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How do I play an PSP ISO on my PSP?
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19. February 2007 @ 02:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Also in the recovery option under plugins enable THE USBHOSTFS.PRX [VHS] and the USBHOSTFS.PRX[GAME] I just realized that the game wont start without them being enabled so go enable them and load up your game

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an airplane jumps from city to city
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19. February 2007 @ 14:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey when i put 150.pbp and 303.pbp into the folder and go back to my psp and go to games and click on the 3.03 oe-c updated it says that it can't open the game dose anyone have an idea to fix that ?

PSP rookie need help :S
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19. February 2007 @ 19:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm on 3.03-OE-A. Most emulators and homebrew I've tried work fine when installed under /GAME150. But I just CAN'T get ISOs/CSOs/DAXs working, and I copy them under /ISO as directed. OK, Killzone Liberation (in CSO) I got working. But most games, whether ISO, CSO or DAX (tried the loader for that too) just turn into a black screen after the PSP logo. Some ppl said that a UMD disc has to be inside, but if you take the option "No-UMD" under configuration, that should fix it right?

Should I upgrade my firmware, have an UMD in drive, or what..??

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. February 2007 @ 19:54

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20. February 2007 @ 00:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how to use the umd emulator 0.8c
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20. February 2007 @ 00:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
try not compressing the iso or cso, some games wont work when compressed heavily. just convert it and try it like that. syphon filter wouldnt work for me last night so i just converted it to cso and left the compression to level 1 instead of having it on level 9. ja na.

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an airplane jumps from city to city
a baby jumps from titty to titty
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20. February 2007 @ 03:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ wyclef.

go into recovery mode (switch your psp on whilst holding the r trigger) and go into configuration. if it says:

"Use No Umd (Currently:Disabled)"

then it means you need to have a umd in your psp. alternatively you can just enable the feature and you dont need to have a umd in then :). IF you do that and it still doesnt work, the chances are the files you are using to play the game are dodgy, as you have already got one game to work. I would consider an upgrade to, as 3.03 oe-a is rather old now and it wont harm you in upgrading will it?

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21. February 2007 @ 17:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by johnc1234:
@ wyclef.

go into recovery mode (switch your psp on whilst holding the r trigger) and go into configuration. if it says:

"Use No Umd (Currently:Disabled)"

then it means you need to have a umd in your psp. alternatively you can just enable the feature and you dont need to have a umd in then :). IF you do that and it still doesnt work, the chances are the files you are using to play the game are dodgy, as you have already got one game to work. I would consider an upgrade to, as 3.03 oe-a is rather old now and it wont harm you in upgrading will it?
Yeah, I had NO-UMD enabled, so that's no issue... I tried another game, NBA Street, which was a CSO, and it ran great direct from the ISO folder.

But can you explain how to use the DAXZISO loader 0.62 properly? I've got no luck with it at all, and a lot games seem to be compressed in that format. So far I've tried two, Virtua Tennis and NFS Most Wanted, both of which are in .DAX. For instance, "Direct Load" mode should work for Virtua Tennis, but it goes to the "black screen of death" and won't even recover. I tried installing it as directed, copied the DAXZISO folder to my root, and the two program folders under PSP\GAME150. Haven't gotten any games running whatsoever. For instance, do I need UMDEMULATOR and MPHGameLoader applications? The readme says that they are included (?) but when I try to use a different DAXZISO emulation mode, it just complains about missing files in root\UMDEMULATOR or root\MPHGameLoader. Also, what the hell are the flash0 and flash1 folders for and DO I need to put something in them??

I've also tried to convert those DAX files to other formats using a software called CiSO Converter, but with no luck.

Also, which firmware version you suggest I should upgrade - to 3.03-OE-C? Would that help with loading ISOs?

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 21. February 2007 @ 17:45

21. February 2007 @ 21:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sup guys, ya I gotta noob question here. Ive read through this whole thread and im still confused. I got the psp to play the cso's pretty smoothly (thanks to afterdawn and the cool people!!) but its the ISO torrent files that stumps me.

After downloading it, it gives me the PSP_GAME and UMD_DATA.bin WinRAR file. So I downloaded UMDGEN and I dropped these two folders in the program to save it as a iso file. After it saves, it gives me ANOTHER file with the "stacks of books" icon for a winwar file. So I put this new "stacks of books" save in the ISO folder of my memory stick. But as a load the game it just stays black, doesnt load.

Im I doing the converting process wrong? Im i missing steps between or after this? Thanks for the time!
26. February 2007 @ 22:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@ Wyclef as well:

I just now upgraded to 3.03-OE-C, from 1.50 (and might I add: I'M LOVING IT :-D!!!...), and I think I had that similar black screen problem you're describing (I did not touch any of the setting, coming out of the upgrade). Thankfully I'd been scoping out these forums quite ahead of time...and what I did was I went into that R-trigger recovery menu thingy, and changed my speed to 266MHz, and it WORKED in getting my ISO (Ratchet and Clank) to start up. Hope that helps!
27. February 2007 @ 22:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Fairly new to the psp world so would appreciate a little help with a few questions if possible. I've tried searching for the answers in the forums but had a hard time narrowing it down to exactly what I'm looking for. First off I'm using a 2.0 firmware psp that I've successfully downgraded to a version 1.5. I've installed Devhook 0.51 and also the Devhook 3.01 firmware installer that allows my psp to think it's running a higher firmware.

Now for my question, I have a few games I've downloaded in RAR format that I've unzipped into two parts PSP_GAME and UMD_DATA files. When using Devhook, where do you load those files on your psp memory card for them to play? I've tried creating an ISO folder on the root of my memory card but that doesn't work. I'm sure it's something really simple but I haven't seen anywhere where it explains where to put the iso files on your psp when using devhook 0.51 Thanks for all your help.
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28. February 2007 @ 16:15 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'd recommend updating to a custom firmware such as dark alex's 3.03-OE-C. There's really no need to use DevHook anymore (I don't think?) because the cfw supports both homebrew and ISO's without any extra software needed!
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28. February 2007 @ 20:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
is the downgrade always successful.
or does it brick the psp??
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1. March 2007 @ 14:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
its always successful if u do it correctly

Now for my question, I have a few games I've downloaded in RAR format that I've unzipped into two parts PSP_GAME and UMD_DATA files.
they are parts of a psp iso. use umdgen to rebuild

PS2 w/ Swap Magic 3.6 and Slide Card, Gamecube w/ Xeno Modchip, PSP 3.71 M33, xbox 360 unmodded

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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. March 2007 @ 14:36

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8. March 2007 @ 04:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi can any1 help me i havw just finished diasc 1 of ff7 so there i go to put disc 2 on and my save data doesnt work can any1 let me know wot is happenin i love the game and want to finish it psp rules
8. March 2007 @ 06:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi I am new to PSP (so no1 plz flame me)
I have FW 3.03
Can I play .iso and .cso files on my PSP without changing FW?
And if so what programs do I need?

Thank you
8. March 2007 @ 07:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Postman7 ,

If you don't want to get flamed I suggest you read through this thread. You're question has been more than answered already and all that's required is some effort on your part.

My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
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"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
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9. March 2007 @ 09:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by steve785:
hi can any1 help me i havw just finished diasc 1 of ff7 so there i go to put disc 2 on and my save data doesnt work can any1 let me know wot is happenin i love the game and want to finish it psp rules
its because i think u converted them using different 'ids' so to speak, so the psp doesn't recognize it as 1 game, its thinks its two separate games, so it doesn't save or load from the same folder as cd1

and amen nephilim!

PS2 w/ Swap Magic 3.6 and Slide Card, Gamecube w/ Xeno Modchip, PSP 3.71 M33, xbox 360 unmodded

Ultimate PSP Customization Guide

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 9. March 2007 @ 09:24

9. March 2007 @ 18:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I've read through this thing but its only got me confused! I've got custom firmware 3.10 OE-A, and I don't know what I should download or create or do what!!:( Can someone run this by me...slowly?
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9. March 2007 @ 21:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this isn't the only thread out there, its called 'search for other threads because there are literally at 10 threads with the name "play PSP ISO on PSP" on afterdawn alone.'

create a folder called ISO in the root of ur memory stick and u will find them in the game option

PS2 w/ Swap Magic 3.6 and Slide Card, Gamecube w/ Xeno Modchip, PSP 3.71 M33, xbox 360 unmodded

Ultimate PSP Customization Guide
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15. March 2007 @ 16:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been searching for a way to get my ISO to work because i keep getting the black screen of death. Does anyone know how? i tryed changing the speed it is run at and a lower compression level. Other ISO's work but most dont.
16. March 2007 @ 22:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by chris96:
Help me please. I bought a psp, and tried putting on fastloader V0.8, but when I go into the menu, it says "Corrupt data". I even tried putting an iso into the right folder to see what would happen, but nothing. These are where I stuck my files (Bold for fastloader files):
G:/umdemulator/iso/[i]psp iso[/]

Is this right? If not, can you please tell me where I have gone wrong please. Could it be that I live in england, and have an english psp?

Please help me, I might die.
16. March 2007 @ 22:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i have iso file on my psp,but i cannot play the file,it say the file is corrupt when i want to play that is any wrong on my psp version is 3.03, Do i need to update my psp ?
16. March 2007 @ 22:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by niwa:
i have iso file on my psp,but i cannot play the file,it say the file is corrupt when i want to play that is any wrong on my psp version is 3.03, Do i need to update my psp ?
Junior Member
17. March 2007 @ 01:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by niwa:
i have iso file on my psp,but i cannot play the file,it say the file is corrupt when i want to play that is any wrong on my psp version is 3.03, Do i need to update my psp ?

try upgrading ur firmware to 3.10 oe-a, dont download from sony
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17. March 2007 @ 17:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by niwa:
i have iso file on my psp,but i cannot play the file,it say the file is corrupt when i want to play that is any wrong on my psp version is 3.03, Do i need to update my psp ?
duh if u have sony 3.03, then u cant play isos. downgrade to 1.5 and upgrade to 3.03 oe-c

PS2 w/ Swap Magic 3.6 and Slide Card, Gamecube w/ Xeno Modchip, PSP 3.71 M33, xbox 360 unmodded

Ultimate PSP Customization Guide
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