Slow Bit Torrent downloads? Router configuration tips.
10. December 2004 @ 08:47 |
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Hey guys. This is my first time here and I would appreciate any help that could be offered.
Okay, here is what I have.
Windows XP Home Edition with Service Pack 2
1600MHz, 1024MB RAM, 40 GB Hard Drive
Router: DLink DI-704
I'm using Comcast Cable connection
Norton AntiVirus Installed
Using BitComet
Max D/L Speed (40kb, but only for just a sec then back down to 20ish)
Lowest Speed (5kb)
Connection tends to fluctuate wildly going up to 40ish, then immediately dropping to 5-12ish.
Now, here is what I have done so far.
According to I proceeded to do the steps involved in port forwarding. I went to my, logged in fine. Went to Advanced and for Service Ports I typed in "6881-6999" and for Server IP, "192.168.0.***" then I checked "Enable." Next, I clicked on Special AP for triggering ports. For Trigger, I typed in "6969" and for "6881-6999," then again, checked "Enable."
That was that for the router stuff I think. Then I went into my Network Connections, right-clicked on my connection, went to Properties for "Internet Protocol [TCP/IP]" then proceeded to do the steps for a static IP. I typed in all the correct numbers according to my Start -> Run -> cmd -> ipconfig /all steps. Then I clicked on Advanced, went into the WINS tab then checked the box that said, "Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP".
That was that for the network connection stuff. Then I disabled my service pack 2 firewall.
NOTE: Initially, I went ahead and added in ports for port 6881-6900 and for 6969, putting in my IP address and doing one tcp and one udp for each port, so I added about 21x2=42 entries in all. Then I just said, frick it, and disabled my firewall entirely.
Lastly, I went into my BitComet program and I remember hearing stuff about limiting Upload speeds and to configure the client for ports. I did kinda of forget what to set my Upload Rate to. I remember again something about setting it to 90% of something, but I didn't know how to do that or understood it correctly, so I just set my "Global Max Upload Rate" to "10". Initially, it was set to "No Limit." My "Global Max Download Rate" is set to "No Limit."
So, after all of that, do you think you can shed some light on how I can get better download speeds? Or even better, if I did anything above wrong or if I didn't do something yet that I should try? I hear people getting 120 kbs and would very much like to see if I can also get that. The lwest download speeds seem to be experienced when downloading 4.5GB movies.
BUt if I did all there is that can be done, then oh well and I'll just stick with it. If there is more than can be done or fixed, please do let me know. Thanks
10. December 2004 @ 22:02 |
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Try Upnp, enable it in bitcomet and your Router, worked for me.
11. December 2004 @ 17:42 |
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I used wireless (intel pro wireless card-in my laptop) on my campus and could download upto 50-100k using bit torrent once. after xp sp2 and further updates and again setting up bit torrent shows me now only 1-5k max download speed. How can I open ports on my win xp I tried using the ipconfig bt that doesnt shwo up anything when I try to open my default gateway in a webpage.. Please help me increase the speed of BT.
I just found out that ports in XP can be modified by going to advanced/settings in control panel of my wireless network and adding a service. I have no clue what to do next. I mean what is the name of the service (ofcourse it is bit torrent) bt how to open ports for BT to increase the speed?? is the link I used to know how to open ports for XP. I still cant figure out what is the name of the IP address I should type in. Please help me somebody?
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12. December 2004 @ 04:07 |
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ey guys,
good stuff boy ur patient but yet another problem.
Mine is pretty bad though i have got a linksys router also a home made router and norton anti virus and winxp(serivice pack 2) and a switch nexus 10/100 optus cable broadband so fast but i can not get above 2kb i was lucky once and i got 10 but then it went back down i am pissed off.
Any ideas coz im stumped
sorry guys
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12. December 2004 @ 16:24 |
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ok i usually get 10kb download speed. i typed my default gateway in internet exploer. then it comes up with my internet explorer information at the top it doesnt say linksys it says bellsouth fast access internet service. on the side it says home, diaognosticts, remote access, update modem, reset modem, modem self test, and expert mode. where do i go to make bit torrent faster
12. December 2004 @ 16:32 |
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ok i usually get 10kb download speed. i typed my default gateway in internet exploer. then it comes up with my internet explorer information at the top it doesnt say linksys it says bellsouth fast access internet service. on the side it says home, diaognosticts, remote access, update modem, reset modem, modem self test, and expert mode. where do i go to make bit torrent faster
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14. December 2004 @ 14:46 |
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Hi! I'm having a problem and I was looking for help (obviously) Hope you guys can help me.
Well, I no longer have slow bittorrent speeds, I have no speeds at all. Aparently, my ISP closed all my ports completely (I did th ShieldsUp test, and every one of my ports is in Stealth mode)
So, I wanted to do get into my router and forward my ports, but they've changed the default password. Anyway, I know that by resseting it the problem will be solved, but I'm afraid it will damage my connection because there are 3 computers connected to the same router. ¿Does this have any effect at all or will everything just go on peachy?
T have a XyZEl Prestige 645 router, and a Hawking 5 port 10/100 M Switch (don't know if this helps)
Also, I'm using Windows 98 SE, and Mozilla FireFox
I don't know what else do you need since I am a newbie in all kinds of ways. ^^;
Please , if anyone has any ideas, I'll be glad to hear them out (or rather, read them ^^; )
14. December 2004 @ 15:19 |
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Hello all. I'm new here to the AfterDawn forums and the Bit Torrent world. Azureus is my first client and I've been using it ever since. I've tried BitComet but my download speeds were much faster with Azureus. I have Verizon DSL with a 768Kbps/128Kbps line. I'll try to shed some light on those of you who have trouble with slow download speeds. I'll try my best to explain my setup using Azureus, a Linksys BEFW11S4 router, and Zonealarm Pro 5.5 firewall.
First off, change the incoming TCP listen port to some port number other than the default one BT listens on. Choose a nice high number. For me, I chose 50002. Next, access the router web interface and forward that port number to your IP address (I disabled DHCP and manually configured all three of the computers in my home network to static IP addresses). Here, I have forwarded port numbers 50001 - 50003 to the appropriate computers in my network since all three will using Azureus (hopefully not simultaneously, though =P). If you have only one machine using Azureus, just input one row with the matching port number and IP address.
Second, if you are running a firewall, make sure allow permissions to javaw.exe. Also, ensure you allow both TCP and UDP, incoming and outgoing traffic, to that magic port number you chose.
Third, if you are running Windows XP SP2, refer to this patch (, found at the bottom, regarding the 4226 issue (TCP connection attempts). Download and run the patch to change the number of concurrent TCP connection attempts possible in SP2.
Fourth, if you have SP2 and ran the patch above, change the max simultaneous outbound connection attempts to the number you set it at. I set it 50 so that's what I entered in the box. Also enter your magic port number in the incoming TCP listen port.
Fifth, place a cap on your global max upload speed. My DSL line is 768Kbps/128Kbps, which equates to 90K/16K. A good percentage is 80% of your max upload speed. So, 16K * 0.8 = 12.8K. I entered 13 in the global max upload speed but after playing around with the number I found 11 got me the best download speeds. When I'm seeding a torrent I'll change it back to 13K since I'm not downloading anything. If I'm surfing the internet while downloading, I would cap my global max download to 80K. Otherwise I set it to 0 (unlimited), such as away from keyboard or overnight, when I know my machine will be idle in terms of internet browsing.
You can see the difference in my download speeds when I set my upload speeds at 13K and 11K. Play around with the numbers to get optimal speeds.
Hopefully after following these steps will lead to speeds like this and more!
PS: I guess I've been living under a rock because I've just read that Verizon DSL now has 3Mbps/768Kbps lines! I'll call them to see if I qualify, and if not, at least the 1.5Mbps/128Kbps. =) Anybody else on that line?
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15. December 2004 @ 07:19 |
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I understand what u have posted in the very beging and i get to the point were it asks me about my password and username.
So i simply go to my browser add which is my deafault gateway and i then get the window were i'm suppose to enter my username/password. I checked the maual of the router and it said the
username: admin
password: 1234
as i'm taking a line of a Cyber net cafe, the router isn't really with me. It's just down the building where the cyber cafe is located. I checked with the maintaince person who runs the cyber cafe and he said he used to be able to access using the above password and username.
So, is there anyways to reset the pass and username or to get through without them. Plz help
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15. December 2004 @ 14:24 |
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Hey how ya doin out there anyway let me cut da crap n get to da point..................
................................. Im havin problems findin a ed2k download site like sharconnector as it got busted just like sharereactor did jus over a year ago
there muderfukerz copyright my ARSE!
anyway....... can any1 tell me any sites were i can download things that e-donkey manages
Peace out NIGGA!
17. December 2004 @ 01:15 |
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Hey ive been tryin and tryin and i still have no luck, read through all the pages and still no luck. I have set up a static ip, forwarded all my ports, no firewall nuffin. I Have a Speedtouch 570 Wireless Modem and all i get in Azurues and most other download programs is 10-15kB/s. Any ideas. Im sooo stuck
cheers Shane
19. December 2004 @ 08:58 |
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HELP!!! All three of the torrent sites I use have closed (supernova, isohunt, and fileasy). What are some other good ones.
19. December 2004 @ 18:30 |
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Hey, when i type the IP address into the url bar in IE it comes up saying that there is no website. What now?
22. December 2004 @ 00:47 |
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While using bit torrent I got the following "download error": "warning from tracker - unable to connect to your incoming data port (--.---.--). This will result in slow downloads."
How can i fix this?
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26. December 2004 @ 21:07 |
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same problem, i have the exact same router, i have developed a daily ritual that gives me steaming download speeds, start day perfect downloads leave computer on then when u wake up u gotz crap.... ok so i set my router to factory defaults every time i have problems, and i have no idea why but it works :)
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30. December 2004 @ 14:41 |
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hi, new to this forum and new to torrents.
i am using BitTornado, my dl is 1-3 kB/s, tried to fix it as i read in here, but the thing is my default gateway ip is laways different!
win xp
conncetion: CDMA
light in bittorando: yellow, yellow, yellow, yellow....
unchecked proxy, no firewall, win xp firewall disabled.
i feel really really hopeless, i will be really glad for any suggestions!
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31. December 2004 @ 17:10 |
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Hi i have a 3meg/256kb cable line, i set every thing up real good, i configured the Azureus to 6881 and i also turned off my firewall, i also fowarded all the ports 6881-6889 and i also fowarded 6881-6899, i then foward it to my ip, i tested it with that link and it said it was open. K this is the thing, i seem to upload crazy fast but when i dl its like 6kb-15kb, idk what im doing wrong, but when i dl music and stuff from sites i dl around 390kb-500kb, am i doing something wrong?
1. January 2005 @ 02:50 |
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Use a different port other than the default ones in the range 6881-6999. Something high like 52525 and change it in the options. Then go in your router and forward that port. You only need to forward one port for Azureus to listen on. Also put an 80% cap on your upload speed. That will maximize your download speeds. Hope that helps!
1. January 2005 @ 14:08 |
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by Camdog: Quote: 11) Repeat this process for each port that needs to be opened. That means you need to repeat every step, adding both TCP and UDP ports for each number from 6881 ~ 6889. When your done, you should have 16 services added in there when you are done, i would recommend naming them something like
and so on.Quote: The offical page for BT states it does not use udp. Or am I wrong?
2. January 2005 @ 17:26 |
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Alright, I know all of you are tired of hearing these things, but
here is my case:
I run Mac OS X 10.3.7
D-Link DI-614+ router (802.11b) networked with 1 wired
laptop and 1 wireless desktop (and my wireless laptop)
Surfboard modem
Earthlink (via Charter) cable
BitTorrent Version 3.4.2 (as Azureus gives me a green happy
face, but rarely does it go above 1.5/3.1kB/s)
I think I've done the port forwarding correctly as I pass the
NATcheck and 6881 is OPEN! (and 6884-6999 are closed)
according to ShieldUP.
I get around 370kbps according to PCPitstop and DSLReports.
I shall divide that by 8 and get 46.25KB/s as my maximum
I'm pretty happy with the results I've gotten after finally
forwarding the ports the right way, as I went from a very
inconsistant 0-5KB/s download and 15KB/s upload to a
consistant 4-10KB/s download and 7-15KB/s upload (for
each of the 2 torrents running, each with about 35 peers, so
that would mean about a 10-12KB/s average download).
I know I can't really get to 46.25KB/s and I understand, but is
there anyway I could speed it up to around 20-28KB/s
average download speed even though my ports are forwarded
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3. January 2005 @ 11:53 |
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seriously I don't think anybody is getting good download quality for a reason. If everybody is setting there download speed to infinity and there upload speed to 10k/s doesn't it make sense that nobody will be getting optimum speeds? If everybody sets both levels to infinity instead of being greedy everybody would probably be happier. Thats just my opinion, I could, no, I'm probably wrong since I'm new to bitTorrent but thats my theory or my rationalization of why my downloads are so slow.
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3. January 2005 @ 22:17 |
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Hey all, I had massive problems with downloading large torrents, as in 7GB and upwards, but the slower torrents always seemed to be going insanly fast.
Anyway, I was using Bit Tornado, which was pretty good, and I have a wireless net connection with a Linksys WRT54GS router. I did all the port forwarding and tricks that everyone has posted in this thread and on many other forums, but I could never manage to get the large torrents to download faster than 10kB/s...
Then I switched to Azureus, and BAM! my download speeds were going up to around 35-40kB/s on the larger downloads, sometimes dropping down to like 5-10kB/s, but on the whole, waaaay faster than with Tornado. I have no idea why to be honest, but my suggestion to anyone having some difficulties in download speeds would be to try Azureus if you're not already, cos that worked for me. If you're still having problems, then I have no idea, but using Azureus seems to help.
Just my little piece of advice.
Thank to everyone and anyone who's added to this thread and other threads, I really appreciate all your help. Thank you =)
4. January 2005 @ 03:15 |
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I had the cap of about 40 kb/s. What I did, was just to disable NAT in my router-settings (I have a shitty Speedstream 2601 router). Then I got 250kb/s (2Mbit) as I should. But it depends on how you've set up your LAN. It could screw up the set up, but it should be easily fixed.
Also, some routers have an "Open" or "Closed" option in the general settings for the router. It was initially set to "Closed", and when I set it to "Open", I was a happy downloader. There might be a security risk there, but I don't know. I'm not an expert on routers. I'm just talking from experience with one router.
Of course I have a personal firewall set up and everything.
Ultroman the Tacoman
21-year-old musician (psytrance/full-on) and programmer (C++)
4. January 2005 @ 05:37 |
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I think I have a vintage Aztech ADSL modem...206U.It's not even listed at their homepage, never mind Portforward.Woe is me...I'll never learn to forward my ports now.Can anybody help me turn Bit Dribble into Torrent?I could get a full length movie faster by flying to Hollywood and back than by trying to download anything...
4. January 2005 @ 12:44 |
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For people searching for the answer:
Getting Azureus through your firewall (for example Sygate)
1. Make sure you have forwarded Port 6881 from your router to your computer (NATP section in your router settings) - this should already make the 'Test'-option in the Azureus Configuration work.
2. Now for getting some downloads and getting rid of those orange faces: make sure javaw.exe is allowed through your firewall (in sygate: Tools, Applications, javaw.exe - set to ALLOW).
It worked for me -)-