Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
21. March 2009 @ 22:13 |
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ok.. i tryed again... and it lessed for 55 minutes... just 1 quesion for who fixed the ylod... is it possible that im using the wrong thermal paste (artic ceramique)? Is better to use the artic silver 5?
And what procedure do you guys used to put it in?
Pls guys help meeeee
Junior Member
22. March 2009 @ 04:39 |
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I used bog standard white thermal paste and got 4 continuous hours last night, in fact on and off it ran for approx 10 hours yesterday. It all booted up fine this morning as well.
Junior Member
22. March 2009 @ 06:54 |
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How did you apply it mayhemm? Would you be able to post pics? Or anyone please? Cos i STILL have this problem even know i fixed the ylod ages ago!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 22. March 2009 @ 07:02
Junior Member
22. March 2009 @ 08:54 |
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I just put a little slither of the paste on the left hand side and spread it evenly around the surface using an old credit card.
Haven?t got any pics and its now all screwed back together. If it fails again I will post some.
Junior Member
22. March 2009 @ 09:26 |
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Okay thanks mmayhemm. I will give it a go soon and hopefully 4th time lucky!
23. March 2009 @ 04:05 |
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Just some info that may be useful: now that my ps3 works again I noticed that the fan is running very fast when I play games like little big planet, and slow in XMB or while playing small games like pixel junk monsters. What is strange is that it never did before it yolded: I heard the fan running but always at the same speed, very low noise.
So I guess my ps3 had a fan-speed-control problem and that?s maybe why it yolded.
What I don?t get is why my fan is running at different speeds from now. How did I fix this? What has changed?
-new heatsink may better transmit heat to a temperature captor ?
-reflow reconnected something that was not connected from the beginning ?
Hope I am clear ant that it may help?
23. March 2009 @ 09:53 |
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guys i need some help i bought a heatgun today that has 2 scales , 1st 50-300c , 2nd 50-600c ...but i cant control the flow of the air, it works on the 1st scale , 250L/min and on the 2nd scale 450L/min ..should i use the 1st scale for arround 20 seconds ? need opinions please
23. March 2009 @ 12:06 |
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OH MY GOD!!! I JUST DID IT and it WORKED , i am currently taking my back up from the hdd now to a usb stick , but till now the console runs smooth...COLIN thanks so much man...i am sooooo thankfull....GREAT GUIDE!!
23. March 2009 @ 15:33 |
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Anyone might be interested in a group by of preformed BGA solder quiks?
I might be buying some, but the more you buy the cheaper it is.
23. March 2009 @ 19:03 |
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Got a YLOD yesterday. Disassembled my Danish 60 gb (got it on release day back in '06), after having read thread and pdf.
Seeing how poor a job that have been made with the 'factory mounted' thermal glue I am not surprised my unit made a lot of fan noise pre-YLOD.
On the left chip is is liquid-ish and on the right it is dry.
I will keep you posted on my progress.

Higher res photos on:
Junior Member
24. March 2009 @ 13:07 |
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Okay 4th time applying paste and so far all seems well. No graphics problems or anything, the fan reached stage 2 however the plastic on the right side still seems so hot. I am just so worried about this as i do not want it to ylod again as unfortunately (i do not know how?) but i seemed to have worn down one of the little screws to to get to the motherboard :-( and i do not know how to unsrew it now. I can still access the chips but will not be able to heat gun it if it ylods :-(
24. March 2009 @ 13:16 |
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Hey paskov... it happen to me to all 4 screws that hold the mobo to the heatsink.. i just use a plier to unsrew... im still trying to figure out how much thermal paste do i have to put... my ps3 starts but it yloded everytime after 30 minutes.... arghhh
Junior Member
24. March 2009 @ 13:46 |
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Hey colin could you enlighten us please cos its really buggin me at how hot the thing gets just in xmb! where as my new 80gb is really cool while playing COD4. it feels so close to fixing it
24. March 2009 @ 16:30 |
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Still YLOD. Used Zalman thermal glue. Applies like nail polish. Very easy to use.
My PS3 YLOD'ed durring DVD replay (rewind). Anybody knows wether the blu-ray drive coulde cause these problems?
24. March 2009 @ 16:49 |
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blu ray doesnt cause YLOD ..its either the motherboard or the power supply as far as i know ! i have switched the console on without any blu ray drive on it and it works without probs no way its YLOD cause of that
24. March 2009 @ 18:46 |
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Used the heat gun again, now with more heat, and it got the beast up and running :-)
24. March 2009 @ 20:27 |
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Used the heat gun again, now with more heat, and it got the beast up and running :-)
How much heat did you applied (temp and time) i need to know cause so far I've done what is in the guide and after 0-30- min it Ylod's again
24. March 2009 @ 20:38 |
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Originally posted by Ca_So: yeehaa
Used the heat gun again, now with more heat, and it got the beast up and running :-)
How much heat did you applied (temp and time) i need to know cause so far I've done what is in the guide and after 0-30- min it Ylod's again
please be advised only use hotter temps and time if original setting do not repair youre ylod!
i set them at what they are for safety and exssesive heat for prolonged periods of time can cause delamination of the nulti layer board!
but yes if careful you can increase temp by 50-100 deg c
and time by 5-10 secs
good luck
24. March 2009 @ 20:41 |
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2nd time I only did it to the Cell processor. I did it for 17 sec. on both sides.
First time I had the feeling I did not heat it enough - and therefore I was a bit more agressive the 2nd time.
I have a heat gun that have two steps. According to the manual first step is around 300 degrees and 2nd is around 600 degrees (both in celcius). Besides that there is a nob I can turn to 'fine tune' again according to the manual. That nob is divided from A to E - I ran it at D. I must admit I do not have a clue about what the temparature is a the nozle.
The processor got very hot. I am not sure since the heat gun made a lot of noise, but I think I heard a 'pop' as I was heating it.
Junior Member
27. March 2009 @ 01:10 |
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Ok I tried twice and got nadda. I don't know the temp exactly but it was around 400. I might try one more time and if it dosen't work I'm just gonna but a new one swap the serial numbers and return the old one. Most retailers don't check to see if the warranty is voided(I know who dosen't :)) or if the hdd is in it so I'm gonna keep that too just out of spite. I'm sorry but I'm not paying 150 to fix something I didn't break u know. Hopefully it wont come to that because I really want my game saves.
Junior Member
28. March 2009 @ 05:54 |
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hi colin going to try and fix my ps3 ylod tonight have to go and get thermal compound and cleaning fluid wish me luck, i will let you know how i got on hope it works!
28. March 2009 @ 06:11 |
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good luck m8
take your time doing the fix theres no rush!
28. March 2009 @ 13:56 |
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Where is a good place to get a heat gun in the USA? With tempature setting close to 350 degree C.
Junior Member
28. March 2009 @ 16:10 |
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28. March 2009 @ 16:56 |
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... and then it died... again.
After five minutes on standby, then fan went to step two, and five minutes later two times overheat and then YLOD.
Have anybody had luck fixing it twice?