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Wii Firmware Updates, Wii and WiiKey Resources
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27. January 2008 @ 17:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1) Just run SMG and let it update. It will work fine if you have the 1.9g update installed as you say.

2) No need to worry about the REGION OVERRIDE setting unless you have problems running backups. In that case post back here.

3) Best thing you can do for your Wii is to only play PAL games if you can.

Originally posted by ElXando:
Hi, I am a little confused about the whole SMG thing and using the config disc and turning Region Free on, so would like some help :D
My Wii is the newest version it can be from Wii System Update, 3.1E.
My WiiKey is 1.9g, installed newest firmware recently.
I wish to play SMG. I will download the PAL version. Do I need to do anything except run it? Or do I need to run the 1.9g update again and instead of pressing A to reboot it with nothing in like I did first time, press A when I have inserted my burnt SMG DVD?
Also, how exactly do I boot the config disks, and do I need to run GCOS to turn my Wii Region Free on? Or could I just pop in a Japanese game now and it'll work? I ask this because I plan to play Super Smash Bros Brawl when it comes out in Japan (as we don't even have a release date yet :/).
Thanks very much, very new to this, my first hard-modded sytem.

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27. January 2008 @ 17:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by rafadawn:
1) Just run SMG and let it update. It will work fine if you have the 1.9g update installed as you say.

2) No need to worry about the REGION OVERRIDE setting unless you have problems running backups. In that case post back here.

3) Best thing you can do for your Wii is to only play PAL games if you can.

1) Thanks very much, good to know.

2 and 3 sort of) Well, I would very much like to play SSBB before it comes out in PAL (which will be probably about half a year after the NTSC-J one comes out) so would I need to turn REGION OVERRIDE on to do that? And can you please take me through how to create a GCOS config1.3 disc anyway just so I can configure my WiiKey? Thanks again.

Also one more question, can I play GameCube games by just burning them like Wii games onto a DVD-R?

El Xando

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 27. January 2008 @ 17:46

Senior Member
27. January 2008 @ 17:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Read p. 7 of this thread for my discussion with 666. That should give you enoough material about Config and Update discs.

If you want to play games from other regions, then you will need Region Override on. (But read this whole thread to see how to handle those Out-of-region games: When and how to use Wiibrickblocker, where to find the Region Compatibility list, etc...)

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28. January 2008 @ 01:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So if I wanted to play SSBB when it comes out in Japan, would I just need to turn REGION OVERRIDE on, or do I also have to use something like RegionFrii or Brick Blocker?
Thank you very much.

El Xando

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. January 2008 @ 01:59

28. January 2008 @ 02:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by rafadawn:
That game has a minor update that needs to run before you can play the game. If you have used Wiibrickblocker on it, then it will not run. Also, what's the region of the game and that of your Wii?
No i've not used Wiibrickblocker. The game is PAL and my Wii is PAL. Thanks for your help.
28. January 2008 @ 04:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have read up all things about the 1.2 and 1.3 config disks.
The thing is my wiikey is being installed by a professional.
So i wouldn't be able to check which firmware i have on my wiikey?
So how would i know which disk to use?

1.2 or 1.3, and i dont have a GC controller.
I dont understand when they say, for a hexed version, you need 2 discs, one with the normal iso file and then used an 'untouched disc', what is a untouched disc?

You know they say if you play a game outside your region and it updates, it could be bricked. What happens if my firmware is 3.1E and i play a NTSC-J game, which installs a firmware less than my firmware, say 2.1J or something? Would this still effect my firmware even though it's higher than the one its trying to install? Or it doesn't matter which firmware it installs, as long as its less than the firmware i already have?
28. January 2008 @ 07:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
New problem found I think-
I have a Jap Wii with D2C
Jap version of smash bros x (of course)
its updating the firmware... but its stuck on the update screen.. its got the littlest bar to go and its not doing it (thouigh its still thinking bout it)
what do you thnk I outta do?
28. January 2008 @ 07:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by poke50uk:
New problem found I think-
I have a Jap Wii with D2C
Jap version of smash bros x (of course)
its updating the firmware... but its stuck on the update screen.. its got the littlest bar to go and its not doing it (thouigh its still thinking bout it)
what do you thnk I outta do?
btw.. check it with brick blocker.. it is definatly smash bros
28. January 2008 @ 17:48 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So whats the update on the new update for Super Smash Bros. X (Japanese)? Anyone Hurry this game is going to be the best!!!
28. January 2008 @ 19:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
looks like it was a fake iso.. must have been
Senior Member
28. January 2008 @ 19:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   


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This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 28. January 2008 @ 19:13

28. January 2008 @ 19:28 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by yoyo4:
Wii-FIT from Japan semi-bricked my Wii-US with wiikey. The settings menu doesn't work and there are also double channels on weather and news. I can still play all other backup games.

wiikey was installed 5 months ago, and it has not been updated with 1.9g.

1. I wonder if I should still go ahead and update with 1.9g now that the Wii is semi-bricked.

2. then to run SMG-US and see if SMG update will occur and override the Wii-FIT version to unbrick Wii.

BTW, Wii-FIT is awesome once we figured out the Japanese menu.
I think I an stuck in the same situation as yoyo4. I just got my wii fit (J) as a present from HK. I have modded my US version wii recently and I wasn't aware of this whole semi-bricking or full-bricking systems. My system was semi-bricked because of the wii fit update. I see two weather channels and two news channels and I can't access my setup page. I can still play my copied games tho.

Has anyone fixed this with a US version game's update? Thanks a million!

Liang Jai
28. January 2008 @ 21:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is this the correct location to ask about Wii Fit (J) update question?

Also does anyone know what firmware version that Wii Fit(J) update to? 3.0J? I have got my modded US version Wii semi-brick because of the Wii Fit (J). I can't access my setup menu, so I can't tell which version # that my Wii is running on now.

I mean if know what firmware version# that my system got upgrade from the wii fit, I can probably find a US games that has a higher version number to upgrade my console to fix my semi-bricked stuation right?

thanks guys.
Senior Member
28. January 2008 @ 22:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1) WiiFit(J) updates to 3.1J

2) Highest update for Wii(US) is 3.1U on SMG. If that doesn't work (and it shouldn't), then you need to wait for the nex US update.

Originally posted by dream221:
Is this the correct location to ask about Wii Fit (J) update question?

Also does anyone know what firmware version that Wii Fit(J) update to? 3.0J? I have got my modded US version Wii semi-brick because of the Wii Fit (J). I can't access my setup menu, so I can't tell which version # that my Wii is running on now.

I mean if know what firmware version# that my system got upgrade from the wii fit, I can probably find a US games that has a higher version number to upgrade my console to fix my semi-bricked stuation right?

thanks guys.

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29. January 2008 @ 00:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Guys, I really need some help.
A japanese modchipped Wii was bought earlier this month from Singapore.
Initially it was semi-bricked by PAL Super Mario galaxy.
I unbricked it by running NTSC-J Wii Fit which ran a newer firmware update - onlt problem is there are now duplicate channels.
When Wii Fit would not load I realised I must have a WiiKey rather than a DC2Key. I ran the 1.9g update and now Wii Fit will load but can't get past a screen asking to sync with a balance board.
Tried Super Paper Mario PAL original and it works.
Tried Wii Sport PAL and it recognises the disc but loads a blacks screen???
Tried Table Tennis PAL, it recognises the disc but it loads something similar to a blue screen of death!!!
What the hell is going on???
I have used config disc 1.3 + hacked + GCos and tested Region Overide settings but still no joy. I assume I am doing it right as when I set it to off Super Paper Mario is unrecognised but when I set it to on, all 3 discs are recognised and Super Paper Mario plays.
I know that Wii Fit and Super Mario Galaxy need to be the same region as your Wii, but these are the only two so far with this new protection.
Please help me!!!
Also - please advise the correct method to run the 1.9b recover disc -it loads a blank screen and seems to do nothing - I let it run for 10 minutes and ejected the disc and reset the console but it still seems to be at 1.9g as Wii Fit still loads???
29. January 2008 @ 02:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I have read up all things about the 1.2 and 1.3 config disks.
The thing is my wiikey is being installed by a professional.
So i wouldn't be able to check which firmware i have on my wiikey?
So how would i know which disk to use?

1.2 or 1.3, and i dont have a GC controller.
I dont understand when they say, for a hexed version, you need 2 discs, one with the normal iso file and then used an 'untouched disc', what is a untouched disc?

You know they say if you play a game outside your region and it updates, it could be bricked. What happens if my firmware is 3.1E and i play a NTSC-J game, which installs a firmware less than my firmware, say 2.1J or something? Would this still effect my firmware even though it's higher than the one its trying to install? Or it doesn't matter which firmware it installs, as long as its less than the firmware i already have?
Senior Member
29. January 2008 @ 05:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
1) WiiFit needs the board in order to ru
2) Obviously your Wiikey is working if Super Paper Mario PAL is working. Try re-burning the other games on DVD-R discs at 4x. Also, check the Region Vompatibility List.
3) Stop trying to run everything for no reason. Just put the 1.9g update in and turn the REGION OVERRIDE on wiht the Config disc.

When you get your Wii back, do this:
1) Install the 1.9g update
2) Use the hacked 1.3 Config disc to turn Region Override on (only if you will play some games from another region)
3) Either use the Internet or run SMG from your region to update your Wii to 3.1

NOTE: You can use the RESET button on your Wii instead of the GC controller. Tap the Reset button for scrolling selections. Hold it down in place of the A button.

Where's the party?!?
29. January 2008 @ 07:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok cool, my firmware is already updated to 3.1E (PAL)
What i also want to know is

You know they say if you play a game outside your region and it updates, it could be bricked. What happens if my firmware is 3.1E and i play a NTSC-J game, which installs a firmware less than my firmware, say 2.1J or something? Would this still effect my firmware even though it's higher than the one its trying to install? Or it doesn't matter which firmware it installs, as long as its less than the firmware i already have?
29. January 2008 @ 14:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks a lot rafadawn!

Liang Jai
Senior Member
29. January 2008 @ 16:47 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
In theory a lower firmware should not change a higher one. However, as always, ther is no 100% guarantee.

Originally posted by DanTeeCee:
Ok cool, my firmware is already updated to 3.1E (PAL)
What i also want to know is

You know they say if you play a game outside your region and it updates, it could be bricked. What happens if my firmware is 3.1E and i play a NTSC-J game, which installs a firmware less than my firmware, say 2.1J or something? Would this still effect my firmware even though it's higher than the one its trying to install? Or it doesn't matter which firmware it installs, as long as its less than the firmware i already have?

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29. January 2008 @ 18:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi i need some help please. I installed my Wiikey and updated the console to 3.1u and 1.9g for the wiikey and 1.2 config to turn off the region override and turn the speed to 3x. i originally burned a bunch of games wario wares, nfs pro street, pirates of the carabien, tomb raider adventure, showtime boxing and they all work fine. Now i just downloaded a bunch of other games including some that are pal and none of them work. I got who wants to be a millionere and it reads the disc at the wii menu then when i go to start it just goes black screen and locks up the system. then i got the game word coach in us format... does not reed it at all says bad disc same thing with agathat christie pal edition and Tiger woods 08 us edition just locks up the system period. can anyone sugest anything thanks?
29. January 2008 @ 19:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
didn't you say you turned region override off?
maybe thats why the PAL games aint working.
" installed my Wiikey and updated the console to 3.1u and 1.9g for the wiikey and 1.2 config to turn off the region override and turn the speed to 3x"

try turning it back on
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29. January 2008 @ 20:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
no i turned it on
30. January 2008 @ 13:03 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"If you need to make a GCOS disk of the file you just filechopped, then use WiiUI. "
Why would you need to?

El Xando
Senior Member
30. January 2008 @ 16:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Because, when the Wii has problems running Wii backups, it might still be able to run GCOS discs.

Originally posted by ElXando:
"If you need to make a GCOS disk of the file you just filechopped, then use WiiUI. "
Why would you need to?

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