Slow Bit Torrent downloads? Router configuration tips.
Senior Member
29. December 2006 @ 09:17 |
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Outbound? Oh pooooo.
I assumed it was inbound. Thats my problem i guess.
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
Senior Member
29. December 2006 @ 09:27 |
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Thats different to the other menu/options thing.
Here, there are more options for the LAN section...n that portforwarding site doesnt tell me what to do for that bit....can you tell me mistycat?
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
AfterDawn Addict
29. December 2006 @ 16:02 |
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Not sure but stick your ip address in Start and Finish LAN settings and click apply.
6. January 2007 @ 01:14 |
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I have a serious problem, don't know where it could be coming from.
I went for holidays 15 days ago. Until then, I was using Azureus and never had problems with it. d/l and u/l speeds were perfect.
After returning home, hell kicked in. Although all indications are green, I keep getting messages like Connection Error (SocketException: Unexpected end of file from server), my d/l speed is slow and I cannot get any u/l speed higher that 2-3 kb/s, an that only for some seconds. Otherwise it is uploading nothing. This goes for all the active torrents, not just the ones with the "SocketException" error message. I have a 2.2 Mbps connection, used to have d/l speeds up to 180 and u/l speeds up to 35.
Also tried to return to restore point, nothing helped.
Tried what is suggested with opening ports, but when I put the number on the web page( I get nothing (could not connect to remote server). I am desperate!
Any help!
AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2007 @ 08:00 |
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Try a factory reset to defaults in your router. It is usually a small hole in the back of your router; use something like a paperclip and hold it in for 10 seconds but you will have to redo any settings. Or, an uninstall, reinstall of Azureus may help. Doesn't Azureus use Java, I believe there was an update to it in the last few days, maybe the issue lies there.
AfterDawn Addict
6. January 2007 @ 08:18 |
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You could also try unplugging your router for 1 - 2 minutes.
6. January 2007 @ 08:29 |
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how do i plugin safe peer to my Azureus
Senior Member
8. January 2007 @ 10:02 |
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Quote: Not sure but stick your ip address in Start and Finish LAN settings and click apply.
My actualy ip address? As in, the one i get when i go to
Or my routers ip address (as in
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
AfterDawn Addict
8. January 2007 @ 10:33 |
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Not your router's address, your actual ip address. Ipchicken may show your correct address, it doesn't for me nor does Portforward or any other site that shows ip addresses. I only use my ip address from ipconfig/all.
Senior Member
8. January 2007 @ 12:16 |
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Ok, and with ipconfig/all which bit is my ip address again please?
(AHA! In the inbound service that i need to i enter my ACTUALY ip address there aswell?)
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
AfterDawn Addict
8. January 2007 @ 12:28 |
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In ipconfig/all, there is alot of information as well as your ip address under ip address. The only time I ever use the router ip is to gain addess to my router, inbound is to your ip address as well.
9. January 2007 @ 16:43 |
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People, i have a litle everyone here.. I have a 4Mb band..512 KB download full speed..cable-modem.... the point is that i can download with full speed from eny site.. HTTP or FTP... with dap or reget.. or others.. but when it comes to torrents or Direct Conect.. or Emule or All .... i dowload with 30 to max 70 .... and a very rare situation , it jumping up to 350 KB for a few hours...and then back to normal ( 30-40 )..
Can Someone Explain this to me..pls
Senior Member
9. January 2007 @ 22:18 |
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Using the ip address that ipchicken gave me, Netgear said it was invailid.
It seems to want an ip address starting with three numbers.
Using ipconfig/all, it tells me that my ip address is!!!
If that IS so, i have entered that in my options in my router settings and it still doesnt work.
Can you pm me your msn address or something, because im having real trouble getting this to work...
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
Senior Member
9. January 2007 @ 22:18 |
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Using the ip address that ipchicken gave me, Netgear said it was invailid.
It seems to want an ip address starting with three numbers.
Using ipconfig/all, it tells me that my ip address is!!!
If that IS so, i have entered that in my options in my router settings and it still doesnt work.
Can you pm me your msn address or something, because im having real trouble getting this to work...
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
AfterDawn Addict
10. January 2007 @ 07:43 |
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Now I'm getting confused. Are you sure you're entering your ip address and not the Default Gateway which is your router. My address is 192.168.x.x and the Default Gateway is only a few numbers off. The ip you show is starting with 3 numbers even if it shows as incorrect, as far as I know all do. Perhaps, it's time to start over with a factory reset of your router and a static address or contact Netgear and a better client wouldn't hurt. This shouldn't be anything to do with Bitlord but it does cause problems which are well documented here and is full of malware. This is being made far harder than it needs to be, shouldn't take more than 10-15 minutes and after closer examination, your router settings look the same as PortForward. I fear settings have been changed that shouldn't have been and starting over with a reset may be your only recourse. Sending my email wouldn't help.
Senior Member
10. January 2007 @ 08:24 |
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Hey misty!
Yeh im entered my address....192.168.0.x, and my router address is only a few numbers off!
Ive just tried it all again.......but if this dont work then im gonna cry! I shouldnt have to reset anything mate, all ive done is add a service, and allow it as an inbound and outbound service!!!
Thats all ive done, and i dont see why its not working.
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
AfterDawn Addict
10. January 2007 @ 09:16 |
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OK, let's start over. Follow the directions on this page: for your router and BitLord but first, shut down your computer for 5 minutes and when you restart your computer, check your ip address in ipconfig/all and if it has changed, you'll have to make it static or any forwarding is useless. Also, use a port over 10,000 that's not the default as ISP's may block those under 10,000 or the default. And I don't recall if you listed your ISP but check and see if it's on this list as that would negate any forwarding:
Senior Member
10. January 2007 @ 11:40 |
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Just made my ip static, still no luck. I use talktalk from carphone warehouse!
Thats not on that list.
Anyhoo, that portforwarding guide tells me to use the port that is shown on my Bitlord Preferences.
How can i make it over 10000 if im meant to use that specific port?
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
Senior Member
10. January 2007 @ 11:46 |
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Oh right the port is 22550 or something like that so its way over 10000.
I dont understand why its not working then!
Ill pm you some exact screenshots of the service and the rules and my ipconfig/all window.
I dont care if u know my ip or not, i need your help mistycat!
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
AfterDawn Addict
10. January 2007 @ 11:52 |
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I would suggest cntacting Netgear. At one time, I had to contact my router manufacturer (DLink) and they were very friendly and helpful. Something doesn't seem right and I have no idea what.
10. January 2007 @ 20:56 |
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hey. i have a belkin adsl modem router, and i opened up ports 6881 to 6889 on the virtual server. however, now, my upload speed has tripled but my download speed is still the same! its really infuriating. could it be because there arent many seeds? about 17, i think.
Suspended due to non-functional email address
11. January 2007 @ 02:54 |
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I want to unblock the ports or whatever this thread tells me to do but I have concerns
The internet on my computer is shared, the modem connects to another computer (not mine) then it goes to this router and share on to mine.
Is is safe to do what this thread says? Or can it possibly mess up other people's internet?
Senior Member
11. January 2007 @ 04:23 |
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Mistycat, how will some guy in india for netgear know about BitLord?
Thanks ireland!![afterdawn legend]
AfterDawn Addict
11. January 2007 @ 07:31 |
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You need to know your ip address before you can port forward and they will tell you how to obtain and forward that. BTW, can you access your routers status page and see your personal ip address there, not your router's address. Did you set your static address correctly, here"s a guide to check: This is just a guess but you could try setting a static address that is, say, only if no other computers are connected because they may be using that address. If your ip address can't be found or won't work, I'm at a loss. Shields up will show an ip address for me but it"s the same as any others programs show and not correct. Is for most, though.
AfterDawn Addict
11. January 2007 @ 08:02 |
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When you contact Netgear's support, do it by email. You can go over what they say as much as you want and only phone calls go to India, as far as I know.