The Official God Of War Thread ( SONIX tool fix fully working)
7. April 2005 @ 18:17 |
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Quote: sbofen: I meant that it'd be nice if you could explain how to downsample the video. I'm sure it's been done before on other games, and if you could explain how, or say to use process as described here (and link or something) but tell us what the files or changes are specifically for God of War that would be really nice.
Is it only the bonus content you had to downsample, or all of the mini-movie cut scenes as well?
And am I the only one interested in a Bonus only dvd (at full quality?)
L-Burna is on the right track. I just used the GOW tool to extract everything from the .pak files. Deleted the PSW files. Then used PSS Plex to demux the pss files into .m2v and .wav files.
I used DVD2AVI to create my .d2v files (need them - their like an index)
Then used TMPEG to lower the bitrate on the videos. I used the NTSC PS2 template and lowered the bitrate to 1500 (if I remember right).
Finally mux the files back together and continue with Sonix method.
Hope not too confusing, I kinda generalized everything, there's tons of tutorials out on the net (even here in these forums) on how to use the software if you get stuck.
Anyway, my current project is lowering the audio to 22khz, but I don't know if that will work or not. PSSPlex says no, others says yes.. All I know is I get an error when trying to put the files back in with the GOW tool.
EDIT: after reading this post, I noticed you can click on the keywords and it should take you to some links for tutorials on how to use the various programs.
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AfterDawn Addict
7. April 2005 @ 18:54 |
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Good luck everyone
Possunt Quia Posse Videntur.
Senior Member
7. April 2005 @ 19:01 |
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Hey sbofen if you use cubemediaplayer2 and put the .ss2 sound files in the program.Then convert them to .wav files you should be able to mess with the frequency settings with any kind of audio convertor available,such as blaze media pro.I am still currently working on a couple of the vids right now,the music from the vids is not a problem.I am trying my best to keep them as they are.The videos I am only downsizing,reason why is that if you mess with the music files making them a lower frequency they probably won't sound right when you play them in your PS2.Right now I have used TMPGEnc to decode a couple of the video files,and now currently using another program on the side to compress the video size when it is in a .AVI format so I can shrink the .m2v files at a reasonable size.Hey Jizmak if you let me know what game you are trying to get the music from I would help you out man.The music or audio isn't a problem,just downsizing the videos is kinda hard.I did the same thing as for deleting the .psw files,saves alot of space equals up to 5.07Gig in size after doing this process.The rest is kinda hard to explain,but alot of work is involved to compress the video to a reasonable size.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
AfterDawn Addict
7. April 2005 @ 19:07 |
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Quote: Hey Jizmak if you let me know what game you are trying to get the music from I would help you out man.
Any .pss file would be fine for now.
I was playing around with godofwar beacuse i left the bonus.pss
on my hard drive.
But if its gonna take a long time to rip and convert the .pss
it may not be worth my time.
Possunt Quia Posse Videntur.
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7. April 2005 @ 19:13 |
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Quote: Hey sbofen if you use cubemediaplayer2 and put the .ss2 sound files in the program.Then convert them to .wav files you should be able to mess with the frequency settings with any kind of audio convertor available,such as blaze media pro.I am still currently working on a couple of the vids right now,the music from the vids is not a problem.I am trying my best to keep them as they are.The videos I am only downsizing,reason why is that if you mess with the music files making them a lower frequency they probably won't sound right when you play them in your PS2.Right now I have used TMPGEnc to decode a couple of the video files,and now currently using another program on the side to compress the video size when it is in a .AVI format so I can shrink the .m2v files at a reasonable size.
Sorry, I don't know much about audio files. But I thought just extracting the raw .wav file and downsampling it would be enough. I used Headache to do it. Never heard of cubemediaplayer2, sorry just unfamiliar.
I am vaguely familiar with video editing though. I would highly recommend not converting the .m2v files to AVI, recompressing, back to .m2v
I think you'll lose more quality that way, I would suggest just using TMPG to do the compressing for you (just click settings and change bitrate), you can't use a codec or AVI file with ps2 anyway.
Senior Member
7. April 2005 @ 19:17 |
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The music and sound from videos doesn't take long,it is just downsizing the videos that takes a long time bro.If you wanted to though you can get the process of downsizing the vids going and let it go while you do something else,always works for me.Anything you downsize for a movie takes a fairly decent amount of time,including regular dvd movies.All the process really does is compress the video to a reasonable size,not messing with the quality of the video ;).Let me know what you are trying to get Jizmak,because if it is dealing with sound or music I can help you out pretty easy.If it is .pss you would have to get a couple tools to work on them.It might not be worth it,but if it is just the .psw files that are ripped out.The game might play better,without any freezing and would contain everything in it right man.I agree though it is easier to just rip the Bonus vids out.I like to make my backups full though,so I am going to keep working on it.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
7. April 2005 @ 19:20 |
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I used cubemediaplayer2 to convert the video files to .AVI before even shrinking them,so the quality is good.I can't complain with the quality of the files.I just prefer to start off with the files in .AVI format.Then I just compress the files to a reasonable size,so the quality isn't tampered with.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
Senior Member
7. April 2005 @ 19:24 |
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When I finish compressing the .AVI files I just convert them back to a .m2v file with Blaze Media Pro,and then multiplex the files.It isn't hard,just seems kinda complicated.I have TMPGEnc also,just seem to like doing this method better,because the quality seems to look alot better for me.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
7. April 2005 @ 20:48 |
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AfterDawn Addict
7. April 2005 @ 21:57 |
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Quote: use my guide it is much much easier...better results...but the guide that is here is great and works , but this is just an easier way to go about it
You have posted this 4 times and we see your method.
What i have yet to tell you is godofwar is a dvd9 7.93 gb
There are 4 gig of pak2 files in the second layer that
are needed to finish the game.
I dont see how roxio copied the second layer onto a dvd5,
while we all had to re-build it.
Since neither roxio or dvd decrypter will butrn the second layer,
I think your method works but not for dvd 9 games.
i also dont believe that it played all the way through.
without the second layer of files your game will freeze i promise you that.
Possunt Quia Posse Videntur.
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Senior Member
7. April 2005 @ 23:25 |
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Hey wats up this is an example of my work so far:
You must have PSS Player or some way of playing the file to actually view it.It is the first Bonus file located in the Extracted folder using Sonix tool.The size of the BONUS01.pss file was 11,393KB in size.What I am doing is compressing the video by 50%,and leaving the audio of the videos untouched.I came up with a new BONUS01.pss file size of 6,385KB in size.This is just an example of the work I am doing so far though.Once I finish compressing all the BONUS.pss files it should give me enough space to boot with Swap Magic ;) and should be the full game.Check out the file and tell me what your thoughts are so far alright.
Peace L-Burna
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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Senior Member
8. April 2005 @ 00:06 |
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If you are having a hard time trying to find the program PSS Player you can get it here .Hope this helps out,just wanted to know what everyone thinks so far.
Sorry the link I gave before didn't work,this link should work.This program should work,and give you no problems.Neness also released a tool that can play the .pss files also,but you would have to be a registered user to download that program.The program Neness made is at if you prefer that one instead.
...........................:SiG cReAtEd By Phantom69:............................
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Junior Member
8. April 2005 @ 05:03 |
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Hats off to you 3 for continuing to work on this long after most are satisfied with a partial copy.
I have a copy of the original dual layer iso 7.93 GB and would LOVE to be able to make a new copy which is complete.
Can I get someone to answer my earlier question though? It seems like it would be possible (and relatively easy) to make a disc with only the bonus content, by stripping out videos only used in-game. Is that possible? With the recent posts it seems like it would be, but I do plan on trying to either do that myself, or follow the steps of Jiz,Sbof,& Lburn to make a fully working, compressed video copy.
thanks & please post links to these programs like pss player (checking out Cube Media now) and TMPGEnc and other ones needed to follow this process.
- haZe
8. April 2005 @ 05:37 |
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I seem to be having the same problem as a lot of the other members who tried the Sonix method. I ended up receiving the 'Couldn't find 'GODOFWARSYSTEM.CNF'! Aborting...
I followed his guide step by step and everything seemed to match up during the who process. The only part where I felt unsure of something was the two extra files that came with the God of War Tutorial!
Has anyone manage to figure a way around it? I noticed someone mentioned something about using CDDVDGEN for the two files. They mentioned that Sonix's files being corrupted? Anyone know where I can find the software?
Junior Member
8. April 2005 @ 05:58 |
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You basically have to use the Jizmak version of Sonix's method, and CDDVDgen can be downloaded from Afterdawn dowloads I believe.
read the threads...see what I did
8. April 2005 @ 09:31 |
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Quote: Can I get someone to answer my earlier question though? It seems like it would be possible (and relatively easy) to make a disc with only the bonus content, by stripping out videos only used in-game. Is that possible? With the recent posts it seems like it would be, but I do plan on trying to either do that myself, or follow the steps of Jiz,Sbof,& Lburn to make a fully working, compressed video copy.
You want it playable on the PS2?? A bonus DVD to put in your DVD player? Watch on you computer?
The latter 2 are very easy... well... I guess on the ps2 would be too if you have a media player for the PS2...
But if your inquiring if you can backup the game and have it ask for the bonus DVD or be able to pop in the bonus DVD before you click to watch it... I highly doubt that's possible.
Junior Member
8. April 2005 @ 10:08 |
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Yes, I meant for the PS2
I'd prefer to just have the main menu and enough of the game to 'know' bonus content is unlocked and the menus, character files and whatever else is needed to get to the bonus content. And also have on that same DVD the uncompressed bonus material. So no "swapping dvd's" just a single one. But if I tried (on that disc) to play a level then it would not work, because I've removed those movies, audio files or whatever I can strip to make room on the DVD.
So if that will work, then how?
If not, then how do I make one to watch/play on the PC? Because part of the bonus is those extra playable levels right?
AfterDawn Addict
8. April 2005 @ 10:33 |
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I downloaded the bonus1.pss file
but ps2play wouldnt play the file?
Should i use another program?
Is there any priogram that would change the music
to .wav file?
I look forward to you completing this,
I however dont see myself having enough free time to
do it myself but you never know.
Either way Keep up the good work :)
Possunt Quia Posse Videntur.
8. April 2005 @ 11:09 |
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Quote: Is there any priogram that would change the music
to .wav file?
I look forward to you completing this,
I however dont see myself having enough free time to
do it myself but you never know.
Either way Keep up the good work :)
pssplex will extract raw wav and .m2v files
I recommend that way, use DVD2AVI to index the .m2v files (just open the .m2v, and go to save project - it'll create .d2v files that TMPG uses)
I don't have much time myself, so its pretty slow going trying different combinations of changing bitrates with audio and video.
AfterDawn Addict
8. April 2005 @ 13:21 |
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Its Official
I'll Change my sig to that!!!
If anyone has any problems with the sonix method,
post here and i will do my best to help.
Good Luck all :)
Possunt Quia Posse Videntur.
Senior Member
8. April 2005 @ 14:37 |
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Is something wrong with I registered there and there is nothing in the downloads section onor any posts in the forum. Can someone just send me Apache2? PM me if anyone would be so kind.
PS2 v4 w/ Messiah 2 v1.3
PSP with D_A FW
XBOX 360 Premium (Sammy m28 w/ iXtreme 1.0a)
Novint Falcon Haptics Controller
Sony DRU-510A +/- RW (Nearing the end of its days)
Pioneer D112 +/- RW, +R DL
8. April 2005 @ 14:44 |
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This guide doesnt work for the hdd? Isnt there an elf or something that lets it work if it is flattened ( like on )?
Noticed phongs post, no link though, also, I dont have a mod chip, so can I just dl the confusion and dump it to the hd?
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8. April 2005 @ 15:58 |
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All right, thanks for the info. I just need to locate CDdvdgen. I looked around the site some, but no sign of it!?
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8. April 2005 @ 16:51 |
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OK ok look i hella went through all the steps longest 3 hours of my life ok look i made it i burned the last final image but when i boot it up after the swapmagic disc the game stays at the starting screen if anyone has an answer for that let me know cuz dang what a bummer
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8. April 2005 @ 18:58 |
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sboten - I have this problem it music sometimes cut off!! or loading time are taking about 7 to 8 minutes in the caves I know its on the Cliffs of Maddness but where I have the second necklace and on my way to place it. I get a short loading pause when I enter a cave and then when I go to exit the cave it starts loading again. Is this the one that everyone is talking about. after this stage clears everything is going well is that audio sometimes mess UP?
I beat the game and burn it to a nice cdr TDK.. do everything but just the sound messup or loading time on that cave takes forever...o well. I guess? I'm using a old school flip top and version 2.0 swap magic? does anybody here got working on a Dual layer? Dvd+R?