DVD shrink Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
7. August 2005 @ 08:42 |
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Really, i should try that program
AfterDawn Addict
7. August 2005 @ 17:07 |
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Howdy there sharcher, welcome to aD,
You said,
Quote: I used to get this "Cyclic Redundancy" thing now and then. Nero Ultra, Roxio7, CloneDVD2 and even the old DVD X Rescue wouldn't work.
Your answer lay in your post.
Roxio is like a slezey whore down at the docks at pay day. She can mess up more programs than anyone could possibly imagine.
Roxio winds and weaves throughout your PC interfering with every other program yopu have named ESPECIALLY Nero.
If you, "kicked her to the curb ," (you need more than a Roxio uninstall) then totally uninstalled Nero, doing what is called a Nero "Clean uninstall" then loaded Nero back up, you would find that CloneDVD2 and Nero would then work like a, "Bad Dog ".
Here's the proceedure:
a ScubaPete guide for Uninstalling Roxio and Nero,
"WHOAH there partner, I didn't say I wanted to get rid of Nero ~" No, you didn't. BUT if you had Nero on your PC along with Roxio then Nero almost assuredly has a corrupted file or 3. Just in case, so matters don't go "downhill," let's get everything up and running and in perfect shape. To do so, let's do a "CLEAN UNINSTALL" with Nero and then install it in perfect condition.
You say you have Roxio. Roxio is, IMO, the worst program you can have on your PC if you wish to work with DVD Video. It does it's best to trash almost every other DVD backup proggy there is except DVD Shrink. One extremely good program, Nero, is one that Roxio messes with the most. True there are a very few pple who have them both on their PC BUT by far, the vast majority of pple who have had them both on their PC's have had major headaches and have had to get rid of Roxio. As I'm sure any search through our threads will show you it's a wise decision. Even getting rid of Roxio is a problem as it weaves itself all through your system and you require a special proggy to get rid of it even after you've uninstalled it.
We're here because you've probably had trouble burning that can be traced to our archenemy Roxio CD-Creator or one of his henchmen.
The best way to rid our selves of Roxio is remove him through "Control Panel", then select "Add and Remove Programs".
After you've done that, I'm thinking you haven't gotten all of Roxio, actually you haven't, you need to run this -
Remove all types of Roxio tentacles and tendrils with Roxio Zapper ~
Find it here: http://www.microadvantage.net/downloads/zapper60.zip
Once you've done that, reboot your PC to "flush everything out of your PC's system :)
Now, again, you must uninstall Nero COMPLETELY.
This will help you do a "Clean" uninstall.
You must use all of Nero's Clean tools in order to do the job correctly.
They can all be found here:
Nero.com/us/631940828445001.htm" class="korostus" target="_blank">http://www.Nero.com/us/631940828445001.htm
General Clean tool
Registry cleaner and driver cleaner
InCD Clean tool
When you reinstall Nero 6 DO NOT install InCD OR if you do, turn it off in msconfig (better to not install it) it can and does cause problems with other proggys.
Load Nero up from here:
When installing and uninstalling programs it's a good practice to complete the operation with a PC reboot. It only takes a minute, help it can, hurt it won't.
Whenever you're uninstalling a program, it's a good practice to reboot your PC (even if it's not called for) to help "Flush" the program out. By the same token, when you install a program, it's a good practice to reboot your PC (even though it doesn't call for it) to help the "New" guy "Settle" it in.
Now that we've done that (I know it's a "Pain" but when it's done correctly the first time and all the steps are followed then we don't have problems AND we don't have to do it all over again.
IF YOU DO ALL OF THE STEPS (and didn't skip just one step that "couldn't possibly" make a bit of difference) THEN, WE SHOULD BE GOOD TO GO - YIPPIEEE ! !
Now let's see how we do ~ Do a run through and report back with your results ~
We'll be waiting ~
8. August 2005 @ 06:19 |
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wow, someone's not a fan of roxio, lol. let me ask you a question...what is a good re-authoring/compression program besides shrink? for some reason shrink takes about 3 hours to burn a dvd on my pc. when i use roxio7 program, it only takes about 4-7 minutes. i had shrink on my pc first, and only installed roxio because of the slow speed. shrink is an awesome program, but it is just way to slow on my pc. any suggestions on how to speed it up?
also, i was trying to make a backup of cowboy bebop disc 1, but i can't get it to work. roxio gets to 100%, but then gives me an error message when it finishes. shrink completes 100% and says everything is cool, but when i try to play it, it does not work. any suggestions?
8. August 2005 @ 06:49 |
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I was having problems copying some discs, so I tried ScubaPetes advice by tweaking DVD Decrypter and all that, still no luck.
The only thing I hadn't done was clean the discs. The 2 discs in question looked clean, so after wiping them with a soft cloth they both worked fine!
So if you think cleaning isn't important, I for one can say cleaning is VERY important.
Thanks to ScubaPete for some wise words :-)
8. August 2005 @ 06:51 |
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yea, my discs are clean, and this is the only dvd i've come across that shrink hasn't been able to burn. but i've just been reading scuba pete's site for like the last hour now...quite informative.
AfterDawn Addict
8. August 2005 @ 17:01 |
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Running Roxio with other proggys hurts the other programs. Think of Roxio like a thick glue . . . no matter what you're trying to do, with Roxio on the scene it will bog down or not work at all.
You also have to measure apples with apples . . . .
When you run DVD Shrink with the quality enhancements, it takes a couple of hours but delivers a better quality that the majority of proggys available that cost you $$$$.
Go to Shrink's quality settings and "Uncheck" all those things that make Shrink superior. No Deep Analysis, No quality settings, and Shrink will pickup speed like nobody's business AND the quality will be the same as Roxio and the program didn't cost a thing. I cannot say that about my copy of Roxio.
I also doubt that Roxio OR for that matter any proggy will process a disc in 4 to 7 minutes. It will take 2X that time just to encode it, though I know you were exaggerating to make a point.
If you want speed, you have no interest in quality OR in disc durability. Anyone with any type of experience doesn't think of burning at more than 4X. Check our "know it all Newbies" who gather at the "One-click transcoding tools" Forum and you'll sea what I mean.
They brag about how fast they can "do" a DVD but nothing is ever said about the DVD's quality. They brag about how cheap they bought their discs and complain when they don't burn. I've been told I'm crazy to pay $.45ea for a disc when they "Claim" they buy theirs for $.14ea (Lol, right ) They brag about burning at 16X then complain that they get coasters. They place their highest value on time aqnd how FAST something is and never, ever quality. The reason ? Quality takes time. That being said, yes, Shrink does take longer when the quality controls are removed BUT the time difference isn't all that great. I've done testing between CloneDVD2, a quality transcoder and 1-ClickDVDCopy and ICopyDVDs2. Shrink beat ICopyDVDs2 and was few minutes less that 1-ClickDVDCopy and CloneDVD2 BUT tied CloneDVD2 and totally blew away the "1-click wonders." BUT When Shrink used it's quality controls, it did take anywhere from 2 and 1/2 to 3 hours BUT the quality was soooo good it made the others look like they were using video tape.
NOTE: So that I won't be mis-understood, it was better than CloneDVD2 but not as dramatic as the 1-click wanna-be's.
Everyone has his or her values. It would seem that the youth of today want their things fast - the heck with quality OR how long it will last, that has no place in their thinking. LQQk around and you?ll sea what I mean.
Like I said, knock off the quality enhancements, your time will shorten.
I don't know what system you have But with over 1 Gig of RAM and a 2.84 Pent 4, I can average between 20 to 26 minutes depending on the size of the DVD. As for the quality, it will be better than the 1-clickers, a lot closer to something like DVD2One OR CloneDVD2.
IMO, the only proggy that's much faster (not counting something like CCE ReBuilder which takes hours also but is superior to everything (Lol) as I was saying, the only one that's better is CopyToDVD3 which I consider the best on the retail market for relatively easy programs.
I hope that sheds some light on the speed issue,
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2005 @ 17:09
8. August 2005 @ 22:38 |
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hello gurus!
well I got a chess cd and it just keeps giving me errors, i searched the web and got to this forum, read and read from top to bottom and tried but I cant get it working.
First off,
Hardware profile:
DVD-RW Lite-On
512 DDR -RAM-
Software profile:
-Windows XP -no SPs-
-DVD Decrypter
-DVD Shrink
-Nero 6
-CDCheck 3.1
and now lets cut to the chase:
It is CD im working on, it has just chess files, no movies or more than one session. Im trying to copy to the HD 46 megs and it just wont due to the CRC.
I tried using CdCheck 3.1 and it managed to copy 3 files -out of like 200- and they are correlated so if one doesnt work the rest wont.
Tried also using DvdDecrypter (I know it is not a DVD but I had to try) and it didnt even accepted the disc, same thing with Shrink.
The disc is not scratched and even so I cleaned it with the method posted before...
nothing has worked...
So now i ask, what is your advise? (and hopefully it isnt "turn to the tv instead of chess" lol)
Thanks for the time :)
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2005 @ 22:40
8. August 2005 @ 22:40 |
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[dont know why but it got double posted so I edited this last one in order to save time/space]
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 8. August 2005 @ 22:41
Suspended due to non-functional email address
9. August 2005 @ 16:53 |
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Hey there Scubapete I've been reading some of the notes and i tried to get info on computer im on so I could tell U as much as possible
I'm using windows XP
2 GHz, 256 mb ddr
clone dvd2 and Nero express and Nero burning rom
problem is I've tried putting movie on hard drive using clone dvd 2 and also copying and pasting it to its own directory and it gets to about 5 or 10 minutes into it and a box comes up and says
VTS_01_2:Data Error/cyclic redundance check)
i've tried cleaning the dvd and it still does the same thing.
can u help
9. August 2005 @ 19:04 |
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thanks pete, that was very helpful!
AfterDawn Addict
10. August 2005 @ 19:48 |
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The reason you're not having any luck is that you haven't ripped the encryption first. You need to use something like DVD Decrypter OR AnyDVD to decrypt the movie THEN you can use CloneDVD2 and Nero.
I suggest using DVDD as its free.
There are several guides in my sig to take you from beginning to end. When you began your post, you said you were using DVD Shrink. Shrink hasn't been touched for almost a full year and thus cannot handle any of the newer encryptions at all. Use the guide for Shrink / DVDD and all should work out well.
As for the time issue - be satisfied with what you have. You are down the ladder in the processor field but not that bad. You are way, way down in the RAM factor and that will keep you barely making headway until you add more RAM - a minimum of another 256MB giving you 512 of RAM.
To make do with what you have, go to msconfig, disable all, apply, OK, OK again to reboot. Then you'll be using the max of what you have. Currently, you have many proggys using RAM just when you startup. You need to rid yourself of that.
RAM is cheap, consider getting more.
Howdy purefan, welcome to aD,
You too need to decrypt the files from your CD . I suggest using AnyDVD as it will decrypt CD's as well as DVD's.
You can use AnyDVD for 21-days for free then it's 39.99 (USD)
Download it here:
You can then use Nero for 30-days free.
Download it here:
Go to SmartStart, Favorites, Copy CD and you'll be copying from the original to a nice new blank CD in no time. If you wish, to keep it on your HD, N/P. Select your Destination as your HD and that's where it will go.
If you wish to practice a bit ~ There is a good Newbie's proggy called # 1CD Ripper which will allow you to rip the first 3 files for free to your HD and then they want $$$. After the files are on your HD almost any burning proggy will help you burn them to disc. I haven't done CD's for about a year (except for yesterday when I did 9 music CD's) so I'm not up to par as to any Free proggys BUT someone here will hopefully "chime in " with a proggy or 2 to help you along.
Download #1 CD Ripper here:
CD burning is a "Hands-down" snap compared to DVD burning so you have plenty of resources to burn CD's while you happily play with your PC.
I hope that's been of some help.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 10. August 2005 @ 19:50
10. August 2005 @ 20:58 |
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Just wanted to say thanks for the many tips. I was getting a CRC error when trying to backup a DVD. Closer inspection revealed the culprit was a fairly deep scratch aligned with the edge of the disk. With nothing to lose I slapped on a dab of toothpaste and polished the hell out of it (being careful to rub from centre to edge of course), and after a little rinsing and drying, lo and behold DVD Decryptor read it with ease. Cheers!
AfterDawn Addict
10. August 2005 @ 21:35 |
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Great !
I do so LOVE a happy ending ~
Now that you're doing well, it doesn't mean it's time for you to up and move on - this is a give and take kind of a deal ~
You've seen how we work and you've seen that we had fun doing it. - Now it's your turn, stop back when you're free and help someone else - You'll have fun and, a chance to learn some more, teaching is a learning experience too, you know :-)
Take a few minutes and check out our opening page. We've got a ton"O"stuff here at aD ~ Checkout some of our other forums, we have the "Safety Valve" a forum about anything - from "What's bugging you," to, "Where members come from" OR "The best joke you've ever heard." More free time on your hands ? Check out our forum's on Home Theater components (there might be an idea for something new to do with yours), CD's, PS2's, X-box or Gamecube topics OR check out the forum on Cellular phones, something new about yours might be there ~ one can never tell :)
Me ? Well I'll be over there, behind the water cooler, under the potted Palm, sipping a "cold one" and chewing the fat, trying to help the next Newbie with the weight of the burning world upon their shoulders.
- Feel free to stop by and say "Howdy" ~
I'll expect to Sea ya soon,
Pete :b)
Senior Member
11. August 2005 @ 01:25 |
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just had to chime in for a sec...LMAO @ scubapete if you were a salesman I would buy your product on comedy alone. Oh and thanks for the guides. Almost use them daily as a reference when i get a brain cramp.
11. August 2005 @ 20:36 |
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hey Pete thanks a ton!
i got it to work :)
12. August 2005 @ 09:11 |
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The reason you're not having any luck is that you haven't ripped the encryption first. You need to use something like DVD Decrypter OR AnyDVD to decrypt the movie THEN you can use CloneDVD2 and Nero.
actually decrypter is what i use to rip my movies to my hard drive. i've only been making backups for about a year now, but decrypter is the one program that has never given me any problems!
i unistalled roxio like you suggested, and used the zapper to clear the registry. i unistalled nero(with all the necessary tools and restarts) and reinstalled, but i'm still not having the best luck with shrink. it works fine, it just takes a little too long for my tastes. i have an HDTV and a pretty nice dvd player or whatever, so quality is something i most certainly am concerned with. shrink is a great program, but it takes about 3 hours to compress a movie down to burnable size, 5 if i use deep analysis.
i'm absolutely certain that it's my system's limitations that are suffocating shrink, so i'll most definitely take your advice about the msconfig and ram upgrade.
However, I do have a question about shrink that you may be able to help with. Say I've already ripped a 7 gig movie to my hard drive using decrypter and I want to burn it to a dvd 5 using shrink. can shrink burn it directly to the dvd without first compressing it in a backup folder? i think that would be an instrumental part of speeding up the process. i ask this because that is what the roxio program i used did. the max it would take depending on the amount of compression necessary, was about 15 minutes and quality was excellent. however, about 85% of the people i've come across in dvd forums will say that roxio was a program created by the devil himself. and when this many people agree, there's certainly some truth to it. i guess i was just one of the few it worked well for.
oh well, i'll be building a new pc soon, so hopefully shrink will work a bit quicker on that one.
Senior Member
12. August 2005 @ 09:32 |
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Quote: "shrink is a great program, but it takes about 3 hours to compress a movie down to burnable size, 5 if i use deep analysis."
Check your DMA settings - How ? do this -> Go to Control Panel> System> Hardware Tab> Device Manager> IDE ATA/ATAPI controllers> Right Click Primary IDE channel (and Secondary IDE channel after you finish with Primary)> Properties> Advanced Settings Tab> Transfer Mode or you can go here for another guide http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=101616
Do the above from both "Primary & Secondary IDE channels".
I (We) and you need to look at whats in both "Transfer Mode" and "Current Transfer Mode". Screen shot below is what I'm talking about.
You can also look here for some other solutions: http://sniptools.com/vault/getting-back-to-dma-mode-in-windows-xp.htm
If it is in "PIO" mode. Click the "Driver" tab, and uninstall the driver. Then reboot. Upon rebooting windows will automatically reinstall the driver and it should go back to "DMA" mode.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 12. August 2005 @ 09:34
12. August 2005 @ 11:49 |
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yea, i read about the dma settings somewhere on the net and hoped this was the problem, but unfortunately my drives were still set up properly. thanks for the advice though!
Senior Member
12. August 2005 @ 12:00 |
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Even though Windows is reporting DMA is on, did you check the bios to see if it was on?
Senior Member
12. August 2005 @ 12:15 |
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Do you have your hard disk (hard drive) and the burner/reader on the same IDE channel?
12. August 2005 @ 15:37 |
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" Do you have your hard disk (hard drive) and the burner/reader on the same IDE channel?"
that's an interesting question. it just so happens that i frequently switch hard drives in and out of my pc and i recently had to replace the ide cable to my hard disks. but i'm not exactly sure what you mean by same ide channel. also, i'm not sure how to check the bios.
i talked to 3 more people who use shrink on the regular and they said that it takes 2-3 hours to enocde. is this the norm then? how long do you think it should take to just encode(not burn)?
i appreciate everyone's willingness to help me. as long as the suggestions keep comimg, i'll keep doing them!
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12. August 2005 @ 23:56 |
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Hi everyone...I really enjoy all of the very useful information I can pull out of these forums, but there is a problem I am unable to find an answer to...I am using shrink, 16x DL Memorex burner. The problem is with kung fu hustle...I'm getting a CRC @ 9% encoding. The disk is brand new...no scratches at all, I also tried cleaning it anyway but that didn't help. So if you could, please find it in your heart to rid me of this headache!!!!
Senior Member
12. August 2005 @ 23:59 |
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Quote: "that's an interesting question. it just so happens that i frequently switch hard drives in and out of my pc and i recently had to replace the ide cable to my hard disks. but i'm not exactly sure what you mean by same ide channel. also, i'm not sure how to check the bios."
Almost all people have 1 "Primary" IDE channel and 1 "Secondary" IDE channel. Your "Hard drives" should be on the "Primary" IDE channel and your DVD-ROM and/or DVD burner/writer should be on your "Secondary" channel. It will run alot slower if the "Hard Drive" and "DVD-ROM/Burner" are on the same IDE channel. Also, when you replaced the "IDE Cable", did you replace it with a "40 Pin" IDE cable or a "80 Pin" IDE cable? If you used a "40 Pin", that could also be a reason why its going slow.
Quote: "i talked to 3 more people who use shrink on the regular and they said that it takes 2-3 hours to enocde. is this the norm then? how long do you think it should take to just encode(not burn)?"
Depends on if you are using the "Deep Analysis" feature of DVD Shrink and/or the "AEC" functions. I personally rip the entire DVD structure to my hard drive first, then open up the files through DVD Shrink. Your hard drive works much faster than your DVD-ROM/DVD burner when "reading" the data. Here is a guide I made that is step by step: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45238
On the average, I can rip a "Dual Layer" DVD in 15 to 17 minutes. Then encode/shrink with DVD Shrink in about 45 min (I do a "Deep Analysis" on everyone of my backups and I use the AEC function.) For single layer DVD, I don't even use DVD Shrink. I just do a "ISO Read" then a "ISO Write" with DVD Decrypter to make a 1:1 identical copy. Here a few guides/tutorials to look at if you want:
DVD Shrink for Dummies: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=49051
How to use the "Set Start/End Frames" feature in DVD Shrink 3.2 : http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=47260
How to "Re-author" a DVD: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=46607
User guide for DVD Decrypter: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=51575
Page with all the links to the guides/tutorials: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=45339
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Senior Member
13. August 2005 @ 00:03 |
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Suspended due to non-functional email address
13. August 2005 @ 00:15 |
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Thx for the help JMet I'll get back later and let you and everyone esle know how it went.