Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
Junior Member
30. April 2009 @ 19:52 |
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this was my thrid time trying the ylod fix did everything as usual but went to switch the ps3 on an nothing happen there is a red light on the front so i pushed the ps on controller but no good either checked small connector in the inside of ps3 seems find took out a couple of times and put in again still the same can someone help
30. April 2009 @ 23:26 |
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try unplugging the ribbon that connects to the mobo and then plug it back in maybe its not in there tight enough. Wish sommeone could help me with this new problem i got.
1. May 2009 @ 12:14 |
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My ps3 wont recognize my hhd but my vista will and my friends xp will ive formatted it many times fat32 even tried ntsc nothing it just ask the same way if there wasnt a hdd in it. This sucks i had no problem until i updated the damn system and it got 8002f14E at 61 %. Ivechecked it for errors damn what am i missing??????????PLZ HELP ME WITH THIS
Junior Member
1. May 2009 @ 18:23 |
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my ps3 wont even show a red ligh now does seem any power in the ps3 please help again:)
1. May 2009 @ 21:16 |
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Just leave it sit for an hour then try it happened to me.
Junior Member
3. May 2009 @ 06:18 |
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left the ps3 for a hour or more made no difference still seems no power in the ps3 has anyone else had this problem and got it fixed thanks
Junior Member
3. May 2009 @ 06:26 |
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It sounds like your ribbon cabble is broken. I did have this problem and knew it was that because I short out the motherboard which made it work. Then got myself a new cable from ebay
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3. May 2009 @ 08:15 |
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Originally posted by dchris01: left the ps3 for a hour or more made no difference still seems no power in the ps3 has anyone else had this problem and got it fixed thanks
silly question but did you plug the powere back in?
i found that my system ylods now about once a week! so its a ball ache having to fix it once a week but its worth it!
Junior Member
3. May 2009 @ 16:34 |
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I took out the ribbon cable the one for the power buttons and turned it round did the trck ps3 working again but eject button not working ah well, thanks again to all that helped were would we be without u all
4. May 2009 @ 12:35 |
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So am i going to get a help on this another problem i got?????? HERS MY PROBLEM.... I used the guide and got he YLOD fixed then i tried updating the system it got to 61% i got this 8002f14e error code i did i lil looking around & decided to refortmat the hdd. I formated it to fat32 a couple of time and even ntsc a couple times but ps3 wont recognize the drive to reformat ithink it acts the same way with the drive in as if it would without hte drive but i cant seem to get any signal from the ps3 to my tv with hdmi or av. Should i try to reflow even know i had no problem until the error.
Thank for reading
Hopefully i can get some help on this
Junior Member
4. May 2009 @ 13:50 |
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cant seem to fix ps3 now fourth time of the ylod the last two times i have heated the chips as usual but made no difference in another reply that i had looked at they used flux would this help or is my ps3 stopped for good please help
4. May 2009 @ 18:01 |
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Well irefowed the RSX bga and still no video
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5. May 2009 @ 19:15 |
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my latest attempt only lasted 1 day and it YLOD again! ive heard you can put too much thermal compound on the chips, does anyone know why to much would not work?
Junior Member
6. May 2009 @ 02:09 |
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Im noticing a lot of people on here are are having to redo their PS3's after only a few days to a few weeks, based on that im wondering if any of you would be willing to keep (and post) a log of your PS3 activities on top of exactly what you did in the first place to fix it.
If you could post how long you played, how long the machine was resting between plays, and even what games you were playing plus how you fixed it, this data could lead to a more stable solution. There are some of us that are highly invested in making this solution 100% stable. (Like me)
Junior Member
6. May 2009 @ 02:14 |
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Originally posted by RB50320: So am i going to get a help on this another problem i got?????? HERS MY PROBLEM.... I used the guide and got he YLOD fixed then i tried updating the system it got to 61% i got this 8002f14e error code i did i lil looking around & decided to refortmat the hdd. I formated it to fat32 a couple of time and even ntsc a couple times but ps3 wont recognize the drive to reformat ithink it acts the same way with the drive in as if it would without hte drive but i cant seem to get any signal from the ps3 to my tv with hdmi or av. Should i try to reflow even know i had no problem until the error.
Thank for reading
Im thinking that your machine went into thermal shutdown during the update. Try this to start. Pull your drive and start the machine. If its starts and tells you "Hey, wheres the drive" this tells me that your firmware is at least mostly intact and your drive has issues. I would try a second drive.
If you still get a no video situation we need to be looking elsewhere for problems. Furthering that, have you tried getting into the system restore mode? (push and hold power, beep once and wait, system shutdown..Start again holding power, beep once, hold another 5 secs, two beeps...system restore mode) If you can get into this screen it would be useful to know.
Hopefully i can get some help on this
6. May 2009 @ 10:01 |
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mines been working now great for 6 weeks, but the fans are still on full blast all the time, ive tried chaging the heatsink co pund a few times but never makes any difference.
has anyone got any ideas
Junior Member
6. May 2009 @ 11:26 |
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I simply want to know who is reballing these RSX and BGAs rather than reflow.
A reball should fix everything for ever but I never hear from people doing that
Where is Colin on the Reball vs reflow.
I suugest if reflow is not working then the solder is briged, brittle or shorted a reball will fix all of that.
Please let us know if you are a reballer
6. May 2009 @ 14:52 |
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Originally posted by coxwain: I simply want to know who is reballing these RSX and BGAs rather than reflow.
A reball should fix everything for ever but I never hear from people doing that
Where is Colin on the Reball vs reflow.
I sugest if reflow is not working then the solder is bridged, brittle or shorted a reball will fix all of that.
Please let us know if you are a reballer
sorry about me not being around but ive been getting 30-40 emails a day and as you can imagine its very time consuming!
the wife is going mental and the kids are feeling neglected!
yes a reball SHOULD! repair the ps3 permanently!
the reason why i did not go down that avenue is because although i am perfectly capable of doing a reball with tools such as a heat gun.
i fear with all due respect it would be well beyond most persons capability and also if you get it wrong it will blow up the ps3!!!!!!!!
because you cant see if there's any shorts from pad to pad...... the only way to tell is to x-ray the board..........!
as for BRIDGED OR SHORTED this will not happen during reflow!
as for BRITTLE OR CRACKED this is possible but can be cured by introducing new flux to the solder joints.
it comes in liquid form and i suggest you squirt some across the one side of the bga then tilt the board so that it runs underneath the bga..then continue with reflow @400 degrees Celsius and for an extra 10 seconds.
do a search for LEAD FREE SOLDER FLUX it may be in a flux pen form!
again sorry for not being around but there is only one of me!
and there a fair few of you out there! LOL
gilksy aka colinjest aka colin gilks aka jester
Junior Member
6. May 2009 @ 15:16 |
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thanks for that colin, I know what its like when the wife and kids get on you
More importantly who is going to the new Star Trek Thursday?
Junior Member
6. May 2009 @ 18:10 |
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colin my ps3 has ylod 6 times now haven,t used flux yet would this help also you say that most people could,nt be capable of a reball if people were, is there any way you could help by telling us or showing us how. The heating the chips seems to only work for a short time then needs done again within a short time again anyway thanks if you can and thanks if you cant help, I have screwed the ps3 apart and together that many times i think i could do it with my eyes closed :):)
6. May 2009 @ 18:43 |
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Originally posted by dchris01: colin my ps3 has ylod 6 times now haven,t used flux yet would this help also you say that most people could,nt be capable of a reball if people were, is there any way you could help by telling us or showing us how. The heating the chips seems to only work for a short time then needs done again within a short time again anyway thanks if you can and thanks if you cant help, I have screwed the ps3 apart and together that many times i think i could do it with my eyes closed :):)
first things first try a liberal coating of flux on your next reflow!
if only i had a yloded ps3 to do it on!
7. May 2009 @ 20:12 |
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Ive tried servie mode tried all the opion but they dont work thats the only way i get a picture is through service mode. i tried opion 3 and i get an error 8001002b. My friend brought over a new 320 gb hdd so tried that right out of the box and no video or a message asking to format it so i got into the servie mode tried all the opions when i tried opion 3 {i think{ it said Cant start wrong hard divre or something like that. One time is said that. i tried again and it never said it again. my ps3 wont recognize my flash drive.
so im pretty puzzled about this.
8. May 2009 @ 16:49 |
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Originally posted by RB50320: blklotus
Ive tried servie mode tried all the opion but they dont work thats the only way i get a picture is through service mode. i tried opion 3 and i get an error 8001002b. My friend brought over a new 320 gb hdd so tried that right out of the box and no video or a message asking to format it so i got into the servie mode tried all the opions when i tried opion 3 {i think{ it said Cant start wrong hard divre or something like that. One time is said that. i tried again and it never said it again. my ps3 wont recognize my flash drive.
so im pretty puzzled about this.
heres some error code's and there descriptions
hope this helps
8002F003 - Firmware update install cannot start (CECHJ03 models and onwards); follow the reformat procedure again when prompted.
800283E1 - Back-up function cannot be completed; seems to be corrupt hard drive disk.
80029945 - Can't playback BD-R movie.
80010001 - Game function stopped.
80010017 - Cannot start Blu-Ray Game
80010510 - Downloaded game playback not possible.
80010516 - An error occured during the start operation.
80029023 - Exchanging key information exchange has timed out.
80029024 - Cannot Obtain an IP address.
80029564 - Cannot install downloaded game; try download again at another time.
80030920 - An error occurred during the copy operation.
80031150 - Saving system settings failed.
80031601 - Error creating account.
80130203 - PS3 connects to internet but not to network; possibly due to settings issues on router.
80410418 - DNS error during Remote Play.
80710016 - PlayStation Network is down.
80710092 - Signed out of PlayStation Network due to connection error.
80710101 - DNS error.
80710102 - IP conflict, PS3 Cannot connect to the router with current IP information.
80710541 - The connection to the server timed out.
80710723 - Port forwarding error. Try opening ports; TCP port: 80, 443, 5223; UDP port: 3478, 3479, 3658; or set-up DMZ on PS3.
81019002 - Error copying saved game files.
8001050B - Demo cannot be played with another disc in the drive (cause unknown).
8001050D - An error occurred during the start operation.
80028EA5 - Cannot connect to PlayStation Network.
80028EA6 - Connection error; possible proxy error.
80028F10 - Compatibility issue; console cannot output the correct standard definition output for that game.
80028F17 - An error occurred during the start operation.
80028F18 - PlayStation 2 format disc not supported.
80028F19 - PlayStation 2 format disc is corrupt.
80028F1A - PlayStation 2 title network connection issue.
80029C68 - Corrupt data on external device.
8002A10D - Unable to add friend.
8002A4A6 - Cannot remain signed into PlayStation Network during gameplay.
8002A515 - Error signing in.
8002A548 - Unable to remain signed in; possibly the server.
8002A705 - Unable to connect to server/host. Check router port configuration.
8002A71A - Possible NAT Error, can log onto game server but cannot join game.
8002B241 - DVI has no audio.
8002F994 - Server busy; attempt to download update later.
8002F997 - Firmware update install from USB device fails.
8003051E - Game will not save.
8013013D - A connection error has occurred; try checking SSID and signal strength.
8013013E - WEP key error.
8013030F - SSID not found.
8013030F - No access point detected.
80410A0B - Problem during Remote Play; PSP hardware fault.
807101FF - DNS error; communication with server has failed.
8071053D - Cannot connect to PlayStation Store; server is unavailable.
80710B23 - PlayStation Network is unavailable or too busy to respond.
80710D23 - PlayStation Store; connection cannot be established.
80029513 - Copyright protection information is invalid; try again or download again.
8002AD23 - A connection error occurred.
80010514 - Disc error detected.
80010036 - An error occurred during the delete operation.
80010014 - Install error; delete the install file and download from PlayStation Store again.
8002F147 - Cannot update the firmware.
8013030 - System error due to failed update download.
710102 - DNS Error; No DNS server available.
9. May 2009 @ 01:31 |
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Heres the weird part i did a google search on error code 8001002b and most people talk about getting this error code while loading or playing a game. I dont know must be my ps3.
9. May 2009 @ 02:22 |
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i sstrarted o load up a game today and i goot a warning message on screen saying the system is running hot, switch off immediatly and wait a i stripped it down changed the compound which id used way to much of, when i put it back to gether im getting no power.which is strange what i could i have done wrong to be geting no power
also i heard sony will repair systems that have had warrnety sticker removed for 150 quid, providing you havent damged the cpu or gpu