Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
Junior Member
20. April 2009 @ 13:17 |
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Hey again. Well just a quick update my first Ylod machine is running strong and is showing no further problems.
However I started in on my second Ylod and this one is a little goofy. I did the ylod fix just as before, but with this machine there is a delay before the machine actually Ylod's out. (About 5 seconds after powering up) Futhermore if I push and hold the button I can get it into the "switch display" menu and if I put in a different hard drive it pops up and allows me to format it. (It actually does the format, then on reset ylods) I've checked the power supply, the wifi board and I think the drive is ok too. Has anyone else seen anything like this befor?
Thanks guys.
20. April 2009 @ 18:47 |
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Update: Ps3 still alive and kicking. Today I've put it to the real test. Played some KZ2, then FC2, GTA IV, and a lot of demos.
Hope it stays that way.
21. April 2009 @ 11:01 |
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Mine is been liuke this over 1 month already... god knows how many times i tryed to reflow... and still no luck...
Colin what do you mean by spread some Flux under the processor before reflowing? Can you give me some more directions about it?
Originally posted by blklotus: Hey again. Well just a quick update my first Ylod machine is running strong and is showing no further problems.
However I started in on my second Ylod and this one is a little goofy. I did the ylod fix just as before, but with this machine there is a delay before the machine actually Ylod's out. (About 5 seconds after powering up) Futhermore if I push and hold the button I can get it into the "switch display" menu and if I put in a different hard drive it pops up and allows me to format it. (It actually does the format, then on reset ylods) I've checked the power supply, the wifi board and I think the drive is ok too. Has anyone else seen anything like this befor?
Thanks guys.
21. April 2009 @ 14:18 |
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flux comes in liquid form and if you squirt it under the bga before reflow then it will help the old solder reform
just squirt some under and tilt board from side to side to make it run completely underneath the bga then proceed as before with the reflow!
22. April 2009 @ 16:25 |
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I am now +2 in heatgun :-)
Did it for the third time - so everything OK.
40 sec. on the front of each processor and 2o on the back at around 350 degrees.
I noticed the psu get really hot (running it without cover). Anybody knows of a 'top-cover mod' that allows for a better airflow. I am about to cut holes in each of the two covers and mount then mount some form of foam or grid.
22. April 2009 @ 16:29 |
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note: I applied a firm pressure to each of the processors right after they were heated.
Junior Member
22. April 2009 @ 17:05 |
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Originally posted by Riberen: I am now +2 in heatgun :-)
Did it for the third time - so everything OK.
40 sec. on the front of each processor and 2o on the back at around 350 degrees.
I noticed the psu get really hot (running it without cover). Anybody knows of a 'top-cover mod' that allows for a better airflow. I am about to cut holes in each of the two covers and mount then mount some form of foam or grid.
I too noticed the PS ran really hot, however when I screwed it down solid it seemed to help cool it off. The case is back on now and the heat doesnt seem to be an issue.
26. April 2009 @ 00:23 |
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Hi everyone, my PS3 died about 6 weeks ago and I was able to fix it with Colin's mad guide. It was running fine until today. Now it's dead again and I'm hoping what I did last time will work again. I'd rather not mess around with "flux", so my fingers are crossed.
Cheers for the guide Colin, it worked once, I'm sure it'll work again.
Junior Member
26. April 2009 @ 05:51 |
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This is the thrid time my ps3 has ylod dont no if to use flux this time or try the normal heating again to fix. I am wondering if the ps3 will always do this now, would the us fan work to solve this ylod
26. April 2009 @ 11:05 |
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I have had my Playstation 3 system for about three years now. It broke about a year after I bought the first one. I got a refurbished PS3 system back and have had it working until the night of April 25, 2009. Now it is flashing yellow lights when it is turned on, so I called Sony. I talked to George, Jason, and a girl I didn't catch the name of. I was told that it is a ventilation problem and that I must have abused the system. I have never had my PS3 system in a cabinet or even within a foot of anything. These people were very disrespectful with me. I am tired of the way that Sony representatives handle calls. In addition, I was told that I would have to pay $150 USD to get my PS3 system refurbished with only a 90 day guarantee after that. I am starting this petition against Sony so that Sony might finally listen to the people that are keeping them in business. Please sign this petition if you agree that Sony needs to wake up!
29. April 2009 @ 04:56 |
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Hello everyone. I just created an account to share my ylod experience.
My friends launch ps2 ylod'd on him and he went ahead and bought a new unit. I was curious about what it actually was and I found these forums and colin's fix through a google search. I asked him if he minded me taking a crack at fixing it and he agreed. He was just gonna throw it out. He told me if i got it to work again I could have it.
My first try at the fix was unsuccessful with the written guide. System still would not boot. I followed the guide to the word. After reading some more users experiences and watching the video guide, I decided to take another crack at it. The second time I held the heat gun on the two chips much longer than 15-20 secs. Honestly I didn't count seconds I just did it till I felt satisfied. If I had to guess it was around a minute or more. Low and behold IT WORKED! I'm so happy. I just got a fully backwards compatible system for the cost of just the "fix" supplies.
This is my first system so I can't compare how loud the fans were to begin with, but they seem on par with my friends new system. pretty quite. It also has gone through several on and off sessions without a hitch. When I took the system apart the second time I realized that I had put too much thermal compound on the first time. I also used artic silver 5. I had a hard time getting the fan shroud to seperate from the chips lol.
I just wanted to thank you Colin for sharing this with the rest of us. You are my hero. For people trying it for the first time, don't be afraid to really get on it with the heat gun. The first time I was a little skiddish with it and it was not enough to get a good reflow. Also don't overdo it with the thermal paste. It's hard to believe just a little thin layer is best but it is.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. April 2009 @ 05:00
29. April 2009 @ 05:08 |
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agree on the thermal compount. The third time I did it (still works after two weeks with my kids playing LEGO Indiana Jones on/off, two dvds upscaled and a night of GRID and GTV)
I had only a very small amount of compound left. I spread it on the processors with my indexfinger and only left a thin film. I did leave the fans untouched as they looked ok with a even spread of the existing compound.
29. April 2009 @ 21:40 |
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Ok so i got my PS3 running thanks to colin. My Ps3 was turn off for 3 days and one hight i pluged my zune player into the usb port of the ps3 then 10-20 seconds later my ps3 YLOD. Sony said NO way the zune hurtit they said it had overheated. My first try it worked for 30 mins but wont recognize any controllers and i turned it off and on a couple times it still worked but then i tried to do a update and it went to log me in and it YLOD again. I let it cool down and turned it on and it YLOD with in a minute everytime. So i reflowed again THIS TIME I JUST TOOK OFF ALL THE STUFF ON THE TOP OF THE MOBO AND USED THE HEAT GUN ON JUST THE TOP PART OF THE MOBO IN THE YELLOW BOX ON THE GUIDE KEEP THE HEATSYNC AND THE PASTE ALONE I DID TAKE OUT THE FAN WHILE I USED THE GUN. i DIDNT CHANGE THE PASTE { Asilver -5 } PUT IT BACK TOGETHER WORKS LOT BETTER THEN BEFORE. So now i cant connect to the internet wirelessly or by the wired cable but thats not all my ps3 wont recognize any of my controllers unless it's plugged into the cable to the usb , all the usb ports still work. So could the wifi problem YLOD my ps3 cause of the zune player?
Junior Member
29. April 2009 @ 21:58 |
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Originally posted by RB50320: Ok so i got my PS3 running thanks to colin. My Ps3 was turn off for 3 days and one hight i pluged my zune player into the usb port of the ps3 then 10-20 seconds later my ps3 YLOD. Sony said NO way the zune hurtit they said it had overheated. My first try it worked for 30 mins but wont recognize any controllers and i turned it off and on a couple times it still worked but then i tried to do a update and it went to log me in and it YLOD again. I let it cool down and turned it on and it YLOD with in a minute everytime. So i reflowed again THIS TIME I JUST TOOK OFF ALL THE STUFF ON THE TOP OF THE MOBO AND USED THE HEAT GUN ON JUST THE TOP PART OF THE MOBO IN THE YELLOW BOX ON THE GUIDE KEEP THE HEATSYNC AND THE PASTE ALONE I DID TAKE OUT THE FAN WHILE I USED THE GUN. i DIDNT CHANGE THE PASTE { Asilver -5 } PUT IT BACK TOGETHER WORKS LOT BETTER THEN BEFORE. So now i cant connect to the internet wirelessly or by the wired cable but thats not all my ps3 wont recognize any of my controllers unless it's plugged into the cable to the usb , all the usb ports still work. So could the wifi problem YLOD my ps3 cause of the zune player?
Check the ribbon cable between the wifi board and the mainboard and make sure its plugged in all the way. Also check that the antenna wire is connected to it (single black wire on the top of the wiri board)
Junior Member
29. April 2009 @ 22:00 |
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I think you should check you Bluetooth ribon cable, disconnect and reconnect it.
It the board at the front of the unit in front of the power supply, sometimes people dont get the cable hooked up properly. so make sure power is off and disconnect and recconnect the top part of the cable, make sure the little wire that goes to the back of the board is hooked up as well
If still not working, check the connection of the bluetooth board connection on the mainboard itself
if it still doesnt work then it might be the whole network board
other people may be better able to comment
29. April 2009 @ 23:27 |
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Alright i guess i did forget the ribben on the bottom. I'm running mine ps3 out of the black case and the metal thats covers the mobo it get pretty hot but there is a spot in the front right by the flashing yellow data light that gets RAEL hot. So should i put it back in the case or keep it out for awhile. I think i might do the foldding for awhile to put it to a test.
Right now i'm updating the system.
Jamming out on my other ps3.
one more thing could someone use liquid flux on the lil pins that go to the chips on the top of the mobo for a better connecting i dont know anything about this.
Junior Member
29. April 2009 @ 23:39 |
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flux is for solder so that it bonds to the metal when heated, I dont think it does anything if it hasnt been heated with solder
30. April 2009 @ 00:03 |
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WOW so now i update and 61% it give me a 8002f14e error code ive tried couple times but the samething so i guess i try to reformat the hd. did a search on the code didnt good.
What luck
Junior Member
30. April 2009 @ 00:43 |
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download update to USB stick
are you connect via wireless? that is the problem
30. April 2009 @ 01:35 |
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ill try that tomorrow. no its connected with the wire. can i download update to a usb drive from a different ps3 and then down it to this one from the usb?
30. April 2009 @ 10:55 |
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Well i tried that but it wont let me update from the usb without the hdd in and when i have it in it just trys to update to the hdd. so i just i need to refromat.
30. April 2009 @ 15:07 |
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Ok me again i refromated the drive using my ps with vista 64 bit to fat32. now i put it in and my ps3 shuts down after about 5-8 sec i think it because of the hdd but i got no video or sound so how do i get my ps3 to format the hdd?
Junior Member
30. April 2009 @ 15:14 |
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Have you tried keeping your finger on the power button until you get the recovery menu?
Stupid as this may sound you could even try formatting the HD to NTSF, I did this after my PS3 kept failing with FAT32. The PS3 then formats the HD and its worked ever since.
30. April 2009 @ 19:39 |
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Nope i tried both i cant get a signal from my ps3 to my tv. It stays on later then the 5-8 sec more like a minute then the hdd light {yellow} flashs and the ps3 shuts off to standby mode. I ran a couple scans on it nothing wrong with it. why cant i get a signal now if i could get one then maybe it tring to ask me about the reformat.
30. April 2009 @ 19:43 |
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Originally posted by RB50320: Nope i tried both i cant get a signal from my ps3 to my tv. I cant tell if imgetting into the recover mode cause i get no signal at all. It stays on later then the 5-8 sec more like a minute then the hdd light {yellow} flashs and the ps3 shuts off to standby mode. I ran a couple scans on the hdd nothing wrong with it. why cant i get a signal now if i could get one then maybe it tring to ask me about the reformat.