Blank media sales (updated weekly, daily, hourly)
Senior Member
30. August 2009 @ 21:40 |
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Y'all hate TDK's and I love them!! The last batch I picked up from radio shack....some had a screw on top, and they coded out Ritek-F16 and had some with the lock-style tops and those coded CMC-MAG.
31. August 2009 @ 05:03 |
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OfficeMax... Verbatim's 100pk for $19.99
If you don't have an OfficeMax nearby, they do mail-order (US only) with free shipping after $50.
~~~~ Nothings Forgotten. Nothing Is Ever Forgotten. ~~~~
AfterDawn Addict
31. August 2009 @ 08:07 |
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The boxes are identical and screw on instead of locking. The only difference is on the bottom opposite the patent pending #, there is a # c05A1 on the TDK-003s; #c05A3 on the CMC Mags.The discs look alike also. haven't tried either incarnation.
Senior Member
31. August 2009 @ 08:55 |
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garmoon AND friends !!!- FWIW has The TDK 16xDVD+R's 100ct. spindles for $ 19.89 with free shipping !!!! Making the assumption that they code out as something decent not a bad deal !!! - That's if they are something decent Though Otherwise it's a a waste of money !!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
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AfterDawn Addict
31. August 2009 @ 17:23 |
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Your price is the same as OD in store for same media. Wonder if OD would match the best offer of the week of Verb 100/$19.95 at Office Max. I'd buy 300 for $60 if they matched and then we'd know what we got.
AfterDawn Addict
31. August 2009 @ 17:25 |
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Your price is the same as OD in store for same media. Wonder if OD would match the best offer of the week Joleca's Verb 100/$19.95 at Office Max. I'd buy 300 for $60 if they matched and then we'd know what we got. Just what I need 400 more blanks in one week. LMAO
AfterDawn Addict
31. August 2009 @ 17:59 |
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If you sign up to receive Office Max offers, they will send you discounts in the mail.
This past week, I received 2 discount cards . . each is good for $10 off any purchase of $30 or more
Guess where I'm going this week . . .
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31. August 2009 @ 20:09 |
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Even if they don't, over $50, and OfficeMax ships for FREE..
Originally posted by garmoon: @BigToxy
Your price is the same as OD in store for same media. Wonder if OD would match the best offer of the week Joleca's Verb 100/$19.95 at Office Max. I'd buy 300 for $60 if they matched and then we'd know what we got. Just what I need 400 more blanks in one week. LMAO
~~~~ Nothings Forgotten. Nothing Is Ever Forgotten. ~~~~
Senior Member
31. August 2009 @ 21:08 |
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catfreak - Thanx O' Friemd of Furry Felines -No officemax's in the area atleast 100 Miles away and Could order by Mail/online bur not sure I would be ordering $50.00 or more so would'nt get the free shipping !!! Also I'm not sure if the savings/discount Cards are usable online ? - Still For someone That shops Officemax your could do worse !!!- Got nothing against them Just no stores around here ! Officedepots -We got mammy !!! , Best Buy we have 2 But Officemax Nyet !!! - But again Thanx for the info ! - CiaO !!!!!!!!!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
AfterDawn Addict
31. August 2009 @ 21:14 |
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Here in the shadow of Detroit, we have Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, Best Buy, Sears (price match!) as well as ABC Warehouse ($14.99/50 Sony everyday) all within a couple of miles . . .
All I have to tolerate is a 40% unlicensed driver, 60% uninsured driver ratios . . .
No wonder I pay almost 200% more for insurance here than in San Diego . . .
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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. August 2009 @ 21:14
Senior Member
1. September 2009 @ 06:05 |
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catfreak- Yeah !!! - Sounds like Louisiana with Snow !! LOL!!! sad but True - WE don'tHave Staples Either Sears I Have 2 about 30+ mles away ! Being Kinda Flush with Media I have'nt Bought Too much Lately . I mainly Shop BestBuy also about 30ish Miles away the closest one anyway ? and I did Scoop up Several Spindles/Tubs of Verbatims around Black Friday Last year @ Samsclub - On Special i time sale $ 10.87 ea. (50ct 's ) which as better price-wise then Bestbuys sale price normally is . IT was More of a Closeout I Believe Samclub atleast the ones near me have gone To just carrying Verbatim Printables? and DVD+R DL's - They used to carry regular Non-Printables and Printables too!!! Now just the Printables and Dl's Since January !! I Buy online sometimes Mainly from Meritline & Supermediastore _ Taiyo yudens ect... I did order some Sony 's From BestBuy online /with free shipping 3 100Ct. Spindles ! One Single Spindle and The other 2 together ! The Single Spindle arrived Intact and Pristine just Like if I would have bought it here off the shelf ! The second box came ith the other two 100ct. spindle and both pf the spindles were broken @ the base ! Luckily the Disc were'nt damaged But I firmly resolved Right there to only order spindles 1 @ a Time From bestbuy from now on if I do order from them online ? I did send BestBuy a tersely worded Complaint email But Got no reply either yea or Nea ?? They Would have Blamed UPS or Federal Express Whoever delivered the boxes ! But The spindles were Broken before they put them in the box . I Know because The Box was'nt all CRushed and Smooshed Looking Like it had been Dropped or Smashed ! I still Buy Media from them But Mainly instore since thar incident ! And No kmart's for 100Miles Either LOL!!! anyway That's enough Kvetching & Dissent for now ! From me anyway Later Buddy and Have a Good Morning ! Ciao!!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
3. September 2009 @ 19:05 |
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Some Microcenter sales. Online or if have a store close by as I do. Got the sales paper today so here we go!!
All speeds 16x. + & - R formats. None of these are lightscribe or inkjet printable.
Phillips 100 pk. $19.99
Windats 50 pk. $8.99
Memorex 50 pk $12.99
Phillips 50 pk. $12.99
No single layer Verbatim in the 16x speed however they do have the Verb DVD +R 8x silver shiny 100 packs for $19.99 in the stores & I didn't see it online. Doesn't say Verbatim on the discs or the outer cover label however it codes out as 8x Verb & burns great. My local Microcenter has 215 of them in stock...
Senior Member
4. September 2009 @ 14:16 |
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Senior Member
4. September 2009 @ 14:25 |
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AfterDawn Addict
4. September 2009 @ 16:57 |
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has anyone tried those X8 verb DL +Rs??Has anyone burned one at X8?? I guess they are not making them the same way they used to, hope quality is same as the X2.4 DLs were! Everyone have a good Labor Day in the US.
REAL Football again yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Senior Member
5. September 2009 @ 04:50 |
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garmoon- you Too my friend !!!
FeetZ Up ! Head Down !
Senior Member
10. September 2009 @ 12:29 |
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Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
10. September 2009 @ 16:39 |
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AfterDawn Addict
10. September 2009 @ 17:26 |
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Originally posted by videohelp: Kodak +R 16x
Kodak -R 16x
Be afraid folks . . be afraid
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Senior Member
10. September 2009 @ 17:36 |
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Originally posted by catfreak: Originally posted by videohelp: Kodak +R 16x
Kodak -R 16x
Be afraid folks . . be afraid
Now why would Kodak want to sell low grade media when they could have used Ritek or CMC?
Senior Member
10. September 2009 @ 18:52 |
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Senior Member
10. September 2009 @ 18:54 |
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which Ritek are you recommending as good? The Ritek Ridata I bought last are garbage. Messed my evening up while on vacation when thinking I was going to watch a nice flick. They were disintegrating.
@ bratcher I posted those TYS in the previous post already.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. September 2009 @ 18:57
Senior Member
10. September 2009 @ 19:32 |
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Originally posted by dr_ml422: which Ritek are you recommending as good? The Ritek Ridata I bought last are garbage. Messed my evening up while on vacation when thinking I was going to watch a nice flick. They were disintegrating.
@ bratcher I posted those TYS in the previous post already.
Strange, I've had no trouble with 16x Ridata DVDR's. Maybe you burned them too fast? Burned mine at 8x & they were still fine last time I checked.
As to my dupe TY sale post (after you had already posted it) sorry about that.
Senior Member
11. September 2009 @ 10:40 |
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I burned them ok the Ritek. They just started doing what the HP'S were when I 1st tried them. They started breaking up into those small windows. Guess pixelating? Just wouldn't play. Had enough of them do that so I don't think I'd be messing w/them anymore.
Ttytt, they were from Newegg, and I've had to RMA more than usual from them. I've gone elsewhere for my computer stuff. Where did you get yours from? I'm sticking w/SMS, Meritline and the other online stores. Staples has been good w/their Sonys. Both DVDs and CD-Rs.
Common Sense Aint Too Common Anymore.
Senior Member
12. September 2009 @ 13:31 |
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i am out of dls. strange thing is at best buy and office depot they dont seem to have any sales of dl anymore?
Reach Down & Grab it Or Walk in & Get Some !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}