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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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30. May 2009 @ 12:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
got a question after i upgate to 2.76 my blue ray went out and i took my ps3 apart to look at it and clean the laser after i clean the laser my 2yr somehow dropped a screw into the power supply area and i turned it back on and it tripped my surge protector. after i reset my ps3 would not come on checked the fuse and it was blown. i then jumped it out to see what else was damaged and i now have no hdmi or av video.. so my thought are the power supply sends some type of low voltage to the motherboard to make the video output works. any ideas on how i can fix it?? besides getting new parts??
31. May 2009 @ 16:23 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
gilsky, you're a lifesaver. YLOD thoroughly erradicated thanks to your guide. However, now I have a new problem. From the moment I turn on my PS3, the fan speeds up through all of the fan cycles all the way up to top speed in about 30 seconds. The system seems to be running cool, the air coming out is quite cool. But for some reason the system is kicking the fan into high gear anyways. Do you know if there is some thermal sensor on the board that I might have fried, or maybe bad heat sink contact? I'm afraid to leave it on when the fan is running like that regardless of how cool the air is. I have full functionality, system is running great aside from the fan. Have you experienced anything similar with systems you've worked on? Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated...

...Metal Gear!?!
31. May 2009 @ 17:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Ace_Px:
gilsky, you're a lifesaver. YLOD thoroughly erradicated thanks to your guide. However, now I have a new problem. From the moment I turn on my PS3, the fan speeds up through all of the fan cycles all the way up to top speed in about 30 seconds. The system seems to be running cool, the air coming out is quite cool. But for some reason the system is kicking the fan into high gear anyways. Do you know if there is some thermal sensor on the board that I might have fried, or maybe bad heat sink contact? I'm afraid to leave it on when the fan is running like that regardless of how cool the air is. I have full functionality, system is running great aside from the fan. Have you experienced anything similar with systems you've worked on? Any ideas? Any help would be much appreciated...
seems like your heatsink compound is spread to thick!!

this normally gives the fault you are experiencing!

sort it straight away before it ylods again!

Junior Member
31. May 2009 @ 21:00 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by drawls07:
got a question after i upgate to 2.76 my blue ray went out and i took my ps3 apart to look at it and clean the laser after i clean the laser my 2yr somehow dropped a screw into the power supply area and i turned it back on and it tripped my surge protector. after i reset my ps3 would not come on checked the fuse and it was blown. i then jumped it out to see what else was damaged and i now have no hdmi or av video.. so my thought are the power supply sends some type of low voltage to the motherboard to make the video output works. any ideas on how i can fix it?? besides getting new parts??
Did you check the one fuse or both fuses on the power supply? The second one is a little harder to see as its burried under the copper heatsink in the middle of the board. The rating on the second fuse is 250V 4.5A if I remember correctly. Also watch out for the capacitor laying on its side in that area, if you short it out you'll get a real nice spark show!
31. May 2009 @ 21:46 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
does this second fuse have to do anything with video output?? cause with first fuse jumped out it will come on..
Junior Member
31. May 2009 @ 23:04 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by drawls07:
does this second fuse have to do anything with video output?? cause with first fuse jumped out it will come on..
Well I cant say i've disected a power supply before but I do know there are two power connectors on the PS3, one presumably for high power items and the other 8 pin connector for the lower power parts. I would think this is why the PS has 2 fuses as IMO its a dual power unit. You may be powering up only one side of it giving you the startup..Again this is all speculation.
1. June 2009 @ 06:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
this is a hard fuse to find. i turned the board over and dont even see the marking they use for a fuse.. i must be overlooking it. do you need to take anything off to see it??
1. June 2009 @ 08:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
So I reapplied the Thermal Compound to slightly positive results. The machine is running at the 3rd level fan speed at idle and I can play a game for about a half an hour before it gets up to the 5th fan speed. So I think it could be bad quality paste? It was like 2 bucks at Radioshack, it doesn't have any kind of rating on it. It's silicone based though, I looked up a chart and they all seem to perform about the same. It's just odd that it used to operate on a much lower fan speed, and blow much hotter air.

...Metal Gear!?!
1. June 2009 @ 08:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by blklotus:
Hey guys,

Just a quick update here, I have now repaired 4 additional units using liquid flux and all 4 are still working perfectly :) I would seriously recommend this to anyone who has had to reflow their machine more than once.
Sounds good dude. I've reflowed my unit four times now and I'm sick of it. However I cranked up the heat on my last reflow from 300C to 500C (for a shorter time of course)and it's already run longer than any of the other reflows. I still suspect it will YLoD again soon, but with the flux and the extra heat I'm hoping I can make my next fix a long lasting one.
1. June 2009 @ 16:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Great news guys! I've repaired my ylod again, i didn't use flux but i "fastened" the screws really hard and put washers to the screws that hold the heatsink to the motherboard. This time the baby is still quiet after 3 hours of playing infamous. This is really good because first time after 3 minutes the fan kicked into high gear and it was really loud!

Thanks for the tip Panedi. And again thank you Gilksy!

Hope it lasts this time!
1. June 2009 @ 17:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Endru:
Great news guys! I've repaired my ylod again, i didn't use flux but i "fastened" the screws really hard and put washers to the screws that hold the heatsink to the motherboard. This time the baby is still quiet after 3 hours of playing infamous. This is really good because first time after 3 minutes the fan kicked into high gear and it was really loud!

Thanks for the tip Panedi. And again thank you Gilksy!

Hope it lasts this time!

no probs m8 good luck hope it lasts
and yes well done Panedi for the extra suggestion of the washers to give more preasure on the heatsink plates this is why its good to get your views out into the open!




1. June 2009 @ 22:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by atari81:
Yahooo I fix the ylod then it become no video/distorted display.. And now I fix that also... Thanks!!!!
Please tell me how you fixed it because mine is doing the same thing, the green screen thing...
1. June 2009 @ 23:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Wow... so I removed the old crap compound, put on a very thin layer of Arctic Silver 5, bent the clamps for extra pressure, and... it's superhuman. Like... it's never run this well. Ever. The fan is blowing lower than I thought possible even under a decent load. The heat sink is extracting the heat very well. I'm amazed. Thanks a million, Gilksy. Add me if you'd like, PSN- Ace_Pheonix. And a question, are the initial units you repaired still kicking? People say it'll fail again, but I can't see why it would if it's not getting that hot.

...Metal Gear!?!
2. June 2009 @ 16:45 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Ace_Px:
Wow... so I removed the old crap compound, put on a very thin layer of Arctic Silver 5, bent the clamps for extra pressure, and... it's superhuman. Like... it's never run this well. Ever. The fan is blowing lower than I thought possible even under a decent load. The heat sink is extracting the heat very well. I'm amazed. Thanks a million, Gilksy. Add me if you'd like, PSN- Ace_Pheonix. And a question, are the initial units you repaired still kicking? People say it'll fail again, but I can't see why it would if it's not getting that hot.

yes there still going fine!

2. June 2009 @ 19:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
well i got my ps3 in that had YLOD on it. got it for 37.00 bucks. and put my motherboard in the ps3 and i stil have no hdmi or Av outputs. so my kid damaged something on my motherboard. not too worried about it got a working motherboard for 5.50. so im going to try collins guide and see if i can get this other ps3 to work.
3. June 2009 @ 17:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi there,

Just need a little bit of advice. My PS3 did the famous YLOD the other day. I followed Gilsksy's guide to repair it put it all back together and now it won't start up, the red standby light is on and when I press the on and off button nothing happens! I hope I havnt fried it. I used a heat gun at a temperature of roughly 350celcius maybe a little higher and followed the instructions properly. Any help would be appreciated.


a hyatt
3. June 2009 @ 17:25 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
i got the Gilsksy's guide to work on my ylod but forgot to plug in the fan. it ylod again and may have killied it..:( still trying
3. June 2009 @ 17:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by daveyboys:
Hi there,

Just need a little bit of advice. My PS3 did the famous YLOD the other day. I followed Gilsksy's guide to repair it put it all back together and now it won't start up, the red standby light is on and when I press the on and off button nothing happens! I hope I havnt fried it. I used a heat gun at a temperature of roughly 350celcius maybe a little higher and followed the instructions properly. Any help would be appreciated.


reconnect the power ribbon!!!
that may be the fault!!!
make sure its fully inserted before you lock the tab down!!!

Junior Member
3. June 2009 @ 17:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by drawls07:
i got the Gilsksy's guide to work on my ylod but forgot to plug in the fan. it ylod again and may have killied it..:( still trying

Doubt you've killed it, I did the same and it works just fine
3. June 2009 @ 17:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by mmayhemm:
Originally posted by drawls07:
i got the Gilksy's guide to work on my ylod but forgot to plug in the fan. it ylod again and may have killed it..:( still trying

Doubt you've killed it, I did the same and it works just fine
this will not permanently kill your ps3 you merely sped up what happened in the first place!!!!!!!!

do the reflow again this time 400degrees Celsius and an extra 10 seconds on the heat
also apply liquid flux before the reflow and try bending the heat sink clamps so they apply more pressure on those bga'S

and all should be good!!!!!!!!


3. June 2009 @ 17:53 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
already did all the above. instead of liquid i use pasted from my job in refrigeration where we soldier alot of stuff. if i knew it wouldnt hurt to run 8% soldier in there i would do it. this is 4th time im trying after fan was not hooked up.
3. June 2009 @ 18:31 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by colinjest:
Originally posted by daveyboys:
Hi there,

Just need a little bit of advice. My PS3 did the famous YLOD the other day. I followed Gilsksy's guide to repair it put it all back together and now it won't start up, the red standby light is on and when I press the on and off button nothing happens! I hope I havnt fried it. I used a heat gun at a temperature of roughly 350celcius maybe a little higher and followed the instructions properly. Any help would be appreciated.


reconnect the power ribbon!!!
that may be the fault!!!
make sure its fully inserted before you lock the tab down!!!

a hyatt
3. June 2009 @ 18:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi again,

Do you mean the small ribbon that connects the small pcb to the main board, the one with the on and off and eject touch button on it?


a hyatt
3. June 2009 @ 18:40 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by drawls07:
already did all the above. instead of liquid i use pasted from my job in refrigeration where we soldier alot of stuff. if i knew it wouldnt hurt to run 8% soldier in there i would do it. this is 4th time im trying after fan was not hooked up.
if i read that write you added solderpaste? 8%solder?

if so then no wonder it doesn't work youve probably cause a solder short or theres a solder ball stuck between two pads under the bga causing a short!

the only way you going to fix that if you havent blown one of the many surface mount fuses on the mother board is to remove/reball and refit the bga's


3. June 2009 @ 18:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by daveyboys:
Hi again,

Do you mean the small ribbon that connects the small pcb to the main board, the one with the on and off and eject touch button on it?

yes that one!


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