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Ps3 YLoD Attempted fix's. Any more ideas?
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4. January 2010 @ 23:39 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
First off, I would like to thank all of those that have been working on solving this problem, esp Gilksy/colinjest. I have read this entire thread recently and thought that I would contribute my progress, or lack thereof, for all to know.

I was the new recipient of the YLOD on Dec 27 this year. I have owned my PS3 since I got it as a Valentines gift in 2006 (hows that for a girlfriend?). Knowing that my 60GB release PS3 was no longer under warranty, I wanted to see what the issue was and, if possible, fix it myself as well.

- I reflowed the PS3 on Dec 28 per the online video and .pdf file which Gilksy was kind enough to post. This reflow worked for 2 days before the YLOD returned.
- I reflowed the PS3 again on Dec 31 per the original reflow plans. This time it worked for about 2-3 hours before calling it quits and brandishing the YLOD again.
- Today I attempted the more drastic reflow: 400ºC.. flux pen.. providing heat the entire board with a 30 second focus on the four key areas mentioned in the video/.pdf... and the addition of washers to the pressure plates. I was worried about the impact of repetitive reflows and had hoped that the flux pen would be the silver bullet for me.

Unfortunately, the PS3 did not live even long enough for me to back up the data to an external hard drive. So, I realize that this may not be the most heartening news, but figured I would share my story as well as looking for any feedback. I am really at a loss as to what to do next, and it is nearing the financial point where attempting to have Sony fix it would have been the cheapest option despite the fact that I would loose all my information on my hard drive.
4. January 2010 @ 23:55 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Correction.. got it in Feb of 2007. Sorry
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5. January 2010 @ 03:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
It's beginning to sound like a band aid fix :(

I wonder if the PS Pro fix is any better or permanent? I think the only difference is they put it in one of those oven things for electronics. I spoke to a guy who advertised fixing PS3's and Xboxes and he said he used the same method as seen on Watchdog (oven baking thing) but doesn't give warranties anymore as there were too many people coming back with it failing again.

Bake it in the oven! That is sounding like the best fix so far :)
5. January 2010 @ 04:52 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
the only way to truly fix the YLOD is by Reballing the BGA on both the CPU and GPU, but this method is expansive and way... out of my area,
5. January 2010 @ 08:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I wonder if my problem is rooted in the power supply unit. I have noticed the left side of the PS3 gets very hot (and has done ever since I purchased it). When it YLOD'd for the 3rd time on Sunday I took it apart straight away and noticed an awful lot of heat in the power supply unit itself and, to a much lesser extent, in the CPU and GPU.

What I wonder is if the heat radiating from the power supply is causing the soldering issue on the motherboard. I can't see how the unit can effectively cool itself when so much heat is being kicked out of the power supply unit.

One thing that does occur to me from this is that you may be able to extend the life of your reflowed PS3 by limiting the length of play sessions to say 1 hour max then making sure you don't play again before the unit has fully cooled down: on mine this takes several hours. Both YLODs after my first reflow have occurred when I have used the unit for longer periods (an hour and a half to two hours) then used again shortly afterwards without having allowed the unit to fully cool down.
5. January 2010 @ 13:24 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by ricodadon:
hi there heres my story, i have a launch 60gb that got YLOD after 3.10 update after much searching i dicided to reflow my ps3 myself and it worked a treat but 2 days later it YLOD again. then i refluxed and reflowed and it worked for 3 days, then i dicided that the problem was more than just the areas i was reflowing so my last chance was to refulux everything on the board. so i put it on a baking tray and put in the oven at 200c for 15 mins witch was nerve rackin, i managed to put it back together with my fingers crossed lol and it worked. i have since keep my ps3 upright with loads of room around it and built my own big fan set up that i like to call the psCHIMNEY.

Still going..... refluxed and oven baked.I play modern warfare 2 online on it for a cupple of hours a night. Got a slim for crimbo but i feel like i'm cheating on my old fat wife with my new slim bit on the side you know.
5. January 2010 @ 13:34 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ha, no choice for me. I'm phoning Sony after i've had my tea :) Hopefully i'll get my new slim this week ha :) Bye bye 40gb phat ;(
5. January 2010 @ 14:54 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Ha, funny Sony. They wanted £131 for a refurbished 40gb model! Having a laugh when I heard.. Better still, only with a 3 month warranty! They even had the guts to tell me they were losing money on this.. Why do I want to know that? They shouldn't have made their consoles so bad, ha.

So yeh, looks like it's the slim for me. Just £60 to save... what the hell? :(

5. January 2010 @ 16:13 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
how many people had a ton of data(like say 5 gigs left~original hdd)on the ps3 when it ylod? maybe it's a software issue because I've reflowed my ps3 & have it outside of it's case with a ps2 usb fan on top of the power supply.Now I did this because while playing the GT5 demo the power supply got insanely hot & ylod on me while out of it's case within half a lap.since then it's been running fine with the ps2 usb fan & a full system restore
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5. January 2010 @ 18:14 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Lewismac:
I wonder if my problem is rooted in the power supply unit. I have noticed the left side of the PS3 gets very hot (and has done ever since I purchased it). When it YLOD'd for the 3rd time on Sunday I took it apart straight away and noticed an awful lot of heat in the power supply unit itself and, to a much lesser extent, in the CPU and GPU.

What I wonder is if the heat radiating from the power supply is causing the soldering issue on the motherboard. I can't see how the unit can effectively cool itself when so much heat is being kicked out of the power supply unit.

One thing that does occur to me from this is that you may be able to extend the life of your reflowed PS3 by limiting the length of play sessions to say 1 hour max then making sure you don't play again before the unit has fully cooled down: on mine this takes several hours. Both YLODs after my first reflow have occurred when I have used the unit for longer periods (an hour and a half to two hours) then used again shortly afterwards without having allowed the unit to fully cool down.
i honestly don't think it is the power-supply. mine can get sooo hot i cant touch it. but i pulled it off and tested the voltage/ amps and it was all good. i hooked it up to a atx power supply and it didn't work. so prob not a power-supply issue.baked the motherboard and it works again. yes it seems to put out alot of heat but i don't think it causes the problem. the reason is not because you played it for a while it is the actual cooling down process. heat cool heat coool cause the solder to become brittle..... cracking......hardware failure. just like glass in a fire. if you have ever tried throwing glass in a fire it will melt but once cooled down is veryy brittle....... sorta like the solder. damn environmentalist and their lead free s***. i'm thinking of buying a ylod ps3 that has a good power-supply. could potentially get another ps3 running. but for now i can game for 5,6,or 7 hours and i have no problems. i have left the top of the console off though. but it think baking with flux is the best option cause now my fan will kick on to different speeds whereas with the heat gun method it did not. just my thoughts....

Cumon guys. Someone is gonna find a magic fix eventually...... i hope.
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6. January 2010 @ 00:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
not sure if this will help anyone or not, but i have fixed several ylod systems. i use the ever so popular method of heat gun on the cpu and gpu, and of course the ram section, even though i do not think that is very needed. i have been repairing computers for 20 years now, and so far with these ps3 systems i have had really good success. the first few were returned to me in a matter of a few days, but then i discovered that almost every one of them was having a similar issue. if you notice how they are put together, much better than an xbox for sure. there is a small wire harness from the board, if you have taken them apart you know which one i am talking about. check these wires very closely. out of the 20 plus systems i have worked on 18 had broke wires. this is causing the power supply to get very hot which is actually what was causing the error, and not actually the mother board. give this a try and maybe it will help. also i have noticed that most of the problem machines are 60 gig. i dont know if this is just by chance or if its just a bad model. hope this helps some of you.
6. January 2010 @ 08:11 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by peluynati:
not sure if this will help anyone or not, but i have fixed several ylod systems. i use the ever so popular method of heat gun on the cpu and gpu, and of course the ram section, even though i do not think that is very needed. i have been repairing computers for 20 years now, and so far with these ps3 systems i have had really good success. the first few were returned to me in a matter of a few days, but then i discovered that almost every one of them was having a similar issue. if you notice how they are put together, much better than an xbox for sure. there is a small wire harness from the board, if you have taken them apart you know which one i am talking about. check these wires very closely. out of the 20 plus systems i have worked on 18 had broke wires. this is causing the power supply to get very hot which is actually what was causing the error, and not actually the mother board. give this a try and maybe it will help. also i have noticed that most of the problem machines are 60 gig. i dont know if this is just by chance or if its just a bad model. hope this helps some of you.
Thanks Peluynati.

I've had mine apart a few times now but I'm not sure what the wire harness is that you are referring to. Is it possible you could post a photo showing this as I would like to check mine.

When you say you believe it is the power supply getting hot that is causing the error, is this because the heat from the power supply is causing the motherboard to overheat (as per my suspicions posted above)? Hence why the reflux works but only temporarily?

For what it's worth, mine is the 40GB model but everything I have read seems to point to the earlier models as being far more prone to this.

Interestingly, I notice that the blurb on the Slims now refers to the fact they run much cooler! I would be surprised if this wasn't somehow driven by the whole YLOD issue.
6. January 2010 @ 08:38 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
I'd also like to know which wires you are referring to. The whole left side of my ps3 used to heat up alot too. I can't say I helped the ps3 because usually it would get used about 8 hours a day if not for longer periods (damn MW2)
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6. January 2010 @ 09:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
if you are looking at the front side of the ps3 apart that is its on the left plugs in to the board through the shield. it has 4 wires and a plug on each end. you will notice that these wires will be mashed flat in the middle. i have seen a few that are worn with wires exposed. i discovered this problem because if a blown power supply, and i wanted to figure out why it went out so the new one would not do the same thing.
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6. January 2010 @ 09:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Same here.. electronics engineer with 30 years experience.

What wire? .. what does it do? It must be a specific one to cause one problem.

How would I attack these things.. I guess my first step would be to hang monitoring/recording devices in every supply rail and run it till it fails.. and watch for any sudden drops or spikes as it happens.. that narrows down the area of search somewhat.

Only time I have ever used an oven on any electronics device has been on 30's to 70's tube era gear .. to get the tar and bitumen out before rebuilding a wound or potted component completely.

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6. January 2010 @ 09:50 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Lewismac:

Interestingly, I notice that the blurb on the Slims now refers to the fact they run much cooler! I would be surprised if this wasn't somehow driven by the whole YLOD issue.
I wouldn't believe everything you read ;)

I recently moved house so had to ethernet my internet (long story) until my "real" internet gets sorted .. anyway, last night while fiddling with the ethernet cable on the back of the PS3 I noticed it was blowing out an AWFUL lot of REALLY hot air, and the table it sits on was rather warm too. This was just while watching a movie.

The only reason I was checking the cable was that every 2 minutes or so I would get a message saying "An ethernet cable is not plugged in" or something .. and would always disconnect me.

I rebooted the PS3 and managed to play MW2 after the movie and didn't see the message again.

The slim does some weird stuff though .. and it's kind of concerning me. Sometimes it says "PlayTV tuner failed to initialise, please check the connection" or something while starting PlayTV, but then PlayTV works fine!

Other times, when I turn it with controller, the controller loses its pairing (and no it's not flat etc etc). I have to then plug controller in, let it pair, shut down while still plugged in, pull cable out and start up via control, sometimes have to do this twice before it pairs again.

Anyway .. hope the innards aren't knackered on this one. Given the different "diconnections" I think I might take it back if it keeps happening!

I love PS3's, but getting pretty annoyed!
6. January 2010 @ 10:07 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by WallyHale:
Originally posted by Lewismac:

Interestingly, I notice that the blurb on the Slims now refers to the fact they run much cooler! I would be surprised if this wasn't somehow driven by the whole YLOD issue.
I wouldn't believe everything you read ;)

I recently moved house so had to ethernet my internet (long story) until my "real" internet gets sorted .. anyway, last night while fiddling with the ethernet cable on the back of the PS3 I noticed it was blowing out an AWFUL lot of REALLY hot air, and the table it sits on was rather warm too. This was just while watching a movie.

when you mentioned it i do get an Ethernet disconnection and have to fiddle it to make it work again , and sometimes the main menu pop's up without pressing the ps button, this happens on the 250gb ps3 slim.
The only reason I was checking the cable was that every 2 minutes or so I would get a message saying "An ethernet cable is not plugged in" or something .. and would always disconnect me.

I rebooted the PS3 and managed to play MW2 after the movie and didn't see the message again.

The slim does some weird stuff though .. and it's kind of concerning me. Sometimes it says "PlayTV tuner failed to initialise, please check the connection" or something while starting PlayTV, but then PlayTV works fine!

Other times, when I turn it with controller, the controller loses its pairing (and no it's not flat etc etc). I have to then plug controller in, let it pair, shut down while still plugged in, pull cable out and start up via control, sometimes have to do this twice before it pairs again.

Anyway .. hope the innards aren't knackered on this one. Given the different "diconnections" I think I might take it back if it keeps happening!

I love PS3's, but getting pretty annoyed!
6. January 2010 @ 10:18 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
sorry there wallyhale, i accidentally added something to your post.

"when you mentioned it i do get an Ethernet disconnection and have to fiddle it to make it work again , and sometimes the main menu pop's up without pressing the ps button, this happens on the 250gb ps3 slim"

here's my post.
Junior Member
6. January 2010 @ 10:35 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
The main menu popping up is a bit of a strange one! Hopefully they are releasing a firmware update which will resolve some of these issues. I have done some searching and the forgetting of controllers seems to be quite common :(

On my 60GB PS3 the control would "freeze" sometimes in game (not good for multiplayer Modern Warfare .. haha!) and would be stuck on whatever button you were pressing last, so turning right for instance the control would become unresponsive and I would just spin in circles for about 5 seconds then it would be ok again. Bad if you are cooking a grenade!

To get my ethernet cable problem sorted, I think I went through and set the connection up again (wifi shared on Mac then Ethernet from Mac to PS3) and then rebooted. So don't know which one actually resolved it and how long it will last!

I also notice since either the 1.7 MW2 update OR the dodgy internet connection I have at the moment, MW2 is REALLY chunky when playing Spec Ops, and the BluRay drive is going mental reading. It's almost like it's trying to compensate for a slow internet and working overtime to keep up :)

To keep this on topic .. I hope it's not stressing the Slim out too much and bringing on an early death!
6. January 2010 @ 19:37 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hey everybody i bought two ps3's one is the 60 gig launch model it had the (ylod) anyway reflowed it and its working. now the wifi isn't working and the controllers aren't working either they work when there connected but the wifi screen says scanning and the wifi lights aren blinking. did i mess something up? because the bluetooth and the wifi are in the same module right? Help!!!!
7. January 2010 @ 01:10 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Hi guys!

First post here, looking for some assistance...ok I have a 40GB that was sent in for YLOD and I got it back and the warranty is now gone, the problem was that about 5 minutes after turning on, regardless of what I was doing (XMB,game,media anything), the fan would kick into high gear. It would start at low and within about a minute from starting on low it would get to jet turbine loud then overheat and prompt me to turn off.

What is weird is that the air blowing out was cool, and the case felt cool, same with the disc.

Anyway so I have done a few successful reflows before so I took the cover off this 40GB unit and figured maybe the heatsinks weren't getting enough contact, hence the quick overheat, so I did the clamp bend and added new thermal compound.

Well now it doesn't overheat, BUT, the fan still kicks into jet turbine crazy loud after a few minutes still, even when just in XMB. It doesn't overheat anymore, just the fan kicks up and is super loud. Same as before the air blowing out is cold and the ps3 is cold to the touch, or cool rather.

i am thinking possibly a thermal sensor issue??? Anyone have any ideas because the noise is FREAKING loud as heck.

Cheers!!!...and Gilksy you rock mate!
7. January 2010 @ 04:06 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by linkyloo:
Hey everybody i bought two ps3's one is the 60 gig launch model it had the (ylod) anyway reflowed it and its working. now the wifi isn't working and the controllers aren't working either they work when there connected but the wifi screen says scanning and the wifi lights aren blinking. did i mess something up? because the bluetooth and the wifi are in the same module right? Help!!!!
I had the same problem the first time I did a reflow: check you have not made the same error I made. When reassembling the PS3, I neglected to connect the ribbon cable to the wifi board (the small oddly shaped board at the front left of the PS3, in front of the power unit - at least on the 40GB model anyway). It is easy to do because when you attach the main motherboard to the metal plate you need to remember to feed the ribbon cable through the slot - if you don't, you just won't see it and probably won't realise you have not fully connected up the wifi board.

Once I found this out and ensured the ribbon cable was connected, it worked fine.
8. January 2010 @ 05:08 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
How much is sony charging these dayz to replace the ylod without warranty?
8. January 2010 @ 13:02 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Aizen, i'm sorry, but only 2 or 3 days ago i answered that.. It's EVEN on this page... Read it?

8. January 2010 @ 13:22 _ Link to this message    Send private message to this user   
Originally posted by Tazadoobi:
Aizen, i'm sorry, but only 2 or 3 days ago i answered that.. It's EVEN on this page... Read it?

lol i missed that... I must be going blind w/ my old age :) thanks kid

Thats sux some of those sony reps can be really annoying.
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