How do I play an PSP ISO on my PSP?
30. October 2006 @ 13:07 |
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Cheers - like I said, I didn't get a sample UMD, looks like I'll be buying one today
30. October 2006 @ 14:49 |
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Is there a UMD emulation program that will work for this?
Senior Member
30. October 2006 @ 15:35 |
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you shouldnt double post
For a While i have escaped time but to return when they need you most to come back on a vendetta like a have thats just simply MAGIC!
31. October 2006 @ 01:08 |
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31. October 2006 @ 10:17 |
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please what
For a While i have escaped time but to return when they need you most to come back on a vendetta like a have thats just simply MAGIC!
31. October 2006 @ 23:12 |
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please hi there just recently downgraded my psp a few quick qs need help i bought my psp i think. 2.6 bought coded arms and gta upgraded to play gta so whatever firmware is required for gta i must have been on there ok, now i used to use a program called eloader to load homebreqw app buty resently i downgraded using some downgrader to 1.5, im using devhook .46 ultimate setup 1 gb stick and some program that put loads of emulator on everything good, but do i need eloader what was its purpose was it to allow unsigned app being played do i still need it?also what is the best iso loader i have only tried devhook but cannot put many iso on what a bout daxciso or any other ones any good. i know devhk plays iso @ cso what do the other loaders play so ultimatly tring to wrk out the best all round loader?
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1. November 2006 @ 03:27 |
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Well,you dont need eloader as long as you have 1.5 firmware,just put the the homebrew(emulators,etc) folders at the PSP/GAME<<<here and load under "game" at your psp menu.Devhook is the best iso(and firmware,the main feature) loader to the date,you can load all the games with it,and it loads .iso,.cso and .dax(with the plugin).
1. November 2006 @ 04:46 |
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Guys I saw that others discussed my problem but it still persists.
I got a PSP 1,5 FW. I put the iso on the mem card (Need_For_Speed_Carbon_Own_The_City_EUR_PSP-pSyPSP) use both fast loader and umd emulator latests versions, and when I select the ISO (which appears on the list so no problem there) the console just freezes and I have to turn off and turn on again.
also tried with
Grand_Theft_Auto_Vice_City_Stories_EUR_PSP-pSyPSP and the result is the same.
I mention that I used the DEMO UMD that came with the console, and the disc was in when I started the console or out and put in when the loader asked me to, yet no good result.. the demo iso works btw.
Any suggestions ?
maybe I need to emulate the firmware...but can you use devhook 0.46 and fastloader at the same time ? cuz I tried and when I try to select fast loader it says "Corrupted data" I need to go back to 1,5fw and select it but that gets me to 0 again.
Thanks in advance
Senior Member
1. November 2006 @ 05:29 |
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Those games look like rared isos,did you extracted them?
1. November 2006 @ 07:06 |
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legend 999 thank you for your help i appreciate it a few more questions i have if any1 can help in the previous posts it said i can load dax files from devhook but i need plugin is the different version pluggins which one is the best to allow me to use dax or is there ony one plugin to use dax on devhook. also just 2day bought 4gb storage card at mo i have 1gb all i have done to psp is downgraded, and installed a program which installs emulators quite a few of them aswell, also installed devhook using some ultimate installer and 1 iso when i get my new card (cant wait) what do i need to do wlll i need 2 downgrade again? run the installer for dev h and emulator or do i just copy the folder how they were on old one onto the new one. i figured the iso i wud just copy over any help please thank you
Senior Member
1. November 2006 @ 07:31 |
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Here's the dax plugin:
If you downgraded already to 1.5 there's no need to downgrade again,just install devhook,put the iso at the ISO folder,load devhook choose your game and load.
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
1. November 2006 @ 07:35 |
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dax pluggin works w/ devhook .45? or just .46??? and what files do we need to edit after placing it in modfiles? or does it go elsewhere?
1. November 2006 @ 07:47 |
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Yes I extracted those rar files into the ISO. how do you load a game with devhook 0.46 ? I loaded devhook 0.46, and the game doesn't appear in the game list. I put the game root\iso\game.iso (as a ISO not as rars).
and if I don't use devhook and just use the fastloader it justs crashes...freezes.
I have this, installed the with the first option Devhook with 271 firmware (devhook is 0.46). is my ymsn id...if someone has the time to guide me pls contact me.
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1. November 2006 @ 07:50 |
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The ISO folder should be on the stick as 'first layer'. Like don't put it in the PSP folder.
For example, if your PSP is drive 'G' on your PC, then the ISO folder should be in G:/
And your iso should be in the ISO folder obviously.
So, G:/ISO/NFSC as exmaple.
1. November 2006 @ 07:55 |
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yes the iso is
after I load Devhook 2.71 firmware, the game doesn't appear in the game options on the psp (Game, Memory stick, are just the folders with the other loaders which appear as corrupted).
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1. November 2006 @ 07:57 |
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Launch Devhook. It will go into the Devhook menu. Then pick the ISO there from there.
1. November 2006 @ 07:58 |
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here ar my steps
1. turn on psp
2. go to game, memory stick, devhook 0.46 firmware emulation
3. run this
4. the devhook menu appears, I don't modify anything just press start
5. psp reboots with the cooler options
where do I go now ? where is the game supposed to be ?
I select the game, memory stick then the corrupted data apper (4 folders - fastloader, umd loader folders each with their %*same folder name*, the option to go back to 1,5 fw, and the devhook 0.46 emulation option which says it's corrupted.
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1. November 2006 @ 08:01 |
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When the Devhook menu appears, go down to the option called "ISO" or something like this (don't have my PSP with me). I think it's second from the top. So highlight that, press O then pick your iso, then press X, then highlight START and press O.
It's really simple.
1. November 2006 @ 08:06 |
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1. November 2006 @ 08:10 |
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NO, forget the PC. You have to do it from the PSP. Here it is again.
This is to launch a game on the PSP and play it on the PSP.
1) Put the iso where we talked about before.
2) Unplug your PSP. Turn off the PC, you don't need it anymore.
3) Turn on PSP, go to Memory stick, launch devhook.
4) A small menu will appear.
5) Follow my instructions in the above post.
1. November 2006 @ 08:19 |
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here's the devhook menu
and somewhere down it says home (L/R change iso (in xmb) )
So I go Boot select, the only place I could find XMB
I select reboot XMB, it bumps me up in main menu, so I take it I go start....the console boots in the new firmware menu and it's the same thing
1. November 2006 @ 08:53 |
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well thanks for the help guys ! made me discover it on my own..even thoe you told me step by step but I was to newbie to know :D
cheers !
1. November 2006 @ 09:51 |
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thanks i just downloaded te plugin i now where to put the prx but what do i do with the other 2 files this is what it says
Drop the binary file umdciso.prx in [MS-ROOT]/dh/kd and replace the existing one.
Devhook_046_DAX_Plugin_v1.0.0_source.tar.gz is the source code.
Devhook_046_DAX_Plugin_v1.0.0_source.patch.tar.gz is the patch for Booster official Devhook 0.46 source code.
any help please also when i get new mem card y can i not copy all the folders from old card to new card making sure everything in the same location instead of reinstalling??
1. November 2006 @ 10:36 |
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any help please guys i have just replaced the one file which it specifies.the other 2 i didnt bother with it loaded a dax file . did i realy need the plugin as i only copied one file over the other 2 i left i didnt check if devh cud accpet dax before i replaced file. do all versions of dh need the dax plugin and those other 2 files to play dax stuff? what are the ther 2 files for this is what it says
Drop the binary file umdciso.prx in [MS-ROOT]/dh/kd and replace the existing one.
Devhook_046_DAX_Plugin_v1.0.0_source.tar.gz is the source code.
Devhook_046_DAX_Plugin_v1.0.0_source.patch.tar.gz is the patch for Booster official Devhook 0.46 source code.
i only did the binaryfile .prx one what 2 do with 2 gz files did i need this plugin? i used ultimate installer it is possible the installer already put devhook on the psp with the dax plugin?also when i get new mem card why can i not copy all the folders from old card to new card making sure everything in the same location instead of reinstalling?? when i install does it put on psp or memory card?
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. November 2006 @ 02:09
2. November 2006 @ 23:26 |
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any help guys please??