Official docTY Taiyo Yuden thread
Junior Member
5. May 2006 @ 00:00 |
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&go i will
NEC ND-3550A
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5. May 2006 @ 00:31 |
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TaiyoUser ,great you will def. like that drive BTW hows the AMD FX-60 working out very nice CPU you def. have bragging rights with that one lol iam going for the AMD Opteron 175 Denmark in June word is theres going to be a price drop then
Junior Member
5. May 2006 @ 02:04 |
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this FX is wicked!
your final advice sealed the deal
this FX is wicked!
i acquired a nasty habit of having the best i can get,my THING those days..yet to get the SHW-160P6S(which will be two,probably) already thinking about them PLEXTORS
this FX is wicked!
NEC ND-3550A
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 04:48 |
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Tokijin- i hear You on the MIJ Maxells ! ad Cartman would say "SWEET!" & I agree that buying the high grade maxells can get pricey ! They opened a SuperWallyWorld about 20 mi. from my house & when they opened atleast they had the Maxells DVD+R Mij 50ct. spindles out the WAZZOO ! they Also had the DVD-R's in Maxell but only in MIT's But at that time I was'nt ready to spend $24.99 for 1 50ct. spindle ! still not ready for that But if OFFICEDEPOT, BESTBUY, or COMPUSA puts maxells onsale for $14.99 or so then wally's here we come ! Wallyworld is a wierd shopping experience atleast for DVD media in that often no two stores have the same media stocked ! Also sometimes you find MIJ media only ( pinch me I'm dreamin') MIT only ( Nightmare !) or mixtures of the two so you have to dig & root them out ! Also for some reason They often have MIJ in DVD+R only atleast in the Sony & Maxell Brands ! Not complaining mind you I just find that strange indeed ! Also Tokijin you can often find Mij Maxells at Rite-Aid drugstores but ony in the smaler quantity packs . If you are or were a fan of the MIJ Fuji's you might be able to find some at Wherehouse Cd & dvd Store ! found a 25ct. spindle there recently for $7.99 & bought it ! they also had the fuji Mij's with dvd cases for about $10.00 for 6 like you said earlier a little pricey ! Well good luck with your Maxell Mij hunting & happy burning! Tokijin
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
5. May 2006 @ 05:29 |
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morning guys. going hunting today for some +R's. down to only 14 disc. i know the verbs are #1 on my list,and sony MIJ's ,but what i am hearing is if ya can find anything MIJ it is good media to get? i have passed on some maxell and fuji in the pass that were MIJ's.
i know that some burners react different to different media. i have heard that my paticular burner HP740i is kind on the cheaper media. and suposevely reacts the same to the lower quality media, but i have only had VERBS in it since i have gotten it about 3 months ago. and a few windata's that were fake TY'swas just wondering about the MIJ hype. is that for any brand or just the few popular brands?
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 06:52 |
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The thing with The Japanese vs. Taiwan made media is as follows ! The made in japan media = Taiyo Yuden /Mij Fuji /MIj Sony tend to have better Quality control & therefore better quality than most Taiwan made media ! ( MOST!) is the operative word here ! Verbatim is excellent media as I'm sure you'll agree & it is made in Taiwan & India , singapore (DVD+R dl only) and some is even Oem'ed in japan for them by Taiyo yuden ( not available in usa ) But mainly in taiwan so the location itself is not the main point ! Riteks are also made in taiwan & although not up there with the verbatims are excellent disc too ! i believe RICOHJPN media is also made in taiwan but have'nt had much experience with it but am of the understanding that although good media it is less desireable than thre ritek media or vernatims ! some of the Sony DVD+R mij's are taiyo Yuden the 8x DVD+R 's are if Mij the 8x DVD-R mij sony is also good media but is not made by taiyo yuden ! will code out as Sony ! Fuji's if made in japan are taiyo yudens but are getting harder to find in appreciable quantity ( Spindle packs) Maxells if Taiwan made can be either Ritek ( GOOD !) or CMC ( CRAPOLA!) though so far all the taiwan maxells I've bought were riteks except one spindle of 25 that were cmc bought by mistake !I have haerd that most of the CMC Made Maxeells are being sold to our Canadian friends but you may still run across them ! The MIj Made Maxells are Made by Hitachi /Maxells parent company and are excellent if you can find them ob sale ! You are using Verbatims which are excellent so the only thing I would recommend is a short list ! Verbatims , Taiyo yudens- Mij Sony & fuji ! Maxell Mij's Ritek media - Maxells/ Officedepot 7 Ritek branded ! But as long as you are happy with the verbatims why not stay with them? happy burning!
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 07:46 |
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Do you have an Office Max near you? Best Place to find Verbs this week, No TY's on sale that I can see.
Suspended permanently
5. May 2006 @ 09:44 |
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TaiyoUser, if your going Plextor do the PX-716A (per my sig) theses are the best drives on the market.
are you OC(ing) that FX-60 ?
Junior Member
5. May 2006 @ 10:20 |
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what is the dif. between the 716 & 760?
i'm OC my wrist watch,but but but,on a diet with this one for 3 months,i would like to see the dif. so i have to spend some time with it
NEC ND-3550A
Suspended permanently
5. May 2006 @ 10:38 |
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the PX-760 is the newer model thats 18x but only has a 4mb buffer rate the PX-716A has the better buffer rate at 8mb best on the market and rated the best drive on the market for the last several years. i would go with the PX-716A
theres not really much headroom to OC the FX-60 anyway since its maxed out as the top CPU ,being its a 1000.00 bucks plus lol
AfterDawn Addict
5. May 2006 @ 11:58 |
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I like the MIJ Maxell's, they're very nice. After 60 hours, my copy of Tales of Legendia is scratch free. The label states they're 40 times as scratch resistant as normal media, I believe it. I played through Dragon Quest in 170+ hours, and my TYG02 help up wonderfully. It's scratched, but still gets a 98 quality score after that much use. 170+ hours is more than any movie will see in most peeps DVD players, TY holds up exactly as expected under that kind of stress. It boggles my mind when people try to argue the merit of Taiyo Yuden, Verb's, and MIJ Maxells against lower quality media. It's become apparent, some people just do it to get a rise out of others. If anybody has burned a couple hundred TY's, Verb's or MIJ Maxells and knows what they're doing, there will be zero probs. I've burned around 300 PS2 games with zero coasters, people will still argue with that. Anyway, thank God this thread is a respit for peeps who endorse quality media.
@Taiyo User We had a misunderstanding awhile back about burning at 8x on Yuden000T02. Since I've burned 10-15 games at 8x, and it makes virtually no difference in quality than burning at 4x. The quality scores and performance are almost identical. I'm quite sure that wouldn't be the case with CMC Mag. Anyway, thanks for the tip, along with Doc.
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 13:44 |
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Yuo mean to tell me if I get a new computer with vista, I won't be able to burn my store bought movies, even with my exsisting burning software that has always worked with XP, can you guys elaborate on this subject a little more in detail please, about what will work or not, and if not, why?
AfterDawn Addict
5. May 2006 @ 14:32 |
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It's Microsoft's attempt at ending piracy. Their is a chip called the Fritz chip built into newer (maybe not out yet, but soon to be) mobos, coupled with Digital Rights Managment (DRM) software into VISTA that will automatically terminate any unauthorized programs by the OS. This will not only prevent you from downloading copyrighted material, but won't even allow you to backup DVD's you legally own without MS's permission. It's far more technical than that, but that's the basic idea. They've sold their soul to the DRM movement, and it will be their downfall (I think). Avoid VISTA at all costs. Here's an FAQ for it:
The info is a little out of date, but the core principal remains the same. You don't want VISTA, if you're a serious user.
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 14:59 |
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Holy Crap, let me take this one step further, so with Vista we cant burn our movies period with what I understand and also reading the Trusted Computing FAQ.
I might be getting a little ahead of myself here, but I am trying to search my mind what might be enevitable, so when Vista comes out wew know that XP will more than likely be a thing of the past, and we will want to keep anything with XP, e.g. with sales on left over computers and XP software etc. we also know that after a couple of years an older OS with Windows will not have support anymore like Windows warned us about 6 months ago with Windows ME etc. Than what do we do?
Will this mean the end of our backing up anything we own period?
AfterDawn Addict
5. May 2006 @ 15:43 |
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No. Not if you shift to Mac or Linux. Though Mac has switched to Intel chips, and their caught up in the DRM craze too. Yes it's unnerving at first, but remember, hackers are always one step ahead of programmers. There will undoubtedly be hacked versions of VISTA that're free of the DRM crap, and mobos that aren't subject to the hardware limitations of the Fritz chip. I'd recommend using Linux when the time comes, more software is becoming Linux compatible all the time. There will always be emus that can run VISTA or XP on a linux box as well. Don't panic, if you know where to look, this problem won't affect you.
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 16:28 |
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Great stuff Tokijin, thank you very much, you know with AD we all learn how to fight back with those hungry mogels starting with gates, the movie industry etc. and with the great input I and many others learn from people like you and many others than know much more than the likes like myself.
I think I'm not incorrect when I say that it's 95% of people are like us, I just want the right to back up my own stuff, and let the mogels go after the other 5% that copy for profit, I would say more power to the mogels in going after them, BUT LEAVE US LITTLE GUYS ALONE.
I think in the very near future there be a thread on how to bet Vista, hopefully anyway.
AfterDawn Addict
5. May 2006 @ 19:24 |
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Well I'm certainly no expert on PC's or technology, but I know people who're and they keep their ears to the ground. The stuff about VISTA is pretty well known. MS has gotten too greedy, and if enough people know about it, hopefully they'll be their own downfall.
Senior Member
5. May 2006 @ 20:57 |
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I wonder if people get mad enough, (About Micro$oft Vista and the DRM)will they fill the harbors near Seattle with computers to protest??? The Redmond Tea Party?
Suspended permanently
5. May 2006 @ 23:33 |
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all i have to say is we all better get to know how to run and operate a Linux OS in the near future
AfterDawn Addict
6. May 2006 @ 08:36 |
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I just got a stack of Sony 50+25(75) X8 DVD+Rs MIJ for $25 a Sams. They code out as TYs (Yuden000-T02s). Be careful they are mixed with MIT even as to mixing within the package. Make sure both packs say MIJ
AfterDawn Addict
4 product reviews
6. May 2006 @ 17:40 |
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i just picked up 15 dvd+r maxell''s mij they anygood
This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 6. May 2006 @ 17:41
Suspended permanently
6. May 2006 @ 17:44 |
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yes the Maxell are great , they should code out as Taiyo Yuden the top media
AfterDawn Addict
6. May 2006 @ 21:17 |
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Or they're Maxell High grades with the Max002 media code, those're excellent too. I agree with aabbccdd, Linux is the way to go, that seems to be the way power users are heading as VISTA draws neigh.
Junior Member
7. May 2006 @ 03:01 |
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Linux is good,as,it is non existent
it's not 'sexy' hack'n linux(yet)
NEC ND-3550A
Senior Member
7. May 2006 @ 10:25 |
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How will this work, I never saw any store sell a computer other than windows in it, does this mean you have to build your own or buy a computer with windows than erase it than somehow apply linux, how much is involved here and how easy or difficult will all this be?