save it to a file (Name and location of said saved registry you give). If you mess up the registry, the core of the operating system, it could be bad. Hopefully not messed up enough to not be able to boot and restore the old registry. Though I have not had a problem ever messing with it.

Here is the program to run. XP gave me a warning when it was going to change some values, I said to go ahead. Computer still works. It is called the LVlord mod. It'll do it all for you, just save the registry as-is before you run it.

Don't blame me if you lose it all, I warned you..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. July 2005 @ 17:19

27. July 2005 @ 23:09 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey, i'm not too computer savvy, but I'll explain my problem the best I can. I recently made the switch from aol/dsl to Comcast internet service. When using BitTornado with aol/dsl, I would get download speeds of 50kb/s or higher. With Comcast (which is supposedly faster), I can't even get a download going. The status circle stays yellow or eventually goes to black. The preference setting for BitTornado did not change in the transition.
28. July 2005 @ 02:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> Hey, i'm not too computer savvy, but I'll explain my problem the
> best I can. I recently made the switch from aol/dsl to Comcast
> internet service. When using BitTornado with aol/dsl, I would get
> download speeds of 50kb/s or higher. With Comcast (which is
> supposedly faster), I can't even get a download going. The status
> circle stays yellow or eventually goes to black. The preference
> setting for Bittornado did not change in the transition.

I have Comcast in the northern California bay area, and I do not had any Comcast issues. Any yellow lights I used to get were because of something I didn't do right.

If your light is yellow, that usually means a firewall issue. If you do not use a router (are not in a home network), then you still have a software firewall. Windows XP has it's own firewall. But since you used to get the green light, I do not think tghat is it.

Now - do you use the "automatic" setting? Don't, it never works for me. So I am hoping that is it. . If you have Comcast now, it should be 400 Kbps (50 KB/s) up speed and 4000 kbps down speed. (used to be 250 Kbps up and 3000 down). Insterad of "automatic", you need to choose "fast DSL/cable" in the opening page. That will put the number 40 in the top box, and 6 in the bottom box. You can change those settings. That means as is, 40 KB/s max upload speed and 6 connections. That is just right actually for 400 kbps up.. because you never set it higher than 80% of the upload speed you really have, and 40 KB/s is 40 x 8 = 320 kbps, which is exactly 80% of 400 Kbps. However, I've run speed tests on mine, it may not be for you, but i only got about 350 Kbps up. So best to tick that box that says 40 down to like 33. 6 connections is OK for fast cable. If you are only 250 Kbps up 3000 down, set the box to the number 24 or 25.

That's I can suggest for now. You can look in control-panel/security and make sure BitTornado is excluded in the Windows XP SP2 firewall.

Torrent programs are written so you must be uploading well to download well, but set it too high in max uploads and you like=wise will suffer..

Welcome to fast cable. I usually get 600 Kbps or better, though sometimes your 50 KB/s (400 Kbps) happens. However, I get 1 Mbps sometimes (1000 Kbps or 125 KB/s) and even get 2 MBps sometimes - and once over 3 Mbps (very well seeded).

I am not going to spell check this so good luck.. going to sleep..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. July 2005 @ 02:58

29. July 2005 @ 14:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks for the help. I turned off the firewall in my network connections, and downloads now start. We use a Norton firewall, so I don't think we need the other one. Am I wrong?
29. July 2005 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
No you only need one software firewall, and two might make the Internet un-useable. Or with Windows XP & the SP2 upgrade it wouldn't even let you run two firewalls.

If you are behind a router, most routers are hardware firewalls and you actually don't need to run any software firewall if you don't care about bells and whistles.. If by "turning of the firewall for my netowrk connections" means you are using a router nd shut off it's firewall capabiliy, I wouldn't do that - Just port-forward (exclude from the firewall) the port or ports your torrent program is using.

I used go use the Norton Personal Firewall (2004), and in fact I have a perfectly good legal un-used copy of the 2005 version because when I upgraded to SystemWorks 2005, the NPF box was part of the deal (glued to the side of the NSW box). But when the SP2 upgrade came along I noticed the NPF was slower letting pages load than The SP2's own built in firewall, so I un-instslled NPF 2004..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. July 2005 @ 17:49

29. July 2005 @ 21:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Here is how to set BITLORD 1.1 if you have broadband.

Go to that website to test your bandwidth on uploads and downloads.
mine were 350 upload and 5000 download.

my settings are giving me 150kb download from 29 peers on a file with 24 seeds and 117 connected peers.

my uploading is right now, 15 kbs to 20 peers.

first of all do not be CHEAP on setting your upload kbs! Be exact because the more you upload, the more your download kbs will go up! Anyone ahead of you who has part of the files can send you what you need, so that the more you send, the more someone else getting parts from others besides you, can get ahead of you, and then send you back. The reason people have low download kbs is you are setting your upload kbs to ZERO and 1 lousy kb!

ok here are my BITLORD 1.1 settings.

Global max download rate 5000
Global max upload rate 300

max download tasks 50
auto start a new task if below 15 kbs

note: this means if you are getting a stream under 15 it will disconnect soon and look for a higher stream

In the upload section:
set all three to 15 kbs

in connection section:

max connections per task 600
connections to keep 600

just make this a high number, I only do one task at a time BTW

global max upload slots 18
global min uploads slots 18

so you see I have 18 x 15 kbs = total 270 which is below my 350 that I can do, and is not being cheap. This uploading is what makes the files go around to everyone fast.

Please if you use BITLORD and a cable connection, try these settings and if you get similiar results, post them here. If this proves out, then please make this a sticky message.

The main point, is dont be cheap on uploading while you are downloading, because it really does go around quick. Example: if you have persons A B C D downloading that starts at the same moment, B could get ahead of A C D and start to feed them, even tho B is getting fed from A C D... the reason is, that F G H are also feeding B. So if B is cheap and only uploads 1kbs he is hurting his own self. See?

Best Wishes,
29. July 2005 @ 22:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You all need to rethink your kbs because you are not using all your upload bandwidth like you can. I see people dividing by 8 and multiplying by 75% and coming up with real low upload kbs. When I testing my uploading with my cable modem it say I can upload 350 kbs. So I am set to upload 15 kbps per person up to 18 people which is:

18 x 15 = 270 total kbps!

So you people uploading I dunno 45 and 65 or whatever because you got your kilybytes and bytes hosed up, are cheating yourselves out of higher download bps.

my current torrent is finishing up now, with 223kb/s downloading at the same time as 15 kb/s to 20 peers!

once more people get this straight, torrenting downloads kb/s will go way up for everyone.

please lets solve this once and for all.

Best wishes
29. July 2005 @ 23:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> You all need to rethink your kbs because you are not using all
> your upload bandwidth like you can. I see people dividing by 8 and
> multiplying by 75% and coming up with real low upload kbs. When I
> testing my uploading with my cable modem it say I can upload 350
> kbs. So I am set to upload 15 kbps per person up to 18 people
> which is:
> 18 x 15 = 270 total kbps!
> So you people uploading I dunno 45 and 65 or whatever because you
> got your kilybytes and bytes hosed up, are cheating yourselves out
> of higher download bps.
> my current torrent is finishing up now, with 223kb/s downloading
> at the same time as 15 kb/s to 20 peers!
> once more people get this straight, torrenting downloads kb/s will
> go way up for everyone.
> please lets solve this once and for all.

Carmichael, I have posted time and time again about KB/s meaning bytes, and Kbps meaning bits, the operating character is a capital letter B = bytes and a small letter b = bits. 8 bits = a byte. ISPs tell everyone the old way, which is the way I feel it should always be, in bits, as in Kbps (screw Bytes - some started using it and see the confusion). The problem is then that torrent programs report speed or transfer amounts in Bytes, while your ISP tells you in bits. 400 kbps Comcast upload = 50 KB/s in Bytes. You could also say 50 KBps, capital letter B for bytes, 400 Kbps, small letter b for bits. And of course 1 Mbps = 1000 Kbps = 125 KB/s.

There is no rethinking except away from what BitTornado says in it's FAQ to set to 90% of your ISP upload speed, and other FAQs say to 80%. I've tried it out again and again and 80% is pretty close. Now, since cable users (not DSL) might have speed fluctuations - it depends on how many people are on the cable in your circuit or neighborhood and you are slower during busier times of the day, then maybe setting it down lower than 80% is in order - to 75%. Plus 75% even if you knew exactly might be better. The lower down you get in your ISP provided bandwidth the more important it seems to be as to tweaking the upload max possible, but 40 KB/s or 33 KB/s doesn't seem, to matter a whole lot.

Your numbers 350 Kbps up and 5000 kbps down are pretty close to what I get with Comcast at on a test through a close-by testing site, even though Comcast tells me I have 400 up and 4000 down. 350 Kbps = what... almost 44 KB/s ?subtract 9 for about 20% off and that leaves 35 KB/s to put in the max upload speed box at most.. For connections here in the connections box of BitTornado, 6 connections seems right, if you only had 250 Kbps up speed then 4 connections seems OK, maybe 5.

Look, I don't know what other criteria is for what speed you get, but you can't report one torrent's speed and think you know what is going on and what is right.

And here is a good example widely differing speeds using the same settings and almost the same seeds/torrents amounts. Yesterday two torrents I got, not simultaneously, but one after the other. Now, since I use a torrent search engine to find trackers to download from, most likely they were listed at different websites. I don't know what difference that makes. Both had about 10 seeds and 20 peers. Not a whole lot, but OK and solid. Both were about the same size file total (700 MBs). The 1st one I downloaded, I was downloading at 1 Mbps or 125 KB/s (1000 kbps) in about 7 minutes, even before my upload speed really got going. Pretty amazing. It topped out about 1.5 Mbps. Near the end it slowed down some. The 2nd download I did after that, same ballpark in seeds/peers, I was uploading more than downloading a lot. I maxed out at maybe 50 KB/s download, but after half was done I swear, I was down to 25 KB/s (200 kbps) a lot, fluctuating up some but still, in the 200 kbps download range, while uploading at almost 300 Kbps.. Needless to say it was an all day project at this rate.

As far as the program you are using, it might say things a bit different. Max connections in BitTornado I believe means how many you're going to upload to but I am not sure. Pieces are getting passed around. All I know is getting the things completely perfect doesn't seem to matter so much as when you are up there at 350 kbps up max, as long as you error on the side of not quite using it all, not going over the 75% or 80% suggested. And for me, 2 Mbps (250 KB/s or 2000 kbps) is not so uncommon, but neither is 75 KB/s (600 Kbps.). Last week I got one that was at 3.5 Mbps (3500 kbps) for a while, and stayed at 3 Mbps for most of it.. All this and a 600 kbps download one time and a 2 Mbps download the next time could look the same as far as seeds and peers..

Finally I wanted to add - after instaling (changing ther XP SP2 registry) with the LVlord patch, I get a green light in BitTornado in less than a minute easy it seems, and before it took a lot longer.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. July 2005 @ 23:53

30. July 2005 @ 13:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Carmichael, you are wrong. we didnt just invent the idea of dividing by 8 and all that stuff, we got that from reading manuals written by the experts. you can find these instructions on almost any Bittorrent site that has help guides, like azureus ' help guide see:
if you actually read some of these you'd know something.

The only reason you are getting those speeds is because you seem to have a super high internet connection. but you might be surpised to know that you can get higher downloads speeds than what u been getting.

That site you posted for bandwidth tests (which by the way is the same one we have posted hundreds of times) gives the download and upload results in kilobits (kb) not kiloBYTEs (KB). see the diff. almost all download programs report downloads in kiloBYTES (KB), including Bittorrent.
apparently a kiloBYTE is 1/8 of a kilobit. thats why the number you put in the "max upload" option is very low compared to what you get on the bandwidth test.

if you get 350 kilobits on the bandwidth test you should put 32 on the "max upload rate" option of bitlord. by putting 300 you are "flooding" your connection because bitlord reads it as 300 kiloBYTES. 300 kiloBYTES is waaaaaay more than what ur connectoin is capable of, so ur uploads will definitely reach ur max upload capacity (which is around 43 kiloBYTES) and flood your connection.
flooding basicaly means you are uploading at ur max and so there is no more room left for the sending and recieving of data. when there is no room for the recieving and sending of data (flooding) ur download speeds go way down. thats why u need to set the "max upload rate" option to a little bit less than ur max, so you dont "flood" ur connectoin. so set ur "max upload rate" option to around 32 and watch ur download speeds soar over 200 KB/s.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. July 2005 @ 13:25

30. July 2005 @ 16:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thank you both for your replies. I am still learning and I respect others opinions here.

Best wishes,
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31. July 2005 @ 04:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Gidday all..

sorry to go back to basics but i have tried most things that have been given on this whole thread and still have really crap downloads..

i have to ip addresses, my local area connection (
and my (PPP adapter connect to Dynalink ADSL) IP (60.234154.48)

so when i do the old ipconfig /all in prompt i get 2 seperate listings, one for adsl and one for Lan.

So when i go to type the ip addy in the internet explorer address bar it dosn't register, and i want to get into that port control panel.


31. July 2005 @ 07:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
--------------- you wrote:
Gidday all.. sorry to go back to basics but i have tried most things that have been given on this whole thread and still have really crap downloads..
i have to ip addresses, my local area connection (
and my (PPP adapter connect to Dynalink ADSL) IP (60.234154.48)
so when i do the old ipconfig /all in prompt i get 2 seperate listings, one for adsl and one for Lan.
So when i go to type the ip addy in the internet explorer address bar it dosn't register, and i want to get into that port control panel. anyone...? pls
--------------- end quote

You've tried most things but it looks like you do not understand the basics of network addresses.

1st of all, your LAN (local area network) address is inconsequential, as everyone who uses a router, at least me, also has that LAN address (or you could say "home network" in my case) on theirs. Then usually what would be the main computer would be behind a router -, then other computers could be, etc. So you see, right here you are dealing with two separate networks - the big one, the Internet, and a separate network, network #2 your LAN, that would work between the computers in it even if you had no Internet access (work between the computers in the LAN, how well and what access depends on how you have it set up)..

The DSL IP address you show doesn't look valid, as I think there should be 4 sets of numbers - you sure a period isn't missing?
Click on the above link - that would be your Internet address, and I believe any other computer in your home network would show the same because I think the router is all they see, not each individual computer in your home network.. But the router knows who gets what once the info reaches it from the Internet... Internet Explorer doesn't recognize your home network (LAN) address of course - it only knows Internet addresses.

Now, I use a Netgear router, but I have to get to a www. address to be able to get to the ID and password stage, and then I can log into my router. You don't mention anything about what controls your LAN - that is where you need to start and do some port forwarding - is it a router? Or is your DSL modem a special one and also doubles as a router? (a typical router set-up - all computers either are wired into the router or have a wireless connection into the router. Then the router has only one Ethernet cable into the modem. Most modems only allow one cable into it, a computer or in the case of a LAN, from a router. As far as a normal modem is concerned, it passes on the information to/from one thing, a computer. It doesn't know or care that instead of a computer connected to it, there is a router instead.. The router is the big brain, and knows which computer gets/comes-from (a sorter).

And don't forget - if you are running a software firewall you might need to fix up that (A router is usually a firewall, a hardware firewall, and then people run a software firewall - you do understand about firewalls? (only one is needed if it's good)

I would also recommend BitTornado (I use) after you get this straightened out, only because I know it well, and it has a colored light status system where what is wrong would probably be indicated by a certain color of light.. Other people like Auzereas, or there are other torrent-getting programs - usually BitTorrent, though the original, is not a favorite.

Anyways, figure out what is going on with what is controling your LAN and then back here..

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. July 2005 @ 08:05

31. July 2005 @ 12:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
monke, what you type in the address bar has to be the routers IP address. i'd say that when you are in the DOS window type just "ipconfig", not "ipconfig /all". you get less confusing info this way. the IP you are looking for is the one next to the line "Default Gateway". type that Ip address in the address bar.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. July 2005 @ 12:08

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1. August 2005 @ 00:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey Mac...

Yeah my Local area ip is: (set by me)
but my Adsl ip is: (set automaticaly)

and i confirmed my ip at the link you gave and i was right.

i have just the normal home dsl dynalink router and im using orcons 256k unlimited plan

no special modem

Sorry, Havn't sussed <img></img> adding out yet, lol
So when i type ipconfig in prompt this is exactly what i get:

Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix. :
Description . . . . . . . . . . : Sis 900-Based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter
Physical Address. . . . . . . . : 00-0C-6E-57-95-37
Dhcp Enabled. . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . :

PPP adapter Connect to Dynalink ADSL:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix. :
Description . . . . . . . . . . : WAN <PPP/SLIP> Interface
Physical Address. . . . . . . . : 00-53-45-00-00-00
Dhcp Enables. . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . :

something weird going on?

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1. August 2005 @ 00:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey red...

yeah nah shows up same ip and still in same grouping as my last post.

iv read all the help youve givin everyone over the last ages and..
hey at least no-one has had this problem yet...i think

so either its a bit of a thinker...
or just a real dumn arse problem...

1. August 2005 @ 03:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey, im hoping that u help me with this annoying thing with bittorrent, its seems to be what most ppl have... the status button is a yellow smiley which means that i cant download at high speed. i have pipex dsl(2.2mb) and i have no idea if i have a proxy or not. i have a firewall installed and i am behind a router.(netgear)
plz help me:(
1. August 2005 @ 03:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> and i confirmed my ip at the link you gave and i was right.

Yes, but you did post with a missing period the 1st time. But anyway, all of that you added about the modem I don't have a clue about... DSL modems I heard can cause roblems, but let's look at your connection - you say a "256" unlimited. This sounds like 256 Kbps maximum download. That, in the BitTorrent way of reporting speed is.. what - 32 KB/s. So, 32 KB/s would be your fastest download speed.. I've got to tell you that is pretty darned slow. Torrents programs make you upload well to be able to download well. You need to set your max upload speed (in the torrent program)to 80% of of what it really is ( You must be able to find, in youtr router, the place where you can "port forward" those ports that your torrent program is using..
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1. August 2005 @ 03:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Ive been looking all over for "port forward" cant find it, also my modem is USB, and when i go to device manager it shows up under network adapters, with my ethernet network card, is it not supposed to be read as a modem even though it is USB

really need to find the port forward, i have a feeling it will do something good, but what's up with the wack IP address? Something to do with my network configurations maybe..

1. August 2005 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Monkeee, with your hello of "gidday" in your 1st post and your slower DSL connection (256 kbps) would I be right in assuming you are from Australia?

I ask, because I know you guys down under there don't have the higher speeds available to you that we have here in the States and Europe. You still need to consider that if 256 Kbps is your max download speed - what is your max upload speed? Because I have to re-emphasize that download speed is directly tied into your upload speed. if you can't upload well your downloads speed will suffer - it was all written into the code so to avoid what happens in other P2P networks and programs - people only downloading but not offering to upload. The way those faster speeds are achieved with torrents is not true download speed, but a combination of others in your circle uploading bits and pieces of the torrent and eventually the pieces get passed around... If you can only upload at 56 kbps (dial up speed) your download speed is going to suffer greatly, even if you download at 50 times that speed..

You guys down there (if you are Australian) need to revolt and get something going there where you have half-way decent speeds. Even if you try satellite it still is only in the 256 kbps range and uploads are slower of course, and if you download too much for too long they cut your download speed way way down, so really it is not much good for the files downloader type of guy...

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. August 2005 @ 13:31

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1. August 2005 @ 23:32 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Haha yeah i do realize that my connection aint the best, and most probably 100 times more closer to the worst, but i still am trying to get best performance anyhow..

I live in New Zealand, haha i imagine we have worse than Australia..

Well i actually had it runnung at what i now think was its best performance as i was downloading at round 25-30 KB/s, but eversince i started screwing around with my ports at that shields up site or adding ports to my adsl settings or something, my speed has has lowered by 30% its normal rate in Kb/s

cheers for the advice and honesty about my connection Mac..

2. August 2005 @ 01:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
> Well i actually had it runnung at what i now think was its best
> performance as i was downloading at round 25-30 KB/s

Well, yes, if you have really only a 256 kbps connection, 30 KB/s is 1/8th kbps, so, 30 x 8 = 240 kbps..

What you need is a 2nd computer just for getting torrents. I have one on my home network, a Pentium 3 600 MHz, running Windows 98. It's better to not tie up my main computer because it becomes very sluggish sharing the resources. So you'd be downloading like 12 hours if you retrieved like a 700 MB torrent if you could get 25 to 30 Kbps steady. Around here (silicon valley, San Fran bay area) these old computers are like only $80.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. August 2005 @ 01:08

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2. August 2005 @ 02:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Haha funny thing is, i have 3 other computers at home that i could use, all P4 and proccessors are 2.4 and above

but using one of my computers to only download torrents, is only going to save me memory usage on my comp.
It wont download torrents any faster will it?

Related links
Download BitTorrent from here.
Read our BitTorrent guides.
Read's guide to Azureus BitTorrent client
Brief explanation on what BitTorrent is and how it works.
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