PS3 vs Xbox 360
Senior Member
13. February 2006 @ 10:48 |
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Thanks for the 360 game launch line up here in Australia rabbity. I cant rememeber the exact site I got those pictures of the 360 game pad covers from. I think it was but go along a few page's becuase it was old news. Also those face plate's are not out yet and will b available some time this year although I think you might be able to get 2 colours in America but I dont know what site it would be on.
Can I just say that anubis you are sounding alot better in terms of not sounding like a PS3 fanboy. It will be down to the games at the end of the day but I think both console's will be capable of producing graphic's near in quality to Killzone 2 as they are coming to the end of their live's.
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13. February 2006 @ 12:03 |
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AfterDawn Addict
13. February 2006 @ 13:12 |
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you know, this may seem crazy but i could see the revolution outselling the ps3 in japan at a 5:3 ratio. the rev will be cheap but effective, much like the ds. the ds well outsold the psp in japan for those reasons. using this, i forsee the rev's primary own in japan.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
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13. February 2006 @ 13:23 |
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yeah i agree
Senior Member
13. February 2006 @ 15:23 |
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While I could see that happening, most of the polls out there are suggesting a different outcome between the REV and the PS3.
But if that did happen for some reason, we all could see a massive change to the direction of future consoles.
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13. February 2006 @ 15:24 |
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Wait wait, does'nt polls show that 70% of Japan wants ps3, 20% want xbox360 and 10% want revolution. Anibus, i strongly have to dissagree with you. DS sold more because it came a year b4 the PSP. The ds was'nt cheap. Infact I'm pretty sure more of Japan wants PSP now that it's out.
(this is opposite for 360 because it was only out for like a day or two?)
I'm pretty sure ps3 will outsell in Japan. It's going to be like gamecube vs ps2 all over again. Dont you remember hystory of gamecube? It's a good cheap consol, but how many people bought it? People buy whats good. Somehow, i believe that the revolution wont be as good as either xbox360 or ps3.(even nintendo admited that rev is only 2x more powerfull than gamecube.)
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13. February 2006 @ 16:04 |
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I've finally watched MGS video, and i got to say its as good or even better than GOW. It's really impressive.(both games) Can't wait untill i play them.
13. February 2006 @ 16:06 |
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well i flamin love zelda (not u zelda64, lol).
that twilight princess game coming out for GC (yea i got one, hav u?) looks flamin fantastic, likely to be even better than ocarina of time (which was apsolutely brilliant).
it looks set to be one of the best games of 2006, and YES its on the GC. probably will be the ONLY game from the GC to be a contendar for that title too.
and i never ONCE said that the PS3 is junk, the PS3 is fantastic.
all i was doing (in the first half of my last post) was pointing out some points from the 5 page PS3 article.
sod's law would be, that unluckily for the PS3 the most concerned points about it, are negative ones, e.g. about release date, cost etc
and the one saying that PS3 graphics are not like killzone 2 vid at all. MGS4 looks great though, and its realtime. like GOW, believe it or not. who is the *developer* of GOW (NOT the publisher).
those points (although they seem bad about PS3), werent made up by me, or aimed to put down the PS3 from me. all i was doing was pointing them out, simple.
the second half was just an opinion.
and kookoo, anubis wasnt saying that the rev will outsell the PS3, he simply said he can *see* it happening.
like a big speculation - but not, if you know what i mean?
if that did happen then things would be strange, according to Nintendo the rev is their last console.
so if that happened (nintendo won Jap market) would nintendo decide to stay in the market.
and anubis, your becoming far less biased.
you actually know now of the problem that the PS3 is facing if something goes wrong for it.
like the one you said about the PS3 having to being ready with a good lineup, before the next large batch of 360's come out before it.
or else big trouble.
and i said i think 360 will win europe market because 2007 is simply way too late. thats 90% of my reason. and as i have said, europeans have little patience with regards to electrical video entertainement, like consoles for example.
Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......
Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.
Senior Member
13. February 2006 @ 16:06 |
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Quote: Sony will never take the american market.
KooKoo67.... could you give your opinion on why you dont think that the ps3 will take the american market??? And also be honest on whether or not you were one of those that said that the ps2 wouldnot take the market when the previously when the ps2 and xbox hit the market.
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13. February 2006 @ 16:14 |
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Did'nt Xbox take the market in North America? But ps2 worldwide?
Well i have to say, if Microsoft did'nt make a consol, sony can easily take the market. well thats unless Nintendo doesnt put up a huge fight. You know how most Japaneese stick with Japanese products? It's the same with americans and canadians. Would'nt you agree?
Maybe i should rephrase.
Sony is less likly to take the market in North America. Does this amke it betteR?
Senior Member
13. February 2006 @ 18:32 |
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Dont ppl in the US own more PS2 than x box???
AfterDawn Addict
13. February 2006 @ 19:32 |
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yes they do, about a 3:2 ratio have the ps2
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 13. February 2006 @ 19:32
Senior Member
13. February 2006 @ 20:09 |
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KooKoo....No the xbox did not outsell the ps2 and was not even close. As much as you are supporting that the 360 will outsell the ps3 you should have already researched info like this. It does make a huge diff in how many supporters the previous console sold. It shows their previous fanbase. If you take all the xbox that were ever sold in the world and add them together. There are still more PS2 in N America alone.
close to 13 million xbox in N america
close to 32 million ps2 in N america
somewhere around 23 million xbox worldwide
somewhere around 92 million ps2 worldwide
I thought everyone here who thinks that the xbox 360 will outsell the PS3 would have know that the stats in the diff in sales are astounding. Not even close. I am not being biased when i say that the xbox did not sale well when compared to the ps2 period. They did sell millions of units but when you have such a drastic diff in sales then you can things like this without it being an opinion. This is not an opinion i just want to make you aware b.c of the fact that it can be researched and proven.
Some of these are not the most current but they do show the drastic diff in the console sales. Feel free to search the net if you have trouble beleiving that the xbox did not sale well vs. the ps2. Sony dominated microsoft and that is a fact. Look at the numbers. It slightly more than a 1:4 ratio worldwide. Now with that poor number of fanbase from the previous system you actually think the xbox 360 will outsell the ps3???????? Microsoft will probably do better this time around but you still might want to try a second opinion.
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Senior Member
13. February 2006 @ 21:09 |
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Quote: according to Nintendo the rev is their last console.
Can someone please give me a link to a nintendo representative saying this? I still don't believe anyone from Nintendo has said this, and I'm sick of this rumor circling around.
On top of that, even with GameCube's less-than-stellar performance, the company still made a profit. (as opposed to Microsoft's 4 billion dollar loss)
As far as I know, the only thing remotely close to Nintendo giving it's opinion on the matter was when someone said that "If the Rev sells less than Gamecube, we consider that a failure."
I'm confident that the Revolution could outsell the gamecube, so how on earth would a "success" in Nintendo's eyes prompt them to opt out of the console making industry?
In fact, I know also that Nintendo has stated that it would exit the hardware business the same time it exits the software business. That means that, according to Nintendo, it will make games and consoles until they've got nothing left. And I doubt that will be anytime soon, considering the company is still very, very profitable.
Sorry if I got off on a tangent, but that rumor really gets on my nerves.
cool guygot
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Senior Member
14. February 2006 @ 02:27 |
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I know what you mean though. I asked the same question before but when someone provided a few link to verify that supported that it was still a rumor.
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14. February 2006 @ 02:33 |
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did'nt ps2 sell 100m worldwide?
N e ways, i just used what was said at xbox E3. They said that it was the 1# consol in North america did'nt they?
The revolution thing i think was just a rumor. It was discussed a long long tim ago.
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Senior Member
14. February 2006 @ 02:40 |
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They twisted that statement. It is the number one system if you are talking about raw power. You were mislead. If the original xbox did not sell how could it be number one???? Yoy are probably correct. I think i remeber hearing the ps2 selling more than 100 mill not sure it could have been the ps1 bc i know it sold more. I didnot have the time to sit and find numbers accurate up untill todays actual date. I have also seen numbers that show that you might be luck enough to be able to give away an xbox 360 in asia nonetheless trying to sell one. I hope you know how many chinese and japanese combined there are compared to the N america's population b.c they will not buy a microsoft console their in Asia so that kills all chances of the xbox 360 dream of being dominate.
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
14. February 2006 @ 02:46 |
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i thinkn if priced at a good and afordable price then the rev could sell very well, especially if the ps3 costs 500$.
14. February 2006 @ 03:31 |
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why o why are we dwelling on past sales of last generation consoles.
who cares now.
the new generation looks set to be different market wise and gaming wise.
i met a full server of people on a CS:S server last nite who said that the PS3 is twice as powerful as the 360, and i said why, and they said all those teraflops. i thought WHAT? they were idiots they didnt know anything about what teraflops were used for.
they even thought that the CPU just as important as the GPU for games, ahahaha fools. i proved them wrong obviously, now they know that the spec sheets a load of crap.
my point is, people take a first galnce of something, like the market capaign, just like those noobs did with the spec sheet, and instantly figure what they think will happen, without any insight whatsoever.
and they then fight for that, its pointless and wrong.
im telling you, this time will be different.
i hope nintendo never ever go out of business, because if they do, zelda will be bye bye, then ill slit my wrists. hehe
Don't judge the consoles by specs, more isnt always better, espec in PS3 specs.i know the truth, ask if u wanna know.......
Do not compete without valid correct technicality on your terms of the argument.
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14. February 2006 @ 04:04 |
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no i recon that nintendo did go bust then they would follow what sega did and just make their type of games for other you would see super smash bros with xbox 360 graphics on xbl that would be so awesome and you would also see metroid prime on ps3 and zelda and other mario stuff, soo they will never go out of the games industry for sure.
Senior Member
14. February 2006 @ 09:24 |
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For the second time now, I'll reiterate that Nintendo has stated they will exit the hardware business the same time they exit the software business.
And furthermore, Nintendo isn't even in any kind of financial trouble. Nintendo is in good shape.
cool guygot
Senior Member
14. February 2006 @ 09:29 |
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Quote: why o why are we dwelling on past sales of last generation consoles. who cares now..
Well i was using that as a reference as to why the xbox360 probably will never take over the gaming market. But honestly who cares about one system being more powerful. Blah blah teraflop and i heard ps3 will be more than twice as powerful. And you point is?????
Now your name is truthman and you should know that the power of one system is not going to the main selling factor for either console. The games will be and the number of fans and supporters will be. Who cares about the power????? All about the games baby. Who cares about teraflops and if anyone knows what they are used for. Teraflops wont be any good without the great title games for you to play and that is the truthman. Nobody want to hear that.
What we should be talking about is the games that will be available for both consolse and then the games that will be available for the xbox 360 and the PS3 and which ones are suppose to be worth buying. Do you actually think people are going to be sitting back playing their PS3 saying," Oh man these teraflops sure do make my ps3 better than the xbox on Metal gear solid 4" Vice-versa do you think they will be sitting their saying,"Oh i knew the xbox would be more powerful while playing Halo 3" No but what they will be saying if they didnot choose to buy both a ps3 and xbox360 is that i am glad i got this xbox 360 b.c i like halo and it is not available for the ps3 or vice versa with metal gear solid 4. That is the point i am making.
Truth is that all the gamers out their that will pick either one of these systems just b.c it may be more powerful than the other is a fool selling himself short. Open your eyes, and take a broader look at things b.c it bigger than that. Have enough sense to take into account what games they have available that are exclusives and will not be available to play should they choose one or the other. Someone who can not do that is a true fanboy!!!!!!!
PS. If you are one of the people than are not choosing to buy either system b.c of its power capabilities alone then that fanboy thing doesnot apply to you.
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14. February 2006 @ 10:05 |
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Lol truthman, one of my moronic friends told me that xbox360 is 3x more powerfull because it has 3 GPU's. LMAO, not cores but GPU's. I had a good laugh. Even though both ar'nt correct.
Senior Member
14. February 2006 @ 10:42 |
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Hey Kookoo and Truthman I have the latest highly profound PC magazine here in Australia and it has a very very good article on the Cell chip explaining it arcitecture and the way it works including negatives and possitives. As soon as I get the time I will quote some of it on this thread.
One more thing. Check out this video of gamespot playing Ghost Reacon. Its brilliant!
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14. February 2006 @ 11:06 |
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Ghost reccon is'nt as impressive as GOW or MGS. (oppinion)
Please quote all the negatives and posatives.^^