Calm and Quiet, Peaceful Console Debate Thread.
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29. July 2006 @ 06:34 |
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thats true i guess.psssssss just because im not posting doesnt mean i dont read
Quote: LOL you made look bad. It's a reversal
missin a word in there or something
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Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 06:38 |
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Well i was referring to the fact that in my response on the other thread i was saying i dont care which fitted into your post here
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29. July 2006 @ 06:41 |
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My names Chris and i LOVE bubble tape
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Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 06:49 |
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Well that's nice Chris so do I
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29. July 2006 @ 07:13 |
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Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 08:10 |
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How about that?
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 08:37 |
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Well thats nice I guess, but anyway, I just hope the PS3 doesnt have as many heat problems as the 360, I hope Sony takes time to create a good designe for the PS3 so that it isn't as loud or hot as the 360.
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 08:43 |
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Well they've given themselves ample time to do all the designing and product testing that they need to do. Remember 360 had one of the shortest periods between concept and production than any other console. They were asking for trouble.
Sony gave allowed breathing room. Ps3 was supposed to be out this spring but what would it have been like if they rushed it out like that.
So i doubt ps3 will have half the problems of the 360
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29. July 2006 @ 08:48 |
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yeah thats true
microsoft could have done so much with the 360 if they didn't rush it, when i got mine at launch it was one of the disc crunching ones so i told microsft and they gave me my movey back through gamestop
currently have these consoles
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 08:51 |
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I dont expect neither sony nor nintendo to have any such problems. They've taken their time in production and they'll reap the rewards of patience
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29. July 2006 @ 09:04 |
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That's because 360 was basically a beta product but hey they got it on shelves a year sooner so I can't hate on em to much.
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29. July 2006 @ 09:05 |
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yeah it's fun to pay 400 buck to beta test next gen
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29. July 2006 @ 09:07 |
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i beta tested a cd scratcher for 400 dollars huh
currently have these consoles
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 09:09 |
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LOL. Hey you got back your money don't worry.
Personally i prefer finished products
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 09:14 |
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I prefer finished products too.I know the wii and ps3 have been fully tested.People talk about the bluray delays but I would rather sony do that then release a crappy product.
I'm glad nintendo and sony waited because now they have technologies that ms can't have.
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 09:55 |
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So was sony right when they saw the 360 and called it xbox 1.5?
We've had enough time to decide if they were
AfterDawn Addict
29. July 2006 @ 10:07 |
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Yeah i personnaly think the ps3 would have been tested a lot. For reasons such as the fact that they had delayed release dates for teh ps3 and so on.
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 10:17 |
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It is xbox 1.5 lmao.
The cell has been in developement for 5 years!!!!
they have been working on ps3 since the ps2 launch.and they will be working on ps4 when ps3 launches.These(nintendo and sony) are huge and very experienced companies they make hardware and electronics. Before xbox ms had never made anything hardware so they don't have the experience.
Of coarse they are money bags so they are very capable but you can't buy experience.
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29. July 2006 @ 10:36 |
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I smell a fanboy convention......
My God, you people can be so ridiculous sometimes. Just enjoy your consoles and just shut your pie holes already. I love my 360 and I am sure I will love my PS3 but come on already and STFU about experience and beta nonsense. If something is good, it is good. Did experience help the PSP from being a joke or the Gamecube from being a waste of plastic?? JUST STFU ALREADY AND STOP HATING ON EVERYTHING THAT ISN'T PS3!! YOUR GETTING OUT OF CONTROL!!
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29. July 2006 @ 10:40 |
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29. July 2006 @ 11:31 |
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uh oh i smell another thread getting closed and for once its not my fault!Ty cobb and others i completely 100% agree with u when u say u should be able to talk positvely about the ps3 in a ps3 forum but mind the terrible analogy but its like a white and black forum and in the black forum they talk about everything under the sun and dont make many comparisons and in the white forum they talk about the klu-klux-klan and bash the blackpeople...what do you expect to come from that? its only going to isntigate people when you aimlessly insult fans of another console, i know my anaogy is on a harsh subject but ehy wasnt sony accused of racism anyway?meh guess so.Enjoy the ps3 and what your about to have fellas and quit wasting your time bashing MS in fact you guys call me the MS boy(or variations of insults reffering to me being a MS fanboy) and say all i try to do is convert people and you guys do the EXACT same just for/about sony so its the pot calling the kettle black. lets just chill and talk about the ps3 or debate intellegently not insult in childlike manners please
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Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 11:32 |
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AfterDawn Addict
29. July 2006 @ 11:42 |
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Well its a ps3 forum what do you expect right. People ask in a ps3 forum which one is better a ps3 or xbox360 well most of the replies would be ps3 is better. Then vice-versia. Depends on were you ask. But i trully believe ps3 will be better. It might not but what i've seen, heard and understand ps3 seems to going to be better then the 360. I played the 360 many times and it is a good system.
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Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 12:17 |
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Exactly many of us here dont hate the 360. I have nothing against MS either i have to work with there products all the time as a matter of fact i'm an MSCE.
Look in my user bar u'll see that i openly advertise that i own an xbox.
I just prefer the playstation consoles.
Senior Member
29. July 2006 @ 12:56 |
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everyone has their own preferences, tastes, desires, opinions etc. so who?s really to say which console is better anyway??? here are the facts. one is not even out yet, although i'll be the first to say from what i have seen it looks very promising. the other has been out for some time and seems to be well on its way, again it too looks promising.
so what makes a console better???? is it graphics, game play, online, features bla bla bla???? no one can sit here and argue that graphics make all the difference, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS(ps2/xbox). so why the hell are so many getting all worked up about things??? NO one really can say one is better than the other, BUT what can be said is, one is bound to be more successful than the other. so if people measure something being better by its success, well why are they so wrapped up in things when both aren?t even out yet???