Ps3 and Xbox 360, a war to come..
AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2006 @ 12:30 |
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the wii issnt even out yet, and like i siad most of those view are only over people who want to know how the eff it works and whats up with it. everything on the ps3 thats needed to be known is known.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
Senior Member
13. June 2006 @ 13:27 |
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Luckily for the the wii it's still somewhat of a mistery machine in that alot of people still dont know whats going on with it. So it still generates a whole lot of intrest. That still does not detract from the hype surrounding the PS3.
Besides that stat means nothing anyway big deal.

AfterDawn Addict
13. June 2006 @ 22:07 |
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well my day was made so much better. i saw Les Claypool and his Fancy Band in concert
today. it was an eye-opener, not only the show but i talked
to a camera man who said he was on lsd for so long and just kept pushing for his dream. he
got to be les' cameraman after taping thousands of shows. talk about a case where drugs get
you places, ahaha.
(sorry offtopic but i had a good day)
so what do you all think is sony's next move? the tgs?
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. June 2006 @ 08:51
Senior Member
14. June 2006 @ 08:37 |
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^^^^^^^^ i do not know WTF you are talking about. xyqo i agree with what you said....a closed door is certainly more intriguing than an open one, but there comes a point where people will demand to know what is behind the door. price/release have not been announced right??
AfterDawn Addict
14. June 2006 @ 08:53 |
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that would explain the extra wii hits, people wondering price and all that jazz.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
Suspended permanently
14. June 2006 @ 08:54 |
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Xyqo don't ppl think it is a bad thing that nintendo hasn't released that info? to me that makes me think the wii will be more xpensive. also since the wii has released nothing it is not getting any news surrounding it and r making ppl forget about it
Suspended due to non-functional email address
14. June 2006 @ 13:00 |
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Are there any game conferences in the summer?
AfterDawn Addict
14. June 2006 @ 14:58 |
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i dont know, i doubt it.
wow dude...all i can say is wow to this.
how can the ps2 still keep outselling the 360? sure there is a price difference, but it goes to show you how much stronger the sony side is. im pretty sure even with their price tag they will dominate this console war.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 14. June 2006 @ 14:58
14. June 2006 @ 15:48 |
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It might, but it sure won't be as big as a dominance as the Ps2 had over all the other consoles.
Suspended permanently
14. June 2006 @ 16:22 |
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Sony fans are EXTREMELY loyal and couple that with the ps2 actaully being a great system. I dont think it actually warrants this level of loyalty but to each his own
Senior Member
14. June 2006 @ 19:21 |
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fans become "loyal" when there is a certain level of appreciation, enjoyment, or satisfaction achieved. for me atleast, sony has delivered in their past 2 consoles, which continues to be the reason why myself and im sure others keep coming back. they have the loyal and HUGE fanbase for a reason, and until proven otherwise i dont see why so many people doubt them.
this may be just how i think (highly doubt it), but in the past year i did an audio overhaul in my car. the car came with the BOSE package which was nice, but i always wanted more out of it. now im not going too indepth with BOSE's setup and design, but basically its a preamp'd setup running at 2ohms (i think). typically when you put in an aftermarket headunit you gain output, but thats not the case with BOSE. long story short if you want to replace BOSE speakers you have to basically gut the whole system. i came away losing my in dash 6disc cd changer, bose package, and i ended up with an in dash dvdplayer, 20gig ipod, and put in a FOCAL component set(K2P).
now some may call me crazy for doing all that, but im fu**'n thrilled. i will honestly say this.....i will never put any other brand of speakers in ANY of my cars, or even the future boat mmuuahhaa. they put MBquart/JL/Boston acoustic etc to shame (IMO).
my point being, we all develop a set preference and for many the SONY PLAYSTATION BRAND has been the unrivaled favorite.
Suspended permanently
15. June 2006 @ 04:38 |
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I see what your saying but then wait for the frickin ps3 comes out and show your loyalty and brains by getting the right console for this generation out of the Sony brand.I understand some people dont have the omney but i dubot all 400,000 people a month who purchase a ps2 a month are ones who dont have money lets be honest with ourselves here.
Senior Member
15. June 2006 @ 10:27 |
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What is a closed door but a mystery which no man but he who closed it knows.
dnglebry that's true quite think PS2 is out selling x360 due to price. However it still speaks to sonys dominance that people would rather buy a 6yr old console than save $200 more to buy one that's just 7 months

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 15. June 2006 @ 10:28
15. June 2006 @ 11:02 |
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It could be for the huge library that sony has too. 360's library isn't even worth comparing, even if you include all the original xbox games.
Senior Member
16. June 2006 @ 07:16 |
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AfterDawn Addict
16. June 2006 @ 09:54 |
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then what was with all that delay sh*t? hooray for rumors being fake! now that will also put the shame the guy who says there ar eno ps3 beta's which we clearly saw working.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
AfterDawn Addict
17. June 2006 @ 05:50 |
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how the hell did get himself suspended for a whole month? holy crap i thought it said june 13 but its the 17 now. he must have really p.o.'ed an admin.
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 06:31 |
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There'll always be crap ass rumours. I'm just glad when the sh*t hits the fan and flies in the faces of those perpetuating them

Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 06:32 |
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mine says its still the 13th, anyhow who thinks that someone should bring out a brand new console which is more powerful then xbox 360 combind with ps3 add has a wii running the dashboard? + extras ofcorse.
and maby this console x would only cost £ 150 - 200, and the games cost £25 thats resonable.
now who will make this console for me.
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 07:03 |
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ILMAO. Wait about 50 years ok. LOL
i see him suspended till the 13th too. What did he really do though

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Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 07:18 |
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50 years omg thats ages. ill make it my self and get rich.
AfterDawn Addict
17. June 2006 @ 07:25 |
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i see it as july 13, i thought before it was june thirtenn. thats what i ment. but what im saying is how did he get banned for that long?
But they all do sort of the same thing, and that is rearrange what you thought was real, and they remind you of the beauty of very simple things. You forget, because youre so busy going from a to z, that theres 24 letters in between... You turn on... tune in... and you drop out...
PS3 Username: Anubis66
Senior Member
17. June 2006 @ 07:26 |
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cool np man at that cost i'll buy the first one.
Then when you're rich you can hire me and we can start work on the holodeck and make trillions by selling it to every household on the planet.
I know he cant stay away that long he must be here under another id. He could pm me a tell me what the hell he did to get such a long ban with out being kicked for good.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 17. June 2006 @ 07:32
17. June 2006 @ 09:32 |
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There seems to be a glitch in the ban system. Once its fixed will never be allowed back after he threw a hissyfit in a thread he started informing everyone what a jerkoff loser he thought I was, how much AD sucked and how much better his "forum" was then he ripped into a guy that stuck up for AD. He removed any doubts I may have had about suspending him.
My killer sig came courtesy of bb "El Jefe" mayo.
The Forum Rules You Agreed To!
"And there we saw the giants, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight" - Numbers 13:33
17. June 2006 @ 09:34 |
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Way to lay down the law.