Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
Junior Member
11. April 2009 @ 09:59 |
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fixed the ps3 again an hour ago but when i switch the back power button on the front light when red as normal when i pressed that the ps3 went on and worked as normal but the red and blue light on the front seem to have dissappeared watched film but still the same ah well at least its working thanks again colin
Junior Member
11. April 2009 @ 15:11 |
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There sometimes is a little rubber spacer or filler that can get in front of the green blue diode
So I would check to see if that's the case
13. April 2009 @ 19:09 |
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16. April 2009 @ 16:11 |
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Originally posted by colinjest: have just finished a video version of my guide here it is!
Hi everyone.
First of all, sorry for my English I'm from Hungary.
Thank you very much gilksy for the video guide! My Ps3 is a 60Gb model bought in June 6 2007. It was kept horizontal and in a place that has good airflow. I admit it ran a lot, and I kept switched on and off everyday 4-5 times... it's been 4 months since the YLOD. I will do the reflow in the weekend. It maybe a silly question, but can it be estimated how long will my PS3 is going to work after the reflow?
Thanks in advance
Junior Member
16. April 2009 @ 16:33 |
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could you reball without taking heat sink off?
Also, did you use a heat gun or a hot air tool?
Why did you not use any flux?
great video
16. April 2009 @ 16:42 |
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Originally posted by coxwain: could you reball without taking heat sink off?
Also, did you use a heat gun or a hot air tool?
Why did you not use any flux?
great video
1) no
2) heatgun
3) only need to use flux if it fails again!
for the first reflow there should be enough flux left in the solder paste to reflow!
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17. April 2009 @ 07:13 |
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What do you need and how do you reflow the CELL and RSX.
Junior Member
17. April 2009 @ 13:59 |
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17. April 2009 @ 15:58 |
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Junior Member
17. April 2009 @ 17:39 |
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The videos are great! Brilliant! It does seem like the first 17 seconds or so of the videos after part 1 are missing sound (unless that is intentional?).
You make the thermal paste spreading process look so easy. I think though that's because I use arctic silver and it is must thicker/stickier and a lot more difficult to spread.
Speaking of that, so basically every time I make a new attempt to reflow, I have to remove the thermal paste, right? I've already gone through two bottles and it's starting to become a costly affair. I don't see anyway to scrap it off and reuse it. :(
Anyway, THANK YOU for the videos. Like I said, brilliant! Cheers!
17. April 2009 @ 18:43 |
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Originally posted by atrac88: The videos are great! Brilliant! It does seem like the first 17 seconds or so of the videos after part 1 are missing sound (unless that is intentional?).
You make the thermal paste spreading process look so easy. I think though that's because I use arctic silver and it is must thicker/stickier and a lot more difficult to spread.
Speaking of that, so basically every time I make a new attempt to reflow, I have to remove the thermal paste, right? I've already gone through two bottles and it's starting to become a costly affair. I don't see anyway to scrap it off and reuse it. :(
Anyway, THANK YOU for the videos. Like I said, brilliant! Cheers!
the original video was 8.56 gigs and i had to convert it with ashampoo shrink and burn to get 1 gig split into 6 parts......
god only knows what happened to the audio at the start of each part
but seeing as it took nearly 2 days to recode and shrink i thought i'd leave it as it was lol
you can use the pdf guide as a reference whilst watching the video!
cheers for the positive feedback!
17. April 2009 @ 18:47 |
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sorry for double posting
but yes its best to use new compound every time you do the fix!
try getting hold of some lead free solder flux and squirt it under neath the bga's before you reflow them this will help the dry solder flow better!
Junior Member
17. April 2009 @ 19:29 |
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Originally posted by colinjest:
the original video was 8.56 gigs and i had to convert it with ashampoo shrink and burn to get 1 gig split into 6 parts......
god only knows what happened to the audio at the start of each part
but seeing as it took nearly 2 days to recode and shrink i thought i'd leave it as it was lol
you can use the pdf guide as a reference whilst watching the video!
cheers for the positive feedback!
The videos are definitely fine as is. Very detailed and absolutely no need to go back and fix the audio. ;)
Junior Member
17. April 2009 @ 19:39 |
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Yeah they really are very good.
I fixed my YLOD a few weeks ago following your guide but I still watched all six parts tonight to ensure I'd done it correctly,
19. April 2009 @ 08:51 |
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gilksy 2 questions.
I have Titan Nano Grease. Is this good for the cpu and for the gpu?
And I have a heat gun but I don't have an LCD screen on it.. how do I know the temperature of the gun? It only says Nominal Power 1600W
19. April 2009 @ 11:36 |
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Thank you very much for the video guide! I've fixed it!!!! :D
But one thing. When I turn on the ps3 after a couple of minutes the Ps3 fan kicks off and it gets very loud! Anyone experienced this? or why is that happening? Do I have to fear of overhating again?
19. April 2009 @ 11:46 |
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are u sure that the fan is not revving up because if it stops it will over heat very quickly
19. April 2009 @ 13:05 |
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It's still going strong. Played some Killzone2. It's not hot or anything.. Let's hope it will stay this way.
Junior Member
19. April 2009 @ 14:24 |
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Hey Endru i had that as well my fan would just suddenly get really loud but i turned it off cos i dint want get ylod agen as i cannot access the motherboard now :-(
19. April 2009 @ 14:27 |
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Originally posted by Endru: gilksy 2 questions.
I have Titan Nano Grease. Is this good for the cpu and for the gpu?
And I have a heat gun but I don't have an LCD screen on it.. how do I know the temperature of the gun? It only says Nominal Power 1600W
never heard of that!
if you need to know the temp of the gun look it up on internet for the specs!
19. April 2009 @ 14:30 |
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Originally posted by paskov: Hey Endru i had that as well my fan would just suddenly get really loud but i turned it off cos i dint want get ylod agen as i cannot access the motherboard now :-(
Still playing with KZ2, still loud as an xbox lol.. But I checked again the air coming out of the ps is still cold. Could that constant high speed could kill my fan?
19. April 2009 @ 14:33 |
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no the fan is designed to adjust itself to the extraction needed
yours sounds like its stuck on full bolock!
19. April 2009 @ 14:37 |
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Originally posted by colinjest: no the fan is designed to adjust itself to the extraction needed
yours sounds like its stuck on full bolock!
LOL great! :D But also weird. I really hope that this constant high speed doesn't damage my fan.
Junior Member
19. April 2009 @ 16:00 |
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Just wanted to share my YLOD experience with everyone. Today I did my first PS3 following the Ylod guide. I used artic silver 5 compound spread very thinly on the chips after they were cleaned to a mirror shine. I used a paint stripper gun with no heat control so I have no idea what the temp was that I used, but I spent about 45 seconds per area in the guide and let the board cool for 10 min before flipping the board over and doing the other side. Anyways, put the whole machine back together and presto! Powered up like nothing had happened.
I decided to let it run for a while and was happy that after 40 mins the fan hadnt even sped up and the fix was holding perfectly. However I did notice my power supply was hot enough to cook an egg on 30 mins in, and at just under an hour the machine went into thermal shutdown.
I pulled the smoking hot power supply unit off and replaced it with a spare I had from another machine and tried again. Im now at the two hour mark with the machine, and the power supply is quite hot, but not hot enough to cause thermal shutdown. I opened up the faulty ps and aside from some dust I cant see any reason why it would go into thermal shutdown, but im gonna hand it off to a friend who can scope the board and try to find the cause. If I find anything else out I'll you guys know.
P.S Thanks a million for the guide!
19. April 2009 @ 17:21 |
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cool let us know what you find!