Mac - General discussion
Chat about Mac, its software, games, drivers, etc. Everything related to Mac and software available for it, is allowed here. However, digital video topics should be posted to here.
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13.10.2007 @ 15:30 by LOCOENG |
Hackintosh Triple Boot Issues
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newmy51 |
05.06.2014 @ 00:46 by newmy51 |
Mac Powerbook G4
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gamester0 |
03.06.2014 @ 12:26 by ddp |
Installed new battery in MBP, but problem still persists.
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Ph0BoLuS |
14.04.2014 @ 17:50 by Ph0BoLuS |
paste command issue on external hhd
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slo_byrne |
07.02.2014 @ 21:54 by slo_byrne |
Using windows to make a bootable flash drive of OS X for iMac?
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BigAssSack |
04.02.2014 @ 03:58 by richietea |
superhub & timecapsule
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sonofgojira |
20.01.2014 @ 18:25 by sonofgojira |
Windows 7 startup on a old macbook pro
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richietea |
30.12.2013 @ 04:05 by richietea |
DVB recording program for Imac 2006 early model
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raghavsood999 |
04.12.2013 @ 05:35 by megadunderhead |
Mac Launch Pad
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JMW44 |
30.11.2013 @ 12:20 by megadunderhead |
Some AVI files play, others wont.
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OralB |
30.11.2013 @ 12:19 by megadunderhead |
Apple iMac 21.5 A1311 Flashing On And Off
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mick087 |
30.11.2013 @ 12:17 by megadunderhead |
playing 3d from a macbook
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hotchef |
29.11.2013 @ 09:14 by megadunderhead |
False Positives
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JMW44 |
08.11.2013 @ 20:32 by 2oldGeek |
Ipod to iTunes upload ?????
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babbleboy |
22.08.2013 @ 05:17 by wAmjok |
Hello all! (closed)
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mariapaulino |
11.07.2013 @ 20:04 by ddp |
bootcamp- external hard drive problem
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jukolauta |
22.05.2013 @ 11:10 by megadunderhead |
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durkinjt |
10.05.2013 @ 00:10 by megadunderhead |
Tip: Downloading with Safari
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Oll2 |
17.04.2013 @ 12:20 by beautifulflower |
How would I make mac my default start up if i have windows?
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Gossens |
15.04.2013 @ 03:58 by Gossens |
Apple AirPort Extreme Base Station
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hotchef |
25.03.2013 @ 09:37 by megadunderhead |
hello all (closed)
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mahenry |
20.03.2013 @ 22:19 by ddp |
Convert DVD .vob to mpeg4 to play on iPad
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MeliLing |
11.03.2013 @ 09:47 by houndz17 |
how to format my hdd and install new os
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A316 |
08.03.2013 @ 08:03 by megadunderhead |
How to transfer iPhone contacts to my iMac ?
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jamievenna |
21.02.2013 @ 01:11 by berrymartin |
reaper sftware on i-mac
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rowdy2 |
01.02.2013 @ 00:28 by JST1946 |
Mac OSX 10.5.8
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Me79 |
12.01.2013 @ 10:50 by Me79 |
Bootcamp resize
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str8jacket |
31.12.2012 @ 04:02 by megadunderhead |
G5 Web Server...
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navskin |
09.12.2012 @ 14:14 by megadunderhead |
imac wont shut down
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mantara1 |
04.12.2012 @ 05:47 by JST1946 |
Why wont iTunes open AAC music file?
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mantara1 |
02.12.2012 @ 11:48 by megadunderhead |
mountain lion wont mirror on hdtv
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yucafien2 |
01.12.2012 @ 21:12 by yucafien2 |
Network Mac OSX Lion to Windows 7
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squewheet |
27.11.2012 @ 22:27 by ddp |
problem with transfer of camcoder videos to external HD
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sierra7614 |
27.11.2012 @ 17:17 by attar |
Bootcamp XP question?
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earlynovfan |
20.11.2012 @ 18:32 by earlynovfan |
How Do I Make My Screen Smaller on Plasma Tv?
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Rjayy |
17.11.2012 @ 07:00 by albertjhon |
Tip: Getting incomplete mp3's to work in iTunes (closed)
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Oll2 |
07.11.2012 @ 23:52 by ddp |
Convert xbox 360 .iso files to games on demand format on mac
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DarkSmoke1 |
21.10.2012 @ 05:41 by DavGerm4 |
Photoshop error I've never seen before
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MacGraphics |
12.10.2012 @ 03:31 by megadunderhead |
Blu-ray Player Software for Mac Recommendation
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lzhengji |
25.09.2012 @ 02:52 by megadunderhead |