Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
1 product review
27. August 2010 @ 11:28 |
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3rd time lucky........ i am waiting the mobo to cool down after the 3rd reflow.
with the 2nd reflow Ive finished, gow3 in hard mode, prince of persia (the 1st one for ps3), many hours in GTprologue, 8 hours of folding@home, downloaded many things from psn etc etc , 15 days lasted with no problems.......
but the bloody annoying thing is that just like the 1st time that i got the ylod....again this time i got it when the ps3 was still cool.
Same bloody story, i fired it up, got to the PSS, browse to see the new content and boom........ i will start believing that there is something wrong with PSS lol
edit:...........ok........ and its alive again...... lol
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. August 2010 @ 12:00
27. August 2010 @ 14:17 |
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Originally posted by perry07: good to see this thread is still goin & still helping people! :)
Right then
I have also used the penny trick on the clamps that screw the fan to the board
Before you screw the clamps back down,do it the same way as the 360.
Wrap 2 pennies up in tape and place them under where the clamps are going to be screwed down
Get 4 rubber pads,roughly same thickness as the old xbox pads(rubber feet)and put them under the power supply.
Then get another 4 rubber pads and put them under the blueray drive.
If you put the console back together,all should be fine.
I have repaired loads of ps3 like this with no repurcussions
27. August 2010 @ 14:19 |
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Originally posted by onehanded: Originally posted by perry07: good to see this thread is still goin & still helping people! :)
Right then
I have also used the penny trick on the clamps that screw the fan to the board
Before you screw the clamps back down,do it the same way as the 360.
Wrap 2 pennies up in tape and place them under where the clamps are going to be screwed down
Get 4 rubber pads,roughly same thickness as the old xbox pads(rubber feet)and put them under the power supply.
Then get another 4 rubber pads and put them under the blueray drive.
If you put the console back together,all should be fine.
I have repaired loads of ps3 like this with no repurcussions
obviously you still have to repaste and reflow the board
27. August 2010 @ 15:10 |
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having a ps3 is like having a big chicken in the oven for sunday dinner and forgetting about it being overcooked.
Lifting the power supply and the bluray away from the metal plate that covers the board helps the air circulate around the console
29. August 2010 @ 12:02 |
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Well, day 27 and mine took a dump from the first reflow. It will turn back on after cooling off, but only last 10-20 minutes. So I still think there is hope for her. Gonna try a 2nd reflow at a higher temprature. Hopefully I have enough AS5 left :(
29. August 2010 @ 16:34 |
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Originally posted by twinrotor: Well, day 27 and mine took a dump from the first reflow. It will turn back on after cooling off, but only last 10-20 minutes. So I still think there is hope for her. Gonna try a 2nd reflow at a higher temprature. Hopefully I have enough AS5 left :(
My first reflow lasted 7 days say 5 hours a day on mw2. Just reflowed again but this time only did the top chip (when stood upright), no point heating chips if they dont need it.
29. August 2010 @ 20:28 |
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Originally posted by onehanded: Originally posted by perry07: good to see this thread is still goin & still helping people! :)
Right then
I have also used the penny trick on the clamps that screw the fan to the board
Before you screw the clamps back down,do it the same way as the 360.
Wrap 2 pennies up in tape and place them under where the clamps are going to be screwed down
Get 4 rubber pads,roughly same thickness as the old xbox pads(rubber feet)and put them under the power supply.
Then get another 4 rubber pads and put them under the blueray drive.
If you put the console back together,all should be fine.
I have repaired loads of ps3 like this with no repurcussions
Thanks for letting me know! il be sure to do this if my ylod's agen thanks
29. August 2010 @ 20:34 |
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Originally posted by danuk76: Originally posted by twinrotor: Well, day 27 and mine took a dump from the first reflow. It will turn back on after cooling off, but only last 10-20 minutes. So I still think there is hope for her. Gonna try a 2nd reflow at a higher temprature. Hopefully I have enough AS5 left :(
My first reflow lasted 7 days say 5 hours a day on mw2. Just reflowed again but this time only did the top chip (when stood upright), no point heating chips if they dont need it.
They both have lead solder under them, so yeah, I think there is a point to heat both.
Of course, if I had an IR heat source and a reballing stand, I would be doing it PROPERLY. Then again, if I had that kinda money, I wouldn't be screwing around with this old as PS3 and build a computer instead :)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. August 2010 @ 20:36
30. August 2010 @ 06:36 |
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Originally posted by twinrotor: Originally posted by danuk76: Originally posted by twinrotor: Well, day 27 and mine took a dump from the first reflow. It will turn back on after cooling off, but only last 10-20 minutes. So I still think there is hope for her. Gonna try a 2nd reflow at a higher temprature. Hopefully I have enough AS5 left :(
My first reflow lasted 7 days say 5 hours a day on mw2. Just reflowed again but this time only did the top chip (when stood upright), no point heating chips if they dont need it.
They both have lead solder under them, so yeah, I think there is a point to heat both.
Of course, if I had an IR heat source and a reballing stand, I would be doing it PROPERLY. Then again, if I had that kinda money, I wouldn't be screwing around with this old as PS3 and build a computer instead :)
so if you had 1 worn tyre and the rest were good you'd change them all?
Sony ripped me off with their launch model ps3, just remember sony every loser wins
31. August 2010 @ 14:26 |
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post edited by binkie
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31. August 2010 @ 19:22 |
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That metaphore doesn't even apply.
Anyways, here is to hour one after reflow two.. Wish it luck!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 1. September 2010 @ 13:10
31. August 2010 @ 20:16 |
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no advertising PS3_gammer - post edited
Junior Member
5. October 2010 @ 17:53 |
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Originally posted by metallic8: Originally posted by bigo93: Dont Sony replace the console now even if you dont have a warranty?
no if the warranty sticker is removed they wont even touch it.
WARNING NEVER NEVER NEVER reflow, it causes your BGA's to POPCORN!!!!!!
Junior Member
5. October 2010 @ 18:03 |
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Warning,: Never reflow as its only a temp fix and causes your chipset to "popcorn", repeat ONLY a temp fix. True fix reball with leaded solder!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. October 2010 @ 18:03
5. October 2010 @ 18:04 |
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Originally posted by metallic8: Originally posted by bigo93: Dont Sony replace the console now even if you dont have a warranty?
no if the warranty sticker is removed they wont even touch it.
5. October 2010 @ 18:05 |
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heat up the sticker an peel
Junior Member
5. October 2010 @ 18:20 |
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Originally posted by onehanded: Originally posted by metallic8: Originally posted by bigo93: Dont Sony replace the console now even if you dont have a warranty?
no if the warranty sticker is removed they wont even touch it.
not for free!!!! like 250 AUD, who said no lead in electronic devices, what enviomental damage does it do?? Sure there is another alternative
Junior Member
6. October 2010 @ 16:43 |
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Originally posted by twinrotor: Originally posted by danuk76: Originally posted by twinrotor: Well, day 27 and mine took a dump from the first reflow. It will turn back on after cooling off, but only last 10-20 minutes. So I still think there is hope for her. Gonna try a 2nd reflow at a higher temprature. Hopefully I have enough AS5 left :(
My first reflow lasted 7 days say 5 hours a day on mw2. Just reflowed again but this time only did the top chip (when stood upright), no point heating chips if they dont need it.
They both have lead solder under them, so yeah, I think there is a point to heat both.
Of course, if I had an IR heat source and a reballing stand, I would be doing it PROPERLY. Then again, if I had that kinda money, I wouldn't be screwing around with this old as PS3 and build a computer instead :)
Just wondering how many have tried this penny trick with the pads and also wondering do I heatgun the bga's as usual can anyone help
7. October 2010 @ 19:45 |
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heres a new 1 for you guys.
I had a ps3 with the blu ray reading errors, ya know wont read ps3 game or blu-ray. so took out lens and stuck in a new 1 making sure it was the right code etc.
After i booted up i got 2 seconds of menu then YLOD. WTF?
Any ideas???
8. October 2010 @ 14:31 |
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Hi people,
ok heres the problem, ps3 number 1 wouldnt read blu ray or ps3 games so replaced the drive lens and when i booted back up got 2 seconds of menu then YLOD, hasnt been hot enough to be the GPU or CPU.
The ps3 number 2, this had same problem but all i did was open the blu ray drive take a look then put it all back together, I touched nothing, soon as I put it back on the YLOD popped up.
Now ok this means somethings not happy with the blu ray drives BUT, does anyone think that Sony may have fitted a tamper device so no1 can chip the drives to read copied games?
8. October 2010 @ 15:00 |
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Maybe??? I thought this, try pulling the battery cable and reconnect it, you sure you got the right lense or you got a cable wrong/bad connection, I know this can cause ylod too.
Check out my ps3 mod, 6 weeks used daily and still running after reflow
Sony ripped me off with their launch model ps3, just remember sony every loser wins
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. October 2010 @ 15:04
10. October 2010 @ 08:59 |
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Originally posted by danuk76: Maybe??? I thought this, try pulling the battery cable and reconnect it, you sure you got the right lense or you got a cable wrong/bad connection, I know this can cause ylod too.
Check out my ps3 mod, 6 weeks used daily and still running after reflow
the lens looks the same, the KES number is the same and Ive touched nothing but the drive.
Like the new fix BTW, but if you can make the fan suck the air out it works better for longer and wont force dirt or fluff into the console.
10. October 2010 @ 09:16 |
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Originally posted by snotewood007: Originally posted by danuk76: Maybe??? I thought this, try pulling the battery cable and reconnect it, you sure you got the right lense or you got a cable wrong/bad connection, I know this can cause ylod too.
Check out my ps3 mod, 6 weeks used daily and still running after reflow
the lens looks the same, the KES number is the same and Ive touched nothing but the drive.
Like the new fix BTW, but if you can make the fan suck the air out it works better for longer and wont force dirt or fluff into the console.
Dont know then, just guessing try putting old lense back in and see what happens maybe you bought a duff one, double check your ribbons they can be in but not fully connected reseat them.
or maybe your ps3 was gonna ylod anyday with this brittle solder issue and you opening it ip disturbed the motherboard joints
10. October 2010 @ 11:54 |
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Originally posted by XTrez: Warning,: Never reflow as its only a temp fix and causes your chipset to "popcorn", repeat ONLY a temp fix. True fix reball with leaded solder!
Leaded solder has the lowest melting point of all solders. Lead free solder goes from 5-30C higher melting point over leaded solder.
Also, read this thread before making post. There are plenty of "reflowed" systems that have lasted a long time..
10. October 2010 @ 21:10 |
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Originally posted by danuk76: Originally posted by snotewood007: Originally posted by danuk76: Maybe??? I thought this, try pulling the battery cable and reconnect it, you sure you got the right lense or you got a cable wrong/bad connection, I know this can cause ylod too.
Check out my ps3 mod, 6 weeks used daily and still running after reflow
the lens looks the same, the KES number is the same and Ive touched nothing but the drive.
Like the new fix BTW, but if you can make the fan suck the air out it works better for longer and wont force dirt or fluff into the console.
Dont know then, just guessing try putting old lense back in and see what happens maybe you bought a duff one, double check your ribbons they can be in but not fully connected reseat them.
or maybe your ps3 was gonna ylod anyday with this brittle solder issue and you opening it ip disturbed the motherboard joints
Well blow me, after you said about the ribbons I thought Id check them again, and this being the 60Gb version you have the SD ports etc which no1 uses, they have a small ribbon which somehow had worked loose and once rammed back into place and clipped in everything came up.
How can Sony justify such a over the top reaction to such a small thing, I mean what damage would that have caused, oh no the ports dont work, shut down and YLOD.
I must say if you have YLOD and it happened when your unit was cold, check everything before your cook the motherboard.