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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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1. August 2010 @ 09:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sorry! Fixed that typo..

Over 24 hours of downloading/gaming; no glitches. I still haven't tried a disc other than a regular DVD. Its not backward compatible, as I hoped(I have about 30 PS2 disc). So I think I'll run out to my buddies house, who just sent his PS3 back to Sony for the 4th time(under warranty), and grab a game or two.

The first three returns were for YLOD. Now his won't read any disc. Was fine one day, next day it won't even read a CD.

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12. August 2010 @ 06:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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12. August 2010 @ 09:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
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13. August 2010 @ 12:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
60gb launch model - green, yellow, 3 beeps then flashing red.

Got my Ps3 in bits and waiting for my flux and paste off the bay.

Just wondering if there is a breakdown of what the flashing lights means, as I dont want to reflow both RSX and Cell bga's, if only one is the problem.

Has anyone narrowed down which is more likely the cause.

I would also say if you have fat ps3, strip it down, clear out the dust and renew the paste as it wont last much longer.

Sony ripped me off with their launch model ps3, just remember sony every loser wins

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13. August 2010 @ 14:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yesterday I did a 2nd reflow to my ps3.
First time the PS3 lasted only for 5 mins more or less.

This time is up for about 5-6 hours running folding@home and all goes well.

What i did different this time is that i pre-heated the mobo really well, and i heated both chips from both sides with one move from a longer distance (about 30cm) but for more time and i gave each side an hour to cool down.

got all back together, Power On i've adjusted time and date, and i've turned it off again.

i did something that i think that i've reed it here , not sure though...i just remember that has something to do with the thermal paste.
On for 5'-off for 30'
On for 10'-off for 45'
On for 15'-off for 60'
.....then i updated the FW and backed up my saves and i've let it off for the night.

Now is almost completing 6 hours of folding@home and its still alive.
....I have the air condition on though.....
15. August 2010 @ 10:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I preheated my mother board as well. Hoping to lessen the chance of warping. I think it worked :)

As far as your "compound break in method", if you used any of Artic Silver's products, "Arctic Silver 5 does not contain any silicone. The suspension fluid is a proprietary mixture of advanced polysynthetic oils that work together to provide three distinctive functional phases. As it comes from the tube, Arctic Silver 5's consistency is engineered for easy application. During the CPU's initial use, the compound thins out to enhance the filling of the microscopic valleys and ensure the best physical contact between the heatsink and the CPU core. Then the compound thickens slightly over the next 50 to 200 hours of use to its final consistency designed for long-term stability.(This should not be confused with conventional phase change pads that are pre-attached to many heatsinks. Those pads melt each time they get hot then re-solidify when they cool. The viscosity changes that Arctic Silver 5 goes through are much more subtle and ultimately much more effective.)"

The other compounds they produce have similar "set" rates, except the epoxy.

So far, my first reflow has lasted 14 days. Mostly playing BF:BC2. We also use it as a Netflix streamer and DVD player with 0 problems :)

My friend received another YLOD unit yesterday; will post results here when reflowed..

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15. August 2010 @ 17:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for the infos about the thermal past, much appreciated.

I've used Artic Silver Ceramique, any thoughts??

I've played so far to test it GOW3, GT Prologue, Resident Evil 5 about an hour or two each and so far all goes well and i hope it will keep that way.

Good Luck with your PS3 and your friends, hope all goes well for you also.

Something else that i may be wrong but i thing its worth mentioning

I've noticed something and IMO that is the source of the problem in 1st place...
After the 2nd reflow i didnt put back the upper cover, and for starts the PS3 even after straight 8 hours of F@H didn't made any noise after shutting it down, you know the cracking noise....and that got my attention.

Have you ever touched the PSU while the PS3 is working to see in what temperatures this thing works??? it is xtreme hot!
The cracking noise comes from the upper cover cause the PSU.

From what i've seen this days the part that causes the YLOD is the CPU.
The CPU have the xtreme hot PSU just above it and it is also right next to the HDD that is another heat source.

Just remove the screws from the PSU and turn on the PS3 for 10 mins without doing anything, turn it off and lift the PSU and the BD drive and touch the metal parts that holds the cooling system of CPU and GPU, the temperature difference between the CPU and GPU is astonishing.

My thought is to buy a second PSU extend the cables, convert it to external, and put an horizon FAN in its place.
I am pretty sure just without the PSU in it the fun will never go over level 2.
15. August 2010 @ 19:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by perry07:
As like some people, i was 1 of the unlucky 1's to get a yellow light of death on the ps3 :(
these are the things iv tryed to get it working egen:

1. push n hold the power button for 5 second to do that reset trick
2. hold the ps3 upside down then turn it on to do that fan trick
3. tryed cleaning the dust out of it
4. tryed removing the hard drive
5. took it apart a little bit(took out the blu-ray & power box) & put it back

there might av bin a thew others i tryed but they all failed.
at the weekend im taking it to my mums boyfriend for a complete strip down of all the parts & see if we can find out the problem to this. he fix's computers on a regular basis & hes pretty good so he should be of some use. even tho the ps3 isnt a pc but its close to 1.

iv seen a video on youtube where some 1 did get it running but without video or sound. chack it out: part 1 part 2

Anyway if you think of any other ideas feel free to share them here =)
I had the same problem, I managed to remove the disc from the BDD using the old "holding the eject button trick" but it wouldn't stay on long enough to put it into recovery mode.
In the end I searched about for a way to get it fixed, a few out there!!
got it repaired by had it back good as new in a week
15. August 2010 @ 19:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

In 2010, a local Tillydrone boy was sent to work on a crime he didn't commit. The man surprisingly escaped from a Spar in Aberdeen, and was forced into underground.. Today this man is still wanted by his area manager and survives as an soldier of misfortune..
If you have a problem, and no one else can help, and if you can find them... maybe you can hire.... The A Team.... da da da daaaa, da da duuh
15. August 2010 @ 22:56 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wasup everyone.
As like many on here I have followed and read all 47 pages. I began to do research on the ylod death which lead me to this website full of information based on everybodys experience. I too took on the ylod death and manage to fix a 40gb ps3 that I bought off of ebay by following gilksy's guide. My regards to u Gilksy. The only thing I used different was thermal paste(Innovative cooling diamond). Once I got the ps3 to work, I played Modern Warefare for a straight week, 3-5hrs a day. I wanted to test out as long as possible to see if it would give me the ylod but it seemed like it was fine. After that week I sold it due to personal reasons. So far its been about six to seven months since then and havnt heard from the guy, so i'm guessing its still works but I'm still unsure about it.
I would like to have someone try the Innovative Cooling Diamond thermal paste to see if im right and how long it'll last until the ylod pops back again,thxs.lmk something.

Also I did a fix on a 360 and I liked how by letting the system over heat after u applied the new thermal compound and let it cool down it works back up again. As for the ps3 u have to use the heat gun, wait, then apply the thermal paste and then turn it to see if its fixed. I was thinking if only u could do that with the ps3,

Another thing I was thinkin about for those that like the fat ps3's, to buy a slim and move its internal to fats case but the only issue with that is its to small unless u find way to make it work.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. August 2010 @ 19:47

16. August 2010 @ 13:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Sweet lord it worked, just hammered mw2 for 2 hours solid and still working !!!!

My fix involved flux around each gba and heat for about 30 seconds after pre heating the board area gently. Before I put it all back together I powered it up on the bench and was able to eject the disk so knew it was looking good then I applied artic 5 paste, I used the whole 3.5grammes on both gba's. I also bent both heat sink clamps to apply more pressue to the chips,,,,,,credit to youtube vids by gilksy parts 1 to 6

Sony ripped me off with their launch model ps3, just remember sony every loser wins

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 16. August 2010 @ 13:52

16. August 2010 @ 16:29 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
My replacement PS3 was 9 months old when it failed, I'd fiddled inside around inside it and they still gave me another PS3. They didn't discover the warranty sticker had been fiddled with until after the exchange LOL. They haven't said anything yet! :D

Gilksy - is that really you drunk in the video lol?

Looking forward to the re-ball guide! ;)
18. August 2010 @ 09:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by atrac88:
Originally posted by jeice28:
I'd say the issue here isn't gumption my friend, more like how far are you willing to go here?
Well, once you break the warranty seal on the PS3, Sony will not even talk to you, so "all the way" would be my answer to this, as I've broken the warranty seal on the three machines I am dealing with. If you call the 800 number and you tell them the seal is broken, they will not honor the $150 plus tax repair. In fact they won't touch it. :(

However I something else caught my eye on another post that does make question sanity... why would there be ANY need of a magnet inside a console system when there isn't any in a computer? If you are willing to open it up somebody stated on a post about some magnet being apart of the blu-ray drive.
The blu-ray drive inside is enclosed in its own shell, and the magnet had fallen inside of that shell. There's no way the magnet could have touched any of the main board chips unless the shell had a hole in it (which they don't).

If its the main board... take to a electronics shop see if they can run either a continuity test, or a ohms test I believe. I would tell to do it yourself, but I fear you could end up destroying it IF it were good. Most main boards I've seen usually have testing points on them to check voltage. A qualified electronics technician would know what I'm talking about. If its got a separate board for power... going to have find a way to get a replacement part.
This is a good idea and something I didn't consider. Thanks!

By the way I wouldn't recommend trying you remove ANY chips... if you try them on another board, you'll fry it. Usually whatever it is designed for is where it should stay.
I looked the chips over more carefully and there doesn't seem to be any easy way to get them off, so I'm not going to mess with them.

Overall I think you are correct though in that a lot of the problems with YLOD is indeed a bad motherboard. And those cannot be fixed. I've looked over two different motherboards and there is no obvious burning or scarring of anykind...nothing there's no easy 75 cent fix with materials purchased at a hobby shop with these (unlike the XBox 360's as you mentioned).

The part that is frustrating is the YLOD occurs when any number of problems happens inside the machine. Bad fan, bad power supply, bad GPU or CPU -- it's an all encompassing error. If there were different blinks, colors, or beeps for different problems, that would make it easier to diagnose before breaking the seal. For instance I don't even know if a fan that has died is enough to cause the YLOD, or if the fan has to die, THEN the chips overheat to cause the YLOD. Moreover, a bad blu-ray drive won't even trigger a YLOD -- it either reads the disc or it won't.

For instance, a PS3 will boot and not give a YLOD if you remove the hard drive or the blu-ray drive. I've also removed the wireless card and the memory card reader on applicable models and it will still boot without the YLOD.

In other words, YLOD in most cases does equal a bad motherboard. I guess the chips are so easily damaged that there is no visual evidence of that damage.

At any rate, if I ever see another machine that has YLOD I will NOT break the warranty sticker. There's apparently nothing that can be done by an end user unless you can get a working motherboard for the exact same unit to repair it with (and if you can get it for LESS than the $150 plus tax that Sony will charge to replace the unit).
so what your saying is that it will boot with all devices blue ray ect not connected to indicated def motherboard failure
18. August 2010 @ 11:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have booted motherboard without thermal paste/no blueray connected/no hd/loads of screws missing and lid off to see if ylod gone, only for 10 seconds though, saved wasting any paste

Sony ripped me off with their launch model ps3, just remember sony every loser wins
18. August 2010 @ 12:27 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
What if u were to replace the thermal paste on a ps3 that still hasnt gotten the ylod. Or change the paste every certain time period. Would that prevent the ylod?hmmm.... I wonder. What do u guys think?lmk.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 18. August 2010 @ 12:28

18. August 2010 @ 15:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Well, once you break the warranty seal on the PS3, Sony will not even talk to you, so "all the way" would be my answer to this, as I've broken the warranty seal on the three machines I am dealing with. If you call the 800 number and you tell them the seal is broken, they will not honor the $150 plus tax repair. In fact they won't touch it. :(

Don't tell them then.

They never asked me so I never told them, and I got a free replacement (without asking) when the PS3 replacement warranty expired months ago.

I think they went easy on me because it was my third PS3 (second replacement) that had gone wrong

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18. August 2010 @ 17:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by J_Mora:
What if u were to replace the thermal paste on a ps3 that still hasnt gotten the ylod. Or change the paste every certain time period. Would that prevent the ylod?hmmm.... I wonder. What do u guys think?lmk.
From personal experience it wont prevent it,
I had a schedule, every 6 months just lens and fan cleaning and every year all that plus new thermal paste and thermal pads.
Well that didnt prevent my PS3's death after 3years and 1or2 months.

in a previous post i said that i believe that one of the main reasons that PS3 gets hot and maybe gets the YLOD is the x-treme temperatures of the PSU cause is just above the CPU.

After the 2nd reflow i didnt put back the upper part of the case, so... i have placed a USB fan to cool down the PSU and last night i was playing GOW3 for 4hours straight and the fan never got over level 2.

I am pretty sure that if i get the PSU out of the box the PS3 will last for ever.

btw... the ps3 will power up even without the battery, last time i forgot to connect the battery, and everything was working. the only problem is that will loose time/date and the controllers every time you turn it off, that made me have doubts if i have connected the battery or not.

something else,
when i was testing the PS3 after the reflow i didnt connect the wi-fi card, tried to get on-line to see if everything works, and even though that the green led was ON at the Lan Plug and the router's led was ON also, i got the error "An ethernet cable is not connected", as it seems it isnt just a wi-fi card after all.
18. August 2010 @ 20:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by SDF_GR:
Originally posted by J_Mora:
What if u were to replace the thermal paste on a ps3 that still hasnt gotten the ylod. Or change the paste every certain time period. Would that prevent the ylod?hmmm.... I wonder. What do u guys think?lmk.
From personal experience it wont prevent it,
I had a schedule, every 6 months just lens and fan cleaning and every year all that plus new thermal paste and thermal pads.
Well that didnt prevent my PS3's death after 3years and 1or2 months.

in a previous post i said that i believe that one of the main reasons that PS3 gets hot and maybe gets the YLOD is the x-treme temperatures of the PSU cause is just above the CPU.

After the 2nd reflow i didnt put back the upper part of the case, so... i have placed a USB fan to cool down the PSU and last night i was playing GOW3 for 4hours straight and the fan never got over level 2.

I am pretty sure that if i get the PSU out of the box the PS3 will last for ever.

btw... the ps3 will power up even without the battery, last time i forgot to connect the battery, and everything was working. the only problem is that will loose time/date and the controllers every time you turn it off, that made me have doubts if i have connected the battery or not.

something else,
when i was testing the PS3 after the reflow i didnt connect the wi-fi card, tried to get on-line to see if everything works, and even though that the green led was ON at the Lan Plug and the router's led was ON also, i got the error "An ethernet cable is not connected", as it seems it isnt just a wi-fi card after all.
I see, but urs lasted longer than than the average time due to ur maintanaince on ur ps3. So regardless of what thermal paste u use it wont make a difference due to the ps3 overheating or producing excessive heat,making the motherboard faulty once the ylod completeley kicks in. An external power source might help and if its out of its case its exposed to more dust so ud have to clean it oftenly.

Well I'd say heat is the main issue thats causing further damage as we continuely try to fix it by reflowing it. I was looking into liquid cooling and I thought it would be great way to maintain the system cool. Only it requires knowledge on how to istall the kit and its not as

Sony needs to rethink the position of their internals in their future system or find a solution to this cause its a shame. My ps2 still goin and the only issues id get from it is not reading the disk but that was fixable. I guess as technology advances these type of issues occur due to the lack of review on their product and stubborness of not admitting thats an increasing issue with in their product.

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18. August 2010 @ 22:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Compared to my frineds ps3's and from what i have reed on the net, yeap it lasted long enough. but it eventually died.

I have already figured out how i will do it, (at least in theory lol)
I have an old PC PSU (fortunately is black) i will remove the internals and place the internals from the PS3's PSU plus a 5v charger from a mobile phone for the fan (5v Fan is enough to do the job and it wont make noise either)

I will mod a female and a male electrical plug to connect the 12v from PSU to PS3 and just extend the 5v cables and the grounds.
The electrical plugs in my country looks like this
that is why (i hope) it will feat, cause as far as i can think of now the only problem is the space between the 2 metal parts and that can be fixed.

I wanted to place a fan were the PSU is now but the idiots that designed the PS3 have made holes to the side of the BD-Drive
and not to the side that the PSU and the HDD is.

If you remove the HDD cover and you put your hand you can feel that air comes out from there also....but no, no left side holes they cost too much.
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19. August 2010 @ 06:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I doubt you can say it lasted longer because of the maintenance being done on the unit. Mine lasted about 3-4 years with no maintenance at all ... some are still going strong, they don't all die .. yet

I just hope this won't be an issue with the slim in a few years :(
19. August 2010 @ 08:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by J_Mora:
What if u were to replace the thermal paste on a ps3 that still hasnt gotten the ylod. Or change the paste every certain time period. Would that prevent the ylod?hmmm.... I wonder. What do u guys think?lmk.
Hi, i think should prevent it but you have to put it away in the summer and power it on afterwards.
A friend of mine openned it up after 1st year, put artic silver 5 thin layer ;) close it, cure time in dash for a week and all the stuff, played only for 1 hour after that for a long time, checked the fan speeds, updated firmware only through usb never from wifi.
Now re-open it and used Tuniq TX4 thin layer also, this time he used a washer on every screw to push more the heatsink onto chips because the heatsing is not falling onto the cpu/gpu is falling against it on the back case. Still Ps3 going strong and it is a 60GB first edition 2007 model. When is hammered for long time playing always is with air condition onto 25 Celsius. He is on 3.15 and has UBUNTU 10.04 on it and using it as a pc with mouse and keyboard and never has failed on him, only some game freezes on Uncharted 1 and uncharted 2 but that where game specific freezes and not overheating because GOW 3, MGS 4 ,R&C tools of destruction, infamous , Ninja gaiden Sigma and NG sigma 2, Resistannce fall of man etc never froze the system on him, only uncharted games did one time each.
So yes replacing the thermal paste with a quality one will give you a good working system for a looong time but you have to stay away from summer mid-day playing or you ask for it :)

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. August 2010 @ 08:36

19. August 2010 @ 11:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by WallyHale:
I doubt you can say it lasted longer because of the maintenance being done on the unit. Mine lasted about 3-4 years with no maintenance at all ... some are still going strong, they don't all die .. yet

I just hope this won't be an issue with the slim in a few years :(
Well mine was 3.5 years old and had heavy dust build up around cpu/rsx and the paste was dried out. I recommend hoovering out and changing paste to every ps3 owner every few years or so.

Also anybody know where I can buy replacemnet heat pads cheaply

Sony ripped me off with their launch model ps3, just remember sony every loser wins

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 19. August 2010 @ 11:33


1 product review
19. August 2010 @ 12:19 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
maybe you can say that without the maintenance would have died earlier, dunno, but one thing is for sure it will eventually die.

Originally posted by ntemis:
you have to put it away in the summer
Thats what i call a great console, lol

i am not mocking you ntemi , i am mocking sony for the faulty design cause you are right.

I know what you mean the summer here gets really hot too, this days is up to 40-42C and i believe that if i turn on the PS3 without the A/C on, or i will get YLOD (again) or it will take off and hover all around the living room.

I dont think though (actually i am 100% sure) that game freezes has anything to do whether you get YLOD or not in the future.
My PS3 was working like a charm, i have more than 30games, never got any freezes or something, but i've earned the YLOD trophy! It took more than 3 years but my collection is now complete lol
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19. August 2010 @ 12:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
@SDF_GR .. Yep .. unfortunately I think it's inevitable .. :(

I loved my phat PS3, but happy with the Slim now .. hopefully don't have to add to this thread in a few years time saying "My PS3 Slim has YLOD!!!!"
19. August 2010 @ 12:59 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by WallyHale:
I doubt you can say it lasted longer because of the maintenance being done on the unit. Mine lasted about 3-4 years with no maintenance at all ... some are still going strong, they don't all die .. yet

I just hope this won't be an issue with the slim in a few years :(
Hmm thats odd how some systems are still running strong, I guess it depends on many variables or things.
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