DVD shrink Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
14. August 2005 @ 20:33 |
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Ok I?m new to this site but I?ve read most of in and out and I found someone had a problem similar to mine but you wouldn?t answer because he didn?t give you proper information. That was on page one.
I?ve tried with every program I?ve seen you suggest and wasted a lot of time on this silly DVD, I?ve used DVD Shrink, Clone DVD, Nero, DVD Decrypter, and CD Check to try and recover lost data.
I?m trying to burn a season of a DVD 13 episodes and it gives out on 13% every time in every program, in Shrink I got the CRC error but in DVD Decrypter its listed as a ?Failed to read sector, Un recovered Read Error?
I?m trying to copy this data from a burn DVD, I believe it?s a bad burn, is there programs out there or other suggestions to recover this data? I?ve successfully burned DVDs from Season 1,2,4 and 5 so I know that the burned DVDs I got work, just I think this one may have had a error during burning. Thanks?.
Senior Member
14. August 2005 @ 21:18 |
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You're very welcome caP2! Glad I could help. :)
Let us know of the outcome.
15. August 2005 @ 04:20 |
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well, i took everyone's advice. i "disabled all" under msconfig, i checked my ide cable setup and i am happy to report that shrink is running much faster. it only takes about an hour now(as opposed to 5) and i am completely happy with that. thanks for the help pete! thanks jmet!
Senior Member
15. August 2005 @ 05:42 |
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You're very welcome quasheezy! Glad Pete and I could help. :)
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23. August 2005 @ 02:55 |
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I've been using the DVDShrink, DVDDecrypter duette to backup DVDs for over a year now (okay, actually I also involve ImgTool Classic to make an ISO image before burning with Decrypter. I usually copy and shrink the DVD to my Hard Drive directly with Shrink). Sometimes DVD Shrink encounters a CRC problem and closes, so then I use Decrypter instead to get the DVD on my HD and then open it from there with Shrink. I use the option "Ignore Read Errors" in Decrypter, and it works fine. Usually there are only a few CRC errors - once it gets past them, DVD Decrypter carries on decrypting normally. However, I am currently trying to backup an original DVD (Leon), and not only are there CRC errors on (only) one of the VOB files, but there seem to be loads of them. DVD Decrypter slows down to a turtle-speed while dealing with and "ignoring" the errors, and I even though I let it run all night, it only advanced 2 percent in that time, and had encountered over 7400 errors. I got tired and switched it off. Can anyone tell me (ScubaPete or jmet to the rescue?) what DVD Decrypter does by "ignoring" an error - does it or does it not copy the (corrupted) data anyway? Even if the cyclic check does not match, is the data played on a standard DVD player? The movie works fine on my JVC DVD player - no hint of any errors. I wonder if I should let DVD Decrypter carry on its work - it had reached 71% of the VOB file when the errors started, and by morning it was at 73%. At that rate it will take forever (unless the errors stop). If the remaining 30 % is full of errors, and DVD Decrypter ignores them all, is that data still readable in a standard DVD player? IS it worth waiting all that while (days, maybe weeks - can my PC handle the heat?) In short, a plea for HELP from your friendly Bee who knows more about making honey than computers. Thanks, yours truly, Bobbie the Bee.
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Senior Member
23. August 2005 @ 07:19 |
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Bee, clean the disc and try it again. Even if it doesn't look dirty. Sometimes you have to hold the disc in different light at different angles to see the scratches, etc.
Make sure you have the latest version of DVD Decrypter.
The latest Version is Currently: Version
Use DVD Decrypter to "rip" the DVD to your hard drive in "File" mode - and from the "Edit" dropdown menu, select "All files" (NOT "movie files").
Then use DVD Shrink to "Open files" (NOT "Open Disk") - and select "VIDEO_TS.IFO" or the actual "VIDEO_TS" folder.
A good tutorial on how to accomplish this is located here: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=45238
Download DVD Decrypter version here: http://mrbass.org/dvdrip/
But, you say "I am able to watch the DVD fine in my DVD player." That is irrelvant, as drives and players operate on different programming. Drives are logical, players can interpret digital signals and are not choked by bad data.
23. August 2005 @ 12:29 |
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jmet, thanks for your help. However, I have already:
-cleant the disk
-downloaded the latest version of DVD Decrypter
-tried the disk on both my DVD drives
-tried decrypting both in File Mode and ISO mode in DVD Decrypter
I think DVD Decrypter is managing to get the DVD onto my Hard Drive, but the problem is it is taking far too long (probably too many errors). A question: when in the past I haven't been able to copy the DVD to my HD directly with DVD Shrink because of a CRC error, I have managed to do it with DVD Decrypter by "ignoring the errors". Does that mean that DVD Decrypter copies the data to the HD regardless of the CRC errors? And if so, why is DVD Shrink then able to open it once it is on the HD? Wouldn't it have those same errors even though I have managed to get it onto the HD? Sorry for these questions, but I am quite intrigued, and you seem to know so much (how do learn all these things?). Anyway, thanks again for your help,
your friendly Bee
Senior Member
23. August 2005 @ 12:51 |
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If you have already cleaned the disc, tried it in different drives, and tried with DVD Decrypter and still get a CRC error message (Its a I/O error message usually in DVD Decrypter). I would say that disc is damaged enough to be "unrippable". Only solution to that would be to obtain a different copy that isn't messed up. That particular DVD if I researched it correctly, came out 5 years ago so it contains no newer copyright protection on it. Most defiantly it is damaged or it could be a "bad pressing" (Just like "Spanglish").
Even though DVD Decrypter says it will take a long time to finish, in all actuality it will not finish but, eventually give you a I/O Error message after so many failed attempts to "Ignore" and/or "Retry" read errors.
One of the advantages in using the DVD Decrypter & DVD Shrink combination is that, after it is ripped to the hard drive. You are done with the actual reading from the "disc". That is why DVD Shrink can open it. Setting DVD Decrypter to "Ignore" read errors, is not %100 fool proof. It copies what it can (therefore skipping the bad data). Sometimes even though you successfully ripped a DVD, you will still get a error message about the a file(s) missed in DVD Shrink cause DVD Decrypter "Ignored" that file and "Skipped" it like you told it to. In some instances it just so happens to be a file that you may or may not need to successfully open it up in DVD Shrink.
My knowledge I have gained about this has come over the year from helping people just like you and experiencing the same problem myself. :)
AfterDawn Addict
23. August 2005 @ 16:39 |
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As jnet mentioned, it does sound like a "dodgy" disc.
Before throwing in the towel on it, I would run it through CDCheck to sea if the errors on the disc can be rescued.
Get the proggy here:
as always, let us know how you make out -
25. August 2005 @ 07:37 |
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Hey now,
it´s me again! Thanks for your advice, jmet: it´s a good thing I didn´t carry on trying to copy the disk to my HD with DVD-Decrypter, it would have taken many, many hours, even if it would have succeeded at all, which, as you said, is doubtful. I searched a bit on the net and came across another freeware proggy called DVD Fab Decrypter - I had to rip the whole disk again, but when it reached the bad VOB file, it just slowed down for a few MINUTES (though it was clearly advancing) and then picked up again to finish at the normal pace. I´m not sure what it did - whether it ignored the errors and simply skipped them, or copied the bad sectors per se (the file size was no different than the original, if you can go by that). Anyhow, DVD Shrink was then able to take over as usual, but reading from the Hard Drive, which makes me think that the bad sectors were skipped. Though I don´t understand the internal workings, I managed to backup the DVD just fine, so if you hadn´t heard of it, here is a new tool for our collection - just in case. It worked for me! And thank you also to Mr Scuba Pete, who seems to like always having his finger in the pie - which is fine, because it is a very helpful finger indeed. I checked out CDCheck, which looks like a handy tool - it confirmed the errors on my DVD Disk. Thanx for your help, guys - if there is anything I can help you with (I speak Spanish, some French, and am learning Italian)lemme know!
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 25. August 2005 @ 07:39
Senior Member
25. August 2005 @ 08:19 |
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DVDFab Decrypter is good software. Fentago is the author, and he keeps his programs up to date! I was sort of a "beta" tester for the program at the Digital Digest forums but, other than that I haven't used it much. It is a very "User Friendly" program, a real "One Click" program. Me on the other hand, I prefer a program with some custom options to choose from like DVD Decrypter. :)
We have created a special forum for DVDFab Decrypter at the digital digest site if you wish to read more about it. There is a guide there that explains the settings etc., as well as other things. - http://forum.digital-digest.com/forumdisplay.php?f=82
29. August 2005 @ 17:36 |
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I've been reading through this thread and have a question about crc errors on DVD Shrink. i've been burning dvds for over a year through DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink (always with the most up-to-date versions) and they always worked fine. i just set the DVD Decrypter to file mode and would never have a crc error while encoding and burning the ripped file through DVD Shrink. Now in the past three months ive been getting crc errors consistently with DVD Shrink while using the file mode on DVD Decrypter. This has occured with both movies that have been recently released (i.e. hitch, million dollar baby, hostage, seinfeld) and ones that have been out for a while. i've read how to use DVD Decrypter on the iso read mode, and that has worked the majority of times when encoding and burning through DVD Shrink. i just wanted to know though if there is any paticular reason why after a year of success decrypting on file mode it would suddenly start causing crc errors on DVD Shrink?
AfterDawn Addict
31. August 2005 @ 19:46 |
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Hi brody868,
The Sony ARccOS encryption and its clones use empty files that show up as CRC read errors. DVD Shrink hasn't been "tweaked" in over a year and won't anymore as the version you are using is the final version. If the original discs plays on your PC then ripping it with DVDD in the ISO mode, encoding and compressing with Shrink and burning as an ISO with DVDD will in all likelihood result in a playable backup.
When using DVDD, remember to check "Ignore read errors" in tool - settings. This will result in fewer problems when processing.
The only "down side" is that it takes a lot or PC resources to operate in the ISO mode. Any PC can handle it BUT you cannot multi-task as you can when ripping in the file mode.
You're doing everything right - keep right on burning
Suspended permanently
31. August 2005 @ 20:08 |
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One thing that seems to have also been overlooked is what film you were copying. It is a common error message when copying newer titles with Shrink. If it encounters copy protection it can not bypass then the CRC error message appears. This no doubt is why another more up to date program mangaed to copy the film. Try loading AnyDVD trial and reuse Shrink on the same disk, it will probably copy no problem.
Suspended permanently
31. August 2005 @ 20:10 |
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Ignore me I'm going back to sleep, I never saw the first post indicating the disk was already a burn of the original. :]
Senior Member
31. August 2005 @ 20:30 |
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Quote: "If the original discs plays on your PC then ripping it with DVDD in the ISO mode, encoding and compressing with Shrink and burning as an ISO with DVDD will in all likelihood result in a playable backup. "
ISO mode is generally for making 1:1 images. I know on several movies (The Forgotten for one) if you rip in ISO mode, then process with DVD Shrink. You will have a blank 5 min spot before the beginning of the movie.
7. September 2005 @ 08:24 |
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Hi you there !
I had the same problems.
CRC Errors - when DVD Shrink gives up - mainly occur on DVDs that are not only software copyprotected but also on purpose containing unreadable blocks ! This is a k.o. conflict for any "normal" Windows based ripping tool.
First of all this is a very rare thing - out of hundreds of DVDs it happens on few only still it needs to solved.
Although DVD Shrink is able to eliminate macrovision and other copyprotection software it is the best to always have DVD43 running in the background. By this means any software copyprotection is OFF when you start ripping the DVD.
Now you need to use Alcohol 120 and write an image to your harddisk of the full double layer DVD 9 which uses like about 7,5 - seldomly around 9 Giga B.
Don´t forget to flag IGNORE READING ERRORS withion the image maker menue.
Depending on the speed of your DVD ROM drive - never use a burner to rip for it is far slower than any low price DVD ROM - Alcohol with DVD43 running in the rear now rips the DVD and once these silly not readable blocks occur it will outwipe them one by one on the final image.
Thus this may take a while for there sometimes are a hundred of these bad blocks on one DVD - normally all sequentially next to one another and typically in the first 30% of the DVD.
When you have the image on your hard disc simply mount the image to a virtual drive - also created by ALCOHOL - and then restart DVD Shrink and select the DVD from this virtual drive.
DVD SHRINK cannot directly read an Alcohol made image but this is no problem for creating a virtual DVD dirve is a very easy thing to do.
Once now DVD shrinks starts to read from the virtual DVD it will never again produce CRC errors.
DVD43 is a freeware.
Alcohol you can find everywhere in the torrent worlds or at edonkey even.
7. September 2005 @ 09:10 |
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Frustrated to the extreme!!
So I've been using DVD Shrink since I first began my DVD back-up program. I've had few problems with it, sometimes there will be no sound or it didn't burn when I thought it did, but I could have just made some lame mistake without realizing it. Anyway, more recently my DVD Shrink has gone hay-wire. It tells me there is no disk in the drive when in fact there is, and also tells me something about the F: drive not being ready?? I'm not able to quote the error right now as I am at work... Shhh... :) But I've been reading almost all of the posts from this thread, and I might be able to figure it out when I get home, haven't tried it yet, but thought I'd be prepared. I see all of ScubaPete's posts and they are amazing, but I'm wondering what the best programs for me would be. All I want to do is make a DVD small enough to copy to another DVD and play it on my DVD player at home. So then, having said that, do I need AnyDVD running in the background, run DVD Decrypter and then send it through DVD Shrink to shrink it, then through Nero to burn? Or is all I need Shrink and Decrypter? I don't really know what all the ISO files and things like that mean, I'm a pretty basic comp user. If you could just whip up one of your recipes for me (hopefully a free one) I would really appreciate it. I'll try what I can when I get home and let you know how it turns out. Your help is greatly appreciated and needed, or it could be the death of my computer and a large whole in my wall (both of which may be fun, but not practical for future use)
Pete - I just looked at your guide to DVD Shrink / Nero, which are what I use, so I'll go through and make sure that all of my settings are correct as well. Thanks!! Looks fab!
"If you say I can't burn this DVD one more time I will throw you through the wall." - A more recent quote by me
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7. September 2005 @ 10:50 |
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DVD shrink does not have a burn engine of it´s own.
You need to have Nero installed in full and correct and up to date first then you need to have all drivers or firmware updates for your burner unless it is an all new one.
Next important thing are ressources on your PC.
If the PC is low in MHz and in Ram then don´t run anything apart from DVD Shrink while ripping.
If this is done then 9 out of 10 DVDs are copied ok without further tricks.
Only if the rare titles come up like HITCH or MILLION $ Baby that have unreadable blocks then you need further things to do as I explained earlier today ( see above).
7. September 2005 @ 11:54 |
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It's funny because I had no problem with Milion Dollar Baby (which is a kickass movie) but I also couldn't get Hitch to work. I already have Nero and my DVD Shrink / Nero has been working wonderfully until about, mmm... yesterday. I have about 3 movies that I want to burn that are waiting at home for me, so I'm hoping to get this all cleared up tonight.. I'll try out the DVD Decrypter and see if it works I suppose... til then I can't really tell you what the problem with that is... Thanks!
It also seems that everyone has recommendations for different programs to use, but how do they equivocate? DVD43 = DVD Decrypter? I'm not really sure how they all measure up to each other...
"If you say I can't burn this DVD one more time I will throw you through the wall." - A more recent quote by me
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8. September 2005 @ 06:05 |
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DVD43 is pronounced DVD for free and you find it at DVD43.com/" class="korostus" target="_blank">http://www.DVD43.com/
It has nothing to do with a ripping tool but is a daemon running in background that fully deletes any software copyprotection on any DVD.
Then again my above reply on the unreadable blocks that you need to use a ripping tool that offers "IGNORE READING ERRORS".
I tried Alcohol 120 and it works fine.
8. September 2005 @ 06:25 |
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Worse than I thought
So, it looks like it doesn't have anything to do with my programs... :(
My computer isn't even acknowledging the fact that I have a DVD in the drive. I tried playing some DVDs, even ones that I've burnt before, on PowerDVD and the computer just keeps telling me to insert a disc into the drive... Does anyone have any ideas??
"If you say I can't burn this DVD one more time I will throw you through the wall." - A more recent quote by me
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8. September 2005 @ 17:36 |
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I am having a simialar error with cyclic redundancy check. I am using Shrink 3.2 and Decrypter and everything goes great until I try to replay the copied DVD. Shrink anaylsis works great on the original but on the copies it gives me the CRC error. I've tried using Nero with shrink and AnyDVD but I get the same problem. I've tried multiple DVD's and made sure they are all clean. I am running XP with SP2, Aopen 16X DVD burner and Maxell DVD-R's.
AfterDawn Addict
8. September 2005 @ 17:45 |
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8. September 2005 @ 18:16 |
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arniebear - Yes the firmware is upto date, DMA is enabled. I have also lowered the burning rate of speed to half of my drives capablity