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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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3. February 2010 @ 20:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my ps3 video has not been working well.
i did the reflow and then i tried playing a video, then the whole screen turned green.

should i again do a reflow?

3. February 2010 @ 23:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I reflowed again
and now I get a solid green light with no video.

Should i try flux?

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4. February 2010 @ 01:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
do you have audio? also is the hdd indicator blinking at start up?
4. February 2010 @ 01:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no audio or video just a green light
and i can't even turn it off through the front when I do. I have to use the power switch in the back.

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4. February 2010 @ 02:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
that is exactly what i had. i had it boot once first then the GLON. i basically pulled the hdd in and out attempting startup with and without the hdd in. also i took of the washers on the mobo clamps. don't know which it was if either but its working still.
4. February 2010 @ 14:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
heat gun reflow once, reflux and reflow again then oven baked fixed previously posted,i keep it vertical and have built a fan system that i call the ps3chimney out the top and a smaller fan where it vents above the hdmi cable goes and cut 2 holes one over the center of the fan and the other over the hdd and covered them with air filler matrial the fan still kicks up when playing mw2. play tv and watching movies no probs even if it looks like the guy from the goonies.
4. February 2010 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how do you exactly oven bake it.
why would u oven bake and heat gun reflow?

4. February 2010 @ 14:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i oven baked it cos the reflux and reflow worked but soon yloded again. i basicly striped the board of all the heat pads and ribbons that i could and refluxed every thing both sides and put it in the oven 200c for 15 mins then let it cool completly be for putting it back together. its still going.
4. February 2010 @ 14:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ricodadon:
hi there heres my story, i have a launch 60gb that got YLOD after 3.10 update after much searching i dicided to reflow my ps3 myself and it worked a treat but 2 days later it YLOD again. then i refluxed and reflowed and it worked for 3 days, then i dicided that the problem was more than just the areas i was reflowing so my last chance was to refulux everything on the board. so i put it on a baking tray and put in the oven at 200c for 15 mins witch was nerve rackin, i managed to put it back together with my fingers crossed lol and it worked. i have since keep my ps3 upright with loads of room around it and built my own big fan set up that i like to call the psCHIMNEY.

15th dec still going
4. February 2010 @ 15:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Has anyone reballed?
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9. February 2010 @ 15:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
my ps3 LYOD 3 days ago
i watched gilksy on youtube and it worked!
after for about 15 mins back to step one YLOD
so i tryed it again with new compound and it worked for about 10 mins
lucky i got the disc out!
should i let the compound sit for a bit b4 turning on ps3
should i use a diff compund im useing a gold color named Amax 10% gold 10% sliver it says im pretty much stuck
what am i doin wrong?
9. February 2010 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You're probably not doing anything wrong. That's about the extent of the fix for most of us. It lasts just long enough to save some data or remove a disc. I've "re-flowed" mine about 6 times.

YLoD on PS3 40Gb with very light usage - happened after 3.15 Update and then playing MW2. I am pissed.

Absolutely NO DUST INSIDE - not my fault.
10. February 2010 @ 12:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
when the ps3 over heats it dosen't just affect the four areas the the reflow method reflows it affects the whole board. the whole board suffers form loss of fulx and there for the whole board needs reflux and reflow and it is even worth refluxing and reflowing the power supply board too. And after all this you still need to keep it well ventilated and vertical. thats what i have found with my ps3.
10. February 2010 @ 14:16 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My belief is that they somehow screwed up the fan code for PS3 Fats when they released the PS3 Slim. After I updated to 3.15 my fan never even ramps up anymore, and I can't "downgrade" to an earlier version to see if that helps. My 40Gb never gave me a days problem before I updated to 3.15.

Why would the fan stay on low speed if the motherboard is melting? It doesn't make any sense, but apparently it is happening to thousands of customers. NOT OUR FAULT.

YLoD on PS3 40Gb with very light usage - happened after 3.15 Update and then playing MW2. I am pissed.

Absolutely NO DUST INSIDE - not my fault.
11. February 2010 @ 17:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi everyone could someone please help. Ive got a 60gb ps3 that had the ylod. I reflowed using the guide and now it will turn on ok but I now have no video or audio(tried holding the power button for a few seconds to reset the video settings but only heard one beep). I tried reflowing again but still no video and audio. I tried to reflow for the third time but still the same problem. Has anyone had this problem and how do you fix it as Im tearing my hair out? Thanks
11. February 2010 @ 17:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by lee76:
Hi everyone could someone please help. Ive got a 60gb ps3 that had the ylod.
I have asked several techs who are selling their services to repair these YLoD FATs, and they have all confirmed to me that this repair is only temporary and will return.

Sony should be ashamed of the way they are handling this fiasco. Do any of you realize there is a massive shortage of SLIMs right now because so many of the FATs have been bricked by the latest firmware and the only real solution is to buy a new SLIM??? I couldn't by a SLIM right now if I wanted to unless I get one on eBay for an inflated price.

The retail outlets in my area are all backordered for months, which means Sony is selling those SLIMs faster than they can make them. WAKE UP PEOPLE!

This is a total class-action lawsuit in the making. It appears Sony has intentionally hosed their older FAT units in an effort to generate demand for their new SLIM units. You can't tell me the FATs happily chugged along without defects all this time until the new SLIM arrived on the scene. I for one am crying BS.

YLoD on PS3 40Gb with very light usage - happened after 3.15 Update and then playing MW2. I am pissed.

Absolutely NO DUST INSIDE - not my fault.
Junior Member
11. February 2010 @ 17:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi everyone could someone please help. Ive got a 60gb ps3 that had the ylod. I reflowed using the guide and now it will turn on ok but I now have no video or audio(tried holding the power button for a few seconds to reset the video settings but only heard one beep). I tried reflowing again but still no video and audio. I tried to reflow for the third time but still the same problem. Has anyone had this problem and how do you fix it as Im tearing my hair out? Thanks
I don't know if you have already tried this but i would suggest that you try hooking your system up with the regular "Analog" cables to see if you get a signal and sound from your T.V. then if it does work that way try and move back to your HD settings. Don't know that that will work, but worth a try.

Good luck.

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
11. February 2010 @ 17:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by slamkeys:
My belief is that they somehow screwed up the fan code for PS3 Fats when they released the PS3 Slim. After I updated to 3.15 my fan never even ramps up anymore, and I can't "downgrade" to an earlier version to see if that helps. My 40Gb never gave me a days problem before I updated to 3.15.

Why would the fan stay on low speed if the motherboard is melting? It doesn't make any sense, but apparently it is happening to thousands of customers. NOT OUR FAULT.
Will those of you who have working FATs with the 3.15 update chime in here and let us know if your fans seem to be working properly? It would be nice to hear from someone (who is not a Sony shill) that their fan speed increases as the unit gets hotter. I can tell you that my fan speed remains on the lowest speed no matter how hot my FAT gets, and that is what is causing this YLoD problem.

My 120Gb SLIM unit ramps up the fan almost immediately after I turn it on - completely different behavior than on my old 40Gb FAT.

YLoD on PS3 40Gb with very light usage - happened after 3.15 Update and then playing MW2. I am pissed.

Absolutely NO DUST INSIDE - not my fault.
Junior Member
11. February 2010 @ 18:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by slamkeys:

Will those of you who have working FATs with the 3.15 update chime in here and let us know if your fans seem to be working properly? It would be nice to hear from someone (who is not a Sony shill) that their fan speed increases as the unit gets hotter. I can tell you that my fan speed remains on the lowest speed no matter how hot my FAT gets, and that is what is causing this YLoD problem.

My 120Gb SLIM unit ramps up the fan almost immediately after I turn it on - completely different behavior than on my old 40Gb FAT.
I've got a fat 80gb PS3 and I too seem to be experiencing the same issue. I have re-flowed 3 times now and as you mention, now that i think about it, it doesn't ramp up at all. It is constantly on however.

Originally posted by ricodadon:
Originally posted by ricodadon:
when the ps3 over heats it dosen't just affect the four areas the the reflow method reflows it affects the whole board. the whole board suffers form loss of fulx and there for the whole board needs reflux and reflow and it is even worth refluxing and reflowing the power supply board too. And after all this you still need to keep it well ventilated

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
Junior Member
11. February 2010 @ 18:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oops...didn't finish my thought...

I agree with everything stated in the second quoted text in my last message...ricodadon went on to say that the system needs to be Vertical...I can't say that I agree with that though. I can foresee that I will indeed have to reflow again in the not to distant future, therefore I am prepared and ready...but might be on to something here.

"...I don't know everything cause every-thing's to hard to know..." Aceyalone
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11. February 2010 @ 19:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i flippin give up
i have tryed to fix my 80g ps3 4 times
seems when i put the new compound on it seems to work for 3 mins
should i use flux? or should i just break the flippin thing in to peaces out side sony

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. February 2010 @ 21:15

11. February 2010 @ 19:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by damUsony:
i flippin give up
i have tryed to fix my 80g ps3 4 times
seems when i put the new compound on it seems to work for 3 mins
should i use flux? or should i just break the fuckin thing in to peaces out side sony
I'm considering trading mine in at GameStop. They have a deal going right now where they give an extra $30 bucks on game consoles. They said they'd give me $90.00 for my working 40Gb FAT, plus the $30 for a total of $120.00. The caveat is they only offer in-store credit and you can't get a SLIM yet because they're all on backorder.

YLoD on PS3 40Gb with very light usage - happened after 3.15 Update and then playing MW2. I am pissed.

Absolutely NO DUST INSIDE - not my fault.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 11. February 2010 @ 21:19

11. February 2010 @ 21:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Now now I know it can be frustrating but no foul language allowed - post edited.

Let's be a bit more selective when quoting and not quote what is against the rules. Please edit your post.

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12. February 2010 @ 04:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by dabien:
how do you exactly oven bake it.
why would u oven bake and heat gun reflow?
Hi did you manage to get yours working because I have exactly the same fault as you with a green light but no video/audio?
12. February 2010 @ 05:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by jwc2tha3:
Hi everyone could someone please help. Ive got a 60gb ps3 that had the ylod. I reflowed using the guide and now it will turn on ok but I now have no video or audio(tried holding the power button for a few seconds to reset the video settings but only heard one beep). I tried reflowing again but still no video and audio. I tried to reflow for the third time but still the same problem. Has anyone had this problem and how do you fix it as Im tearing my hair out? Thanks
I don't know if you have already tried this but i would suggest that you try hooking your system up with the regular "Analog" cables to see if you get a signal and sound from your T.V. then if it does work that way try and move back to your HD settings. Don't know that that will work, but worth a try.

Good luck.
Ive already tried this cheers but thanks for your help.
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