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Wii Firmware Updates, Wii and WiiKey Resources
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13. May 2008 @ 08:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, I dunno...
My wii is NTSC, although it is currently semi-bricked with a PAL 3.1 firmware.
Maybe I should update the Wiikey's firmware to a PAL one?, since my wii thinks it's pal as well?

apres moi, le deluge
Junior Member
13. May 2008 @ 13:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
ok guys looks like theres other things that i could include in this piece of software. What is 3.2U and e? never heard of it before.
any suggestions for the software, basically its just a padder and downloader at the moment with a readme viewer before u download the file.
i dont have enough experience to create some sort of recovary software, thats for wiikey themself, im not doing all the work for them anyway.
any other ideas that i could include, remeber its for the WIIKEY ONLY!
13. May 2008 @ 15:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
[What is 3.2U and e?

Well steve1239 that's the Wii's firmware - 3.2 is the latest.
3.2U = USA
3.2E = PAL region
3.2J = Japan

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13. May 2008 @ 21:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Tysss:
Originally posted by 8void8:

ERROR: test failed! Check your connections and try again.

I had same problem. Just recover your wiikey with 1.9b recovery disc (GCOS), filechopped. after it updating should work.

someones said that if you take the disc (1.9g or s) just before it tests, i should go trough. But it doesn't really update anything.

So all your have to do is recover. that's it (I hope).
Thx dude, i wish i could try, that was my last resort, but i took it to the store and installed a non wiikey, now its fine, but i wonder if that could worked, wish it works for any1 with the same prob, thx anyway.
13. May 2008 @ 23:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i received my wii today with my wiikey installed. i updated the wii firmware and thats it. The game that was already in the wii before the wiikey was installed does not want to exit. Is it the wiikey or the person did not install it right? if i press the eject button nothing happens. please if any body can help me with this that would be great! thanks in advance
14. May 2008 @ 01:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
dcano0 (Newbie) 13. May 2008 @ 20:02
i received my wii today with my wiikey installed. i updated the wii firmware and thats it. The game that was already in the wii before the wiikey was installed does not want to exit. Is it the wiikey or the person did not install it right? if i press the eject button nothing happens. please if any body can help me with this that would be great! thanks in advance
i took my wii apart and put it back together again and it works fine but i inserted the that i burned on a regular dvd-r 4.7 and the wii does not recognize the dvd any help with this?
Junior Member
14. May 2008 @ 02:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
really? i thought 1.9s was the latest firmware. It says nothing about 3.2 on wiikeys website.
Junior Member
14. May 2008 @ 02:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
oh i c its the wiis actual firmware
15. May 2008 @ 14:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
HI GUYS, new to this forum but you all seem to know what your on about. I have a problem with my wii not loading games such as Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy and SSBB.

From what i can make out its due to either my firmware of my wiikey or the wii firmware.

My wii firmware is 3.1e
My wiikey i have tried updating with 1.9g, however it only seems to work if i do the ejecting trick, i hear homer at the end, so assume its done.

I have then created a 1.4 config disk and turned on the region overide but the discs still dont work. Have i made a mistake somewhere or is there something i havent done, please help me.
15. May 2008 @ 17:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
for games like bash brothers, you may have to click on the blank disc icon (the generic one that shows a disc and a gamecube disc) before you are prompted to update for the small updates that they have just for the game to function.

but if you're having general disk read errors and "unauthorized device" alerts, then that is probably an issue with your chip or chip firmware.

if the ejector trick is the only way you are getting it to pass, then you aren't really updating. more than likely, assuming you've checked all your connections, you've probably got a wiikey clone which can't generally be updated. your options after that are regrettably pretty obvious.
16. May 2008 @ 07:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
so in your opinion, i should check the connections (wat am i looking for?) and then if its a clone, can i get it re-chipped?
16. May 2008 @ 12:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I just bought a Modded Wii from someone online. He said that it has been modded with a WiiKey. I just got it yesterday and plugged it in and turned it on and I cannot get into the settings to change anything I get an Opera Error. The system itself works for playing games (1 back-up copy of Elebits, and a few retail). I am new to the modded Wiis but I read that this is referred to as "semi-bricked". I asked him what the last game he played that he did an update for and he said SSBB JPN. This is noticed becuase he has 3 news channels and 3 weather channels. The dumb ass did not know how to patch his games correctly. Anyways, I tried a NTSC retail copy of Mario Kart Wii which I assumed had a newer update than the SSBB JPN release. I was not prompted to an update. What do I do now? IS there a newer update coming out soon? Am I screwed?

Also, as I said, I am new to modded Wiis and unfamiliar with the WiiKey. How do i check to see what update it has on it? How do I update it f its not up to a newest release? I looked on the WiiKey website and saw a bunch of update materials such as the update itself, config disc, padded disc, etc. I really dont want to end up with a $250 paper weight. Thanks for all the help.
17. May 2008 @ 13:05 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by njmane:

I just bought a Modded Wii from someone online. He said that it has been modded with a WiiKey. I just got it yesterday and plugged it in and turned it on and I cannot get into the settings to change anything I get an Opera Error. The system itself works for playing games (1 back-up copy of Elebits, and a few retail). I am new to the modded Wiis but I read that this is referred to as "semi-bricked". I asked him what the last game he played that he did an update for and he said SSBB JPN. This is noticed becuase he has 3 news channels and 3 weather channels. The dumb ass did not know how to patch his games correctly. Anyways, I tried a NTSC retail copy of Mario Kart Wii which I assumed had a newer update than the SSBB JPN release. I was not prompted to an update. What do I do now? IS there a newer update coming out soon? Am I screwed?

A little googleing would have found your answer, but i did this with japanese brawl so i'll clue you in. (signed up just so i could help you :D)

Your wii is semi-bricked. that means you can't access the settings channel which isn't a big deal unless you havn't set up your internet, which you probobly havent since you got it in this condition. the only thing you can do (from what i know) is to update the (wii system itselfs) firmware with the correct region of the system.

it got that way because it was firmware updated from a game of a different region. if it isn't the latest version already go out and put in mario kart or other new game with the update. it should ask you to install it. do so and boom its fixed. Other then that you'll just have to wait until a newer game comes out with a newer firmware. also check to see if you have extra japanese news and weather channels like thrown onto a far off page, thats a sure sign its semi-bricked.
17. May 2008 @ 21:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Can anyone confirm if WiiFit will have the 3.2U update on it when it gets released next week?
19. May 2008 @ 03:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Help Me Please!

I just buy a Mario Kart but I can't play this game.My Wii is (3.2J)version as I just update this morning but still cannot play.
Do I need to upgrade the wiikey?Please help me and teach me how to upgrade this wiikey to the 1.9b or 1.9g.I really don't know how.
Hope that someone will teach me how to get it done.
Please teach me step by step as this is the first time.
19. May 2008 @ 10:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by seahdon:
Help Me Please!

I just buy a Mario Kart but I can't play this game.My Wii is (3.2J)version as I just update this morning but still cannot play.
Do I need to upgrade the wiikey?Please help me and teach me how to upgrade this wiikey to the 1.9b or 1.9g.I really don't know how.
Hope that someone will teach me how to get it done.
Please teach me step by step as this is the first time.

Hi if you've bought and origanal mario kart there should be no problems playing the game.
if your tring to play a back up of mario cart you should have updated the wiikey first to 1.9s before accepting the update from mario kart disk,
to up date your wiikey the best thing you could do is go to the 1st page of this thread, where you will find both the link to wiikey website and direct downloads for the update required and also a tutorial on how to do it.
hope this helps.
19. May 2008 @ 11:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

The problem is that I don't know how to get this upgrade done.
I rewally need you to guide me because I am totally new to this Wii upgrade.
19. May 2008 @ 14:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just wanted to post my experience since this thread really helped me out.
I have a US Wii with Wiikey.

I couldn't play my Mario Kart backup. I selected it from the game channel but then it made me do the system update. I let it and afterwards got the "unauthorized device" error.

I downloaded the newest wiikey firmware but could not get the disc swap/non GC controller method to work. I went out and bought a gamecube controller. I booted the wiikey update and was finally able to press A with the second gamecube controller I bought. It updated successfully.

Now I am able to play my Mario Kart backup. I recommend you go get this game and several racing wheels ASAP.
19. May 2008 @ 17:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by seahdon:

The problem is that I don't know how to get this upgrade done.
I rewally need you to guide me because I am totally new to this Wii upgrade.
ok. you will need to go and get your self a game cube controller if you don't have one, it can be done without but much easier if you have one.

from the top of the 1st page, download both the 1.9s wiikey update and 1.9s config for your region Wii which you said was a jap.
burn each one to a seperate DVD-R disk using image burn burning sofware, you'l find a download for that by googling it.

insert the 1.9 update disk and you should see the gamecube logo appear on the game cannel box top left of your wii screen.
using your wii controler select it then select start,
now using the gamecube controller press button A, it should run a test first then you have to press A again to run the update. it will say update sucssesfully at the bottom of the screen. press it again to reset the system.

Now insert the config your disk same as before select it etc,i think it say's settings or something like that, open that turn the disk speed down from 6x to 3x and region over ride on then leave all others alone select save changes and reset system.
you should be good to go.

i'd advise you to use a jap copy of the game( keep it the same as your Wii)

Burn that to a DVD-R disk also using image burn at 3x burn speed, accept the update from the game and you should be good to go.

i'm working away at the moment so tring to remember from memory exsactly what it says etc, but that should get you thru it.

if you don't get the came cube logo when you put in the update disk it may be that you have a clone wiikey installed in your machine which it that case it will not be able to update.

im pretty new to this as well but i hope this helps, if not im sure one of the other guys like raffadawn will help you out m8
19. May 2008 @ 20:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First modchip I installed every and it worked perfectly with the 1.9s update. Right after the update I put in Mario Kart Wii, ran the update for it, and the game worked flawlessly. I have one question though.

For all the games I have to put the game in and then turn the power off on the wii and then turn it back on. Is this normal? Whenever I switch games with the Wii on I get an Unable to read disc error. Other than that, the games wotk flawlessly.
20. May 2008 @ 04:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'm pretty much new to updating the wiikey.
I no idea what firmware my WiiKey is in.
My Wii is 3.2E
I'm trying to update my WiiKey to 1.9s but the update disk isnt loading at all.
I've tried filechopping etc. Basically, I've tried everything i knew by searching around google.
My backups don't work so I'd figured that an update on the WiiKey should make it work again.
Also, I've tried using the recovery disk and that doesnt seem to work either.
Does anyone have any clues?

Thanks in advvance.
20. May 2008 @ 09:58 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi All Brother,

The problem is that I wasted 5 DVD- and I could not get it done to upgrade my wiikey.Please help me step by step!!
20. May 2008 @ 14:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ml2noodle:
I'm pretty much new to updating the wiikey.
I no idea what firmware my WiiKey is in.
My Wii is 3.2E
I'm trying to update my WiiKey to 1.9s but the update disk isnt loading at all.
I've tried filechopping etc. Basically, I've tried everything i knew by searching around google.
My backups don't work so I'd figured that an update on the WiiKey should make it work again.
Also, I've tried using the recovery disk and that doesnt seem to work either.
Does anyone have any clues?

Thanks in advvance.
if none of your back ups work but they did before it sounds like your wiikey is either faulty or you have a bad connection, I'd check your connections 1st and go from there.
i take it all your genuine disk's are ok.
20. May 2008 @ 19:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I did run the update from "We Ski". After that, the original disk working fine, but the We Ski backup disk gave me "Error #001 Unauthorized device has been detected" after click Start. Other backups still running(I didn't test all).
So should I update wiikey to 1.9? b, g or s? Thanks.
21. May 2008 @ 10:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

I don't really know which file to download and the speed 3x-6x is to be adjust where?please advise more!Thank You!!

I am a bit too slow to understand !So sorry!I am really new to this update of Wiikey. > forums > consoles > nintendo wii - general discussion > wii firmware updates, wii and wiikey resources

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