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DVD shrink Data Error (cyclic redundancy check)
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28. October 2005 @ 19:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
2 Questions

I know I can just do it myself but right now its easier just asking the questions. Do you lose a lot of quality if you backup a backup movie?

Also, I went to Office Depot to buy 2 packs of Phillips DVD-R 50 that were on sale for 14.99 each. This was on 10-15-05. They said they'd be in by Wednesday of the following week. Well they are still not in and I had already paid for them. Does anybody know what other DVD's they sell that are comparable to the Phillips? I know they sell Memorex but I don't really want them.


AfterDawn Addict
29. October 2005 @ 04:30 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
If you are backing up a backup you will get exactly the same quality as your original backup. In essence you are making a 1.1 copy of that backup. As for the Phillips disks they are really not very good media, and Memorex are not much better. You would be better off getting some Sony, Verbatim or Fuji (made in japan) disks from Office Depot than those Phillips.

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29. October 2005 @ 08:51 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Thanks for the reply. I'm surprised that you said Phillips isn't that good, I really like the Phillips and never had a problem with backing up movies with them. Maybe cause I have a Phillips burner. Anyway, I don't want to wait a year for my Phillips discs to come in, so I guess I'll try another brand that you mentioned.

AfterDawn Addict
29. October 2005 @ 08:57 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Philips can be good depending on who the mfr is. Some Philips ID as Fuji, MCC, or RicohJPN. But others will come up as CMC Mag or the Ritek R03which is the worst. The problem is you cannot be sure which you will get there is not a lot of consistency.

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29. October 2005 @ 09:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

Just used DVD Identifier and guess what my DVD's are? "CNC Magnetics" I must be very lucky cause I haven't had any problems or maybe your not referring to coasters but actual quality of the backup.

Anyway, I am going to try another brand out of curiosity. A buddy of mine uses Verbatim Digital Movie DVD's and loves them. Their actually pretty cool looking. I make covers for my DVD's though, so that really doesn't matter. Just thought they were neat looking.

Need some advice though. I downloaded the newest version of DVD Identifier and was able to install the newest version using WinZIP but when I try to open the Manufacturer's database, I get nothing but symbols to read. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Another problem, I have an older version of MediaFace (2.3) which doesn't support all of the new labels I bought at the store. So I downloaded the newest version 4.2, trial version. I am not cheap but their labels are much more expensive than other brands and I believe they should supply the templates with the labels. The dvd cover templates on the older version work with the new labels but if you want to just make a core label with the older templates, they don't match up to the new labels. Did I make sense?

Any suggestions on this?

I know, your thinking, what a tight donkey.

I am going to look into the Verbatim Lightscribe burning system but for now, I have a lot of labels to still use.



1 product review
29. October 2005 @ 09:43 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Just used DVD Identifier and guess what my DVD's are? "CNC Magnetics" I must be very lucky cause I haven't had any problems or maybe your not referring to coasters but actual quality of the backup.
You might feel lucky now, but a few months from now when the data on those CMAG's starts to break down and renders your backup useless, you will be cussing.
I have a lot of labels to still use.
When those labels heat up in your DVD player the glue heats up to and start slinging all over the place inside your player. Also, if they are not centered perfectly they can create a wobble, making it hard for the laser to track properly.

Look into an Epson R200 or R300. They have the capability of printing photo quality images directly onto the disc. Inkjet printable discs are cheaper than the lightscribe discs and lightscribe can only produce a greyscale image.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 29. October 2005 @ 09:47

AfterDawn Addict
30. October 2005 @ 18:44 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   

As you're fairly new here, I thought I would point out that when I post, I endouver to inject some humor into my posts. While you are correct, your explaination doesn't elicit a smirk or smile while I try to get both from my readers.

Read a bit "O" my stuff and I'll get a smile from you too (:D)



Just a note ~ To date there is no "uncopyable" disc.

Lords of Dog Town & Bewitched are easily ripped by DVDD, AnyDVD and DVDFab Decrypter.

Here are some slight "adjustments" to DVDD to get it to work on those 2 DVD's.

You ready ? Good ! Let's make our couple of small adjustments to DVD Decrypter. For that we need to go to "Tools," then "Settings," then click on the "General" tab ." Under "Removal Method," - please change that from "Normal" to "Aggressive." Next, in the "File Mode" tab, Check, "Remove IFO PUO's." If you use ISO Read to rip episodel and some of those difficult multi-angled DVD's as I do, you might also go to the "ISO Read Mode" tab and Check, "Remove IFO PUOs" as well. Next, let's scoot on over to the "CSS" tab and lQQk to your left to find "Brute Force ~> I/O Key Exchange" and Check that too. Finally, head to the "I/O Tab tab." At the bottom-right I'd like you to put a check where it says "Ignore Read Errors." This will help speed things along by bypassing any tiny scratch-caused errors on the original disc and also some empty files which make it hard for DVD Shrinker to wade through. Finally, (Yea, I know there was a "Finally" before this one BUT this is really and truly the last "Finally", Honest !) Sooo, let's go to the "Device" tab ." Under "Eject Tray after," I like to check both "Read" and "Write" so that if I'm busy doing something and my PC's sound is turned down, the tray's opening alerts me that DVDD's job is done. If you don't want that to happen, then, . . . don't check those boxes, BUT you'll like it better if you do it Soooo, what the hey, . . . Go ahead and put a little checkie-pooh there. That's a good kid, your Uncle ScubaPete LOVES ya for doin' that. Now, click "OK."

Hey, All we're doing is to put a few more teeth in DVDD's "Bite".
Sea if that doesn't help just a little. At least you'll have a few more choices to rip those difficult discs :)



When those labels heat up in your DVD player the glue heats up to and start slinging all over the place inside your player.
Though I thoughly agree that labels aren't the best, it has been quite some time since the glue used in labeling has had any heat issues. I've been a user of Neato labels for some years now and I haven't seen OR heard of problems with adhesive for at least 3 years.

As for anyone attempting to attach labels by hand, without the use of an appliacation tool, only a fool would attempt that. Not only does the unbalanced disc not play BUT revolving at the speed that they do, actual damage is possible to the drive.
lightscribe can only produce a greyscale image.
While that is true today, the beginning of 06' will sea the introduction of vibrant colored LightScribe discs able to be burned in full color :D)

"The times, they are a changing, "

Just my 2-cents,


Hey there Jerry, BB, Arnie - Good ta sea ya all, hope everyone is well ~:)

The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 30. October 2005 @ 19:34

Junior Member
30. October 2005 @ 20:01 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey scuba...
can an old road tramp step in here and bow to a master and get a little help and knowldge...yea it might not be on the same subject as this thread....but I was told that i could use shrink to pull the chinseese closed captioning...problem here is...shrink doesnt reconize the file in my work folder...its and AVI (windows movie) already worked to DivX ...but you know have already tred to find file with out the closed captioning...wouldnt be to bad if i read chineese or like to watch writing on my screen...but i hear just 5-1 sounds great...hehehe...been trying to figure this out for a few days...this is a nice forum...and i get side tracked onto other interesting things when i am here...only sit down to a computor for my first time not even a year ago......anyway...
sure wish you might kick me in the teeth a little and give me some help ...point me in the direction with the right free soft ware...
this long haired old outlaw sure could use the help....
just in case you might feel sorry for this no good tramp trying to learn a might want to jump to this thread and see where i first jumped in asking for a little help....and then see how long it has taken me to get nowhere.....

then didnt get nowhere till the last couple pages of the thread...but still am stumped and nothing done in getting the filed reauthered and the close captioning out...most of my burning has beed DL files...but your decryptor and shrink guide got me through my first rip easy one down under ....seagal...burned it no prob....starting to think pulling this captioning out just might be over my head just yet.....

just an old highway tramp
AfterDawn Addict
31. October 2005 @ 13:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi hopper393, My buddy Pete must be off helping others as he always does. maybe I can shed some light on your problem. Shrink can only work with dvd compliant type files so AVI and Dvix won't work. You can use Nero Vision Express, DVD Santa or several other conversion programs to convert those AVIs to proper format. Then if necessary open the converted files in Shrink. Hope I read your post right and this is what you needed to know.


Hi Pete, Good to see you around.

Junior Member
31. October 2005 @ 13:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks for the help but kind of got it figured out early this morning
and think it was mayo that finely shed some light on it...fact is it was an AVI convertd to DivX....and guess no way to pop the closed captions out....or so was told
just hate looking at chineese writing in the middle of my screen ...when i got a real good 5-1 and 100 watts per channel..eve if was hard of hearing can pump it up.....thanks though...and dont fret you will be seeing a lot of me around this forums,,,as am new to this ...and going to keep right digging in...

just an old highway tramp
like your bird
AfterDawn Addict
31. October 2005 @ 13:26 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Glad you got it sort of figured out even though it wasn't much help. Pete and BBMayo know their stuff. They usually have the answers. Good to have you aboard AD. Us old timers always like company. Glad you like my birdy.


Junior Member
31. October 2005 @ 13:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
guys like youand old mayo will keep it going,,,,and of coarse ole pete i used his guide foe decryptor and shrink first time i tried to rip...and it burned with Nero not a prob...
me I am a virgin at this....but wanting to dig in...considering the fact even computord themself are fairly new to me to....anyway not to go there to bad but there for a while that other thread got a little out there for a while....not sure how far you went back...but yea i am aboard for a while...trying to learn ....most time i just need pointed in right direction and i am good to go...between my hp acting up on me(printer) and cleanning up the software mess ...thats about all i have done today....

but yea i like that bird...
but think might look better done with a rebel....
any way would like to hangh around //but going to have them kids beatng down on the door soon ...and got a couple things need to get out here in no mans land...(kansas) the still do the door to door thing....enjoy your evening ....
and thanks again for jumping in there...

just an old highway tramp
AfterDawn Addict
31. October 2005 @ 16:49 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Howdy doo there Kansas Bill,

You might just try DivxToDVD to render that video into something we can work with.

Here's the free version ~

Though I prefer the professional version which does everything automatically - Iffin' you need it, there is a guide in my sig.

It's available for a 7-day free trial and then $29.99

The reason I like the professional version is that it allows you to choose your languages and by choosing English, it mat well remove the Chinese - What the "hey", it's couldn't hurt to try.

I used it with Kung Fu Hustle when with other proggys, all I got was Chinese. When I used the Pro version of DivxToDVD2 I had everything in English with no subtitles at all.

Get the Pro version here:



Hi-ho there Jerry, you're lQQking good there partner. Seems like it was just yesterday when you, me, the "Doc" and the "Fas-man" were out riding the range. "Kansas Bill's" posting got me ta thinkin' I haven't been out riding for a long time, . . . .

Well, I guess my work here is done, time to climb aboard Ole' Paint (makin' sure I've got a pocket full "O" quarters) and mosey on out of town -

"Click, click Ole' Boy," Sez me,

(Climb'en on up in the saddle and wheelin' my horsey around)

(Tossing in 3 quarters to get started)

clip, clop, clippity, clop -

Goin' ta mosey down Mexico way, hook up with my old compdrays, "Fast" Frankie and "Wildman, Jerry", fastest fingers in the old West,

- clip, clop, clippty, clop, clippity-lippity clop -

Yep, We got places to go and people to see and peoples ta help bail out "o" trouble,

( 'sides that, it's time - "we're movin' on up to the East side, finally goina get a piece "O" pie" -

(Clip, clop, clippity, clop, clippity-lippity clop-su-clop )

We leave behind people like ArnieBear, BB and other free wheelin', free thinkin' pple to help newbies to take their next step on their own -

(clippity-lippity clop, clop, clippty, clop- - da- go de Wop, Wop-clop) (Petes-ter's riddin' an Italian Stallion)

"Giddie Up, Ole' Paint"

(tossin' in a few more quarters)

clippity, clippity, - Serendipity, Clippity-Lippity Clop Slop -

Clippity, Dlippity, - -Rippity, - Sliperity- Serendipity (Yea, that too), Clop, Dop, Lippity-Cippity clop-de-Clop,

Slop-de-Flippity-Flop-(ole' "BB's" horsey thought he was a fish) clip, - -

- - "Yo Jerry, watch those river crossin's" - LOL - - Clop -de -Clop - and more stuff, like that - -

Sea Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,

The ?Old Man? Pete (ö¿ô)

Your DVD answers are at ScubaPete's DVD Backup Corner ~>

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 31. October 2005 @ 17:57

Junior Member
1. November 2005 @ 00:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
thanks pete i will check into it...and glad you showed up...hehehe as i do have that husstle stashed away in my files too..same thing can;t find another version....but wont beable to jump right on it just yet....kind of want to hang out and twiddle my thumbs untill this new Nero hits the download page....yea i sprung for it.... wasnt quit as bad as buying it new...had a Nero 6 oem i been useing with the first two sprang for the ultra complete and get the 7 when it comes out....

keep it up you know some of still do ride them ole iron horses now..

I am with you though as i do stick out here in red neck central like a sore thumb... even if i was raised maybe 100 miles south of here....this slow paced life here is killing i am ready to pull up stakes and go back out oregon way....

thanks again for to point in the right direction....will let you know in a week or two what i think or i turned out....

besides trying to figure out this file ...fighting with a new packard that came new with a bad cartridge.....damn 1600 all in one's least Hp standing behind it...

again want to say thanks also want to kick my own ass i do have DivX stashed away in a zip file somewhere on in my fileing cab...will ahve to look and see...but in case will book the links..

just an old highway tramp
Suspended due to non-functional email address
3. November 2005 @ 16:33 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I have been trying unsuccessfully to copy Left Behind, World at war to no avail. I have inspected and cleaned the Disc a million times. well almost!! and still no luck. anyone else out there having this problem with the same movie?
Junior Member
4. November 2005 @ 15:17 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey Pete Or jerry guys still around out a question or two about a burn set up I am thinking of going to...looks like the good ole group from ahead trying to play games and so thinking of canceling the credit card payment on the ultra upgrade i did a couple weeks ago.....and trying something else..what do you guys know about cyber links burn set up is it any good....

just an old highway tramp
AfterDawn Addict
5. November 2005 @ 13:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi Bill, Can't help you much on that Cyber Links program. Its one I never tried. I'm still using one of the Nero 6 packages. I have heard that Nero 7 is somewhat buggy at present time. I always wait a month or so before I update any major packages just to see if there are problems. About the only program I trust on new updates is AnyDVD. maybe Pete will show up with an answer. He seems to have more programs than I ever do.


Junior Member
5. November 2005 @ 14:20 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Tanks for getting back to me...
well I had the trail version in of 7 and not so sure I want it in... and the people at ahead kind of just pissed me off....or the lame suport dept...i should say... been running Nero 6 oem that came with my installed the first 2 upgrades over the top..worked just fine...but thought that i wantd the new Nero paid to upgrade my oem to ultra with free upgrde to Nero 7..well put in the trail and was expecting them to give me my serial for the new 7...well reg...with "MY NERO"... for the upgrade ...then they want to tell me i don't quilify for the upgrade...and no one wants to answer my emails or respond....and as said the look i got at the trail version ..not so sure i want thing ..was in vision express....couldnt get it to reconize a folder with my down loaded files....a lime wire down load file at that...not something i tried to work ...with over 60 files in it ranging right around 600 m per file....
anyway why was asking about cyber links burn set up and full suite's is i do have a powerDVD 6 deluxe player of their's....I love the player....just as an example...i can be listening to launch cast radio through my yahoo messenger...and just open it and my volume picks up double...and it suports my 5-1 sound...better than showtime....

So was wondering if any of you had heard anything...good or bad...
because may want to go that way in future....and i do know for suport with the player ....have a response from the team in less than an hour......guess will just have to put it in and check it out as they do have a free trail ......but going to go ahead and use my 6 ultra for a i do like after my hot head has cooled down .....SOME....but still think Nero needs to work onthere suport issues some....yea you get an automatic response....but twoand three days for a true reply is..................
and then just some jive and not the issue covered....

have you been on Nero lately....?? as wondering if i miss understood.... does it read that if you buy or upgrade to 6 get the new Nero free.....with the response i got back...i am starting to think they are miss leading people...

I purchased Nero 6 ultra two weeks ago....and the my Nero says i dont get the free upgrade.......

just an old highway tramp
AfterDawn Addict
5. November 2005 @ 19:36 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Duplicate post

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AfterDawn Addict
5. November 2005 @ 19:41 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I just looked at the Nero upgrade policy and this is what I get out of it. Nero 6 Ultra purchased in September 05 to present gets the FREE upgrade to Ultra 7. Purchased before September 1, 2005 gets a discounted price on Ultra 7. The discount isn't too clear as to the amount.

I still use Nero 6 for data and music burns, but haven't used it for any dvd work in over a year except file conversions. When DVD Shrink was my program of choice for dvd backups I used Nero as the burn engine for the Shrink output files. Now that I use Clonedvd/Anydvd I don't need to burn with Nero anymore.

Do a search for member ccampbell. He works for Nero and may be able to help with your upgrade problem. You can PM him.

This message has been edited since posting. Last time this message was edited on 5. November 2005 @ 19:43

Junior Member
5. November 2005 @ 20:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Thanks as thats the way I understood it to when I went legal with my Nero 6 ultra....before that i used a oem version....with the first two upgrades installed over the oem and I had ultra...hehehe...but thoght that i wanted the new 7 so got legal and bought the ultra seral...thet emailed me a downloadable serial.....which i now have in...but so far have yet to send me my 7 serial ...and yes i reg with "MY NERO" and then after it sits for a couple days My Nero will say I am unedgilable for the free upgrade....per the online emails has went unanswered from Nero surport...only one to respond back was the Nero store...

there response was that I could use the trail Nero 7 for 30 days...nothing concerning my question of where my Nero 7 serial is or when i would get it....and nothingas to why MY Nero was saying that i wasnt eldgable for the Nero 7 up grade....when in fact i just bought the upgrade for my oem to ultra on the 19th of oct....and boils right down to oem is and was legal....actually have two oem disks for 6 both are came with my pc when i ordered it from cyber power....and the second one came with my daul layer all formatt memorex burner I add to this system...

so what is pissing me off is no response with anyone to get to the bottom of this....and still only response to my emails came from the online store......lets see the first emails was sent out four days Nero and surport Nero...and even hit the tech too...and faxed proof in the form a printable copy of the online store reciet and a copy of the invoice....anyway.....
thanks just wanted to make sure that i wasnt miss understanding what i read when i upgraded my oem to ultra

thanks jerry

just an old highway tramp

OH yea are you the one that put that bird togather...
or somebody do it for you.....
AfterDawn Addict
5. November 2005 @ 20:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The eagle flag came from one of the regular gif sites. Then when I made Addict, member ScubaBud added my name below it and offered it to me which was nice of him. He has done a few other add-ons to other gifs on here also. The name on ScubaPete's gif is his work also.


Junior Member
5. November 2005 @ 20:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It looks good and I like it...and why I was asking is I belongto a couple GIF and siggy groups on msn...just joined trying to learn the burnning and ripping isn't enough to learn on its own...and why is want to make a custom for myself....andthen also be able to work with getting wild with doing a web page for dsl provider gives me a 5 page web site if i want....and havent even started with building it yet....want a custom siggy first..then on to building a web page or two...along with picking up on ripping and burnning....brain over load huh....hehehe...not to bad for an old gear head....
thanks for pointing me in craigs direction.....yea was on a thread of his when this flashed in on my came to see what you had to his tech number at Nero andgoingto compose a quick and short ..note and send him copy's of the invoice and so on...and give him a chance to find out why the run that i have cooled down....but you know as said i may be open for a diff set up...kind of leaves a bad taste in my tech surport and customer service should be included when you purchase a peice of software....and not a run around....and skirting of the issue....

just an old highwaytramp
AfterDawn Addict
6. November 2005 @ 15:12 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Everything I have seen posted by Craig leads me to think he's one of the GOOD GUYS as far as tech support goes. I haven't had to deal with him personally but have read many of the threads he got involved with.

I know what you mean about having good service. I am a service manager in the major appliance and electronics fields. When the job was offered to me I explained that if I took the position it would be run my way with customer satisfaction being number 1 on the list, not useless productivity numbers. Too many companies put the all mighty dollar before the customer. Yes the dollar is important but when a customer has already paid that dollar to purchase a product, they should get the service needed to back it up. If they don't get proper service, the next time around the dollar goes to someone else. I worked 25 years for General Electric. When I started it was the all about customer service. When I left 10 years ago, it was about make all the money you can and the heck with the customer. To show you what effect that had on the service department, when I started we had over 100 techs in my area. They are down to about 10 left now. No one can rell me product quality has improved that much to eliminate 90 workers. Guess I rattled on long enough.


Junior Member
6. November 2005 @ 15:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Yea i have read some of His threads too...and feel like you do about him...seen a place ortwo where he also recomended other software to doa job that he knew Nero couldn't handle....but almost bet he straightened out the software part with Nero to handle the job...
I pm him here on site and so far not a peep back...also shot an email to him at Nero and what kinda bugs me with that is i might have got his Nero email wrounge....because as of yet ,,,, I haven't recieved one of those auto here in few going to hit the Nero boards...and see if i can find it again...and check against the one i pulled off the board last night..whats not looking good is i have run into a couple other guys on other threads haveing same i did print out a copy of the Nero page and then did a save as of the Nero page too...the save as is as close as i could figure out how to take a screen shot...of the web page.....yea in some areas my playing with computors only a year ,,,shows a little lacking of know how...and then in other areas youd think i been on them for years...guess shows what intrest's me i can reformat this thing with my eyes closed and even have a maxtor vso wipe image disk know the one to boot to to clean ..then reboot to install your OP fresh completely....not something a newbie would normally have or know how to use...anyway ...need to get back and straighten out a couple things with edonkey ..yea i use both edonkey and lime....kind of new touseing edonkey and need tolearn how to use the BT plug in....right now only running on ED2K links..and check on a couple other things...then going to the Nero section here on the baords....
just an old highway tramp
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