Official docTY Taiyo Yuden thread
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2006 @ 04:24 |
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Yes a 98 is excellent. I think you may get more max PIE's because you are using DVD-R's or because your burner is a little older. Don't obsess so much over quality scores. I tend to do the same thing. For instance, I'm scanning Kingdom Hearts 2 now, and I got pissed because it's going to end up a 95. With a BenQ burner, that means that you had a single PIF spike of 8. That's a little high compared to my normal scans on Yuden000T02, but still well below acceptable guidelines of 32 Max PIF's.
29. March 2006 @ 04:45 |
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get well soon doc
and dont forget about my self lobotomy lessons, i'll be needing those soon!
http://www.Lonero.net - friend of the forums, great guitar player
#afterdawn (well i have no idea where it is anymore)
29. March 2006 @ 04:54 |
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BTW,the game with the 98 scored lagged in my ps2
this only confirms that my burner can't handle burning 8x media at 4x.
I burned the game again at 2,4x and it doesn't lag..
But i still think the unstable writing speed is causing this,is there no one who can help me with this issue???
Senior Member
29. March 2006 @ 05:16 |
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Just wanted to pop in and say get well soon doc...you were instrumental in getting me on track with the correct media. You are in my prayers.
Junior Member
29. March 2006 @ 05:57 |
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I use both TYG02&YUDEN000T02 for PS2 backups
Quote: Your results with a BenQ and TY media will be different when than other people's
a BENQ is a BENQ,did you try any(a few) 8x burns or is it JUST 'logic' your guide?
NEC ND-3550A
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2006 @ 06:06 |
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No there are differences between the BenQ 1620, 40, and 1650. Frankly I've had enough conflict of late. I could care less what speed you burn at. If it works for you, stick with it. What works for me, works for me. You can't tell me burning at 4x on my BenQ 1640 gets crap quality scores. That's simply not true. I just finished a 50 spindle of Yuden000T02 with the lowest score being a 91 and the highest being a 99, which happened several times. The average score was probably a 96-97. I got a 91 once, and a 94 once. The other 48 were 95's or better. Once again, there were zero coasters. So if burning at 8x works for you, great. Just don't try to generalize your results to all BenQ burners. I've had this convo with too many other people, and we must simply agree to disagree. Let's not do anything to detract from the good vibe of this thread. Get well Doc!!!
Junior Member
29. March 2006 @ 06:40 |
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I have nothing to say to this kind of response
NEC ND-3550A
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2006 @ 08:38 |
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Just saw the not on the Doc, hope all is okay. Get well soon you are missed.
29. March 2006 @ 09:45 |
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I just found this out using Nero info tool,hope the screenshots are readable,shouldn't there be a green thing saying aspi is ok in Nero as well as in system?? can i just copy the wnaspi32.dll file from Nero to my system 32 folder?
29. March 2006 @ 09:55 |
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i copied it and now it's saying for both system and Nero that aspi layers are working correctly. Should i choose in DVD Decrypter or imgburn to use this under settings for I/O
Before it was always set to SPTI - Microsoft
which one should i choose,wich one is better for writing,which one do you use Tojikin?
Of course other people can tell me as well...
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2006 @ 11:10 |
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The system aspi is SPTI for Windows XP and that is the default for DVDDecrypter and ImgBurn. Unless you are having problems ripping and burning then leave it at the default, the program works best that way.
29. March 2006 @ 15:27 |
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@Tokijin: I would have to agree that all Benqs are not created equal. Specifically, I have a Benq 1655, and I have tried burning at 4x and 8x and I find I get a lot better results with the faster speed using the same media you are using. One thing that doesn't really make sense to me is how some are saying that burning at a faster speed is somehow "harder" on your PS2 than burning at a slower speed. Thinking about this logically, if I have two discs, one with fewer errors at 8x and one with more at 4x, it's going to be harder on my PS2 to read that lower quality 4x burned disc than it is the 8x. I can't see how it is universally harder on your PS2 the faster you burn a disc, unless a faster burn was consistently producing lower quality media. Does anyone have an explanation for why people are saying this? I must also admit that I was surprised that an 8x burn, for me, was producing better quality than 4x burns. Still, I'm not going to complain if an 8x produces consistent 95+%'s.
29. March 2006 @ 15:33 |
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@Jurgenpop: Sorry if you've already tried this, but you say you can't burn at 4x, but 2.4x works okay. Did you ever try burning at 8x? I've got both a Benq 1655 and a Lite-On 1693S, and I find my quality for 4x vs. 8x is very close, and if one is better than the other, it's always the 8x burn. If you're using good media, I think you'll be fine at 8x. I'm using Verbatim and TY DVD+Rs, btw.
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2006 @ 17:13 |
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Yeah that's a common misconception, that burning at fast speeds somehow strains your laser more than slow speeds. Some games work better when burned faster, when the laser has to keep up with what's going on the screen. If it's burned too slow, the game can lag and skip repeatedly, even on good media. This is very common with constant disc access games, like GT4 or San Andreas. I didn't mean to come across with so much attitude towards Taiyo User in my previous post. I should've simply said that not everybody will have the same results with the same media on the same burner. What works for one person, will not necessarily work for others. That's just something you learn after 5,000 posts. There are no right or wrong burn speeds, everybody's setup is different.
29. March 2006 @ 19:09 |
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@Tokijin: I've not done many PS2 backups, mostly because I don't buy all that many games, and I've never played the two games you mentioned, but one game that I found to be a bit finicky was my copy of FFX International. The original worked perfectly, of course, but when I made my backup, I found that a poor burn would affect the FMV sequences greatly. At this point (with the handful of games I've backed up), the only quality issues I've noticed on a backup was an inability to play FMV smoothly. This was actually how I determined that I would stick with TYs and Verbatims, because they were the only discs that never stuttered on FMV with a good burn, and I assume that this would also contribute to better video burns (although I am not sure at this point, because I'm using the last of my TDK DVD-Rs for any video I have).
AfterDawn Addict
29. March 2006 @ 20:17 |
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29. March 2006 @ 20:23 |
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this is everything i have running when burning,is this to much? Which ones can i shut down safely?thx
30. March 2006 @ 01:25 |
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@delateur,i haven't tried burning at 8x because if i already get skippin g at4x and not at 2,4x, i can imagine 8x will give me worse results,or not?
new scan of kingdom hearts 2 burned at 2,4x
30. March 2006 @ 07:54 |
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@Jurgenpop: You know, that's what I thought, too, intially, but I discovered that for me, burning at 8x (as long as I'm careful to ensure there's nothing else accessing the hard drive, since I will always burn from an image, even if I'm copying an original) produced the best quality. What I've noticed is that the quality of a burn is closely linked to how much the computer is being accessed by other applications that involve the hard drive I'm burning from, or that IDE channel in general, so an optimum burning setup would be burning from one channel to another, whether that be two separate IDE channels, or a SATA to your burner, etc. I have three hard drives (1 SATA, 2 IDE on the same channel) and two burners (2 IDE on the same channel), so I can burn from any hard drive to any burner and not run into conflicts, but if I were to attempt a burn from one burner to another (one reads, the other writes) "on the fly," I fully expect that burn to either fail or be of bad quality, because the conflicts accessing that IDE channel could create gaps, even with buffer underrun protection. So, assuming you're not accessing the channels for anything but burning while you burn, an 8x burn might just turn out near perfect.
So, here you can see another backup I just did at 8x on some Verbatim 8x DVD+R media. I burned it on my Benq, and scanned it on my Lite-On. This is commonly the type of burns I'm getting, with 95% quality, and a few PIEs at regular intervals. I would also like to mention that CD-Speed is not really measuring your disc quality PRIMARILY. What it is truly measuring is your drive's scanning capabilities. It's possible you are getting very good burns, but your drive is just having a hard time reading the media. It's also possible that your drive reads perfectly, and the burn is of lower quality. Really, the best measure of a good burn is whatever is working best in the player it was intended for. If you look at our two scans, for instance, mine sort of "looks" better, but it came up as only 95% quality, whereas yours came up as 97%. Don't worry too much about the scans. Rather, just try to find the speed that is producing backups that work best in your player. I'm VERY happy with my 8x burns in every player I use, so that's what I am sticking with. I think that if you try an 8x burn on good media, you'll be pretty happy with the results, as well.
30. March 2006 @ 09:55 |
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This is off topic but what do the writers here use for
programs/tools to do their jobs?
DVDDC and DVDS have me climbing walls. 32 page guides
give me a headache.
I want to stay with freeware.
AfterDawn Addict
30. March 2006 @ 10:23 |
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As far as freeware is concerned, the combination of DVD Decrypter, DVD Shrink and ImgBurn is pretty hard to beat ...
DISCLAIMER: If you find a posting or message from me
offensive, inappropriate, or disruptive, please ignore it.
If you dont know how to ignore a posting, complain to
me and I will be only too happy to demonstrate . . .
30. March 2006 @ 10:36 |
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I have 2 of the 3. A recommendation here for Imgburn
which is made by DVDD gave errors. I can reinstall it
but maybe I need some help with it.
Error may possibly be in a replacement ASPI layer
and or newer versions of these products are targetted
for XP rather than Win98SE.
I'm thinking DVDS should prob'ly work for anything I
would do-- documentaries exclusively (so far.) Then I
might go for a period not doing any work for a time and
I forget everything. What I mostly forget is the
sequence and usage of using DVDD and DVDS. Anyways,
the last job I did, the process looked ok while running
but my nice new TYG02 disk could not even be read by
Nero disk utils. There's data on it, but my Sony
retail player which plays anything put into it will
not even display an error message for the disk.
What I did was ISOI read then ISO write > burn.
The procedure said everything was ok. But my disk
is dead. :-/
Using Nero Vision Express was a totally different
experience: very few problems with AVI sources.
What is infuriating is when the job gives no indication
it is going bad.
30. March 2006 @ 12:43 |
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@Ion: I know that feeling. I don't do much video editing (thank goodness, or I'd probably warrant a new user rating of "Afterdawn Pest." :p), but what little I've done was pretty frustrating, and I too have burned those "void" discs that seem to be perfect, but the data is just gone... Something is on the disc, you can tell, but no player seems to be able to locate it... It's very frustrating! So far I've used Nero exclusively, but if there comes a day that I need to use any of these other programs, I am sure I will waste a few discs as I move along the learning curve...
Good luck figuring out what's not working!
30. March 2006 @ 14:40 |
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These other progs are required. Sometimes their priority gets confusing.
Also a prog like imgburn just locks up the machine if you
click on it stand alone. Of what use is a desktop or tray icon
for such a program?
After reinstalling it, I deleted thew desktop icon because it was useless. If it interferes with DVDVD or DVDS I'll delete it again.
30. March 2006 @ 19:27 |
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ok,thx a lot,i'll try to see what works best for me.and BTW... the name's Jurgennop,not pop,hehe....