Which Transcoding Tools Produce The Best Picture Quality.
AfterDawn Addict
1 product review
1. September 2004 @ 15:01 |
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Try some of the Ridata, they come in red cake boxes, tbey're RICOHJPN and I've almost gone through 100 without a single coaster. The first 100 was $59.99 and the second was 47.99 at newegg.com I can't say for certain but I've heard
whispers across the net about a bad batch of Ritek being sold as Premium. Try another media because it might also reveal a burner particularity.
" Please Read!!! Post your questions only in This Thread or they will go unanswered:
Help with development of BD RB: Donations at: http://www.jdobbs.com/.
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1. September 2004 @ 15:09 |
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He's back?
Was my verbosity actually missed? ;)
As a few know, I've had my hands in more fires than I can easily handle. I'd set aside the RB/CCE problem until just recently when I asked for help with the problem. I'd worked with it off and on while following the threads. So, I have a slight working knowledge of the program. I just hadn't got it to run to completion. I tested the program now that it is running under conditions I won't record with. So, I'm sure the program will work well. jdobbs built a good program here.
There I feel no need to spend any time getting a security feeling, I already have it. I'll be jumping into tweaking and running batch files now as time permits and as I learn the process. As far as following jdobbs suggestion and recording the pristine product, I'm there now, finally.
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1. September 2004 @ 15:46 |
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I also remember hearing something about some bad G04's out there before I took delivery of the ones I have now, but figured if it was true, they would have worked their way through the system. Maybe not. thanks for the Ridata lead .. I'll give 'em a try.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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1. September 2004 @ 16:36 |
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Is that from the story about Ritek not watching the quality or where the theft of a batch of low quality disks were sold as the top line product. Ritek does make a low quality disk for 3rd World countries for data storage.
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2 product reviews
1. September 2004 @ 20:31 |
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well, I just finished RB/CCE w. ROTK, but, to my disappointment, the final size of the disk is:
3.36 GB (3,608,498,176 bytes).
My ini file:
CCEBasic=C:\Program Files\Custom Technology\Cinema Craft Encoder Basic\cct2.exe
MPEG2DEC=C:\Program Files\dvd-rb057\MPEG2Dec3dg.dll
Thanks everyone for there support :)
"The only people who should buy Monster cable are people who light cigars with Benjamins." - Gizmodo
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1. September 2004 @ 22:47 |
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brobear...I've heard both stories. I purchased the latest 100 about 4 weeks ago, so I would like to think I was beyond the effects of any of these.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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2. September 2004 @ 00:09 |
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@ Pop_Smith ... are you using the CCE Basic trial version? This 3.36 GB file size is about what others have come up with. The Basic trial does not yield a complete file.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
AfterDawn Addict
2. September 2004 @ 00:12 |
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Pop, I hate to say this, but brobear had the exact same problem when he got his to work, so he did a complete reinstall and voila!-4.3.
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2. September 2004 @ 02:01 |
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Noticed CCETargetSectors=2260000 in the options setup. That is a command some try to use for setting file size. It didn't work for me as I stated earlier. It only took me from a 2.9 to a 2.93 GB size. So, it isn't a definite fix.
Quote: Showing Logo on the screen, available to encode source file up to 3 min and available to use up to 30 days.
Doc, that is what the CCE site says about the Basic trial. So, even getting a 3.36 GB file, he would be well over a 3 min encode. The SP is the only trial version to use and I believe that takes some additional setup doesn't it?
About the stolen substandard Riteks, seems there is some truth to that on the European market. Ritek said there had been some theft of materials that should have been destroyed. The ones that were causing the problem in the UK was from a batch of the ones intended for the 3rd World countries. They had a 'Mountain and Stream' label and were being hawked by unscrupulous vendors as top line Ritek. That was a while back. Ritek said they were stolen on the way to the incinerator; they weren't even up to par for the low grade standards of the intended market.
As far as the inferior quality batches, I have heard rumor, but no one seems to have offered any concrete evidence on the quality variation. Seems there to, there was some word by some vendors in Europe that their products were the top line product and those of the competition were suspect of being low quality. You can see how some of those rumors got started. Some of the rumors were even perpetuated here on AD.
I'm not saying Ritek didn't mess up and get some bad product out there. Some people may have some legit proof as well. However, there is a lot of unfounded rumor floating around. Most of the reputable vendors will replace any poor quality products. Even some companies. For instance, Memorex has a replacement policy; you send in the defective merchandise for replacement. Meritline, the recommended E retailer for Ritek U.S.A. boasts 100% Grade A Genuine Quality Guaranteed and a 60 Day Money Back Guarantee. Here is the link to their site.
Appears there is a decent guarantee on the Ritek products, so I don't think anyone has too much to worry about as long as they make their purchases from a legitimate dealer. If a deal is too good to be true from an unknown vendor, it usually is.
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2. September 2004 @ 02:40 |
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Did the process complete without the buffer error this time.
Does the movie play.
Is avisynth installed.
Is it on C: drive.
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2 product reviews
2. September 2004 @ 04:58 |
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@Bigo, what exactly do you mean by complete reinstall? I did completely uninstall the CCE SP Trial i was using as well as uninstall and delete all the folders that had anything to do with CCE SP, Avisynth, RB, etc. I then rebooted and ran disk clean up. Then i reinstalled RB using vurbal's guide.
(Thanks very much vurbal for you ReMake guide, it came in handy)
Quote: Pop-smith
Did the process complete without the buffer error this time.
Does the movie play.
Is avisynth installed.
Is it on C: drive.
@640, Yes, it did complete this time with no buffer error.
In a way, the video is purple and pink, its pixelated.
Yes, avisynth is installed to C:\Program Files\AviSynth 2.5.
"The only people who should buy Monster cable are people who light cigars with Benjamins." - Gizmodo
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2. September 2004 @ 05:09 |
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Have you played one of the AviSynth files directly to see what they look like. I suspect they'll look fine since I think that's been the case with other people who have had this problem. I think it's a CCE issue, but I don't know that anybody's nailed down what causes it.
Senior Member
2. September 2004 @ 06:44 |
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@ Pop_Smith...I think what bigorange means is to reinstall your operating system and then all your software. Starting with a reformated drive isn't a bad idea either. You had CCE SP installed previously, which jdobbs posted that those using this version were "on their own" because of all the inherent problems that went with it. One can only speculate at this point, but it may be that this version caused something like a registry change that cannot be corrected by just installing another version. In this case the only fix would be to redo the registry, which means a complete clean install.
I also noticed from another thread that strange video colors with OK audio is a sign that the DVD wasn't ripped with something like Decrypter before being sent through RB-CCE. You might want to confirm you used ripped files.
@brobear...I purchased the G04's from Meritline, which also gives me the idea that I got good media. That's another reason why I was looking to software as a source of the freeze problem. As best I can tell right now, the freezes happened on 3 different movies/discs, and I think I have it narrowed down to the first cake I used. I'm now into the 3rd of 4 - 25 pc cakes right now. Now that I am checking the discs burn by burn, all seems OK with the last 10 or so.
Concerning my question to Pop_Smith about the trial CCE Basic, I initailly thought the same thing about the file size and what the CCE site says. However, the reduced file size that Pop_Smith reported is what bappida69 was getting on the "Are you havng problems" thread: Aug 22/bapidda69: "I had started on an empty folder. The original movie was 5.62 GB. When I started DVD RB, I chose just two audio tracks(there were three initially). After it was rebuilt, the TS folder was about 3.2 GB and the VIDEO_TS was avout 3.5 GB or so(it seemed to have the entire movie)" In bapidda69's next post on Aug 22 they indicated they were using CCE Basic trial, at which time 6402 informed them they would need to use the SP trial. There are times when none of this figures, so I thought I would at least confirm the version being used.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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Senior Member
2. September 2004 @ 07:15 |
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I get my blanks from Meritline too. Normally the G04 Inkjet printable blanks... I got what appeared to be an entire bad stack of 25 (out of a set of 4) in my last shipment. Several of them had "freeze" problems... I reburned the exact same DVD-RB output to different discs and everything was fine.
Send them back.
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2. September 2004 @ 07:20 |
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I just threw that in there from the CCE site. I thought they might know something about their own downloads and trials. Sometimes, people get confused about the versions they get.
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2. September 2004 @ 07:21 |
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jdobbs...thanks. These were also inkjet printables (white). Ritek has such a good reputation, bad media didn't seem a possibility. I tossed the bad ones already, but may find more, since I haven't had time to enjoy watching all the backups involved yet.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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2. September 2004 @ 07:26 |
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nla (no longer applicable)
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2. September 2004 @ 07:44 |
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Pop-Smith may have gotten the wrong idea about the clean setup. That meant cleaning out anything that remotely had anything to do with the setup and reinstalling a fresh download of all the necessary files and not saving the ini file setup, but starting from scratch with that as well. I had the same problem with the over compression. I'm not sure about the rest of it. Doc409, you're right about the Basic Trial. If he is using CCE Basic, it has to be the complete retail version. It's obvious a complete clean install wasn't done, unless he typed in some of the commands under the option setup. The only way this command (CCETargetSectors=2260000) gets in is if it's copied or typed in. I think the best thing to do for Pop-smith is delete the complete RB/CCE setup including Avisynth from ADD Remove in the control panel run the registry cleaner, reboot and then proceed with a fresh install of the program, which means every last component. I reloaded everything including a fresh download and setup of CCE.
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AfterDawn Addict
2. September 2004 @ 07:51 |
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Pop, I did not mean anything but RB/CCE on the re-install. I was under the impression you were using the paid for Basic version and I believe so were most others.... brobear had a sizing pproblem after he got his going amd a re-install fixed the situation, however he also had a paid Basic version.
Everyone who has had these problems, most all have been using trial versions. As in Bappida who doc referred to. The same exact thing happened.
I, like many others went ahead and bought Basic and avoided most of the problems the others have been experiencing with trial versions.
So, the reason I suggested the Re-install is that it seemed to fix everyone's sizing problems after they got it going.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 2. September 2004 @ 07:59
Senior Member
2. September 2004 @ 07:52 |
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brobear...I was wondering how the "CCETargetSectors=2260000" got in there because it isn't a click-type of option. I was under the impression that Pop Smith was going to go exactly by the guide this time.
Big-O...the day after tomorrow!!! When's kickoff...1:30? ...48 hours to go.
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
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2. September 2004 @ 08:10 |
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That command is one sometimes used when trying to repair the over compression problem. Looks like Pop-smith found some of the same info I did. The only way for the command to get in there is from copying or typed in. Either way Pop-smith isn't following the guide completely. As I posted previously, his best bet is a rebuild of the program from scratch, all components.
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2. September 2004 @ 11:32 |
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Hi all. :)
Seriously off-topic there, but I need serious help from PC gurus. :(
Are there any of you about?
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2. September 2004 @ 11:59 |
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I don't know if I've reached guru status yet, but what's up?
I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it. (Pablo Picasso)
Senior Member
2. September 2004 @ 12:23 |
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Hi Doc, thanks for coming to my rescue. :)
I got my new PC (Dell Dimension 4700) yesterday.
I added a second SATA drive to it (the only IDE connection was taken by the CD-RW and DVD-ROM).
After some fiddling, Windows recognised it.
This morning, I received a Pioneer A108 (DVD-RW DL).
I swapped it with the CD-RW.
It is set as Master (out of the box), the DVD-ROM left as Slave (from Dell factory).
Started the PC and got an error message:
"Drive 3 Not Found: Parallel ATA, Pata 0 (Pri IDE Master)".
It could have been "Pata 1" and/or (Pri IDE Slave)", I don't remember.
Went to the "Device Manager", and the Pioneer wasn't listed.
Restarted, checked the Bios, and the drive's details were missing: "ID not found".
Re-opened the PC, unplugged the two drives, replugged them without making any changes.
Restarted the PC.
The error is now "Drive 3 Not Found: Parallel ATA, Pata 1 (Pri IDE Slave)".
Checked the Bios, and it's now the DVD-ROM (Toshiba Samsung) that is shown as: "ID not found".
Restarted the PC (same error).
The "Dell" load-up screen now stays on for 30 seconds (as opposed to ~3 seconds).
The "Windows XP" load-up screen stays on for about 3 minutes (as opposed to ~10 seconds).
The "Windows XP is loading..." for about a minute (as opposed to a few seconds)..
The "Welcome" screen ~1 minute (as opposed to ~3 seconds)..
I went back to the device manager (which took quite a while to appear), and found two "Primary IDE Channel" listed (which I think I had previously noticed).
I checked their properties and get:
- Advanced Settings: Device 0 / UDMA Mode 5.
- Advanced Settings: Device 1 / UDMA Mode 5.
- Advanced Settings: Device 0 / UDMA Mode 2.
- Advanced Settings: Device 1 / Auto Detection ("None" is the only other option) / DMA if available / Transfer mode: Not applicable.
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2. September 2004 @ 12:28 |
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Edited the previous post: meant to say the DVD-ROM was not being seen/recognised after having unplugged/re-plugged the drives.