PS3 Price announced
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26. April 2006 @ 07:00 |
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Carry on reading my posts and you'll see that I did that for a reason. The "I don't think so" was referring to the developer in the article. The point being that there are a number of varying opinions and everyone is entitled to believe whatever they want to. The proof will be in the pudding, we'll see.
I ain't no Sony Fanboy, I fuckin' hate the company, their shitty attitude to customers, their rootkit stunt, their greed. Do you want me to go on?
My point was made by the further discussion it generated, I can quote shit all day long from the internet but it doesn't mean it's true does it? Companies can say all sorts of statements on the net and twist words and figures to make their machine sound better.
I think you misunderstood me.
True, I prefer the PS1 & PS2 to the other consoles of those generations and will more than likely buy a PS3 despite Sony being the badge on the front of it. However I think each to their own. I do own an X-Box as well and enjoyed a number of the titles available for it but it didn't give me the gaming experience of the PS2 and I don't get along well with the X-box controllers. Just my preference.
If the PS3 turns out to be rubbish and riddled with problems, dropped by developers and ridiculously over-priced and over hyped then I won't buy one.
Some of their ideas for protecting their investment are crazy, like the coding of the original discs so they only play in your machine and this bringing about the end of the used game market for example.
I am not interested in a pissing contest, just giving my honest opinions.
1 product review
26. April 2006 @ 08:00 |
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@ cmk0121
I'll remember my sony loving tendencies next time I get a disc read error on my PS2;)
I just want the best machine fullstop. No bullsh*t. No hype. Sometimes the best way to get to that decision is to thrash it out in a forum just like this - I dunno.
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26. April 2006 @ 09:43 |
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I dont understand why people get Mad because they wont release the price it dont matter its not like the system is about to come out today or next week.Either people can afford it or not.Thats going to be the buyer choice to say yes or no.i rather wait knowing that a company not rushing a system on the market just to beat PS3 to the punch.If PS3 come out next year its still going to out sell Trash-Box....360=a shell you guys got punked no HD-DVD drive & HDMI hookups...LOL dont worry MS will sale that to you later on down the road.
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26. April 2006 @ 09:52 |
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playstation magazine said that the price will likely be $399 in the u.s and if thats so has will go bankrupt and or they are just flat out ignorant. to sell a system that costs about $800-$900 to produce for $400 is just plain suicide. microsoft was losing $100 per system and they are doing fine because they are selling 4.5 games per console so their making their money back and them some by a little bit.check out the article at or i guess look at it in playstation magazine...
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26. April 2006 @ 10:40 |
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@ cmk0121 your talking like Sony not going to sell alot of Games...LOL more than X-Box.
Junior Member
26. April 2006 @ 10:51 |
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Again though, are these figures REALLY the truth? Does it really cost that much to make?
I know that they intend to make more money from the games and add on peripherals and also the licensing out.
You are right though if they go too low to the point that they truly are losing money on every sale, then they are crazy. I don't believe they are losing anything. On the other hand there is a saying 'speculate to accumulate' which comes to mind. If they can get their machine into lets say 1:2 households and sell them games, movies, add-ons, gamepads, cables, blank media, Burners, HDTV and all the stuff to go with the console for the next 10 years plus, they know they are onto a winner for sure. That goes for $ony and Micro$oft. There are many companies pockets that will be filled from sales of these consoles not just the companies who invented them and they are all in it together.
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26. April 2006 @ 10:52 |
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Ms had to sell 4games per console to make their money back and they were only losing 100bucks per system sold.that means playstaion3 would have to sell about oh 12-16games roughly to just make their money back...not likely damon but sounded goods...probably even gives you hope. although i wouldnt take much to the article...doenst make sense that a magazine for the company would say the price but not have it confirmed or anything E3,so sony goes on misleading and should be pissing off tehir customers who are loyal them to as man is wife
Junior Member
26. April 2006 @ 11:18 |
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"For those who care about backward compatibility, PSM also revealed that PSO and PS2 games will run on the PlayStation 3 in 720, 1080i and 1080p."
If the above statement is true from the teamxbox site then the games will definitely be 1080P as well as the movie side of it and PS1/PS2 games too. I noticed a post earlier in the thread trying to claim the PS3 would not run games at 1080P. So maybe this clears things up a little in that respect.
As for pricing, 360 owners still have to take a hit to get the HD-DVD add on yet (and I get the feeling it ain't going to be cheap). So really M$ would have to sell a lot more games than 4 to make up their losses IF they had included HD-DVD in the design in the first place. PS3 buyers will have the blue-ray already inside the box and from the article it also said it will include a 60GB HDD. I can from this see why they would have to sell more games to make up any losses on the console side.
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26. April 2006 @ 12:20 |
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goes to show u cant trust sony,It's impossible to sell them that cheap and make any profit. if its not confirmed at E3 then that shows the merit of that article. either way sony's done..sell it that cheap they'll lose way too much money to compete...sell it too expensive nobody will buy it. as for the 1080p thing only like 2 hdtvs support 1080p and none of them are sony so nice marketing job. so get ready to shell out even more moeny than 360 owners who purchased an HDTV for the system because 1080p supported tv's our sure to break the bank. if you dont go for the 1080p tv then ur not maximizing your investment and u might as well went 360 cause graphics will be the better and HD-DVD player cause they are cheaper than Blu-ray players and their movies will be cheaper.i also find it hard to believe the old games will run in 1080p when ps1 was a cd format and ps2 was a dvd format...just not likely that the technology went being unfinished to godjuice a fast amount of time. its a good assumption the reason ps3 was delayed was not for the gaming purposes but to finish up Blu-ray tech and copyright nonsense.
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26. April 2006 @ 12:24 |
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Microsoft are not averse to ripping off the consumer either.
Hmmm - Now whats the name of that expensive bug ridden piece of software thats updated every couple of years just to cash in on consumers need for something new?
I'm sure it will come to me.[Quote]
whilst this is a true statement....i have found microsoft very good to deal with in the support department,yes i was one of the unlucky ones in recieving a dud xbox 360,they should have a better quality control set up in place,but xbox went just that little bit extra in showing their apoligetic side and gave me a "goodwill gesture" a free microsoft game of my choice...which eased my tension between them and me in getting a dud xbox 360,something which has not happened to me before,compared to sony(iv'e had experience with sony PS2 support)xbox lead hands down in that is just woefull in their support department...
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26. April 2006 @ 12:38 |
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I dont understand why people get Mad because they wont release the price it dont matter its not like the system is about to come out today or next week.Either people can afford it or not.Thats going to be the buyer choice to say yes or no.i rather wait knowing that a company not rushing a system on the market just to beat PS3 to the punch.If PS3 come out next year its still going to out sell Trash-Box....360=a shell you guys got punked no HD-DVD drive & HDMI hookups...LOL dont worry MS will sale that to you later on down the road. [Quote]
you really need to hone up on your comprehension skills don't you,this has been covered,but you jack arsed up about it....the PS 3 unfortunately was being rushed,they ran into problems,couldn't have it rectified in time,so it had to be put can make all the exscuses under the sun for them,what they are doing is not good enough,to me the PS3 was dodgy from day one of the protocol model, xbox 360 was no better,they had dodgy systems too,i know i had one.
and get your facts right...the xbox 360 comes STANDARD with a HDD,HDVD DRIVE and HDMI.the option for consumers to make it less expensive for them until such time they could afford one,was to supply a unit with out the HDD for $120.00 less(the cost of the HDD)
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26. April 2006 @ 13:13 |
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26. April 2006 @ 22:38 |
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PS3 price revealed by PSM
Playstation Magazine has named the PS3 has having quite a low price: $399 in the U.S., ?322 in Europe and ¥45,965 in Japan.
These are the other info stated in the PSM:
PS3's 60GB non-removable hard drive as standard.
will have backward compatibility, that PSX/PS1 and PS2 games will run on the PlayStation 3 in 720, 1080i and 1080p.
all PS3 games will be in the Blu-ray format, and will have no region lockouts.
the launch line-up and final design of the PS3's controller will be released at the E3 gaming expo in May.
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 26. April 2006 @ 22:39
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26. April 2006 @ 22:45 |
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PS3 price revealed by PSM
Playstation Magazine has named the PS3 has having quite a low price: $399 in the U.S., ?322 in Europe and ¥45,965 in Japan.
These are the other info stated in the PSM:
PS3's 60GB non-removable hard drive as standard.
will have backward compatibility, that PSX/PS1 and PS2 games will run on the PlayStation 3 in 720, 1080i and 1080p.
all PS3 games will be in the Blu-ray format, and will have no region lockouts.
the launch line-up and final design of the PS3's controller will be released at the E3 gaming expo in May.[Quote]
not disputing your post,but was reading an article myself,they are changing the controller design,as there was too many complaints from consumers to be,blu ray...was to be scrapped,then it was to be re-engaged,now the latest is,it's Blu-ray that is holding up the PS3,so Blu-ray is back on the table as being scrapped,as for price,the big boy of sony won't release consumers price till almost launch day,as they have had quite a few set backs....
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26. April 2006 @ 23:11 |
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27. April 2006 @ 00:08 |
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from what i can gather this about a month old,and most have probably read it,heres a quote from the man himself....
Even Sony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi has been quoted as saying "It'll be expensive [...] I'm aware that with all these technologies, the PS3 can't be offered at a price that's targeted towards households."
Speculation about the price has kicked into overdrive recently, thanks to a report from analysts at Merrill Lynch that claim the PlayStation 3 could cost upwards of $800-900, and while consoles are often sold at a loss, if this is true Sony would be taking a tremendously huge hit to the pocketbook to sell PS3 systems for $400-500
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27. April 2006 @ 02:58 |
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Thxs Gamelover i tryed to tell cmk0121 yesterday that the games was going to play on 1080i and 1080p with the HDMI hookups.But he said it was for the Blu-ray...LOL.We have some Sony Hater on this tread Damm.Look Sony is the King for right now so just live with it they are not going anywhere notime soon.Thats A Fact over 80 million consoles sold worldwide.So you can talk yours A$$ off for all i care but the fact of the matter is Sony is the number one retail game & console saler on the market.......
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27. April 2006 @ 03:11 |
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Thxs Gamelover i tryed to tell cmk0121 yesterday that the games was going to play on 1080i and 1080p with the HDMI hookups.But he said it was for the Blu-ray...LOL.We have some Sony Hater on this tread Damm.Look Sony is the King for right now so just live with it they are not going anywhere notime soon.Thats A Fact over 80 million consoles sold worldwide.So you can talk yours A$$ off for all i care but the fact of the matter is Sony is the number one retail game & console saler on the market[Quote]
holy snappin duck $hit....can you ever get your facts right
the PS3 is reportedly lucky to even get to 1080i
and sony have sold double the figure you have stop being a fan boy.....if you can't be,at least act biased will you
and another fact just released is..."is sony losing it" possibly so was the answer....investigate that rumor,i'll give you a hint....seeing as you don't read peoples posts properly,it's in one of my links iv'e it very....very carefully now won't you,it will also give you confirmation about pushing it,the PS3 to run at 1080i and p...720 is it's max at the moment,according to these testers
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27. April 2006 @ 03:46 |
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i bet u wonder why you walk around with that salty taste in your mouth all day,being as u r a FANBOY im going to give you the answer...its cause ur lovin that sony b*lls*ck and ur a moron.i tried to back off ya the otehr day but u had to throw my name in the hat so u and ur boyfriend could kiss and make up but hey oh you and gamelover not realize that so many things have changed to this point with sony,the fish story as i call it. everytime the story is told the fish just keeps getting bigger and bigger.What makes you guys so gullible when it comes to sony?Nothing is really known at this point it is ALL speculation but everytime something bad comes out u say its rumors and everytime something positve comes out it is the happy that u like sony cause they are the number 1 console and game saler as u said but stop acting like an impressionable teen ready to hit puberty and like the console because u like it not because it sells well.
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27. April 2006 @ 03:58 |
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@ cmk0121 dont get you boxers wet cause i proved you wrong just stick to what you think you know best Trash-Box....
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27. April 2006 @ 04:07 |
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i bet u thought that sounded good when u were thinking about it but too bad its the opposite of the whole TRUTH thing buddy!The difference between you and i is i actually KNOW all is to know about the system i like(xbox 360) and u being a fanboy know absolutely no FACTS about the system u happy with my current situation in that scenario i just stated are u?
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27. April 2006 @ 04:11 |
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LOL...Sam-Mule Please tell me what channel do High Def run on Idiot..See the problem i have with you Clown is you take links and start Quoteing them as the truth but soon as some one say something to you you switch up....(Sam-mule)oh i was only Spec.You geting real tired on the tread so this will be my last post on you Bum....I dont waste time with people who use other people BullsH!t then qoute it as the truth.A wiseman will stand for something but a fool like Sam-mule will fall for anything.....
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27. April 2006 @ 04:16 |
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@ cmk0121 if you know then tell me the price of the PS3.Tell me when it will lauch oh wise one.You dont know Sh!t about the PS3 only what you read.Let wait & see when it comes out.You talk out the side out your mouth too much just like someone else i know but your not that bad....LOL
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27. April 2006 @ 04:22 |
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@ damondash
u have to be the biggest illiterate fool i have ever over what i wrote. i say nothing about me knowing anythig about the ps3 or release dates. my point u so easily missed was that ur ready to like a console u know nothing about, i know what i like becasue i already own the 360.i dont procclaim to know nethig about the ps3,my point is no fan of ne game console knows nething about the ps3 but fanboys like u still like it over the 360
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27. April 2006 @ 06:35 |
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LOL...Sam-Mule Please tell me what channel do High Def run on Idiot..See the problem i have with you Clown is you take links and start Quoteing them as the truth but soon as some one say something to you you switch up....(Sam-mule)oh i was only Spec.You geting real tired on the tread so this will be my last post on you Bum....I dont waste time with people who use other people BullsH!t then qoute it as the truth.A wiseman will stand for something but a fool like Sam-mule will fall for anything..... [Quote]
*ROTFLMAO* you really take the cake.....i agree... you really are illiterate...i haven't been quoting,the man from sony did the quoting on the PS3 price,and i am entitled to my opinion,and i have to agree with what he QUOTED ar$ for the high def specs,why would critics,that have access to the prototype give out their opinion on the PS3 not being able to reach the 1080i & p standard AS yet,once again,I DID NOT QUOTE that one
speaking of must have taken out your school championship on that award,you come accross as someone who hasn't achieved much,other than being the class clown and ar$ewipe,i wouldn't mind betting you hold your richard more than your PS2 controller
so don't bother talking about the console scene with me,until you start making sense, and investigate what you say,we all have said our piece,we ALL know whats what but just whinge...whine..sook...i think you missed your weeks intake of dexies,you have one serious disorder there on your end....