Xbox - Games
This forum is meant for discussing about Xbox games, post reviews of games, comments, etc. No mod chip discussion and no questions about how to copy games, etc are allowed here, only chat about games.
Note! This forum has been shut down. You can still read messages, but you can't post to this forum room.
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girl42 |
16.06.2009 @ 20:28 by warriorp |
Game Artwork..
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shtupisay |
15.06.2009 @ 17:22 by shtupisay |
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dil_17 |
08.06.2009 @ 17:12 by creaky |
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dil_17 |
07.06.2009 @ 06:55 by creaky |
Burning two ISOs [ MGS2 Substance ] (Solved)
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DiNGi |
03.06.2009 @ 20:29 by DiNGi |
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dil_17 |
31.05.2009 @ 18:25 by creaky |
Noob Question about backing up xbox games
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devilkid |
27.05.2009 @ 03:22 by C4RN1 |
Halo SP Mod?
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Tanubi |
09.05.2009 @ 11:54 by Tanubi |
Copying old Xbox (NOT 360) games
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jnorman76 |
05.05.2009 @ 19:31 by varnull |
Was Fire Pro Wrestling ever released on xbox and if not can it be emulated
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dazzastar |
02.05.2009 @ 11:01 by dazzastar |
modding halo2
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asquad64 |
18.04.2009 @ 03:06 by jmander11 |
2k baseball
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smacko |
16.04.2009 @ 23:56 by smacko |
Dismemberment Room
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TomFS08 |
14.04.2009 @ 17:34 by TomFS08 |
never nind
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mychael69 |
11.04.2009 @ 20:09 by mychael69 |
Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack Code (closed)
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avenged11 |
29.03.2009 @ 07:38 by creaky |
Far Cry 2 (Free the captive from cock fighting area)
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joner31 |
22.03.2009 @ 07:57 by joner31 |
I have trouble setting up AI in MP
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buddylist |
22.03.2009 @ 00:39 by buddylist |
Halo's Assult Rifle in Fable 2?
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gade121 |
22.03.2009 @ 00:11 by avenged11 |
can i play xbox live free on xbox 1
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beast5000 |
18.03.2009 @ 15:48 by piepie69 |
Question about Why the Pelican isen't land correctly
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buddylist |
14.03.2009 @ 14:21 by buddylist |
race pro car set up
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Gamester1 |
27.02.2009 @ 07:21 by Gamester1 |
Teamxecuter links and other nostalgia...
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New2solda |
23.02.2009 @ 16:52 by New2solda |
Xmen II legends Not playing passed 2nd level
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gkc375 |
21.02.2009 @ 01:20 by gkc375 |
Resident Evil 5! Kijuju
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Degallle |
31.01.2009 @ 12:16 by Degallle |
How can I get x-box games from PC n play them in x-box console?
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wj91 |
31.01.2009 @ 12:11 by Degallle |
need help entering somthing new
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daladaga |
31.01.2009 @ 12:06 by Degallle |
resident evil
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jm09 |
31.01.2009 @ 12:00 by Degallle |
What is the best game to play on Xbox live?
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jimmy1986 |
29.01.2009 @ 04:25 by stellaf |
Neo Genesis Sega CD Trouble
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JMJensen |
27.01.2009 @ 16:54 by JMJensen |
Oblivion - HOW DO YOU LEVEL UP?!
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vonnie321 |
25.01.2009 @ 00:42 by Monticore |
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition
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S10MAN |
24.01.2009 @ 16:58 by S10MAN |
Can I use any DL Dvd +R to burn my xbox 360 games? (closed)
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bean0105 |
19.01.2009 @ 13:06 by creaky |
GTA 4 Problems (closed)
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gpalmer |
15.01.2009 @ 08:41 by creaky |
DEEP SPACE (Asteroid Release/planting beacon)
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joner31 |
14.01.2009 @ 13:54 by joner31 |
Burnout Paradise is lame
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jasperbox |
03.01.2009 @ 12:34 by scorpNZ |
Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
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oz560 |
31.12.2008 @ 20:11 by creaky |
xbox games, the good, the bad, and ugly
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hedcrab |
30.12.2008 @ 01:44 by hedcrab |
Gears of War 1. How to kill RAAM??!!
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joner31 |
19.12.2008 @ 10:59 by joner31 |
Please Help! Halo Question!
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ohlin5 |
07.12.2008 @ 11:59 by ohlin5 |
The hobbit - freezes few seconds into the gameplay
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dominik_n |
30.11.2008 @ 19:01 by dominik_n |