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DVD shrink Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
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Senior Member
15. May 2005 @ 15:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You can try toothpaste to lessen the severity of scratches.

Yep, just put a small dab directly onto the scratch, use the traditional white variety not the clear gel type. I then use a soft tissue wipe gently in only a radial direction (a straight line between the hub and the rim). Since the data is arranged circularly on the disc, the micro scratches you create when cleaning the disc (or the nasty gouge you make with the dirt you didn't see on your cleaning cloth) will cross more error correction blocks and be less likely to cause unrecoverable errors.

If you continue to have problems after cleaning the disc, you may need to attempt to repair one or more scratches. Sometimes even hairline scratches can cause errors if they just happen to cover an entire error correction (ECC) block. Examine the disc to find scratches, keeping in mind that the laser reads from the bottom.

There are essentially two methods of repairing scratches:

Fill or coat the scratch with an optical material.

Polish down the scratch.
There are many commercial products that do one or both of these, or you may wish to do it yourself with polishing compounds or toothpaste. The trick is to polish out the scratch without causing new ones. A mess of small polishing scratches may cause more damage than a big scratch. As with cleaning, polish only in the radial direction.
15. May 2005 @ 16:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i dont have regular toothpaste i got the gel kind

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15. May 2005 @ 19:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I need help, I have been using DVD Shrink and having no problems. No I tried to copy one and got an error. I feel it was cause of encrypt.

So I used dvd decryp. and copied it to my hard drive. When I tried to crunch it with DVD Shrink or neur. I can not pull up the files. Keeps saying not found. What am I doing wrong. Please help me. I am not that great with computers!
Senior Member
15. May 2005 @ 20:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hootfour, what is the exact error message you are getting? Is it a Cyclic Redundancy Check error message?
17. May 2005 @ 03:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I guess hootfour doesnt need help. Dont spam the forums hootfour
asking questions then you dont follow them

AfterDawn Addict
17. May 2005 @ 17:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Let's post in English not PC code . . .

If you ripped in the ISO mode then open Shrink, go to File - Open disc Image and browse to where you ripped the file and Shrink will pick it up -



The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
17. May 2005 @ 18:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I never did get that one disc copied, i guess there are some discs that are just corrupted someways. It was my friend's disc, ill have to get another copy from the movie store and copy that one.

AfterDawn Addict
17. May 2005 @ 18:42 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Follow the directions in the guide in my sig to clean the disc BUT Before you do, Go into DVDD, Tools - Settings - I/O tab - "Tick" the box at the bottom where it says "ignore read errors" and try it again -



The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
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18. May 2005 @ 10:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i meant to post this here originally not start a whole new thread...

Hi everyone, I'm new here but I've been using the forum to fix some of the problems I have encountered in the past. Typically I can just copy the DVD file with DVD Decrypter, and then open it with DVD Shrink and procede like normal. I have tried to do this with the Spanglish DVD, and encountered a problem where it "Failed to Read Sector" and I ended up skipping that file. After it completed I tried to open the Files with DVD Shrink and it would not open because it stated that a VOB file was missing. I saw some of the tips before and am currently trying those...I just noticed how long it is taking..and the number of errors(46 read errors), so I am not sure if it will work...I tried to do it the regular way with 2 different discs, and have encountered the same problems. I was just curious if anyone else has encountered these problems with this DVD and if they were able to go around them....Thanks for any and all info.
Senior Member
18. May 2005 @ 11:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
DreDaze, Spanglish had some bad pressing. I suggest you return it for another copy. Preferably from a different store. (If Wal-Mart got 50 Spanglish DVD's, chances are is that all 50 will be bad.) I backed this movie up no problems using DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink 3.2 .
20. May 2005 @ 14:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I had the same problem and It acts like the disc is dirty or scratched but it wasnt. Just exchange for a nother one

20. May 2005 @ 15:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hi guys - new user here. Ive been researching the error I get when trying to shrink and I came across your forum.

Here's what happens:
After I Rip to files using DVD Decryptor I then launch Shrink.
When I go to Open the Files I get the Follwoing error (similar to above)

DVD shrink encountered and error and cannot continue

Failed to open file C:\\xxxxx..\\VIDEO_TS\VIDEO_TS.vob

This system failed to find the file specified.

I know the file is there coz I checked the folder. I was able to burn one movie successfully. Then I tried three more all with the same result although one time the file not found was VIDEO_TS.ifo

Its driving me crazy. Ive rebooted..gonna try a reinstall..then i dont know..any help would be great!
AfterDawn Addict
20. May 2005 @ 16:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
You s/b ripping in either the File Mode OR in the ISO Mode.

Also, you should be be using the DVDD version of DVD Decrypter. Earlier versions won't be able to rip Spanglish.

Finally, let's take a moment to fine-tune your DVD Decrypter's settings. First, it should be version Go to "Tools", "Settings", set everything to "Default". Then in the "General" tab change, "Removal Method" from "Normal" to "Aggressive", in "File Mode", "tick" Remove IFO - PUO's." For ripping in the "ISO, Read Mode", "tick" "Remove IFO PUO's" there also. in the "CSS" tab, under "CSS Cracking Method", choose "Brute Force ~> I/O Key Exchange" and "On Failure" choose "Yes". . IMPORTANT: In the "I / O" tab, in the bottom right, "tick" the box which says, "Ignore read errors". This helps with some Mfgr defective discs and it is an excellent setting for dealing with lightly scratched discs which may cause reading problems. We're now finished with our settings here so click "OK." There's no reason to change these settings. DVDD is good ripper right out of the box, all we did is to give it some "teeth." (Lol :)

Now give it a try,



The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
24. July 2005 @ 00:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I actually get this error when attempting to copy MP3 files to my computer from a CD-R disc. However, I burned the CD-R disc as a data disc, and I think that is the cause of the problem.

How do I recover the files now? I tried using CDCheck software, and used their Recover option but it merely froze every time and the DVD/CD-RW drive kept on making a grinding sound.
AfterDawn Addict
24. July 2005 @ 18:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
every time and the DVD/CD-RW drive kept on making a grinding sound.
It sounds like your drive is dying.

A bad disk doesn't make the drive grind and neither does a bad file.

I would try that drie in another PC and if it made sounds there, I'd buy another.

(Actually, if it were me, I would trash anything that made a "grinding" sound in my presense.

G' luck,


The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>
24. July 2005 @ 20:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Actually, I just bought this laptop a month ago, and no other CD's have caused it to make this sound. I describe it as a grinding sound, but it's really the kind of sound that is made when something can't be read. Does that make sense?
Senior Member
24. July 2005 @ 20:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Is the "disc" scratched or dirty?

A CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) error is DVD Shrink's and/or DVD Decrypter's way of telling you that it cannot read the disc (DVD). It is caused from the disc being to dirty (fingerprints, smudges, etc.) or being to scratched. First, try cleaning the DVD. You can try toothpaste to lessen the severity of the scratches. (By no means am I saying that you will totally restore the DVD back to original condition, all your doing is just trying to get DVD Shrink to successfully read it.) If DVD Shrink or DVD Decrypter still generates this error message, I suggest returning the original for a different copy.

You can try toothpaste to lessen the severity of scratches.

Yep, just put a small dab directly onto the scratch, use the traditional white variety not the clear gel type. I then use a soft tissue wipe gently in only a radial direction (a straight line between the hub and the rim). Since the data is arranged circularly on the disc, the micro scratches you create when cleaning the disc (or the nasty gouge you make with the dirt you didn't see on your cleaning cloth) will cross more error correction blocks and be less likely to cause unrecoverable errors.

If you continue to have problems after cleaning the disc, you may need to attempt to repair one or more scratches. Sometimes even hairline scratches can cause errors if they just happen to cover an entire error correction (ECC) block. Examine the disc to find scratches, keeping in mind that the laser reads from the bottom.

There are essentially two methods of repairing scratches:

Fill or coat the scratch with an optical material.

Polish down the scratch.
There are many commercial products that do one or both of these, or you may wish to do it yourself with polishing compounds or toothpaste. The trick is to polish out the scratch without causing new ones. A mess of small polishing scratches may cause more damage than a big scratch. As with cleaning, polish only in the radial direction.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 24. July 2005 @ 20:53

24. July 2005 @ 20:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I burned 6 of these discs the same way - all mp3 files as data discs - and all of them have the same problem. I burned them only two days ago, so I doubt that is the problem.
26. July 2005 @ 07:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ok. This is for Pete or anyone else.

I'm trying to make a back up for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and that same error happens to me at 97% of analyzing using Shrink (the redundancy one)

Using dvd decrypter, it shows taht same reading error at 97% as well (ISO reading) and this happens even after I changed my settings to the ones Pete mentioned.

I've also cleaned the disc using the methods explained previously as well and I'm pretty sure the defect is at the very edge of the disc somewhere. AND i've also tried to rip it with shrink by lowering the target size to 4300mb (and lower) but to no avail

Anyway, my last resort was to use DVD decrypter and IFO it, at 97% again, it keeps on retrying and retrying so I abort the job, and then delete that VOB file it couldnt finish (This is the end credits so I'm not worried). <-- I used this method

Also, the files DVDD created i stored into a folder named VIDEO_TS stored in a dummy folder with an empty AUDIO_TS folder (like the guide says)

HOWEVER, when I open DVD Shrink > Open Files > dummy folder it shows an error about failing to open C:\.....folder\VIDEO_TS.IFO
"system cannot find the file specified"

**Another point, when i tried to do the IFO method for a previous DVD, the same error occured even though the dvd had no problems (it worked the ISO way) So I'm thinking its something with my way of using DVDD IFO

ALSO, another method I tried after decrypting files was making it into an ISO using this guide

However, When I try to open it in Shrink, an error message saying it cannot find VIDEO_TS.ISO

?????? this is driving me crazy

any help is much appreciated.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. July 2005 @ 08:19

26. July 2005 @ 08:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm beginning to think that although I've deleted a VOB file (end credits), that is not the problem - the real problem is the method for ripping IFO using DVD Decrypter and then opening it with shrink

The same shrink error of not being able to find whatever.IFO occured to a perfectly fine dvd I burned using the ISO method
Senior Member
26. July 2005 @ 08:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Go here for the solution to that specific error message:

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. July 2005 @ 08:42

26. July 2005 @ 15:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
hey thanks!

I used isofile like the link suggested and all went well. No menu's though... but guess it's concequence as Petey said
Hi westend,

Quote: Well, the video was there, but I had no menu options

Yep, that sounds right - Whenever you use DVD Shrink's re-author mode, you'll lose your menus :(
Senior Member
26. July 2005 @ 15:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
"Yep, that sounds right - Whenever you use DVD Shrink's re-author mode, you'll lose your menus :("
You can add the menus back to a "Re-authored" DVD -

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. July 2005 @ 15:57

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5. August 2005 @ 08:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First off, let me say, Scuba Pete, you have such extreme patience and vast wisdom. Henceforth, I dub thee Guru Pete!

Second, I'm new here as a writer, but I've been reading for many moon. I've been a DVD freak for about 2 years. I'm an AnyDVD user with Nero at the helm. Never used anything else, never wanted to. Wait, I take that back. I used to have the great works of the originators at 3 2 1, but alas, they have fallen. I pour some 40 on the block for my peeps. I found Nero had more options, so I press on with them.

I've had the CRC errors in the past. I updated my AnyDVD, and all has been well. I haven't come across such issues since. I also haven't tried the 2 discs that gave me the errors, so who knows, right?

However, I did notice something about DVDs these days. If you hold them on a slight angle, with a light behind them, you can often see a line across the disc, usually near the outer half, traversing from edge to edge. Nearer the middle of the disc, you'll see the disc seems lighter in color, while the outer portion, demarked by the line, is darker, almost as if you can nearly see through it.

I'm guessing manufacturers are putting out such garbage these days, they can get away with skimming on the materials. Too many copyright infringers, so if they are going to lose money, they'll spend less money on making a perfect disc, which in turn only makes people more likely to pirate. Or, maybe it is some greater ploy of the movie kingdom to keep burners at bay. Who knows. A viscious cycle, just like our beloved CRC!

But thanks to folks like Guru Pete, some have found their oasis in the desolate lands of DVD burning.

Thanks Pete. Good luck, ya'll.

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7. August 2005 @ 04:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I used to get this "Cyclic Redundancy" thing now and then. Nero Ultra, Roxio7, CloneDVD2 and even the old DVD X Rescue wouldn't work. One day I tried my ULEAD DVD Movie Factory 4 on the "Copy or Fit Disk" . Works slicker n' the back of a kid's mitten in the winter. Never failed me yet...
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